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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-10-11

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:27 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:35 jri joined #dataverse
06:51 jri joined #dataverse
12:59 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:14 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:20 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:38 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:59 pdurbin pameyer: nice to see you back here :)
14:59 pameyer pdurbin: nice to be past a deadline :)
15:01 pdurbin When do we get to put your installation on the map at ? :)
15:01 pameyer I'd say let's wait until we've got some published datasets from it
15:03 pdurbin makes sense
15:03 pdurbin pameyer: wow, this is awesome:
15:04 pdurbin rooting through boxes for data, sweating at an instrument
15:04 pameyer you might've seen the shelf full of data picture I've used in some talks/posters…
15:06 pdurbin nope
15:14 pdurbin pameyer: I couldn't resist tweeting it:
15:28 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:33 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
17:12 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:26 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:27 Thalia_UM HI philip
17:27 Thalia_UM Good morning! :)
17:28 Thalia_UM I have a question about the identifier DOI / Handle
17:28 pdurbin Hi! I'm stepping out for a quick walk before my 2pm meeting but please keep typing and I'll check the logs.
17:29 Thalia_UM What is the structure of DOI? for example: doi:10.5072/FK2/ZR1K4P
17:30 Thalia_UM Good luck Philip :) (Y)
17:30 sekmiller joined #dataverse
17:31 sekmiller66 joined #dataverse
17:39 Thalia_UM What's mean 10.5072
17:39 Thalia_UM What's mean FK2?
17:43 sekmiller joined #dataverse
17:44 sekmiller Thalia_UM for doi:10.5072/FK2/ZR1K4P "doi" is what we call the protocol, (it would be "hdl" for handles) ; "10.5072/FK2/" is the authority which is assigned at the installation level, so all datasets in a given installation will have the same authority; the each dataset is assigned a unique six character alphanumeric identifier.
17:44 sekmiller 10.5072 and FK2 comprise the DataCite test authority
17:49 Thalia_UM Thank you for your answer
17:54 Thalia_UM How can I remove dataset from terminal?
17:55 pdurbin Thalia_UM:
18:01 Thalia_UM But what is my API_TOKEN?
18:03 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:07 Thalia_UM From database ??
18:07 Thalia_UM how i can remove a dataset from database?
18:23 Thalia_UM Is that delete dataset from the database, but it still shows me on the dataverse page, but it also does not let me enter the links.
18:42 bjonnh pdurbin: great I see all the docker stuff seems to be advancing well
18:47 jri joined #dataverse
19:09 jri joined #dataverse
19:27 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:30 pdurbin Thalia_UM:
19:30 pdurbin bjonnh: yes! Did you ever try my branch?
19:35 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:15 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:53 pameyer joined #dataverse
22:54 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.