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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-08-16

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:13 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:34 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:23 jri joined #dataverse
11:24 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:37 andrewSC pdurbin: I thought more about the OSS stuff and if you folks still plan on supporting that module I'm thinking I can make some solid contributions post-april next year
13:37 andrewSC that's when the infrastructure work I'm doing will be complete
13:38 andrewSC I'll have some other projects going on but it'll be less overhead/meetings over all
13:55 pdurbin andrewSC: great! I would be happy to add you to to remind myself to follow up with you some day.
13:56 andrewSC yeah go for it :)
13:56 andrewSC
14:20 soU hello everybody, am getting more or less same issue with but in my case i can see the datasets indexed before the error happened not 500 error. This happed to me after i migrate file from 3.6 to 4.0 . here is the log
14:32 andrewSC joined #dataverse
14:33 andrewSC joined #dataverse
14:46 soU i think it happend because the files are removed from the dataseste . so how can i pass the indexing problem?
15:11 pdurbin andrewSC: added! Thanks.
15:11 andrewSC :)
15:13 pdurbin soU: for me line 252 of is a blank line. What version are you on, please?
15:13 soU version dv4.0
15:15 pdurbin that must mean that getDataFile() is null in fileMetadata.getDataFile().getId() -
15:19 soU on  While i run step 4c
15:19 soU psql -d <DBNAME> -U <DBUSER> -f files_import.sql
15:19 soU i saw​ ​an errora few timesthat it can't find the files in dvobject
15:19 soU files_import.sql:261577: ERROR: insert or update on table "guestbookresponse" violates foreign key constraint "fk_guestbookresponse_datafile_id" DETAIL: Key (datafile_id)=(2418) is not present in table "dvobject".
15:26 soU so I think the scenario is some datasets had file and later the files are removed , i migrated it from v3.0
15:30 soU so what do you suggest?
15:34 pdurbin soU: it sounds like the same problem, that the data file ids are not being copied over
15:41 soU yes i think so, and that's because the files are detached from the dataset. I tried to trace back one of the datafile_id and i found that the dataset associated with it such as in studyfileactivity table, is now empty(the dataset is accessible but got no file)
15:43 soU so the import script didn't try to write that datafile_id into dvobject, but later it tried to write on guestbookresponse
15:43 pdurbin weird
15:44 soU the indexing problem directly relate with this i guess
15:45 pdurbin yeah, no data file id
15:45 soU what will be the solution then?
15:48 pdurbin soU: have you heard back on the support ticket you opened?
15:54 soU hmmmm yes on the other two issues. even if the solutions provided for both issues didn't work. But i manage resolve them so far, and i put the way i resolve them on the ticket in case if its important. but for the one we are discussing i update the ticket with it and waiting for response
15:57 jhand joined #dataverse
15:57 pdurbin ok, which ticket number is waiting for a response?
15:59 soU I created only one ticket and updating it ,with my issues #252094
16:00 pdurbin oh, one ticket with multiple issues. ok. thanks
16:03 soU yes one ticket, and the issue waiting for response is the one we just discussed.
16:04 pdurbin yep, I see your update
16:15 soU good, I'll wait for the solution. thanks
16:28 jri joined #dataverse
17:41 andrewSC joined #dataverse
17:45 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
17:51 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:09 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:59 jri joined #dataverse
19:50 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:17 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:00 jri joined #dataverse
23:41 yoh joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.