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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-12-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
10:32 jri joined #dataverse
12:05 jri joined #dataverse
12:11 jri joined #dataverse
12:29 pdurbin joined #dataverse
12:30 pdurbin bjonnh: interesting, thanks
13:32 jri joined #dataverse
15:13 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
15:13 Thalia_UM Good morning :)
15:13 Thalia_UM I was already told that if I can store the data locally in the database, but with the use of the API they refer to inserting elements by means of curl?
15:14 Thalia_UM through the use of SWORD API
15:28 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:32 Thalia_UM the work team has already been working with the SWORD API, only that they have me left the interface, that the interface has already the values of the web services locally.
15:43 pdurbin Thalia_UM: good morning. I'm not sure what you are asking. dcterms:subject is the XML element to use with SWORD if that helps. Please see
15:49 Thalia_UM I got an email by gmail from Julian Gautier and he told me about one of Dataverse's APIs
15:51 pdurbin Thalia_UM: ok. Did you see he left you a comment at ?
15:52 Thalia_UM Yes , is that
15:55 knikolla joined #dataverse
15:55 knikolla o/
15:56 pdurbin hey, there knikolla I was just admiring your shiny new Service Provider at
15:56 knikolla pdurbin: sure does look shiny. i can't really test it yet since BU doesn't send even an eppn
15:57 pdurbin ah, bummer. I wonder if BU is on my list...
15:57 pdurbin Yeah, it is:
15:58 pdurbin 'ends up with a terrible user experience back on the Dataverse side, an error that says, "Problem with Identity Provider The SAML assertion for "eppn" was null.'
15:58 knikolla pdurbin: yeah, i remember that
15:59 knikolla so technically, since Harvards does send us an eppn, you can test this
15:59 knikolla this is the entry point for users
15:59 knikolla pdurbin: arg, error
15:59 knikolla let me fix that
16:00 knikolla pdurbin: oh no, it's fine... the error is for me since i don't have an eppn
16:00 knikolla forgot i'm sill on the BU session
16:01 pdurbin It auto-populates my eppn for "Username" but I'm wondering if I can pick something that's not so long and random.
16:01 knikolla you can change that to whatever you want
16:02 knikolla i will populate that with your email once i have BU send me something so I can test it.
16:02 pdurbin It looks like I was able to create an account. Neat.
16:05 knikolla pdurbin: cool! we've also applied for the research and scholarship category in incommon
16:05 knikolla this is still confusing for me.
16:06 pdurbin Nice. Harvard's IdP recently joined.
16:07 knikolla pdurbin: what does being in that category mean exactly, versus being just in the registered category?
16:07 knikolla the docs weren't too clear
16:08 pdurbin Please see which I link to from
16:10 pdurbin From the Dataverse perspective, we currently only allow SAML/Shibboleth login from members of R&S because R&S IdPs release the attributes Dataverse needs for a successful login (eppn, givenName, sn, email). R&S encourages the release of these attributes.
16:11 knikolla pdurbin: so a non-R&S sp doesn't get anything? or only eppn?
16:14 pdurbin Uh, I'm not sure. My mental model of it is that R&S IdPs trust R&S SPs. R&S IdPs are generally willing to release attributs to R&S SPs, I mean. I hope that makes sense.
16:15 knikolla i like the "generally willing".
16:16 pdurbin well, that wiki says they are encouraged :)
16:19 knikolla pdurbin: having a minimum 'required' baseline would make things a lot easier. non-RS -> only eppn. RS -> email, name, eppn.
16:19 knikolla i thought the point of the federation was to get rid of sideloads.
16:25 jgautier joined #dataverse
16:28 Thalia_UM Hi jgautier
16:28 jgautier Hi Thalia. How are you?
16:28 Thalia_UM What does the comment you left on github mean?
16:29 Thalia_UM Fine thanks and you?
16:30 jgautier I'm glad you asked :) That's why I logged on IRC.
16:33 jgautier So in my last comment I was trying to say that we would like to encourage your team to store the controlled vocabulary in the database.
16:33 jgautier And update the database, maybe using APIs.
16:38 jgautier Could you elaborate some more on your last comment?
16:39 jgautier Want to make sure we understand what you mean by wanting to change the input by select to break down other values.
16:39 Thalia_UM I have already added data to the database, in fact I just uploaded an image of how the Subject part was left but now I want to make the change from type input to select.
16:39 Thalia_UM the vocabulary is already stored
16:42 Thalia_UM We have to consume web services, which in the end said that they had the data locally, but when consuming, those data are not saved by what I saw, which has to be stored in the database to respect the structure of the form .
16:44 Thalia_UM Now what I want is to change the labels or type of label, where we have default values for instead of inserting text, we just select the values that we already have
16:44 Thalia_UM Because I imagine that changing the labels will not be a problem because they do not depend on a database unless it is a list.
16:46 jgautier Ah okay. So you'd like to change the "Subjects" metadata label, for example, to something else? Yes, I don't think that's a problem :)
16:48 Thalia_UM That part I already did
16:48 jgautier At first I thought you meant changing the bootstrap input type, from checkboxes to something else.
16:48 Thalia_UM Now what I want is to change the text input labels by a selection menu
16:49 Thalia_UM I did not understand that
16:51 jgautier Okay, no problem. I'll try getting help from our developers
16:53 jri joined #dataverse
16:59 jri joined #dataverse
17:06 * pdurbin wakes up
17:07 pdurbin jgautier: did you have a question? :)
17:11 jgautier Haha, yes. I'm not familiar what Thalia is asking.
17:11 pdurbin knikolla: I'd like to improve Dataverse such that givenName, sn, and email are optional but I think Dataverse will always need eppn or *something* to uniquely identify a user.
17:12 Thalia_UM Thanks
17:12 Thalia_UM Sorry
17:12 jgautier Thought it would be helpful if we chat with a developer
17:12 Thalia_UM Yes
17:13 Thalia_UM What is your area of knowledge?
17:13 Thalia_UM jgautier
17:27 jgautier joined #dataverse
17:28 pdurbin Thalia_UM: jgautier is in my office and we are trying to understand what you mean when you say "Now what I want is to change the text input labels by a selection menu". In the screenshot you uploaded today, it says "Subject". Is that what you want to change? The word "Subject"? If not, which word? An example will help us understand. Or another screenshot. :)
17:29 jgautier joined #dataverse
17:30 jri joined #dataverse
17:32 Thalia_UM Sure
17:40 Thalia_UM The image is already
17:41 Thalia_UM
17:44 Thalia_UM the fields that I want to change are Affiliation, Kind of data, Softwate,
17:49 jgautier Thanks! So you'd like to use vocabularies for these fields as well.
17:50 Thalia_UM yes
17:51 Thalia_UM But first i want to change the tags of XHTML
17:51 jgautier pdurbin reminded us of an effort to improve Dataverse's documentation for changing metadata blocks (
17:51 jgautier It needs some work and we haven't had time unfortunately. But the doc that tries to explain how the metadata block .tsv files work is here:
18:13 Thalia_UM Can I change the interface part?
19:00 pdurbin Thalia_UM: I left you a comment at about the interface. I hope it makes sense.
19:01 pdurbin Thalia_UM: notice how authorIdentifierScheme has allowControlledVocabulary set to true
19:04 Thalia_UM I don't understand how change at XHTML files
19:06 pdurbin Thalia_UM: are you sure you want to run a fork of Dataverse? That seems to be the path you are on.
19:08 Thalia_UM What is fork?
19:13 pdurbin When you are running a fork you cannot easily upgrade to the latest version of Dataverse. Your customizations would only be in your fork.
19:13 pameyer Thalia_UM: may help with your latest screenshot
19:14 Thalia_UM Yes i understand and i know
19:15 Thalia_UM But that's what they're asking me to do
19:17 Thalia_UM I have also analyzed that part and I agree but my team  want the change to the interface and later they will worry about the updates.
19:18 Thalia_UM Thank you pameyer
19:18 Thalia_UM :)
19:19 Thalia_UM pameyer: Can i change with javascript?
19:19 pameyer Thalia_UM: you're welcome
19:19 pameyer you *should* be able to change the type of HTML element after xhtml -> html in javascript
19:20 pameyer the trick will be making sure the id's and element structure still match sufficiently for JSF/primefaces to pull the values out when the user hits the "save" button
19:22 Thalia_UM Thanks pameyer, I'll try
19:27 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:48 pdurbin Thalia_UM: hi, are you still there?
20:45 Thalia_UM yes
20:46 Thalia_UM sorry i went to eat
20:46 Thalia_UM What happen? :)
20:48 pdurbin Thalia_UM: can you please email Gustavo and explain what you are trying to do? Here is his profile: . He also said you could email the Google Group.
20:49 Thalia_UM yes
20:49 pdurbin thanks
20:52 pameyer pdurbin: any thoughts on
20:53 pdurbin pameyer: oh, at standup I said I'd review your pull request. I haven't yet.
20:53 pameyer no hurry ;)
20:53 pameyer and that counts as a thought
20:55 pdurbin :)
22:01 jri joined #dataverse

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