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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-09-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
10:15 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:04 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:19 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:59 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:05 pdurbin pameyer: mornin'
14:06 pameyer pdurbin: morning
14:09 pdurbin pameyer: would you be able to share part of a stack trace at ?
14:10 pameyer pdurbin: sure, but I'm reasonably sure that the problem is on their end
14:10 pameyer would also be a stack trace from our fork - but looked similar to what kcondon mentioned seeing
14:11 pdurbin from your fork is fine. thanks!
14:18 pameyer pdurbin:
14:20 pdurbin thanks, looking
14:23 pameyer haven't completely ruled out glassfish using a different CA store (aka - not the built in OS one); but also haven't configured glassfish to use it's own store
14:27 pdurbin It does seem to be related to certs.
14:28 pameyer which was what lead me down the path of cent7 ca cert stores
14:30 pdurbin Which production Dataverse installations have ORCID login enabled?
14:30 pameyer there's some suggestions that glassfish has its own internal cert store, and that that store has expired certs - but I don't know if that's a factor here or not
14:31 pameyer well, yours and ours are the two I know of
14:31 pdurbin Yeah. One could look at the list at to see if anyone else is using ORCID login.
14:32 pdurbin has ORCID login enabled. I wonder if they are affected.
14:33 pdurbin pameyer: oh, could you please change the title of the issue to be more about ORCID than OAuth?
14:35 pameyer pdurbin: at this point, I don't have a great sense of where/what the root problem is
14:36 pdurbin Me neither. :/
14:38 pdurbin Huh. I get a weird error when trying to use ORCID on DataverseNO: "Please check your client id, scopes and redirect URIs."
14:39 pdurbin "Internal Server Error - An unexpected error was encountered, no more information is available." on
14:39 pdurbin But why?
14:41 pameyer ok, that would be consistent with the problem being wider scoped than ORCID sandbox
14:45 pameyer pdurbin: do you know offhand how to check if a ca is in the trust chain?
14:47 pdurbin I don't, sorry. Someone in #crimsonfu might.
14:48 pameyer np - I figured it out
14:52 pdurbin cool
14:54 pdurbin I'm not sure why any certs from Glassfish would be in play though. Apache communicates with Glassfish on port 8080 which is not encrypted.
14:55 pameyer me either
14:59 pdurbin I mean, did any cert expire recently? Within the past week or month or whatever?
15:02 pameyer one expired aug 22
15:02 pameyer so assuming that was the problem - I would have expected it to fail on aug 30 (when it was working for me)
15:05 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:07 pameyer jvm cert store doesn't look like there's anything expired there
15:09 pdurbin Hmm. Aug 22.
15:14 pameyer assuming I'm not messing something up, it looks like the ca certs from glassfish still work for https connections to orcid sandbox
15:14 pdurbin still work? are still in play?
15:16 pameyer as in, I don't get invalid certificate problems when using the glassfish ca certificates to make https connections to the orcid sandbox
15:17 pameyer aka - failures are reporting problems w\ connecting, possibly certificate related. if the gf certs don't fail, they're probably not the cause
15:18 pameyer ah - I may have spoken too soon
15:19 pameyer :< orcid uses different certs for different paths on the same url
17:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:28 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:10 isullivan joined #dataverse
19:32 isullivan Hi everyone. I'm Ian from over at Center for Open Science ( I work with introducing OSF and reproducible research practice to researchers, so I am not one of the devs actually working on the OSF <--> Dataverse integration, but I help shepherd a lot of the feature requests and am happy to help assist with general communication if needed
19:39 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:45 pameyer hi isullivan
19:46 pameyer @donsizemore - am I remembering correctly that you're not using ORCID auth in dataverse?
19:59 donsizemore @pameyer correct, not yet anyway
20:01 pameyer @donsizemore one less gotcha for you to worry about then :)
22:12 pameyer left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.