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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-08-15

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:15 axfelix joined #dataverse
11:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
11:39 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:31 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:07 jhand joined #dataverse
15:21 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:28 andrewSC you guys know where I should look for custom metadata fields?
17:29 andrewSC Basically I'm trying to create a dataset via api but i'm failing validation on some custom metadata fields i've set to be required for the creation of a dataset
17:30 andrewSC I've checked to see what the keys might be by querying a dataset in solr and seeing what the keys are but they don't work
17:30 andrewSC don't work when i try to use the same keys to create the dataset*
17:30 pameyer have you tried creating one through the UI, and calling the dataset API to see what it looks like?
17:31 andrewSC mmmmmmm I have not lemme try that
17:31 pameyer that's usually my first approach to create api problems
17:40 pdurbin andrewSC: you're getting Solr errors having to do with your custom metadata fields?
17:44 pdurbin pameyer: good idea to try the UI
17:44 pdurbin some day we should work on this "Dataverse project take ownership of documentation for creating metadata blocks" issue:
17:47 andrewSC pdurbin: i don't think so? I'm seeing a validation failed error from "​posit.CollectionDepositManagerImpl" in the logs
17:48 andrewSC funny enough I just use the /api/datasets endpoint to pull in a dataset and sure enough the fields it's failing on are identical to the ones i tried, casing and all :/
17:48 andrewSC i know the tool creating the datasets itself is fine because i tested it against the demo dataverse you guys host and that went without a hitch
17:49 pdurbin CollectionDepositManagerImpl is how SWORD calls the CreateDatasetCommand
17:50 andrewSC mmmmmmmmmm
17:50 pdurbin andrewSC: if you pastebin more of the stacktrace I'd be happy to take a look
17:50 pdurbin or email it to
17:57 andrewSC pdurbin:
17:57 andrewSC just looked through this
17:58 andrewSC there's some stuff in there particularly the subject exists already message i'm not sure what to make of
17:58 pdurbin ah, you've bumped up logging. good
17:58 andrewSC :)
17:59 andrewSC here's the python code snippet:
17:59 andrewSC lines 8-10 are something I had to write since the lib actually uses the href from the dataverse rather than the one specified by the connection
18:01 pdurbin I'm used to seeing dcterms:title but there's weird stuff like dcterms:LASitemType in your XML. Maybe a red herring.
18:01 andrewSC yeah the LASitemType is a metadata field we added as required to create a dataset
18:02 andrewSC there's a handful of custom fields we have added as required but idk where those changes were made/how to add custom fields?
18:03 pdurbin And you plan to create datasets with that custom field using SWORD (XML) rather than the native API (JSON)?
18:04 andrewSC If the python lib uses SWORD then I'd say we're trying to create datasets that way
18:04 andrewSC looking at that fine log again it seems like those failed validations are because the code never got to them in the first place? since it exists early from a duplicate subject field?
18:06 pdurbin The "Validation failed" message is coming from CreateDatasetCommand.
18:07 pdurbin andrewSC: want to see if you're seeing the same trouble with the native api?
18:07 andrewSC yeah lemme give it a shot
18:08 pdurbin Cool. pameyer has used the native api with his own custom metadata blocks so it should work. I'm not sure if he's using python or curl.
18:10 pdurbin andrewSC: does it work fine to create a dataset in the gui?
18:14 andrewSC mhmm
18:17 pdurbin good
18:20 andrewSC pdurbin: native api confirmed working
18:21 andrewSC how funny
18:23 pdurbin andrewSC: I'm not super surprised to be honest. For SWORD you have to populate a database table
18:24 andrewSC mmmmmmmmm lol
18:24 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:25 pdurbin andrewSC: I mean, it might be possible. I've just never tried it.
18:26 pdurbin using a custom metadata block with a required field with sword, i mean
18:27 andrewSC mmmmmmm
18:28 pdurbin andrewSC: are you ok with using the native api?
18:29 andrewSC mhmm I just wanted to try and use the python dataverse module rather than rolling my own
18:29 andrewSC i mean that part of the code is factored out well enough where it'll be an isolated change to use the native api with python requests or w/e
18:30 andrewSC unless there's a dataverse python module that already leverages the native pi
18:30 andrewSC api*
18:31 pdurbin andrewSC: we would love a pull request for that adds more native api support if you'd like to help. :)
18:32 andrewSC :)))
18:34 andrewSC I *want* to believe I have the time to contribute
18:35 andrewSC would be solid to be able to point to contributions to OSS outside of maintaining packages for a distro i like
18:37 pdurbin andrewSC: well, maybe you can open source whatever you end up with by using requests
18:38 andrewSC mhmm
18:40 andrewSC the rub is I've been using a grad student to write the tool so I can focus on other tasking (I was given the opportunity to own infrastructure for the lab) and I worry his code quality isn't going to be up to par for OSS
18:40 andrewSC he gets by on the tooling with some PRs from me for bugfixes
18:40 andrewSC but I wouldn't consider his code OSS ready
18:43 pdurbin I don't consider my code OSS ready. :)
18:44 andrewSC haha
18:57 pameyer I've been using curl for the most part
19:01 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
19:38 pdurbin pameyer: I'm switching your stuff to getDescriptionPlainText
19:40 pameyer cool
19:44 pdurbin pameyer:

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.