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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-06-27

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:10 donsizemore joined #dataverse
03:22 jri joined #dataverse
07:00 jri joined #dataverse
07:01 jri joined #dataverse
07:02 jri joined #dataverse
07:13 jri joined #dataverse
09:06 jri joined #dataverse
11:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
11:31 jri joined #dataverse
11:53 jri joined #dataverse
13:40 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:48 cthao joined #dataverse
13:57 cthao joined #dataverse
13:59 cthao For anyone who have experience in perl, how do I check if a process is runnning inside a Kubernetes pod/ Docker container. I wrote this but it work.
13:59 cthao if ( system('cat /proc/self/cgroup | grep "kubepods"') ){
13:59 cthao it returns true every time
14:06 pdurbin cthao: in the approach (in Bash rather than Perl) was to look for the presence of a pod name.
14:10 cthao is this code merged?
14:14 pdurbin yep
14:15 pdurbin cthao: do you see how it says "v4.9" at the top? That's how you can tell which release(s) the commit is in.
14:17 pdurbin This commit, for example, is in every released version: . If you click the "..." between v4.9 and 4.0 you can see them.
14:24 pdurbin cthao: I was out yesterday but did you talk to Gustavo or Leonid? My understanding is that rather than calling the Perl script, we were thinking that you'd call directly the "" script it calls. I'm not sure if this was communicated to you or not.
14:27 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:29 cthao that was one of the approaches I was thinking about, but no I was not aware of that
14:31 pameyer @cthao - I suspect `if ( system('cat /proc/self/cgroup | grep "kubepods"') )` may be returning true because the command is executing without error (aka - exit status 0), rather than because it's got a result. but my perl knowledge is fairly minimal
14:32 pdurbin Sorry that information didn't get to you. The idea is that Glassfish must be running for "" to make the changes it needs to make (using a series of asadmin commands), but the war file does not need to be deployed. So hopefully we can do this during `docker build`.
14:34 pameyer @pdurbin - if you get the chance, could you double-check my interpretation in
14:34 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:37 cthao @pdurbin good news tho. I already moved everything I need to move so dockerbuild (in the dockerfile)
14:38 pdurbin cthao: great! Are you close to a pull request?
14:38 cthao so right now I am trying to make the glassfish-setup run minimal code
14:38 ntorres joined #dataverse
14:38 cthao I need to make changes to glassfish-setup first because right now all I'm doing is commenting out the lines I moved over
14:40 ntorres hello
14:40 ntorres I am installing a new dataverse, is this the best place to ask tech support questions?
14:41 donsizemore @ntorres welcome =) and this is a great place to start
14:41 pdurbin ntorres: ask away!
14:41 ntorres I need to change the database password, how can I tell dataverse about the change ?
14:42 pdurbin pameyer: I just left a comment on that issue you linked to
14:42 pdurbin ntorres: do you mean the password used by the "dvapp" user?
14:42 ntorres yes
14:43 pdurbin I think by default, it's "secret" or something.
14:43 pameyer pdurbin: thanks
14:43 donsizemore @ntorres dataverse stores the DB client password in domain.xml, possibly/probably in /usr/local/glassfish4/glass​fish/domains1/domain/config
14:44 pdurbin ntorres: I had to say it, but as a developer, I always set postgres to "trust" so passwords aren't needed. donsizemore pameyer and others have more experience with production installations.
14:44 pdurbin hate*
14:45 pdurbin cthao: the plan is to call glassfish-setup, right? Not just move asadmin lines over.
14:46 ntorres thanks, I think this informations help :)
14:47 pdurbin ntorres: donsizemore is right. In /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/d​omains/domain1/config/domain.xml I'm seeing lines like <property name="User" value="dvnapp"></property> and <property name="password" value="secret"></property>
14:49 cthao @pdurbin: some of the glassfish-setup commands could be handled in docker build, some cannot
14:49 cthao the database ones generally cannot because the db isn't there yet
14:50 cthao neither can the memory and smtp commands
15:07 cthao joined #dataverse
15:16 pdurbin cthao: ok, so maybe you can use the same trick: if [ -z "$MY_POD_NAME" ]
15:19 cthao just makign sure
15:20 cthao if [ -z "$MY_POD_NAME" ] means that NOT a container right?
15:20 cthao49 joined #dataverse
15:20 cthao49 just making sure, if [ -z "$MY_POD_NAME" ]  means NOT running in a container right?
15:40 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:52 jri joined #dataverse
16:04 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:08 pameyer @cthao - `-z` checks for empty.  so that conditional will be true if there's no $MY_POD_NAME environmental variable, or if that variable is an empty string
16:08 pameyer that may or may not translate into running in a container, depending on the container environment
16:56 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:59 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:45 jri joined #dataverse
18:06 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:07 pameyer1 joined #dataverse
18:15 tmonson joined #dataverse
18:41 cthao joined #dataverse
19:48 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:04 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:50 pdurbin What pameyer said. :)
21:08 pameyer joined #dataverse
22:35 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
23:44 juancorr84 joined #dataverse
23:46 juancorr84 left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.