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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-02-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:22 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:37 garnett joined #dataverse
02:55 garnett joined #dataverse
02:56 garnett joined #dataverse
03:03 agarnett joined #dataverse
03:39 agarnett joined #dataverse
04:37 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:34 bencomp1 joined #dataverse
07:45 dcoloma joined #dataverse
08:09 bencomp joined #dataverse
08:11 bencomp pdurbin: I don't really measure it, but I get a feel whether things are going fast or slow
11:10 pdurbin ok
14:27 pdurbin jeffspies___ LyndsySimon: do you know if you have any tests on your side for this issue Robert opened?
14:59 dcoloma pdurbin: finally, I solve the issue with deploying again Dataverse, it was because of this:
15:02 pdurbin dcoloma: cool. Would you be interested in contributing documentation about this?
15:02 dcoloma sure, but I still need to make dataverse to go back to work :)
15:03 pdurbin "make dataverse"? :)
15:03 pdurbin not sure what you mean
15:03 dcoloma pdurbin: is still not working, dataverse is deployed but, when I go to the homepage I get an Internal Server Error
15:03 pdurbin oh. ick
15:04 dcoloma but it can be due to the different things I tried before I fix the certificate alias issue
15:04 pdurbin dcoloma: so you're planning on running Glassfish on port 443?
15:04 dcoloma pdurbin: yep, that was the idea
15:04 dcoloma pdurbin: any issue with that?
15:05 pdurbin Well, in the DVN 3.x days, that's always how the Harvard Dataverse ran. As of Dataverse 4 we front Glassfish with Apache for Shibboleth support.
15:06 pdurbin I try to explain the options here:
15:06 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:11 pdurbin dcoloma: I'm not trying to push you one way or the other :)
15:12 dcoloma pdurbin: yeah, I don't feel pushed... it was just the IT people the ones who preferred that path, I think they wanted to experiment with glassfish :)
15:12 pdurbin ah. ok
15:12 pdurbin so much fun to put certs into glassfish ;)
15:13 pameyer dcoloma: do you have an error code or exception trace, or just internal server error?
15:13 pameyer I saw a few of them when I was installing (mostly my own fault), and it might be farmiliar
15:14 dcoloma pameyer: yep, it's a "javax.persistence.NoResultException: getSingleResult() did not retrieve any entities."
15:14 pameyer that's not one I ran into, but it sounds like database problems
15:15 dcoloma pameyer: I dropped the full database a few times and uninstall/reinstall Dataverse so I wanted to go back to a clean instance
15:15 pdurbin dcoloma: oh, that might be normal. that's the error you see when you haven't run the setup-all script yet
15:16 pdurbin dcoloma: see!searchin/dataverse-community/getSingleResult/dataverse-community/miBxTFT9xiA/vyQedPdVBAAJ
15:21 dcoloma pdurbin: just checked, but it seems the same symptom with a different root cause, jq executable is in the path and works ok
15:21 pdurbin ok. I'd be curious to know what the root cause is
15:21 dcoloma pdurbin: the root dataverse should be located in the dataverse table in dvndb db?
15:22 pdurbin yes. and the dvobject table
15:26 dcoloma pdurbin: so SELECT * from dvobject/dataverse should list at least 1 row, right?
15:26 pdurbin yep. probably id 1
15:26 pdurbin for the root dataverse
15:27 dcoloma then that's the issue
15:27 dcoloma both tables are empty
15:27 dcoloma when are they initialised? via the setup script?
15:27 pdurbin dcoloma: see "Setting up the root dataverse" at
15:29 pdurbin I could/should mention more about what gets called when at
15:31 dcoloma ok, I'll undeploy and re-launch setup
15:33 pdurbin here I call "" in "post":
15:47 dcoloma ok, first thing I noticed is that hardcodes the port to 8080
15:47 dcoloma so that was causing some requests to fail
15:49 pdurbin that sure reminds me of this issue: Install: do not hard code localhost:8080 in all scripts · Issue #1185 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:50 dcoloma pdurbin: I can take care of fixing that, once I finished with the installation :-D
15:51 pdurbin it's a lot of scripts (I think)
15:51 dcoloma 6 or 7
15:51 pdurbin oh
15:51 dcoloma at least the ones that setup-all was invoking
15:54 skay joined #dataverse
16:05 dcoloma ok, I think I am nearly there, but I can't still insert the root dataverse
16:06 dcoloma when trying to do so in the api key is null
16:25 pdurbin dcoloma: the root dataverse is created using the api key of the "dataverseAdmin" superuser (which the scripts also create)
16:33 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:39 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:49 cnk joined #dataverse
18:33 metamattj joined #dataverse
19:06 searchbot` joined #dataverse
19:07 balo_ joined #dataverse
19:07 mjturk_ joined #dataverse
19:15 dcoloma pdurbin: \o/ the dataverse instance is back to work, basically the database was half-written the first time I fixed the scripts
19:15 dcoloma so after a new clean installation, everything is back to work as expected
19:31 pdurbin dcoloma: great! good job
19:31 pdurbin "fixed the scripts"? :)
19:31 pdurbin dcoloma: what are you doing to the scripts? :)
19:42 dcoloma the 8080 port that was hardcoded
19:43 dcoloma pdurbin: thanks for your support and patience!
19:46 pdurbin dcoloma: so you changed glassfish http from 8080 to 80, right? You'll probably want some way to enforce https though.
19:48 dcoloma I changed the ports to 80 and 443
19:48 dcoloma but the machine is behind a proxy
19:49 dcoloma so the proxy takes care of the http to https redirection
19:49 dcoloma btw it's on
19:51 pdurbin well, you *could* leave glassfish's http on 8080 even if you have its https on 443. they can be configured independently
19:51 pdurbin that way you could continue to use the scripts as-is without changing the port from 8080
19:51 pdurbin up to you, of course
20:04 dcoloma pdurbin: that's quite true... but when I decided to go to the standard ports I didn't consider that I was not going to allow plain HTTP :(
20:35 pdurbin never forget

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.