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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-01-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:03 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:07 jri joined #dataverse
08:18 bencomp joined #dataverse
10:56 nnabueze joined #dataverse
10:56 nnabueze Hi
10:58 nnabueze @pdurbin online?
11:32 pdurbin nnabueze: hi! good morning! it's 6:30 here
11:43 nnabueze sorry
11:43 nnabueze dint take note of the time diff
11:46 pdurbin no problem. trying to get my kids out of bed now :)
11:48 pdurbin nnabueze: as I mentioned at the Dataverse app for Android isn't particularly good. A year ago I threw in together to learn some Android development and (sadly) haven't picked it up since. That was over a holiday break.
11:49 pdurbin At I call it a proof of concept.
11:50 pdurbin I was working on the Dataverse Search API at the time and wanted to try using the API a bit in a somewhat real app.
12:07 nnabueze pdurbin: I looked at it yesterday and even today and it seems tasking, at least to me. Is there any resource(books, online materials) I can read through to get up to speed on what is required?
12:14 pdurbin nnabueze: I recommend watching these:
12:15 pdurbin (videos by Derek Banas - )
12:26 nnabueze I will thanks
12:31 nnabueze pdurbin: could you send links to those that talk specifically about authentication?
12:32 nnabueze I have not worked on authentication before that's where I am confused
12:39 pdurbin oh. well. that's my biggest problem. authentication:
13:52 pdurbin if only we had an "auth" community group ;)
14:01 nnabueze Iol
14:03 nnabueze I ll try to read up on it and attempt solving the issue
14:08 pdurbin bencomp: it looks like did hit my radar at some point:
14:24 * pdurbin opens
15:50 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:46 pdurbin bricas jri I forget. Do you plan to use Shibboleth?
16:47 athalakada joined #dataverse
16:47 jri Hi, I don't know yet.. But we have one at Sciences Po so, it's not excluded
16:48 pdurbin ok. just curious. I know bencomp will use it. I'm writing down some thoughts on re-enabling Shibboleth in production at
16:48 pdurbin I want to be able to close
16:52 jri I can find some time to test with our shibboleth if it can help ?
16:53 pdurbin jri: that would help a lot actually
16:53 pdurbin bencomp has already found some bugs
16:58 jri Ok :) add to my todolist. however, I don't know when ...
17:00 pdurbin thanks :)
17:06 nnabueze joined #dataverse
18:07 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:25 garnett joined #dataverse
18:26 garnett joined #dataverse
20:45 garnett joined #dataverse
21:27 garnett joined #dataverse
22:05 shauna joined #dataverse
23:15 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.