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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-04-05

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:58 bjonnh joined #dataverse
04:13 jri joined #dataverse
07:18 jri joined #dataverse
07:20 jri joined #dataverse
08:33 yoh joined #dataverse
11:09 xyz1 joined #dataverse
11:09 xyz1 hi all
11:09 xyz1 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class  com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer can not access a member of class  my.package.$Proxy280 with modifiers "public">       at sun.reflect.Reflection.ensureMe​mberAccess(
11:10 xyz1 what can be the possible reason for this error
11:33 pdurbin good morning xyz1
11:34 xyz1 pdurbin good morning
11:34 pdurbin nice talking to you at yesterday at
11:36 pdurbin xyz1: any luck running your app on Payara?
12:13 xyw1 joined #dataverse
12:13 xyz1 joined #dataverse
13:38 Alejandra joined #dataverse
14:14 Alejandra Hello
14:14 Alejandra Is there author authority control in Dataverse?
14:23 pdurbin Alejandra: good morning. I'm sorry but I don't understand the question. Can you please explain further?
14:53 Alejandra Actuallly, string names of authors are still being stored in Dataverse table.With authority control,  exists a authority key field is leveraged to store a uniquely generated internal ID that links the author (maybe extended metadata and alternative author names).  The submissions forms can has  a lookup  button,  next to the input fields for the author names.
14:54 Alejandra The lookup button links a authority key field to a author name.
15:01 pdurbin Alejandra: sorry, but I'm still a little confused. Can you post a screenshot of what you're looking at? An author can have an ORCID, for example ( ) but I don't know what "authority control" means.
15:03 jri joined #dataverse
15:09 jri joined #dataverse
15:10 Alejandra Sorry, no, no, I only ask you about exists. For example, koha:
15:11 Alejandra91 joined #dataverse
15:12 Alejandra96 joined #dataverse
15:12 pdurbin Alejandra: are you talking about "Authorized Values"? I see that at
15:13 Alejandra96 koha:
15:14 pdurbin hmm, "Authority search"
15:14 pdurbin This is new to me.
15:14 Alejandra96 Yes! :D
15:14 Alejandra96 DSpace:
15:29 pdurbin Alejandra96: hi. I just spoke with Derek, Julian and Danny about this after standup and it sounded like Derek is going to start by reading through what you've written here.
15:39 DerekMurphy joined #dataverse
16:02 DerekMurphy Hi Alejandra. I just discussed your question about authority records with pdurbin. Dataverse does not currently offer the kind of authority control you're talking about for authors
16:02 DerekMurphy Do you have an authority file you wanted to use with Dataverse?
16:13 Alejandra96 Hello Derek, not quite. We would like to implement authority with Orcid. I asked you because we are evaluating if the implementation is feasible.
16:14 Alejandra96 Maybe there is 'something' for us to start.
16:51 DerekMurphy joined #dataverse
16:53 DerekMurphy Alejandra: Ok, I think I see what you're saying. I found this issue in our GitHub that seems like it's talking about similar functionality:
16:53 DerekMurphy Would you like to add a comment to that issue with details about what you'd like to see in Dataverse?
17:53 Alejandra joined #dataverse
17:55 Alejandra DerekMurphy, yes, thank you very much
20:06 pdurbin Alejandra: still there?
20:48 Thali_UM joined #dataverse
20:48 Thali_UM Hi Philip good afternoon
20:48 Thali_UM i have a question
20:49 Thali_UM Can i install dataverse in the MAC?
21:19 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
21:20 pdurbin_m for development purposes, sure

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.