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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-05-20

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:05 metamattj joined #dataverse
02:20 bmckinney joined #dataverse
02:24 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:39 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:04 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:24 shauna_ joined #dataverse
04:58 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:10 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:12 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:29 sivoais joined #dataverse
07:21 bencomp joined #dataverse
07:50 xvx joined #dataverse
09:43 bencomp joined #dataverse
10:22 xvx joined #dataverse
12:50 bencomp1 joined #dataverse
12:51 bmckinney joined #dataverse
12:57 pdurbin bmckinney: mornin'! How long past 3 did the meeting go yesterday? Sorry I had to duck out.
13:06 bmckinney pdurbin: good! mostly general discussions.
13:07 pdurbin bmckinney: at the moment I'm working on but I hope to get back to your stuff soon.
13:08 bmckinney cool!
13:09 pdurbin jeffspies____: I'm planning on replying to mfraezz soon
13:09 pdurbin bmckinney: yeah, it'll be nice having more than one production installation of Dataverse integrated with OSF.
13:13 pdurbin bmckinney: I definitely learned some new stuff in that meeting, especially the plans regarding dataset mode. Interesting that "Streaming" mode is seen as more of an add-on than a true mode.
13:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:36 donsizemore @pdurbin knock knock?
13:38 pdurbin donsizemore: hi! Uh oh, I haven't checked our internal ticket tracker in a while.
13:38 * pdurbin checks
13:38 donsizemore @pdurbin: no internal ticket. Jon's putting together his Norway Dataverse demo, and we're curious if you've seen this behavior before (vanilla 4.2.3 Dataverse)
13:38 pdurbin shoot
13:39 donsizemore @pdurbin: I've got a note in to the guy running the Kubernetes instance to have him bump 4.2.3 to 4.3.1 because he's using my Dataverse-Ansible stuff to do it, so it should just be a git pull depending on how much he had to customize it for Kubernetes
13:39 pdurbin sweet!
13:40 donsizemore @pdurbin: but jon can publish the root dataverse, create a dataverse, upload files, publish said dataverse and files, and then they don't show up on the homepage where he (and sophia) are expecting them
13:40 donsizemore @pdurbin: we don't have SSH access to look in the glassfish logs
13:40 pdurbin cwillis was here talking about his docker stuff not long ago:
13:42 pdurbin donsizemore: my money is on requestHeaderSize needing to be added to Solr's jetty.xml:
13:42 pdurbin "Without this requestHeaderSize line in place, which increases the default size, it will appear that no data has been added to your Dataverse installation and WARN  org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser  – HttpParser Full for / will appear in the Solr log."
13:44 donsizemore @pdurbin many thanks. i'll add that to dataverse-ansible
13:44 pdurbin sweet
13:45 pdurbin donsizemore: please lemme know if it fixes it
13:45 donsizemore @pdurbin: also, expect some noise from us in your internal ticket tracker. Now that Shibboleth accounts are working, Thu-Mai is full speed ahead on cleaning up our non-contributing users and unused Dataverses to upgrade us to 4.3
13:45 pdurbin check
13:45 donsizemore @pdurbin (hence my whining about Postgres versions)
13:46 pdurbin heh. yeah, I saw your comments on
14:04 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:10 garnett joined #dataverse
14:29 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:16 razor-home joined #dataverse
15:23 skay joined #dataverse
15:25 majest1c joined #dataverse
15:28 cwillis joined #dataverse
15:29 cwillis Hello -- following up on a question from dsizemore
15:31 cwillis I'm working with our (NDS) Docker-based install of Dataverse 4.2.3 and seeing an error indexing in Solr: "Server refused connection at: http://localhost:8983/solr". I've set :SolrHostColonPort to the correct IP/Port, but seems it isn't being recognized
15:33 razor-home joined #dataverse
15:34 razor-work joined #dataverse
15:42 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:56 pdurbin cwillis: hi! What do you get from `curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SolrHostColonPort`?
15:58 cwillis pdurbin: Thanks for your help.  {"status":"OK","data":{"me​ssage":""}} -- which is the correct IP for solr.
16:04 xvx joined #dataverse
16:12 pdurbin cwillis: weird. Does it work with a hostname? (Shouldn't matter)
16:12 xvx joined #dataverse
16:15 cwillis pdurbin: No, I tried. I'm setting :SolrHostColonPort via curl after the war is deployed. I could also try setting it directly in Postgres earlier.
16:18 pdurbin cwillis: you might need to stop and start glassfish
16:21 cwillis pdurbin: That might be a challenge with the Docker container, since glassfish is the primary processing restarting it will likely terminate the container. Just curious -- what would the restart do? The only think I can think is the setting value is somehow cached.
16:21 cwillis (wow, strange typos, sorry)
16:22 pdurbin It used to be you could change this on the fly but I bet it now requires a glassfish restart (confirmed on my laptop just now) ever since we merged
16:23 cwillis OK, thank you.
16:24 pdurbin I'll add a note to
16:24 pdurbin added "changing `:SolrHostColonPort` requires a Glassfish restart"
16:25 pdurbin cwillis: thanks for catching this
16:25 cwillis Thanks for your help.
16:25 pdurbin cwillis: you got it working?
16:28 cwillis Not yet -- the restart is a problem for me.  I'm going to try direct insert into Postgres during initial configuration and see if it works.
16:32 pdurbin cwillis: oh, sure. That should work fine. It goes in the "setting" table:
16:48 metamattj joined #dataverse
16:50 cwillis joined #dataverse
17:01 cwillis joined #dataverse
17:15 cwillis pdurbin:  Inserting the setting prior to startup surprisingly didn't work, but restarting glassfish did.
17:29 cnk joined #dataverse
17:40 pdurbin cwillis: huh. should work. weird. I'm glad restarting glassfish worked though
17:58 pdurbin pameyer: did you see any of the chatter about a task list? A Google Doc spreadsheet to help us figure out level of effort.
17:59 pameyer I did see some of it
18:00 pdurbin Eleni made a template for us to use.
18:00 pdurbin and we can look at what was done for the widgets project
18:02 pameyer cool
18:04 pdurbin pameyer: when do you and bmckinney want a level of effort number by?
18:04 pdurbin (expressed in weeks, looks like)
18:08 pameyer I think the plan is to meet about that wed
18:09 pdurbin pameyer: provide the estimate by wed?! We'd better get started on the task list!
18:10 pameyer I've got workshop stuff Sun-Tue, and prep today
18:11 bmckinney gotcha, i asked eleni to cancel for next week - too many conflicts with various people
18:11 bmckinney i'm hoping we can plan some things out on google docs in the meantime
18:16 pdurbin bmckinney: I'll need time from pameyer to work on a task list for our project before we can provide an estimate
18:25 pameyer dependency graphs - not just for algorithms anymore
18:26 pdurbin :)
18:29 bmckinney pdurbin: sounds good, thanks
18:29 pdurbin bmckinney: sure. Are you planning on creating task lists too?
18:30 bmckinney pdurbin: yep
18:30 pdurbin awesome
18:31 bmckinney like i mentioned earlier, we are going to use smartsheets or similar
18:31 pdurbin bmckinney: not Eleni's task list template?
18:33 bmckinney pdurbin: we'll offer it as an option to our PI on Monday
18:33 pdurbin ok :)
18:43 bmckinney joined #dataverse
18:48 pdurbin pameyer bmckinney: would you be able to look at the widgets task list example before then?
18:51 bmckinney pdurbin: you bet
18:51 pdurbin great, because that's what I've been asked to use as a guide
19:08 pameyer is there a link to the widgets task list somewhere?
19:09 pdurbin pameyer: huh, there used to be links from
19:19 pdurbin pameyer: I just emailed a link to you an bmckinney. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be public so I didn't want to link it here.
19:27 pdurbin and*
19:28 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:31 pameyer pdurbin: great; I'll check it out
19:32 pdurbin pameyer: feedback is very welcome
19:39 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:22 lakoepni joined #dataverse
20:26 pdurbin lakoepni: hi. welcome
20:26 lakoepni Hello
20:28 lakoepni I had a question about the Sword API
20:29 lakoepni When adding a dataset, does it only allow adding the list of 15 or so "dcterms" listed in the documentation?
20:35 mjturk joined #dataverse
20:35 mjturk left #dataverse
20:36 pdurbin lakoepni: right. But there's a non-SWORD way. says "As a profile of AtomPub, XML is used throughout SWORD. As of Dataverse 4.0 datasets can also be created via JSON using the “native” API."
20:37 pdurbin And by using the native API you can edit *all* metadata fields from *all* metadata blocks.
20:42 pdurbin anyway, I gotta run if I'm going to get my daughter to soccer practice on time
20:42 pdurbin have a good weekend, all!
20:42 pdurbin left #dataverse
20:44 lakoepni Thanks!
21:14 xvx joined #dataverse
21:32 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:00 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.