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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-09-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:05 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:59 metamattj joined #dataverse
04:05 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:18 bencomp joined #dataverse
07:41 bencomp I see v4.2 has been released :)
07:42 * bencomp starts adjusting internal roadmap
07:42 metamattj joined #dataverse
09:38 romainM hi
09:51 bencomp romainM: bonjour :)
09:52 romainM oh, monsieur se met à parler français ? :)
09:55 romainM sorry if I nearly killed you with that french sentence, that wasn't my intention !
09:58 romainM is pdurbin around here ? I have some questions about dataverse
09:58 romainM (more specifically, about autocomplete functionalities)
10:41 pdurbin bencomp: yep. I imagine we'll tweet about it soon:
10:43 pdurbin romainM: you can ask about about autocomplete but I just woke up. need breakfast, coffee, gym, bike to work, etc :)
10:46 bencomp romainM: vous pouvez répéter plus lentement, s'il vous plaît? I learned (some) French in high school
11:02 romainM pdurbin: I was wondering if autocomplete fields were intended for dataverse (for authors, for example ?)
11:03 romainM bencomp: nice. I was wonderig, what "main" foreign languages you learn at school ? spanish ?
11:05 bencomp romainM: English, German and French. But because I chose a "technical stream" of courses, I did less French and German and was only tested on my reading and listening skills
11:05 romainM I'm not very used to american school system ^^"
11:05 bencomp I'm Dutch :)
11:05 romainM oh
11:06 bencomp we're in the same time zone :)
11:06 romainM that change a lot of things !
11:06 romainM I thought you were one of the "harvard's guys"
11:06 romainM :D
11:06 bencomp they wish ;)
11:07 bencomp or maybe not, as I'm mostly bugging them to fix basic Java stuff :)
11:08 romainM so you're related to the DANS dataverse ?
11:08 romainM or just a guy who saw some light around there ? :D
11:08 bencomp yes, I'm the network admin for
11:09 romainM okay, that makes sense
11:09 bencomp a.k.a. "back office" for Dutch universities
11:13 romainM do you know if dataverse 3 had some autocomplete functionalities for datasets fields ?
11:13 romainM I haven't used datverse 3 a lot, so I don't know a lot about the previous functionalities
11:14 romainM (for example, the authors fields, I think it could be a good thing for users, instead of repeating or, worse, do mistakes)
11:14 pdurbin we do wish :)
11:15 romainM hey !
11:15 romainM that's an incoming feature ?
11:15 pdurbin no, I mean we do wish bencomp worked for us :)
11:15 romainM oh
11:15 pdurbin romainM: you can read the sad story of autocomplete here: Autocomplete feature for 4.0 search · Issue #108 · IQSS/dataverse -
11:16 romainM sad ?
11:16 romainM everybody die at the end ?
11:16 pdurbin not *that* sad
11:16 romainM ok
11:16 romainM ^^
11:17 pdurbin I *would* like to work on autocomplete some more, complete my training, face Darth Vader, etc.
11:17 romainM ok
11:18 bencomp lol
11:18 romainM I think you can do all of that in one life, that's a good thing to know
11:20 romainM and what about "simple" autocomplete dataset field ?
11:21 romainM I don't know how dataverse's db is, concretely, but it should be easier to do, no ?
11:21 romainM (or I didn't get the problem :S)
11:22 pdurbin romainM: actually, come to think of it, there *is* autocomplete for some things. for example, when you assign permissions, you type part of someone's name
11:22 pdurbin there might be some more places too. that issue I talked about was only about search
11:23 romainM yes, so I get the problem
11:23 romainM the general search is messier than simple field
11:24 pdurbin well, the bugginess was all UI stuff, hard to explain... stuff jumping around while you're trying to type. I'd like to try it outside of JSF to try to isolate the problem. try it with just html5 and jquery directly into Solr or something
11:25 pdurbin anyway, gonna head to the gym before work. back soon
11:25 romainM ok
11:25 romainM hf
12:30 pdurbin romainM: anyway, please feel free to leave a comment on that autocomplete issue if you want
12:32 romainM given my question was about dataset's fields, maybe I should make another issue ?
12:32 pdurbin let me go read what you wrote again
12:33 pdurbin romainM: you mean when you are creating a dataset? and the author could autocomplete?
12:33 romainM ya
12:33 romainM that's it
12:33 pdurbin so we already prepopulate the author with the person who is logged in...
12:34 pdurbin but you mean you click the plus sign to add another author... and it should autocomplete?
12:34 pdurbin (for example)
12:34 romainM when starting to write, you get some "choices" according to what you write
12:35 romainM based on fields already filled in other datasets
12:35 romainM in the present dataverse or all dataverses, idk
12:35 pdurbin right, makes sense. I agree it would be a nice feature
12:36 romainM and with that ...
12:36 pdurbin romainM: please do feel free to create an issue, a feature request per
12:36 romainM why not rending the names "links" to presearched data about "this" name, for example ?
12:37 pdurbin romainM: names of the authors?
12:37 romainM yes
12:37 pdurbin romainM: please feel free to create an issue about that too :)
12:37 romainM maybe other fields, I don't know
12:38 romainM but author's would be a very nice good start :)
12:38 pdurbin so would it be the equivalent of running a search and clicking on the author's name under a facet?
12:38 romainM for the second thing I was talking about, yes
12:39 pdurbin a search at the root level? or a search at the level of the dataverse you're looking at?
12:39 romainM for this, I don't know
12:39 romainM I would say a global research
12:39 romainM you want to find every elements of "that" author
12:40 romainM so, I would say root
12:40 pdurbin right. and hopefully there aren't too many researchers with the same name :)
12:40 romainM I hope
12:40 romainM ^
12:42 romainM so, I make a feature request for both ? that's enough relevant ?
12:42 pdurbin romainM: yes, both please
12:43 romainM ok
12:48 romainM actually, that could works for keywords too
12:49 romainM in order to have common keywords between dataset, instead of "specifics" keywords unused by any dataset that could, actually, use
12:49 pdurbin yep, but astronomers might get grumpy about having a bunch of social science keywords suggested
12:49 romainM ah ?
12:50 romainM maybe keywords could be restained to the dataverse itself, as opposed to the authors one
12:51 pdurbin yeah
12:51 romainM but ... I admit that it would not be "that" useful when I think about it like that
12:51 romainM dunno
12:51 romainM maybe
12:51 pdurbin romainM: have you played with templates yet?
12:51 romainM if you mean the prefilled datas, then yes
12:52 pdurbin yeah
12:53 romainM it's a good addition too, but I don't think it's "enough" for all the usecases
12:53 romainM and the autocomplete may be good for the "others" cases
12:53 romainM (still a personal thought, I may be completly wrong)
12:55 romainM for the second idea, the "presearch", I think it's a good addition to keywords in any cases
12:56 pdurbin yeah. we already have facets. we could try to make more use of them, like you're saying
12:56 romainM it works as a wiki like that, and may be easier for the users to see datasets related to what they want
12:56 romainM instead of doing a new research themselves
12:56 romainM facets ?
12:56 pdurbin that's what we call the things on the left of the homepage
12:57 pdurbin "Subject", "Author Name" etc
12:57 romainM oh yeah, I understand now
12:58 romainM that's the same thing, yes
13:00 * bencomp hopes people will comment on
13:00 pdurbin bencomp: I was just reading your post. Thanks. Shibboleth groups use cases - Google Groups -!msg/dataverse-community/FviyNJ-sc0c/29bOpQ64BgAJ
13:01 pdurbin maybe it's just as well that we didn't add the group regex feature. if that wouldn't be flexible enough :)
13:01 bencomp pdurbin: I figured I was allowed to ask as co-coordinator of the auth group
13:01 bencomp :)
13:02 pdurbin bencomp: that reminds me. have you seen the new ?
13:03 bencomp well, while writing the email I thought maybe I should ask the IdPs to provide the scopedAffiliation or if that's not good enough, a specific other attribute
13:03 bencomp haven't yet
13:04 romainM oh
13:04 romainM the little dataverse's turning things are gone
13:05 pdurbin bencomp: we're still working with the Harvard IdP on getting more attributes. medical school vs. law school, etc
13:05 bencomp ooh, fancy
13:06 pdurbin :)
13:06 bencomp pdurbin: so you think groups may need multiple attributes?
13:06 pdurbin romainM: turning things? oh, the "cards". yeah, now it's a map of Dataverse installations
13:06 romainM yep, cards. Sorry, tried to define it with my "own" words :D
13:06 bencomp ... groups in the Harvard Dataverse...
13:07 pdurbin bencomp: not sure yet. I guess I'm wondering how heavily you use Shibboleth groups in your fork of DVN 3.x. It's all new to us.
13:08 romainM pdurbin: dataverse 4.2 is "really" out or harvard just got a preview of it ?
13:08 romainM ok nvm, just looked at the release part
13:09 pdurbin romainM: we always eat our own dogfood first and deploy to before me make a war file available to others. But yes, it's there:
13:09 bencomp pdurbin: we don't, at the moment.
13:10 pdurbin bencomp: ok, so you won't be losing funtionality
13:10 bencomp it's one of the things we have been looking out for... :)
13:11 pdurbin sure. I think it'll be a nice feature
13:11 pdurbin one we can list under "features" at some day
13:16 bencomp heh
13:37 romainM I just posted the features
13:37 romainM (sorry for the time, had to do something before)
13:43 * pdurbin looks
13:43 pdurbin Feature request: Make some dataset fields autocomplete ? · Issue #2603 · IQSS/dataverse -
13:43 pdurbin Feature request: Presearch links in dataset metadatas ? · Issue #2604 · IQSS/dataverse -
13:53 romainM my last sentence on the second request is ambigous, I should edit it
13:55 romainM done
13:55 pdurbin romainM: go for it. I just added some comments
13:55 romainM ty
13:57 romainM for the issues labels, can I add some as a simple user, or it's a contributor tool ?
13:57 romainM didn't find out where, if "I can" :S
13:57 pdurbin I can add some labels for you.
13:58 pdurbin done
13:58 romainM (was just to add "type: feature", to make it more clear, even if I added "feature" in the title
13:58 romainM ty
13:58 romainM (feature or suggestion, I should have write suggestion maybe ?)
13:59 pdurbin I added both :)
13:59 romainM ok
13:59 romainM srry for disturbing
13:59 romainM I'm sometimes maniac for pointless things
13:59 pdurbin heh. no, no, I'm glad the ideas are written down now :)
14:01 pdurbin keep 'em coming :)
14:02 romainM august is the grumpy guy ?
14:02 romainM :D
14:02 pdurbin lolz
14:02 pdurbin he's great
14:02 pdurbin anyway...
14:02 pdurbin Dataverse v4.2 Released - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/T7QYpVgansI
14:03 romainM just saw that yep
14:03 romainM I can officially bother my admin sys to update our dataverse
14:08 pdurbin romainM: you can show your sysadmin this too: Installation guide improvement and reorganisation proposal - Google Groups -!msg/dataverse-community/qujUFJDYXG0/0BhECCp0HQAJ
14:13 romainM I will
14:15 pdurbin thanks
15:01 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:31 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:05 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:16 bencomp joined #dataverse
17:22 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:39 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:45 garnett joined #dataverse
19:04 cnk joined #dataverse
21:03 bencomp pdurbin: how's the meeting?
22:11 cnk joined #dataverse
23:54 pdurbin bencomp: good meeting. we updated the notes
23:57 pdurbin linked from Harvesting (OAI-PMH) Functional Requirements Document (FRD) - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/Af05ousk4Sc
23:58 adil joined #dataverse
23:59 adil buenas

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