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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-02-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:15 jri joined #dataverse
09:23 jri joined #dataverse
09:36 jri_ joined #dataverse
10:53 jri joined #dataverse
12:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:21 soU joined #dataverse
13:32 danmcp joined #dataverse
14:03 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:18 danmcp joined #dataverse
15:47 danmcp joined #dataverse
16:01 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:58 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:29 jri joined #dataverse
18:26 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:28 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:29 danmcp joined #dataverse
19:04 pameyer danmcp: how are things in openshift-land?
19:06 pdurbin pameyer: I took some notes from our meeting with the students yesterday. A video of the meeting is linked as well. In it danmcp gave a demo of running Dataverse on OpenShift:
19:09 pameyer pdurbin: looks interesting
19:09 pameyer thanks
19:12 pdurbin pameyer: sure. We are making heavy use of your "default.config" solution for running the installer non-interactively. Thanks for that.
19:12 pameyer pdurbin: that's how open source is supposed to work, right? :)
19:15 pdurbin Absolutely. I came close to bringing up your all-in-one Docker image too but I was afraid it would be a distraction.
19:21 pameyer from the outline, it probably would.  developer setup and production setup is enough without adding integration test setup
19:22 pdurbin pameyer: you're interested in scaling generally, right? Or at least eliminating single points of failure.
19:23 pameyer right on both
19:24 pameyer although with dataverse, I suspect our particular scaling points will be dcm checksum validation
19:24 pameyer always interested in eliminating single points of failure
19:26 pdurbin yeah, single postgres server or whatever
19:28 pameyer any ideas if minishift will export docker-compose format yml from json configs?
19:28 pdurbin Hmm. I don't know by maybe danmcp or directxman12 would.
19:29 directxman12 pameyer: what are you trying to accomplish here?
19:30 pameyer directxman12: mainly brainstorming about scaling / removing points of failure with docker. In this case; using a compose file for container replication as a (potentially) simpler config option than openshift json
19:30 directxman12 pameyer: kcompose will convert docker-compose to kubernetes form, but in general, going the other way (kubernetes YAML --> docker-compose YAML) is not supported
19:31 directxman12 pameyer: whoops, sorry, "kompose"
19:31 pameyer directxman12: that's what I'd been afraid of.  Thanks!
19:31 pameyer I'd assumed "kompose" was a KDE GUI for "compose" :)
19:32 directxman12 pameyer: in general, Kubernetes (and, therefore, OpenShift), are much more powerful than docker-compose, so going from kubernetes to compose would be difficult
19:34 pameyer directxman12: no arguments on more powerful. but more powerful usually comes with an increase in intrinsic complexity, and for the scaling that I'm (directly) worried about kubernetes/openshift is more intrinsic complexity than I'd need.
19:35 pameyer but as pdurbin knows, I'm somewhat of a dataverse edge case
19:37 directxman12 pameyer: I'm sympathetic to that.  Our goal is that `oc cluster up` and minishift should make standing up a one-node OpenShift cluster trivial, but I do realize that there are sometimes hickups, etc
19:37 pdurbin Well, pameyer is a good example of a sysadmin who is running Dataverse in production. Not so much of an edge case. Other folks here might have non-production installations of Dataverse set up. I'm thinking maybe andrewSC bjonnh bricas and soU. Actually soU's installation in in production already, I think.
19:38 andrewSC Sorta non-production? it's behind a proxy but the proxy has whitelisted everyone working with the lab... so a couple hundred people have access
19:39 directxman12 pameyer: if you're already running Linux with Docker on it, I'm curious as to if you have had any hickups with `oc cluster up` and such (if you've gotten a chance to play around)
19:39 pameyer directxman12: I've done a little with minishift
19:39 pdurbin directxman12: I don't actually document `oc cluster up` at because I'm not sure how to use it. I say to run `oc new-project project1` followed by `oc new-app conf/openshift/openshift.json`. I'm not sure where `oc cluster up` comes in.
19:39 pdurbin andrewSC: that's a good start! :)
19:40 directxman12 pdurbin: `oc cluster up` is an alternative to minishift
19:40 directxman12 pdurbin: instead of running a new VM, it just runs OpenShift in containers directly on the "host" system
19:40 directxman12 pdurbin: if you're already on Linux, I find it more convinient
19:40 pameyer ah - with minishift, I started the VM and then used the the `oc` commands (after the env setup)
19:41 pdurbin ok, sounds like my docs are ok since I'm using minishift
19:41 directxman12 yeah, I didn't really "push" it much since it seemed like most people were on OSX or Windows
19:41 pameyer most surprising hicup I ran into was the assumption that reverse DNS was working to get to containers (aka - needs `Host` headers on requests, or dnsmasq to get to the containers)
19:42 pdurbin makes sense
19:42 andrewSC pdurbin: :D
19:43 pameyer directxman12: do you have a url handy for `oc cluster up`? I probably won't get to check it out today, but irc-bot will remember
19:43 * pdurbin tosses iqlogbot a treat
19:44 directxman12 pameyer: so, yeah, external access is run through the "router", which is actually an instance of HAProxy, which uses "Host" (or the equivalent SNI) to figure out where to route to
19:44 pameyer yup - I learned that the hard way
19:45 directxman12 pameyer: it's the "n edge nodes that use hostnames to route to the right location" setup often found in cloud setups
19:45 directxman12 (not all, but it's not uncommon amongst PaaS setups)
19:45 directxman12 pameyer: let me grab the URL
19:45 directxman12 pameyer:
19:46 pameyer directxman12: thanks!
19:47 directxman12 pameyer: np, let me know if you have any questions.  It basically boils down to "1. make sure your Docker's set up to allow connections to the internal registry, 2. make sure your firewall isn't going to cause issues, 3. run `oc cluster up`"
20:02 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:03 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:06 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:07 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:27 pameyer joined #dataverse
22:39 danmcp joined #dataverse
23:29 pameyer joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.