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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-04-28

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:35 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:25 axfelix joined #dataverse
11:27 andrewSC joined #dataverse
12:28 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:53 majestic joined #dataverse
13:04 dnqn joined #dataverse
14:31 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:36 pdurbin pameyer: mornin! I just left you a comment:
14:36 pameyer pdurbin: I just saw
14:37 pameyer what needs to be fixed on "connects to"?
14:37 pdurbin please take a look at the examples in code review
14:38 pdurbin like this one:
14:38 pdurbin in short, waffle is confused by the brackets
14:38 pdurbin I'm the one who added the brackets in the pull request template. :(
14:38 pameyer gotcha
14:38 pameyer I'm easily confused
14:39 pdurbin I'm open to other ideas besides brackets, which is why I mentioned that we should revisit them in
14:39 pameyer syntax (hopefully) fixed
14:39 pdurbin on both?
14:40 pameyer on the first; second in progress
14:40 pdurbin sometimes you have to shift-refresh to know if the change took
14:42 pameyer I've got the green connectogram; so I looks like it took
14:42 pameyer @pdurbin: thanks for the correction (and taking a look at the PRs)
14:44 pdurbin thanks for making the PRs! I'm going to add a "going live" heading unless someone in #crimsonfu has a better phrase for this:
14:47 pameyer "going live" sounds good to me; but I'll defer to folks who know better :)
14:48 pdurbin yeah, me too
14:57 pdurbin pameyer: huh. It's actually a bit of a pain to document how to have Glassfish serve robots.txt. How do you do it?
15:01 pameyer I'd just copy the file to the webroot
15:02 pameyer but for production, probably make apache/nginx do it
15:02 pdurbin /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/doma​in1/applications/dataverse-4.6.1/robots.txt for example?
15:04 pameyer "/usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/d​omain1/applications/dataverse/robots.txt"
15:04 pdurbin huh. no version?
15:04 pameyer seems variable with build if it gets the version number for dataverse or not
15:04 pameyer correct - no version
15:05 pameyer but this is a self-build
16:10 pdurbin pameyer: back to you: . Thanks for making this pull request!
16:13 pameyer pdurbin: checking now, thanks for the feedback.
16:14 pameyer and I'd thought I'd made the example downloadable; need to improve my rst-fu
16:18 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:18 pdurbin heh
16:19 pdurbin we have some rst/sphinx tips at
16:19 pameyer thanks
16:37 pdurbin pameyer: I'm giving you more work at :)
16:37 pameyer pdurbin: "more work" == good suggestions :)
16:38 pameyer probably won't happen until later today at the soonest
16:38 pameyer thanks
16:41 pdurbin no rush, there's a fair amount of stuff in QA at at the moment anyway
17:13 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:43 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:53 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:00 andrewSC joined #dataverse
18:31 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:01 andrewSC joined #dataverse
19:16 yoh joined #dataverse
19:33 andrewSC joined #dataverse
19:38 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:39 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
19:45 andrewSC joined #dataverse
20:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:49 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:56 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:02 pdurbin left #dataverse
22:15 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.