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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-10-10

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
02:08 soU joined #dataverse
02:08 solU joined #dataverse
07:28 jri joined #dataverse
09:23 jri joined #dataverse
12:11 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:20 soU Hello there, When i try to export metadata in any format it went to https our dv is on http. After i removed the S it loads the exported mettadata but inside the metadata all urls has the S https
12:59 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:45 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:15 pdurbin Whelp, the talk at JavaOne went well:
14:26 soU so how can I fix the http vs https?
14:29 pdurbin soU: hi! You probably need to remind me what you are talking about. Is there a GitHub issue?
14:30 soU pdurbin here is what i was saying before you entered "Hello there, When i try to export metadata in any format it went to https our dv is on http. After i removed the S it loads the exported mettadata but inside the metadata all urls has the S https"
14:31 pdurbin soU: oh! Sorry, I didn't check the logs. Thanks.
14:32 pdurbin soU: you should probably run your server on HTTPS, not HTTP.
14:32 pdurbin It's more secure that way. Don't forget Firesheep.
14:34 soU pdurbin:yes its very true but for the time being until we process that how can i get temporary solution for this?
14:35 pdurbin Hmm. Well, I guess after you export the XML or JSON you could use sed or similar on the file to replace https with http. It sounds like something is hard coded as https. Can you please open an issue about this?
14:38 soU oh ok, I need it for another app which harvest from the dataverse's ddi, I'll check what i can do . and ok i'll open the issue too. thanks!
14:39 pdurbin soU: thanks!
14:40 soU btw it was not like that before, I just checked it on 3.0 and it was fine
14:41 pdurbin 3.0 was a while ago
14:41 pdurbin You must be talking about DDI.
14:41 pdurbin Because now we also export Dublin Core and "native" JSON.
14:55 soU yes you right i am talking about DDI but on the 4.7 this thing happening on all of them, Dublin core,DDI and Json. Even When you click on one of them from export dropdown menu it wait to https://...
14:57 pdurbin soU: have you tried changing "dataverse.siteUrl"?
14:59 pdurbin soU: export works for me if I use this on my laptop: asadmin create-jvm-options "\-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http\://localhost\:8080"
15:00 soU pdurbin great let me check that
15:02 pdurbin soU: I had to delete my previous entry first like this: asadmin delete-jvm-options "\-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http\://"
15:02 Thali_UM joined #dataverse
15:03 pdurbin You can also just edit domain.xml if that's easier.
15:03 Thali_UM Good morning Philip :)
15:04 pdurbin mornin', Thali_UM
15:04 soU yes i'll use one of the methods
15:04 Thali_UM :D
15:05 Thali_UM You only need modifed this file /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/d​omains/domain1/config/domain.xml
15:06 pdurbin Yep. One advantage of using asadmin is that you don't have to restart Glassfish.
15:07 Thali_UM You find this line <jvm-options>-Ddataverse.fqdn=(Here write your link)<jvm-options>
15:08 soU pdurbin yes that's true
15:08 Thali_UM You need modifed .fqdn
15:09 Thali_UM the other line does not change anything to the URL
15:10 soU Thali_UM Ddataverse.siteUrl or fqdn which one or both?
15:11 Thali_UM fqdn
15:11 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:11 pdurbin Last I checked siteUrl wins.
15:11 soU on the existing fqdn there is only the domain name with out http or https . so shall i add that there?
15:12 Thali_UM I had the same problem and solved it modifying fqdn
15:13 Thali_UM in the line fqdn modifies the URL  with http
15:14 Thali_UM <jvm-options>-Ddataverse.fqdn="http://localhost:8080"<jvm-options>
15:14 Thali_UM sorry
15:15 Thali_UM <jvm-options>-Ddataverse.fqdn=http://localhost:8080<jvm-options>
15:16 Thali_UM try changing the line, restart glassfish and tell me what happened
15:26 Thali_UM What happened soU??
15:27 soU sorry Thali_UM i got some problem with asadmin saying "no handler was ready to authenticate" am checking that
15:28 Thali_UM Ok
15:37 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:41 soU Thali_UM pdurbin, I tried both and siteUrl works for me, The export button start working but for metadataPrefix=oai_ddi its the same
15:42 soU https is everywhere inside the exported xml
15:44 soU when i use api/datasets/export?exporter=ddi&persistentId=hdl it is fine but when i use oai?verb=GetRecord&identifier​=hdl:#&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi still https
15:47 soU so it means its hardcoded as you said pdurbin?
15:51 Thali_UM You modified the line fqdn?
15:53 soU yes and restart nothing happed
15:53 Thali_UM really
15:53 soU yes!
15:54 Thali_UM <jvm-options>-Ddataverse.fqdn=http://localhost:8080<jvm-options> with this line to me, It solve me all URL http
15:54 Thali_UM :S
15:58 soU so the oai will not fix by even sitUrl right pdurbin? I just want to confirm with you before i open an issue and take different approach
16:00 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:32 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:44 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:53 jri joined #dataverse
19:00 pdurbin Sorry, I was at the community call. Here are my notes:
19:01 pdurbin soU: please go ahead and open an issue
19:24 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
19:47 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:01 pameyer joined #dataverse
22:34 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.