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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-12-14

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:34 jri joined #dataverse
08:29 jri joined #dataverse
10:45 jri joined #dataverse
12:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:17 jri joined #dataverse
12:45 jri joined #dataverse
12:57 donsizemore @pdurbin the bottom of seems to echo CentOS' wiki: EL6 Phase 2 (Critical and Important security updates) ends November 2020. Phase 3 (Critical security updates only) ends June 2024.
12:58 donsizemore @pdurbin scratch that entire sentence. the 2024 bit was for EL7. but yeah, I'm all for 7 over 6
13:13 pdurbin donsizemore: I see you just created an issue for el7! Thanks!
13:48 donsizemore @pdurbin I'm pecking at VagrantFile first. we do want to stick with PuppetLabs' boxen rather than the "official" CentOS / Debian boxes?
13:59 pdurbin donsizemore: please use the official ones. They weren't available from CentOS when I started:
15:24 jri joined #dataverse
15:40 donsizemore @pdurbin coolio. just got out of a 90-minute meeting =) will switch images (then start troubleshooting; making centos7 the default and doing a 'vagrant up' died before installing glassfish)
15:44 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks! If I were taking on this task I would also start with Vagrant. Great minds think alike. Also, down with 90 minute meetings. :)
17:05 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
18:03 pdurbin hi Thalia_UM
18:11 Thalia_UM Hi Philip
18:11 Thalia_UM Good morning
18:11 Thalia_UM :)
18:16 pdurbin good morning
18:18 Thalia_UM How are you?
18:19 pdurbin Good. We're about to have our holiday party.
18:26 donsizemore @pdurbin so, i got Vagrant defaulting to (and working with) centos7, conf/docker/* already points to 7.2, and I previously sent in a few tweaks to the installation guide to include EL7. dare I submit a teensie pull request? (where else should i look?)
18:28 pdurbin donsizemore: sure, please go ahead and make a pull request. If you leave the defaults in place people with push access to the IQSS repo (like me) should be able to push tweaks to your branch, as needed. This is a relatively new feature of GitHub. Are you interested in messing with the Docker files too?
18:29 donsizemore @pdurbin I only changed the Vagrantfile and added the unzip utility to scripts/vagrant/
18:29 donsizemore @pdurbin happy to take a look at the docker stuff for what i'm worth (can you tell I dug my way out of some projects here?)
18:31 pdurbin donsizemore: cool. I'd love it if you'd look at the Docker stuff. Please note that Pete is using el7 in his pull request related to Docker. Maybe you can steal some stuff from there:
19:35 jri joined #dataverse
19:41 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:43 pameyer donsizemore: am I remembering correctly that there's a glassfish unit file from you lurking the the repo somewhere?
19:44 donsizemore @pameyer it's linked in the Glassfish section of the pre-reqs page
19:44 donsizemore
19:44 pdurbin Huh. "unit file" is a new term for me.
19:45 pameyer thanks :)
19:45 pameyer fun with systemd
19:45 pameyer donsizemore: I was skimming the diffs; haven't had time to dive in yet
19:45 donsizemore @pameyer there's a similar one for solr in pull request 4385. augmentation or corrections welcome! (i'm a simple man)
19:45 pdurbin pameyer: diffs in ?
19:45 pameyer donsizemore: that's what reminded me
19:45 pameyer pdurbin: yup
19:45 pdurbin nice
19:46 pameyer any thoughts on epel + jq from there vs the current approach of jq from github?
19:46 pdurbin donsizemore: shall I add this effort to the spreadsheet linked from ?
19:47 donsizemore @pameyer i've been using the one from epel for a good while
19:47 pameyer me too
19:48 pameyer no problems from it that I've seen
19:52 pameyer donsizemore: is the unit file enough for starting on boot w\ systemd; or does it need `systemd enable $foo`?
19:52 pameyer don't remember offhand, unfortunately
19:53 donsizemore you need to do a "systemctl daemon-reload" to pick up changes on disk, then "systemd enable solr"
19:54 donsizemore p.s. i'm just now skimming the c7.dockerfile and surgery convo. i may need to requisition a small whiteboard to trace this workflow =)
19:56 pameyer donsizemore: pdurbin convinced me that it made sense to script the surgery (and maybe use the same script in vagrant); but I haven't done it yet
19:56 donsizemore @pameyer agree on consolidating the various automationses. speaking of, have you played with singularity?
19:57 pdurbin pameyer: I'm so lazy all I did was upload my chicken scratch to the issue:
19:57 pameyer donsizemore: I've been recommending singularity to people I hear saying things like "we want to dockerize our analysis pipeline"
19:57 pameyer pdurbin: efficient is the word you're looking for ;)
20:00 pdurbin yeah
20:07 pameyer puppetlabs cent 7.2 box appears MIA :(
20:08 pameyer any ideas if that's just from my network location?
20:11 donsizemore ?
20:13 pameyer `vagrant up` -> failed to download puppetlabs-centos-7.2-64-p​
20:17 donsizemore @pameyer must be too cold up there! (i just pulled it twice)
20:17 pameyer donsizemore: that happens ;)
20:17 pameyer I'll fiddle it some more later
20:18 pameyer 4384 looks good to me overall though
20:19 donsizemore @pameyer eh, for what it is. Odum has been running RHEL7 in production since late September 2016, so I thinks it's really just a matter of updating the docs
20:20 pameyer donsizemore: me too; we're using Cent7 for our production
20:21 donsizemore @pameyer so far the 42.1 PG JDBC driver seems happy on my test servers
20:23 pameyer good to hear!
22:07 donsizemore joined #dataverse
22:43 pameyer joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.