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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-03-08

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:50 djbrooke joined #dataverse
04:10 djbrooke joined #dataverse
04:35 djbrooke joined #dataverse
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11:11 jri joined #dataverse
11:25 jri joined #dataverse
11:31 jri joined #dataverse
13:40 danmcp joined #dataverse
13:49 danmcp joined #dataverse
14:19 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:58 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:59 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:12 andrewSC joined #dataverse
15:16 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:17 pameyer it looks like djbrooke's connection is intermittent :shrug:
15:22 andrewSC is there a way to export some or all unpublished datasets?
15:22 andrewSC I've been looking at but it seems to imply its for published datasets only?
15:22 pameyer andrewSC: might depend on what you mean by export
15:22 andrewSC hmmmm
15:22 pameyer nm - messages crossing, looks like
15:23 pameyer I'd expect APIs to work (with a key)
15:23 pameyer but not completely sure
15:23 andrewSC basically i'm just trying to create a text file per dataset where the title of the file is the title of the dataset with the description to be the body of the file
15:23 andrewSC yeah i was thinking of just writing something simple and using the api
15:24 pameyer the native API for datasets sounds like it may get you close to what you're looking for.  it'll give you json for a dataset; with a curl loop that could give you one file per dataset
15:25 andrewSC mhmmm
15:25 pameyer might need some reformatting to go from json to plan text, or make the file body prettier
15:25 andrewSC right right
15:38 pdurbin pameyer: if you use weechat as an IRC client like I do, you can avoid seeing people coming and going by running `/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *`. See
15:41 pdurbin andrewSC: are you all set? Are you going to write this in Python? I'm supposed to follow up with you post-April about dataverse-client-python: :)
15:42 andrewSC oh boy
15:44 pdurbin oh boy? :)
15:46 andrewSC does the lib need a full rewrite or just improvement?
15:47 andrewSC iirc it was out of date and didn't leverage the api fully?
15:48 pdurbin It was written back when Dataverse only supported SWORD, which uses XML. These days Dataverse has a "native" API that supports JSON. SWORD is still supported too.
15:48 pdurbin andrewSC: you would be welcome to start fresh with an empty git repo if you prefer. It's really up to you.
15:50 andrewSC hmmmmmm
15:50 pdurbin andrewSC: or I could remove you from the "Dev Efforts by the Dataverse Community" spreadsheet at . It's really up to you.
15:51 andrewSC man you know what
15:51 andrewSC i could actually justify this for work
15:52 andrewSC so I'm currently spinning up/developing four new services for the org to help with submissions and project deliverables, stuff like that. The current prepublication system we have, the posters, and the deliverables service will all need to integrate with dataverse
15:53 andrewSC right now we have a semi janky module that uses the native api to create the datasets
15:54 andrewSC that could be replaced with the actual dataverse lib
15:54 pdurbin sounds great
15:55 pdurbin tyrel was looking at it recently
15:56 andrewSC I would need to speak with my boss to make sure they're fine with me writing OSS and the licensing around it
15:56 andrewSC yeah?
15:56 andrewSC is he interested in taking it on or?
16:01 pdurbin I don't want to speak for tyrel but I think he just wanted to dabble a bit. Maybe fix a bug or two. He got the test suite to pass last week, which was awesome:
16:03 andrewSC mmm gotcha gotcha
16:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:04 andrewSC I mean if he wants to make some contributions I'm all for it
16:04 andrewSC I take it SWORD will not be deprecated any time soon?
16:05 pdurbin Nope. The S is for "simple" and we intend to keep it around.
16:06 andrewSC gotcha gotcha
16:11 andrewSC So here's what I'm thinking for next steps. Let me speak with my boss between sometime this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon and I'll be able to give you guys a definitive yes or no
16:11 andrewSC does that work for you guys?
16:12 andrewSC yes or no by EOD tomorrow
16:12 pdurbin andrewSC: sounds great! And no pressure! And we're open to whatever license you want to use.
16:13 andrewSC cool cool :)
16:37 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:11 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:26 PatrickFromBU joined #dataverse
17:27 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: I have a question about trying to create the dataverse image for our development docker hub repo
17:28 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: hit me
17:29 PatrickFromBU the docker image needs right? how shoudl we create that?
17:30 PatrickFromBU I tried zipping up my dvinstall folder but that was missing an install binary
17:30 pameyer Hi PatrickFromBU - which docker image?
17:30 PatrickFromBU glassfish
17:32 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: hmm, we don't seem to document how to create the installer ( at . We should. You should `cd scripts/installer` and run `make`. There's a Makefile in there.
17:33 pameyer `conf/docker` | `conf/docker-aio` ?
17:35 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: easy enough!
17:36 PatrickFromBU conf/docker is what I have been looking at--what is aio?
17:36 pameyer be aware that the Makefile wasn't aware of updates to dataverse.war - so if you do `mvn package ; cd scripts/installer ; make` it won't rebuild without `make clean` first
17:36 pameyer aio - docker for running integration tests
17:38 PatrickFromBU ah ok. I was building from netbeans but I will keep that in mind
17:47 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: are you using the Minishift registry? I never got that to work. :(
17:48 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: no. we created a docker hub repo:
17:54 danmcp joined #dataverse
17:54 pameyer I'm pretty sure netbeans would only see the pom file (aka - just maven), so probably doesn't know anything about scripts/installer/Makefile
17:55 pdurbin Ah. Ok. That's what I do too. Push to DockerHub.
18:20 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:20 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: so using the makefile resolved my issue. but now glassfish is not finding postgres when starting. It works fine when pointing at the iqss repo but not the repo we created. I don't think there are any changes in our fork.
18:20 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: did you already push your code to a branch on github? If so, can you please link to it?
18:26 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: No not yet, I will do that. I will also check that I'm not missing any changes. At this point, I'm just trying to change one line, so the only differnet would be the repo address and image. Let me double check that
18:27 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: in my experience, the Glassfish container loops and loops until it finds Postgres.
18:27 pdurbin keeps rebooting or whatever
18:30 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: right, I know what you're talking about. I think if it doesn't eventually find postgres it will stop and thats what's happening
18:32 pdurbin Ok. That makes sense.
18:35 pdurbin There's a lot of technical debt in `conf/docker`. I'm open to doing things in a better way.
18:38 pdurbin There's a reason I documented in the dev guide. It's not for production use. I don't even mention it in the installation guide.
18:38 pdurbin But it's something and something is better than nothing, I guess. :)
18:43 PatrickFromBU the docs have been very helpful with everything, this is my first time working with many of these frameworks
18:45 pdurbin There are a lot of moving parts and some of them will cut you.
18:55 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: here is the link:
18:55 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:57 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: I am going to try recreating the image
18:58 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: I'm using Minishift v1.5.0+ae62cf2. How about you?
18:59 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: hm I'm using v1.13.0+ee338c6
18:59 PatrickFromBU i thought I updated recently too
19:00 pdurbin Ok, so you are using Minishift too. Not OpenShift proper.
19:02 PatrickFromBU right
19:03 pdurbin I should probably upgrade to the version you're using.
19:03 PatrickFromBU yes I was confused, I have a newer version than you
19:03 PatrickFromBU to my mind 1.5 > 1.14
19:03 pdurbin Before I get on your branch. It look like you're using "develop" in the repo you linked.
19:04 pdurbin Heh. Mathematically you are correct, of course. I've been doing this too long. :)
19:05 pdurbin And haven't taken a math class in ages.
19:07 PatrickFromBU "develop" in the docker hub repo? I pushed it by accident but not using it. trying to use "latest"
19:09 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: I see that "develop" was most recently updated at
19:10 PatrickFromBU pdurbin, sorry I thought you meant something else. yes I put the docker hub changes in the develop branch. should I put it in a different one?
19:12 pdurbin Well...
19:12 pdurbin I don't mean to be picky!
19:12 pdurbin I can work with this for sure.
19:13 pdurbin So please don't worry about it.
19:13 PatrickFromBU haha. be picky. now is a good time because there is nothing there
19:13 PatrickFromBU I do have another branch, but I don't think it is named properly
19:14 pdurbin When you have a moment, please read through (and the whole page, ideally)
19:15 pdurbin We're still learning how to work with external contributors, really. We never got external contributions back when we were on SourceForge. I don't think.
19:16 PatrickFromBU so I think we need an issue number to properly name our branch, you had one 4040 but that was merged
19:16 PatrickFromBU would that be our issue number?
19:16 pdurbin Yeah, please just use 4040.
19:16 pdurbin It's easier than thinking hard about what the scope should be. :)
19:17 pameyer pdurbin mentioned a useful trick to me a little while back - when you've got a branch without an issue number that you've been working on, create a branch from that with the issue number when you're ready to make a PR
19:17 pameyer I haven't tried it yet, but it seems like a really good idea
19:17 PatrickFromBU ok thanks!
19:19 pdurbin yeah something like `git checkout -b 4040-glassfish` then `git push origin 4040-glassfish`. Assuming you're on the develop branch.
19:28 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:02 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:27 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: sorry, distracted. Haven't gotten a chance to try your DockerHub image yet.
20:28 tyrel oy good afternoon. o/ pdurbin
20:28 tyrel I'm mostly interested in Dabbling, not taking on full time. Your assessment was right pdurbin, thanks.
20:29 tyrel Working on a coding assessment for an interview right now, but maybe next week once I'm done moving I can help dive deeper. :)
20:31 tyrel pdurbin - also I have some free time tomorrow if you're interested in lunch (doesn't have to be at the usual places, i'm flexible), would love to talk in person about dataverse stuff
20:32 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: np. it might be better to just discuss tomorrow. michael on my team says he is not having this issue, plus this is something we will change
20:34 pdurbin andrewSC: see comments from tyrel ^^
20:34 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: oh, glad it's working for Michael. I'm still curious. :)
20:34 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: I have another simple question though. As just a simple test, I am adding a print statement to the install perl script. I then make clean and make to create a new (no need to rebuild, I think). I run docker/ to push to our docker hub repo and then create a new openshift app
20:35 PatrickFromBU but I don't see the printouts in the install output. What am I missing?
20:35 pdurbin hmm
20:35 pdurbin Is something cached?
20:35 PatrickFromBU oh
20:35 PatrickFromBU hm
20:35 PatrickFromBU good question
20:35 pdurbin Do you delete the app completely?
20:35 PatrickFromBU yes, but the image could be cached
20:36 pdurbin `oc delete project project1`
20:36 pdurbin yeah, I'm not sure. danmcp might know
20:36 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:36 pameyer `docker rmi $image` - but don't recall the `oc` syntax to pass it through
20:36 PatrickFromBU hm actually I don't think the image is cached because I used a new tag
20:37 PatrickFromBU pdurbin I might hit up danmcp but those sound like the right steps?
20:38 pdurbin I haven't tried yet.
20:49 pdurbin I'm busy writing to the guy who popped in here last Friday asking about Kubernetes. :)
21:11 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:12 pdurbin send. cc'd pameyer who talked to him (thanks again)
21:15 pameyer pdurbin: no problem
21:18 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: whoa! I'm now on Minishift 1.14.0 and the UI looks totally different.
21:19 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: the ui for the openshift web console?
21:19 pdurbin yeah
21:19 pdurbin not it a bad way :)
21:20 PatrickFromBU right! it is the same as what I'm used to but when I was interning at red hat over the summer I learned about patternfly, which I think is what they use to make it
21:20 PatrickFromBU not sure if you do much front end, but if you're used to bootstrap patternfly is really cool
21:21 pdurbin I just heard all about PatternFly by a member of their team at this talk the other night:
21:22 pdurbin PatrickFromBU: ok, I tweaked by config to pull from your DockerHub account and I'm running `oc new-app conf/openshift/openshift.json`
21:23 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: cool. I'm trying one last thing then I'm going to email everyone. unfortunately I have to leave in a moment to pick up my wife but will be back online later
21:24 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: that is in about 10-15 minutes
21:25 pdurbin It says "Rolling deployment is running"
21:25 pdurbin "pulling image "ec528dv/dataverse-glassfish@sha256:823..."
21:26 pdurbin no worries if you need to run
21:27 PatrickFromBU pdurbin: it should eventually show 1 pod, but that pod fails with "Is postgresql running?"
21:27 PatrickFromBU Michael now says he has this problem :)
21:28 PatrickFromBU What I'm a bit more confused about is that my simple print statements do not appear in the installer script. But I will explain this in the email
21:30 pdurbin It's saying "error: update acceptor rejected dataverse-glassfish-1: pods for rc 'project1/dataverse-glassfish-1' took longer than 300 seconds to become available"
21:31 pdurbin screenshot 1: , screenshot 2:
21:33 pdurbin also "error: update acceptor rejected dataverse-postgresql-1: pods for rc 'project1/dataverse-postgresql-1' took longer than 300 seconds to become available"
21:33 PatrickFromBU hm looks like it is crashing earlier
21:35 pdurbin danmcp: do you think I should increase the timeout somehow?
21:35 PatrickFromBU maybe dan or solly will provide some insight, unfortunatley I have to run after I send this, but thank you for your help!
21:35 pdurbin Sure, see you tomorrow.
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22:34 danmcp joined #dataverse
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23:55 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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