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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-10-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:26 sivoais joined #dataverse
02:09 djbrooke joined #dataverse
02:48 bjonnh is anyone aware of any project to document 96 well plates?
03:06 djbrooke joined #dataverse
10:54 pdurbin bjonnh: are you trying to inventory what's in the wells? Or are you storing assay data? Or something else? (Hat tip to my wife for telling me what to ask!)
10:55 pdurbin She's the one who's always playing God:
11:50 djbrooke joined #dataverse
12:04 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:08 bjonnh pdurbin: both
13:11 bjonnh I wanted to make something that allows to export a JSONish description of the plate to svg/html/so on
13:11 bjonnh and manipulate it
13:11 pdurbin bjonnh: I believe what you're looking for is called an electronic lab notebook (ELN) or a laboratory information management system (LIMS).
13:11 bjonnh pdurbin: so God is using android… :p
13:11 bjonnh pdurbin: yes but no ;)
13:12 bjonnh pdurbin: I want a simple system that you can connect to other things easily
13:12 bjonnh not a big mammuth
13:12 pdurbin pameyer: know any biologists or biochemists?
13:13 bjonnh especially something that could be integrated with systems such as isatools
13:13 pdurbin bjonnh: my wife suggested using Excel for starters
13:13 bjonnh easily in websites
13:13 bjonnh pdurbin: yeah I know that, that's exactly what I want to move people from
13:13 bjonnh :p
13:14 pdurbin heh
13:14 bjonnh Sorry I was not clear enough :p
13:14 pdurbin bjonnh: have you ever heard of ResearchSpace or RSpace?
13:16 bjonnh pdurbin: I'm more talking low level
13:16 bjonnh pdurbin: format/protocol, manipulation and then visualization
13:17 bjonnh Also, I want people to still be able to use their data in some years from now
13:18 bjonnh my problem is exactly all those ELN systems
13:18 bjonnh with all their different formats, different approaches, different protocols
13:19 bjonnh (note: my job is partly to make ontologies)
13:21 pdurbin bjonnh: but wouldn't the goal be to have Dataverse and RSpace (or whatever ELN or LIMS) use the same ontology and formats?
13:22 bjonnh yes
13:23 bjonnh I need to see if displaying plates on dataverse would be useful though
13:23 bjonnh not sure people are still using plate-level data at that point
13:24 pdurbin what level are they using?
13:24 bjonnh I see mostly lists
13:24 bjonnh but I'm biased
13:25 bjonnh that's part of my project to look in a more statistically relevant way
13:25 pdurbin is any of what you're looking at public?
13:26 bjonnh well there aren't plenty
13:27 bjonnh let me find one
13:28 bjonnh if I can
13:32 bjonnh ok so maybe I can't see one in dataverse
13:33 pdurbin bjonnh: go ahead and upload something :)
13:33 bjonnh well
13:33 bjonnh that's the plan at some point
13:33 bjonnh :p
13:34 bjonnh but what people do usually is that they convert the rectangular format to a list format
13:39 bjonnh If I was dishonest I would say that this explain why what I want to do is important ;)
13:39 bjonnh because people cannot do it easily :p
13:41 pdurbin bjonnh: maybe for now you could just upload it to
13:42 bjonnh I don't have data I can upload right now
13:42 bjonnh not mine
13:42 bjonnh at least
13:42 pdurbin oh, bummer
13:42 pdurbin It's hard to know what you're talking about then.
13:42 bjonnh yes
13:42 bjonnh I'm trying to find an open dataset somewhere else
13:43 pdurbin ah, good
13:45 bjonnh but it is hard to find
13:45 bjonnh because most of the time people reduce the data to results
13:46 bjonnh raw plate data is usually not published
13:46 bjonnh pdurbin:
13:47 pdurbin oh! LINCS!
13:47 pdurbin pameyer: we've heard of them!
13:49 bjonnh pdurbin: so many projects out there
13:50 djbrooke joined #dataverse
13:51 djbrooke joined #dataverse
13:52 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
13:52 pdurbin bjonnh: please check out the "Biomedical Dataverse: Datasets from the NIH LINCS Project" slides at by Caroline Shamu from
13:55 bjonnh
13:56 bjonnh most machine software update data as a CSV file
13:56 bjonnh with
13:56 bjonnh A1, 0.1
13:56 bjonnh A2, 0.3
13:56 bjonnh etc
13:56 bjonnh (can output many more values)
13:56 pdurbin ok, are those slides helpful?
13:57 bjonnh well they don't talk about the well-format to treated format
13:58 pdurbin bjonnh: I think we should start with your real world data.
13:59 bjonnh well that's the thing
13:59 pdurbin without a user story...
14:00 bjonnh we have to make well plans (for now it is a Spreadsheet that look like the last pdf I sent)
14:00 bjonnh each well has a lot of data associated
14:01 bjonnh I'll try to get an anonimized dataset from this person
14:02 pdurbin bjonnh: perfect! Thanks!
14:02 bjonnh
14:03 bjonnh
14:03 bjonnh that's one of the data type
14:03 bjonnh that associates sample name to physical position in the plate
14:04 bjonnh then you obtain one or more results by well in a format similar to what you see here:
14:08 pdurbin cool but where is the cvs with the T1Raw, T2Raw, T3Raw values?
14:09 bjonnh what do you mean?
14:10 pdurbin from that last pdf, the actual data
14:10 pdurbin that biochemists care about
14:11 bjonnh there are many
14:11 bjonnh the output values are of many different type
14:11 bjonnh and dimensions
14:12 bjonnh sometimes reference to picture or videos, sometimes one float, sometimes hundreds of dimensions
14:12 bjonnh there is no "one format" nor "one standard"
14:13 bjonnh most of the time produced by machines, but sometimes by humans (visual analysis)
14:14 bjonnh so instead of creating yet another format for describing what we are doing in the lab, I wanted to make something generic
14:14 bjonnh that can be reused
14:15 pdurbin cool
14:15 pdurbin it sounds like a worthy project
14:15 bjonnh maybe, I have to finish my study of what is existing first
14:16 pdurbin I think the only way I can help is by getting you in touch with the RSpaces and researchers I know. I've invited some folks to read these logs and jump in. :)
14:16 bjonnh great, thanks
14:17 bjonnh pdurbin:
14:17 bjonnh I don't know if you have seen what it looks like in real
14:18 pdurbin I've been to my wife's lab before. :)
14:19 bjonnh what is she doing?
14:20 pdurbin
14:21 bjonnh by the way did I told you that my lab now requires mandatory dataverse deposit of data involved in publications?
14:22 bjonnh neat
14:22 bjonnh pdurbin: I suppose they are using ELN in her lab?
14:23 pdurbin yeah, it's in that tweet. Benchling
14:23 pdurbin the big news is that the FDA just approved her first drug:
14:24 bjonnh oh I was thinking it was just a plasmid maker
14:24 bjonnh oh congrats then !
14:26 pdurbin thanks, I'll pass it along. I already showed pameyer the PDB entry: :)
14:32 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:34 pameyer bjonnh - sorry I'm a bit late to the conversation.  it's sounding like you've got a mix of input formats for the plates (aka - sometimes instrument, sometimes experimenter/analysis tool/visualization tool).
15:58 rob-researchspac joined #dataverse
16:00 jhand joined #dataverse
16:02 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
16:03 rob-researchspac joined #dataverse
16:05 pdurbin rob-researchspac: hi! welcome!
16:06 rob-researchspac RSpace uses totally standard formats: pdf, html and xml. Pdurbin, One click export would make it very easy to get your plate data out. Export to dataverse is already built in. You can try it free at or I can give you a live demo to show you how easy it would be to use with 96 well plate data.
16:06 rob-researchspac Its a really simple system
16:07 pdurbin rob-researchspac: do you have public examples of plate data already?
16:07 rob-researchspac email me if you like and I'll give you a webcast demo right now if you are available.
16:08 pdurbin rob-researchspac: sorry, I'm kind of heads down in fixing bugs for pameyer but maybe bjonnh would like a demo
16:11 rob-researchspac Anyone here is welcome to contact me
16:13 pdurbin rob-researchspac: much appreciated! And you're saying the integration with Dataverse is already live?
16:16 rob-researchspac joined #dataverse
16:18 rob-researchspac dataverse integration is technically in advanced prototype stage, but will be available for all users with next release. RSpace is evolving at very fast pace, with new releases and features every month.
16:21 pdurbin rob-researchspac: is sign in via Google working? I just got this: Signin could not complete: Status:500 - server error There was an error responding to this request, which has been logged. Something went wrong: No account found for email, please sign up
16:23 karissa joined #dataverse
16:34 rob-researchspac I think you need to create an account first and list a gmail address as your official email for that account, THEN you can subsequently login with google
16:35 rob-researchspac ah, nope, that's not true! you can just use whatever google account you are currently logged in with
16:36 rob-researchspac I just tested it ... it works fine even for a totally new google accont
16:36 rob-researchspac no "pre-register" is needed.
16:36 rob-researchspac I suggest rechecking your google credentials,
16:38 pdurbin rob-researchspac: I get the same thing for a different google account: "Something went wrong: No account found for email, please sign up". Don't worry about it. Maybe I'll create a local account some day but probably not today.
16:38 rob-researchspac so... you have TWO login options.... you can manually make a new account with any email address you like, OR just click "login with google" and it will create a new account for you based on whatever google ID your browser is currently using.
16:43 pdurbin ok
16:45 bjonnh joined #dataverse
16:46 skay joined #dataverse
16:50 pdurbin karissa: hi! Welcome! Did you catch some of the chatter at ?
16:50 pdurbin chatter with jhand. Welcome to you too! :)
17:17 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:22 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:39 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:39 bret joined #dataverse
18:30 bjonnh pameyer: yep
18:30 bjonnh oh rob left
18:32 pameyer I'm guessing there aren't format standards for "put complex, possibly structured, data into a 2d grid"
18:43 bjonnh so I may have to make one
18:43 bjonnh but that's what I'm trying to figure out
18:43 bjonnh if I need to make one or if something akin to it exist
18:45 pameyer I haven't done much w\ 96 well plates for a few years, and then it was liquid handling robots instead of experimental measurements.  but there wasn't anything standardized then
18:45 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:41 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:41 pdurbin mmm, robots
19:42 pdurbin jhand: nice presentation! I'm looking forward to your follow up talk on Monday!
19:42 pdurbin pameyer: you should come to this. It has DCM and DLM written all over it
19:46 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:50 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:54 pameyer pdurbin: the tots-tip thing?
19:55 pameyer DATS has come up across my radar a few times; if things aren't too crazy I'll try to make it
19:57 pdurbin pameyer: cool. and it's just "Dat"
19:57 pdurbin pameyer: I'm gonna show jhand
19:57 pameyer cool
19:58 pameyer pdurbin (/jhand) : do you have a link for "Dat"?
19:58 pameyer nm - found it
19:59 pameyer I'll be back in a bit (if there are questions I should field)
20:03 pdurbin pameyer: I should know this but is the DLM powered by rsync?
20:11 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:13 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:14 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:17 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:22 jhand pameyer: hopefully I'll see you Monday. Happy to answer any questions in meantime, I'm in here or in #dat.
20:28 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:34 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:38 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:45 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:34 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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