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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-01-05

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:12 metamattj joined #dataverse
05:32 xvx joined #dataverse
05:45 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:51 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:53 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:00 jri joined #dataverse
08:20 bencomp joined #dataverse
14:28 pdurbin comments welcome on this issue: Permissions Create Group - Improve Group Identifiers in UI · Issue #1705 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:28 pdurbin (or any issue, really) :)
15:52 bencomp pdurbin: work harder! fix them all! ;)
15:53 pdurbin I didn't work at all over the break. Well, I taught myself a little Go.
15:59 bencomp you weren't even in the channel! (I checked in a few times...)
16:00 bencomp good for you, btw. breaks should be breaks
16:26 pdurbin yeah. took the kids skiing. it was fun:
16:47 pdurbin Wow, is a really nice installation of Dataverse 4! You can even switch it to Chinese!
16:48 pdurbin bencomp: check out the url if you try to log in. It has "oauth" in the URL.
16:51 bencomp :D
16:56 bencomp pdurbin: do you know who developed the link to the OAuth system?
16:57 pdurbin my guess is based on fantastic pull requests at
16:58 pdurbin bencomp: is oauth of interest to you? I forget.
16:58 bencomp yes
16:59 pdurbin you support both auth and shib?
16:59 pdurbin er
16:59 pdurbin both oauth and shib?
17:01 bencomp no, just shib for logging in, but oauth is the (or at least) sensible alternative for the current access tokens that give full access to one's account
17:02 pdurbin yes. couldn't agree more
17:03 pdurbin I don't think we have an issue for that.
17:03 bencomp wait a minute, is the Dropbox connection not based on oauth?
17:03 bencomp ("upload your files from dropbox")
17:05 pdurbin I'm not sure how that works. Something with
17:05 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:06 pdurbin I've never even used it myself.
17:07 bencomp oh, that's a bit hard to read in GitHub
17:11 pdurbin heh. true. it's referenced in src/main/webapp/editFilesFragment.xhtml
18:32 jri joined #dataverse
18:54 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:39 balo joined #dataverse
21:57 bencomp pdurbin: in my break I stumbled upon and thought you might like it
21:57 bencomp

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.