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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-09-18

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:57 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
10:24 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:57 donsizemore @pameyer i would like to speak with the folks who put the "press enter to reboot" logic in the dell idrac firmware update routine.
13:23 pdurbin donsizemore: morning. I might have an Ansible question.
13:23 donsizemore @pdurbin yes sir
13:24 pdurbin donsizemore: please check out this "TODO: allow arbitrary repo, not just IQSS. Will require changing it on the ansible side as well" at
13:25 pdurbin You'll see that "IQSS" is hard coded in a couple commands.
13:34 donsizemore oh, that should be pretty simple. so you just want the github url to become a variable?
13:38 pdurbin donsizemore: yeah, so that arbitrary branches can be spun up from non-IQSS repos such as
13:42 donsizemore @pdurbin push first, test later
13:43 pdurbin donsizemore: cool, but now I have another question
13:44 pdurbin sed -i "s/branch:/branch: $BRANCH_NAME/" dataverse/defaults/main.yml
13:44 pdurbin The script I linked to above has that sed line in it.
13:45 pdurbin It seems weird to me that we have to modify that main.yml file on disk. Shouldn't we be able to pass an argument to Ansible?
13:46 donsizemore @pdurbin that may have been experimentation on matthew's part? i thought he was passing extra variables to ansible-playbook but ansible's inverted variable priority may have bitten him
13:47 pdurbin The sed line is what he got to work. I'm wondering if there's another way. Passing an argument, setting an environment variable. Something.
13:49 pdurbin he did say he got bit by something
13:53 donsizemore the cleanest thing would be to pass --extra-vars "dataverse.git.branch=9999-get-my-margarita" which ansible claims should always win the precedence war
14:20 pdurbin ah "extra vars (always win precedence)"
14:20 pdurbin yeah, that sounds like what we want, right?
14:22 donsizemore if ansible does what it says =)
14:27 donsizemore one other question he had about dataverse-ansible, for which i don't have a good answer due to the dataverse release cycle: dataverse-ansible downloads the corresponding to dataverse.version
14:29 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:29 donsizemore if a branch is specified, it clones that branch, builds the warfile and overwrites the one exploded from however, if he needs to specify say a custom schema.xml or other anciliary file, i suppose i could add in variables for them? (he noticed that he deployed develop but got install files for 4.9.2)
14:34 pdurbin Buh. yeah, I guess we'll need to handle that stuff in the future. That'll be some work.
14:34 pameyer this may be a silly question, but why not do a (optional) dataverse-build role; and set that ahead of the dataverse-install role?
14:34 pdurbin That's why we're calling the current effort "spinning up arbitrary branches, phase one"
14:35 pameyer assuming that the dataverse-install starts from from somewhere; the build role could create that.  if it's missing, have the dataverse-deploy role download it
14:35 donsizemore @pameyer not silly at all. off the top of my head it's because dataverse-ansible doesn't simply use the install script, it dives in to glassfish-setup
14:36 donsizemore ooh, i do like building custom dvinstall.zips
14:36 pameyer right - not the script, just use the zip
14:37 pameyer and yeah; having to physically push buttons isn't the the greatest sometimes
14:38 donsizemore @pameyer and today i learned you have a Makefile:
14:40 donsizemore @pameyer might be quicker to just build the custom makefile when a branch is specified. let me poke at that, thank you for the suggestion
14:42 pdurbin donsizemore: for what it's worth, I recently documented that Makefile at
14:43 donsizemore the Makefile wants the warfile to exist... so instead i could make the branch tasklist copy out each file specified. only 6 totaly
14:44 pdurbin whatever is sane to you and Pete. He and I have talked a lot about mvn vs make
14:46 donsizemore @pdurbin solr is the only service which would require restarting. i can wedge this in pretty easily... but i tend to choose the shortest/simplest path.
14:50 pdurbin I'm not sure what you're up to exactly but I trust you. Here comes your rain.
14:50 donsizemore no! no more rain! my mahonia holly can't take it
14:52 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:53 pameyer @donsizemore - hopefully the rain up here means you folks get a break
14:55 donsizemore @pameyer i think i can do what you're suggesting pretty easily. will report back this afternoon
14:55 pameyer great - thanks
14:56 pameyer two things to keep in mind though 1) you might want to do `make clean` before `make` with that Makefile, it doesn't realize when the war file is newer than the zipfile 2) sometimes I have ideas that seem to make sense, but don't always - so there's always the chance this is a blind alley
14:57 donsizemore @pdurbin i was responsible for perpetrating, you can hard-code it during a maven emergency, and yell at me if it falls over
15:06 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm sure you got way more rain that this but here you go, the view out my window:
15:14 donsizemore @pdurbin our deputy director measured 11" in two days at his house, just north of chapel hill
15:19 donsizemore @pdurbin and more than anything i'm envious that your office has a window
15:29 pdurbin wow, 11 inches
15:31 donsizemore @pdurbin the river near goldsboro crested at 26' above flood stage, and i believe the cape fear near wilmington rose above the gauge
15:32 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:42 pdurbin yikes
15:50 pdurbin andrewSC bjonnh bricas juancorr pameyer: wow, check this out:
15:51 pameyer interesting
15:52 pameyer has me wondering about things I've heard with harvesting timers and where they run
16:12 pdurbin via
16:43 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:14 donsizemore @pdurbin who make-a-duh mistake? me?
17:14 donsizemore @pdurbin will be fixed in my next commit
17:15 pdurbin awesome. kudos to Matthew for figuring it out
17:15 pdurbin thanks!
17:21 donsizemore i shouldn't be allowed to computer before noon. or after, for that matter.
17:27 pdurbin :)
17:37 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:55 Mahsa joined #dataverse
18:41 * pdurbin waves at Mahsa
18:43 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:58 qqmyers joined #dataverse
19:00 qqmyers Does anyone happen to know if DOIDataCiteRegisterCache serves a purpose? I see that it gets populated when a dataset is created and Datacite is the doi provider, but I don't see it being used.
19:01 qqmyers Which I think is a good thing since there are no entries for datasets created when the provider was ezid and you switch to Datacite.
19:02 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:05 pdurbin qqmyers: hi! I just checked with sekmiller and it sounds like it might not be used.
19:07 pdurbin it sure seems to be used a lot in DOIDataCiteRegisterService though
19:15 qqmyers joined #dataverse
19:16 qqmyers69 joined #dataverse
19:18 qqmyers69 Thanks - I think it is a good thing it is not used - like I said, if entries had to be there to reserve DOIs, migrating from ezid would be a problem. As it is, I've checked and you can't reuse a DOI if it exists in the database (in the dvobject table) or at the service, but the cache is not checked.
19:39 Mahsa67 joined #dataverse
19:41 Mahsa joined #dataverse
19:43 Mahsa Hi everyone, The other day Pameyer pointed that there is an issue with our Glassfish <-> Apache fronting (
19:44 Mahsa I fixed a few things, and I am now seeing this error
19:44 Mahsa GRIZZLY0013: Exception during FilterChain execution java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected mark=18245         at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.ajp.AjpMessageF​ilter.handleRead(
19:45 Mahsa Does anyone have any idea what is this error ?
19:51 pdurbin Mahsa: hi, pameyer and I are in a meeting. Sorry.
19:52 Mahsa That is fine. Thanks
19:53 donsizemore @pameyer @pdurbin i have something that May Suck but Should Work(tm), but i want to do more testing
20:20 pameyer Hi Mahsa - does that exception show up on all requests?
20:21 pameyer @donsizemore - there's always more testing to do :)
20:36 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:44 Mahsa Hi, Yes, it shows up when I got to the website , basically, the website does not load on port 8080
20:47 Mahsa joined #dataverse
20:48 pameyer @Mahsa - I don't see that exception in my server.log; but I'm wondering if it's related to the apache ajp configuration.
20:48 pameyer do you have a line like `ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/` in your apache configuration?
20:49 Mahsa Yes
20:49 Mahsa I have that line
20:49 Mahsa One quick question,
20:50 Mahsa the JK connect should be enabled on http listener1 (8080), is that correct ?
20:50 pameyer not sure what you mean by "JK connector"; but the AJP connector shouldn't be on 8080
20:50 pameyer unless you've changed some of the default glassfish settings
20:50 Mahsa I meant JK listener
20:51 Mahsa Apache mod-jk listener
20:52 pameyer for connecting apache httpd to glassfish?
20:52 Mahsa Yes, I have 2 http listeners and and JK connector in my http listeners
20:52 Mahsa Yes,
20:53 Mahsa My http listener 1 (on glassfish, port 8080), has a JK listener option which I think should be enabled
20:53 Mahsa for fronting glassfish with Apache
20:53 Mahsa is this correct ?
20:54 pameyer ah - gotcha.  I took a quick look at my domain.xml
20:54 Mahsa I think I have to do some glassfish configs to make things work
20:54 pameyer for `<network-listener jk-enabled="true" protocol="http-listener-1" port="8009" name="jk-connector" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>` in domain.xml, I'm using `ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/` in my apache httpd configuration file
20:55 Mahsa Yes, my setting is identical to this
20:55 pameyer glassfish is serving web traffic on 8080 in this case (aka - I can get to dataverse on port 8080)
20:56 Mahsa I get the empty response on 8080
20:56 Mahsa But things on working on https /port 8181
20:56 Mahsa *are working
20:56 pameyer ok - it sounds like you configured glassfish to do ssl; which isn't something I've done
20:56 pameyer I usually do https/ssl to apache
20:57 Mahsa I think 8181 is the second http listener  on glassfish, it comes with default
20:57 Mahsa I did not do any configs
20:58 Mahsa my point was, it seems the problem is not with the dataverse application, but with fronting glassfish on 8080 with apache using the JK connector
20:58 Mahsa so let me put it this way
20:59 Mahsa when I set the jk-enabled to "false"
20:59 pameyer got it.  I just checked, and I see dataverse on 8181 from glassfish too (without doing any configuration)
20:59 Mahsa The website is working with no errors , since JK is disabled
21:00 Mahsa great
21:01 pameyer by "the website", you're referring to apache -> glassfish (with JK disabled)?
21:03 Mahsa I meant dataverse loads on glasssfish successfully, I have not had any luck with Apache -> glassfish yet
21:04 pameyer ok - I think I understand.
21:05 pameyer in your case, when you set jk-enabled to true, are you failing to load dataverse on glassfish?
21:05 Mahsa yes
21:06 Mahsa and I see the error above
21:06 Mahsa in glassfish log
21:06 Mahsa java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected mark=18245         at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.ajp.AjpMessageF​ilter.handleRead(
21:07 pameyer does your network-listener entry for the jk-connector look different from the one I posted?
21:08 Mahsa I think it is similiar but will just double check
21:08 pameyer and just to confirm, when the jk-connector is disabled; 8181 on glassfish works, but 8080 is empty
21:09 Mahsa correct, 8181 works, 8080  is empty
21:11 pameyer one thing that might provide more information would be to do `curl -i http://localhost:8080` - this will show any headers that the empty response may have
21:11 Mahsa "empty reply from server
21:12 pameyer odd - I'd expect a host header at least
21:13 pameyer server header I mean; not host header
21:14 Mahsa yes, I see
21:18 Mahsa <network-listener protocol="http-listener-1" jk-enabled="true" port="8080" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:18 Mahsa I just copied/pasted this from domain.xml
21:19 pameyer could you try changing the port to 8009 and restarting glassfish?
21:19 pameyer I copy/pasted my example too :)
21:20 Mahsa Sorry, I have another line like this
21:20 Mahsa <network-listener protocol="http-listener-1" jk-enabled="true" port="8009" name="jk-connector" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp">
21:20 pameyer hmm - 2 jk-connector lines?
21:20 Mahsa I copied the wrong one first, sorry :-)
21:20 pameyer no problem
21:20 Mahsa Thst is right, let me check
21:21 pameyer I'm only seeing one jk-connector line in mine
21:21 pameyer [root@dvapp config]# grep -n jk-connector domain.xml
21:21 pameyer 79:        <virtual-server network-listeners="http-listener​-1,http-listener-2,jk-connector" id="server"></virtual-server>
21:21 pameyer 251:          <network-listener jk-enabled="true" protocol="http-listener-1" port="8009" name="jk-connector" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:21 pameyer I'm wondering if the problem could be listening for http and ajp both on port 8080
21:21 Mahsa can you pleasse copy the http-listener-1 line too ?
21:22 Mahsa Sorry, You dont have that :D LOL
21:22 pameyer [root@dvapp config]# grep -n http-listener-1 domain.xml
21:22 pameyer 79:        <virtual-server network-listeners="http-listener​-1,http-listener-2,jk-connector" id="server"></virtual-server>
21:22 pameyer 230:          <protocol name="http-listener-1">
21:22 pameyer 248:          <network-listener protocol="http-listener-1" port="8080" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:22 pameyer 251:          <network-listener jk-enabled="true" protocol="http-listener-1" port="8009" name="jk-connector" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:22 pameyer 273:        <virtual-server network-listeners="http-listener-1, http-listener-2" id="server">
21:22 pameyer 403:          <protocol name="http-listener-1">
21:22 pameyer 436:          <network-listener protocol="http-listener-1" port="${HTTP_LISTENER_PORT}" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:22 Mahsa I got confused
21:22 Mahsa Yes, I see
21:23 Mahsa I think I know why I have two lines here
21:23 Mahsa That is probably because I enabled JK on my listener1
21:23 pameyer that would make sense
21:24 Mahsa if I remove it, maybe one would disapear, So it seems I have created more problems, to solve Glassfish -> Apache issue :D LOL
21:24 Mahsa sorry  about that
21:24 pameyer it's worth a try
21:24 pameyer no problem :)
21:26 Mahsa I just removed it, let me restart my glassfish
21:27 pameyer I'll keep my fingers crossed for good luck
21:28 Mahsa I will be back to step 1 even if it works LOL
21:29 Mahsa Ok,
21:29 Mahsa So they are both still here which is a good news
21:29 Mahsa This might be the reason the fronting is not working
21:30 Mahsa Can you please do me a favor ?
21:30 pameyer well, one problem at a time ;)
21:30 pameyer possibly - what do you have in mind?
21:30 Mahsa Is it possible that you copy/paste  all you have under   <network-listeners> </network-listeners?
21:31 pameyer shouldn't be a problem - let me double-check what's in there first
21:31 Mahsa thanx
21:33 pameyer no passwords / credentials in there :)
21:33 pameyer <network-listeners>
21:33 pameyer <network-listener protocol="http-listener-1" port="8080" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:33 pameyer <network-listener protocol="http-listener-2" port="8181" name="http-listener-2" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:33 pameyer <network-listener protocol="admin-listener" port="4848" name="admin-listener" thread-pool="admin-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:33 pameyer <network-listener jk-enabled="true" protocol="http-listener-1" port="8009" name="jk-connector" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
21:33 pameyer </network-listeners>
21:34 Mahsa Mine is the same,
21:34 Mahsa so I am back to step 1,
21:35 Mahsa dataverse is working on 8080 now , but Apache fronting is not working
21:35 Mahsa Thank you Pameyer
21:35 Mahsa I will have to look somewhere else now
21:36 Mahsa :q!
21:36 pameyer you're welcome - good luck
21:36 Mahsa Thanks
21:36 pameyer btw - I'd check that mod_ajp is loaded, and that the ports match; but I usually haven't had much trouble with it
21:37 Mahsa Sure, I will start there
21:37 Mahsa One quick Q
21:37 Mahsa I am running glassfish as root,
21:37 Mahsa that should not be causing any problems
21:37 Mahsa right ?
21:37 Mahsa with regards to Apache fronting
21:38 pameyer it should not be be.  for development, I run glassfish as root with apache in front of it with no problems
21:38 Mahsa Ok, that is good to know, Thanks you again
21:38 Mahsa What do you mean by ports match ?
21:38 Mahsa I know mod_ajp is loaded
21:38 pameyer it may be more effort than would be helpful, but if you check the `conf/docker-aio` folder of the dataverse github the steps there should get to a working configuration of apache+glassfish
21:39 Mahsa Great! Thanks! I will check it out
21:39 pameyer ports matching meaning that the ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:$port/ matches the port for the ajp listener in glassfish
21:40 Mahsa I see , I will check it. Thanks
21:40 pameyer you're welcome - good luck
21:40 Mahsa left #dataverse
22:17 pameyer joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.