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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-09-25

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
11:08 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:37 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:37 pdurbin mornin donsizemore and bjonnh and eveyone
13:38 pdurbin everyone*
13:43 bjonnh o/
13:44 pdurbin bjonnh: I forget if you've tried my 4040-docker-openshift branch yet or not.
13:59 bjonnh nope
13:59 bjonnh I'll try this week, but I can't promise anything
14:01 donsizemore @pdurbin morning - i daresay i'm back on the planet. how are you sir?
14:08 pdurbin bjonnh: ok, no worries
14:08 pdurbin donsizemore: welcome back! :)
14:15 donsizemore @pdurbin p.s. 1GB of RAM? I wouldn't do that to any service =)
14:16 pdurbin 1 GB of RAM is all you get on the free tier for OpenShift Online.
14:18 pdurbin donsizemore: should I give up and just continue to tell people to use Vagrant to kick the tires on Dataverse? It think OpenShift Online would be nicer, if we can get Dataverse to run in 1 GB of memory.
14:18 donsizemore @pdurbin i can try my hand with a local testing environment for you, if the free version doesn't grant enough resources
14:19 pdurbin donsizemore: openshift or minishift. I'm having good luck with minishift if you'd like to try that. I even wrote docs in my branch.
14:51 pdurbin donsizemore: what do you think, doctor? Can the patient be saved?
14:52 donsizemore @pdurbin let me look into minishift or maybe openshift down here, and i'll let you know when i have something to offer?
14:52 donsizemore @pdurbin which i hope won't be too terribly long?
14:54 pdurbin donsizemore: Sounds good. Minishift is easy to set up. Here are my docs:
15:12 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm ripping my ovirt stuff off the box first, then will throw minishift on it
15:15 pdurbin awesome
15:25 bjonnh I'm trying openshift for real
15:25 bjonnh so we will see who gets the best working platform
15:25 bjonnh ;)
15:25 bjonnh I still think 1GB is wayyy to low
15:25 bjonnh but
15:44 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
15:45 Thalia_UM Hi Philip
15:45 Thalia_UM I have a question
15:47 Thalia_UM it dropped the server where dataverse is installed, but now that it runs glassfish it turns out that it does not display the dataverse homepage, it just puts the glassfish home page.
15:48 Thalia_UM Do you know how to display the dataverse page again?
16:20 pdurbin Thalia_UM: your goal is for `asadmin list-applications` to show Dataverse. That means the war file has been deployed.
16:26 Thalia_UM I do not understand how to do that part
16:27 pdurbin Have you ever run the `asadmin` command?
16:29 pdurbin `asadmin` is mentioned at
16:30 donsizemore joined #dataverse
16:36 Thalia_UM yes
16:36 Thalia_UM to stop or run glassfish or restart
16:55 bjonnh pdurbin: I really think I'll go back to mesos
16:58 Thalia_UM Do I have to reinstall dataverse?
17:03 pdurbin Thalia_UM: no, but you need to deploy the war file like this: asadmin deploy path/to/dataverse.war
17:04 pdurbin bjonnh: aw, don't say that. :) And you really think 1 GB is way too low?
17:06 Thalia_UM Ok Thank you Philip
17:07 Thalia_UM Is that mentioned in the installation?
17:07 pdurbin Thalia_UM: are you setting up a development environment on a laptop or a producion environment on a server?
17:08 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:09 Thalia_UM This installation in a virtual machine on a server.
17:09 Thalia_UM But I am working from a laptop, via SSH and the permissions I have been given.
17:10 pdurbin Ok. I don't believe the Installation Guide explains about deploying a war file but we always mention it in our release notes. For example:
17:10 pdurbin Thalia_UM: do you see what I mean? Under "Upgrade"?
17:15 Thalia_UM more or less
17:15 pdurbin Do you think this information should be in the Installation Guide too?
17:15 Thalia_UM more or less I have the idea of what has to be done but I do not know how to handle it
17:16 Thalia_UM Yes
17:17 pdurbin Thalia_UM: where would a good place be to put it?
17:19 Thalia_UM In the installation guide, that you have a section where you say upgrade
17:20 pdurbin yeah, this section:
17:21 pdurbin Thalia_UM: is that what you were doing when you discovered the Dataverse was no longer deployed to Glassfish? You were attempting to upgrade Dataverse?
17:21 Thalia_UM Yes
17:22 Thalia_UM If this is what I want to do, yes, because now what is not displayed is the dataverse page
17:23 pdurbin Thalia_UM: can you please open an issue about adding a note to the upgrading page?
17:37 Thalia_UM Yes
17:39 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:40 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:42 Thalia_UM
17:55 Thalia_UM Philip
17:55 Thalia_UM When doing deploy, I do not lose what I had already done in dataverse, records?
17:57 pdurbin Thalia_UM: correct. All the data should be safe in your PostgreSQL database and on the filesystem as data files.
17:57 pdurbin And thanks for creating that issue!
17:58 Thalia_UM I'm doing this part: Deploy this version:  /glassfish4/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-4.7.war
17:58 Thalia_UM I work with dataverse 4.7
17:58 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:00 pdurbin ok
18:02 Thalia_UM But it generates error, because it does not accept the user and password, it tells me that it is wrong
18:03 pdurbin Do you get an error when you run `asadmin list-applications`?
18:09 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:09 Thalia_UM Yes, for the user and password
18:10 pdurbin donsizemore or bjonnh do you happen to know what the glassfish password is? I don't.
18:23 bjonnh pdurbin: the default one?
18:23 bjonnh pdurbin: I think it is adminadmin
18:24 pdurbin Well, I think the Dataverse installer sets one? I don't know.
18:24 pdurbin Thalia_UM: maybe try adminadmin as the password like bjonnh says
18:27 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:32 garnett joined #dataverse
18:34 garnett joined #dataverse
18:41 garnett joined #dataverse
19:57 Thalia_UM Ok
19:58 pdurbin thanks
19:58 Thalia_UM Yes, I  am trying with that data
20:06 Thalia_UM look philip
20:06 Thalia_UM the answer
20:06 Thalia_UM Nothing to list. No applications are deployed to this target server. Command list-applications executed successfully.
20:07 pdurbin the password worked?
20:07 Thalia_UM after that, what should I do?
20:07 Thalia_UM yes
20:07 pdurbin awesome. thanks for the password, bjonnh
20:07 Thalia_UM thanks  bjonnh
20:07 pdurbin then you need to deploy the war file
20:08 Thalia_UM This
20:08 Thalia_UM This part: /glassfish4/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-4.7.war
20:09 Thalia_UM ??
20:10 pdurbin yep
20:10 pdurbin should work. fingers crossed
20:12 Thalia_UM It does not work, mark many ERROR
20:12 pdurbin hmm, can you please email the errors to
20:13 Thalia_UM Debo ejecutar cada paso de la página que me pasaste? porque solo he hecho estos pasos: /glassfish4/bin/asadmin list-applications /glassfish4/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-4.7.war
20:13 Thalia_UM Should I run every step of the page that you passed me? because I have only done these steps: / glassfish4 / bin / asadmin list-applications / glassfish4 / bin / asadmin deploy dataverse-4.7.war
20:14 pdurbin You could run the list-applications step again to see if the war file has been deployed now
20:17 Thalia_UM I already sent the mail
20:20 pdurbin thanks, I see it in
20:21 Thalia_UM What is my username and password?
20:21 pdurbin something is not right... "Command deploy failed"
20:22 pdurbin oh, hmm, "EJB Timer Service is not available"
20:22 pdurbin Thalia_UM: you might need to look at this:
20:25 Thalia_UM I don't let me deploy because it says that a database already exists
20:26 pdurbin It's confusing.
20:26 Thalia_UM Yes
20:27 Thalia_UM Me too
20:29 Thalia_UM Remove the generated and osgi-cache directories;
20:29 Thalia_UM Where do I find that?
20:29 pdurbin That page should say where they are. Or maybe the example script.
20:36 Thalia_UM Ok Thank you Philip
20:38 pdurbin you're welcome. have a good night
20:42 Thalia_UM What time is there?
20:45 Thalia_UM Look at this
20:45 Thalia_UM remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: Application with name dataverse is already registered. Either specify that redeployment must be forced, or redeploy the application. Or if this is a new deployment, pick a different name. Please see server.log for more details. Command deploy failed.
20:53 Thalia_UM Here
20:53 Thalia_UM the time is 3:53 PM
21:01 Thalia_UM Error 500
21:01 Thalia_UM See you tomorrow Philip
21:01 Thalia_UM THanks
23:35 bjonnh pdurbin: I'm deploying DC/OS
23:35 bjonnh because it does kubernetes
23:35 bjonnh and that I used mesos/marathon before and it worked
23:35 bjonnh I still have to test, but it seems to deploy properly on 4 machines…
23:35 bjonnh (and their doc is clear)

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