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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-09-17

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:02 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:46 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:15 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:36 pdurbin donsizemore: no school today?
14:00 donsizemore @pdurbin i waited out the tornando warning and came in a little late. saving my vacay for vacay!
14:00 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:02 pdurbin way to be
14:04 pdurbin donsizemore: anyway, your boss couldn't make it but I gave Odum a shout out in my talk:
14:15 pdurbin pameyer: buried in an email I just sent is a link to this "Scientific honesty and publicly shared lab notebooks" paper, which you may or may not find interesting:
14:23 donsizemore @pdurbin congrats on the talk! jon could've made it up there, but probably not back. not sure if his power is back on yet at home
14:23 pdurbin yikes
14:24 pameyer pdurbin: walking through a checklist now; will check it out later
14:24 pdurbin pameyer: no rush
14:25 pdurbin donsizemore: at least he didn't get munched by a shark, which happened on Saturday on Cape Cod. First time in 80 years.
14:27 donsizemore @pdurbin i ran into that no-shoulder upgrade snafu on a test box but had blamed me
14:28 pdurbin Ah. Maybe we should fix it.
14:28 pdurbin It's probably pretty confusing for someone doing an upgrade until it's fixed. Weird behavior, I assume.
14:36 donsizemore @pdurbin i can submit a PR with an example of what things "should" look like for many installations, and how to make it so?
14:40 pdurbin donsizemore: a doc change? Sure! I hate to ask but could you make a new issue as well?
14:49 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:14 donsizemore @pdurbin actually, looking back, I think it was a "me" problem, as most things are. i'm all about elaborate documentation, tho
15:15 pdurbin donsizemore: we love the docs you add. And the code. Love it all.
15:15 pdurbin by the way, we may have some Ansible questions for you shortly
15:23 donsizemore @pdurbin yeah, i pushed a minor commit this morning for matthew. he encountered some conditions i admittedly hadn't ran into
15:45 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks! I just let him know.
16:53 jamie-ucla joined #dataverse
16:55 jamie-ucla joined #dataverse
17:15 jamie-ucla88 joined #dataverse
17:15 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
17:25 andrewSC joined #dataverse
17:37 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:40 dataverse-user left #dataverse
18:02 jamie-ucla joined #dataverse
18:02 jamie-ucla Last week I was discussing a problem we were having with our AWS/S3 test instance (<>).  We wern't able to upload files.   What seemed to fix the problem was to delete the jvm option, which was set to the default location:  /usr/local/dvn/etc..    I'm wondering what the should be set to for S3 storage.  I'm uncomfortable just deleting something without knowing wh
18:05 pdurbin jamie-ucla: hi! We were *just* discussing your issues this morning. I think you opened a support ticket but I haven't looked yet.
18:05 pdurbin Here it is:
18:07 jamie-ucla It's fixed in that we can upload now but I'm worried about just deleting a jvm option without knowing what should be there or the consequences down the line.
18:09 pdurbin Yes, it's really weird that deleting that JVM option fixed it.
18:10 pdurbin jamie-ucla: at minimum, I feel like we need a doc change. Can you please open an issue at about the problem you had?
18:11 jamie-ucla I was going to open an issue but I'm wondering if I shouldn't be replacing rather than deleting.  Or am I worring too much?
18:12 pdurbin jamie-ucla: ask pameyer if it's good to be paranoid. ;)
18:12 pdurbin You're doing your due diligence. It's perfect.
18:19 pdurbin jamie-ucla: but if you just start with a description of what you were trying to do (move from having files on disk to having files in S3 or whatever) in a GitHub issue, that would be great.
18:20 jamie-ucla ok, working on it
18:21 pdurbin thank you!
18:22 pdurbin That JVM option is referenced quite a bit in the code.
18:22 pdurbin I wouldn't be surprised if you found a bug.
18:32 pameyer failure points do happen
18:33 pameyer and of course, it's always the ones that you don't check for or handle that cause problems
18:34 pameyer my first thought would be that is meanlingless when using s3 driver; but some of the code is likely using it's presense/absence to indicate which storage driver it should use
18:34 pameyer but I don't run on s3, so I don't have direct info
18:38 jamie-ucla I've got an issue now (<>)
18:45 pdurbin jamie-ucla: looks perfect. Thank you!
18:56 jamie-ucla left #dataverse
19:02 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:12 pameyer pdurbin: minio was one of the things I looked at when brainstorming about how to make the dcm jenkins pipelines work for dcm-s3
19:12 pdurbin pameyer: ok, interesting
19:12 pameyer seemed to work as expected with aws-cli; which it hadn't the previous time I'd looked at it
19:13 pdurbin pameyer: that reminds me, can you please take a look at ?
19:14 pameyer pdurbin: yeah, but likely not today
19:14 pdurbin no worries
19:14 pdurbin we're backing out of your `export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"` fix
19:14 pameyer I almost started the migration checklist 4:30pm last Fri - this morning I'm glad I didn't
19:15 pameyer that was more of an ugly hack than a fix
19:15 pdurbin ooo migration checklist
19:15 pdurbin if you need another set of eyes to look at it, lemme know
19:16 pameyer other than needing to talk a walk to push a button for a box that didn't reboot cleanly, it's mostly going according to plan
19:16 pameyer that, and re-testing migration since more datasets were released since last time I tested it
19:17 * pameyer knocks on wood
19:17 pdurbin :)
19:20 pameyer ok - there was also creating a flood of tickets when I migrated labs over.  but RT has a CLI
19:21 pdurbin yeah, and a REST interface
19:22 pameyer I'm pretty sure the CLI is just a wrapper over the REST interface - kinda like ovirt's CLI
19:22 pdurbin probably
20:13 Jim20 joined #dataverse
20:56 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
21:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
21:36 pameyer left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.