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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-09-25

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:58 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
09:00 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
09:20 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
09:45 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
10:41 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
13:33 tcoupin joined #dataverse
13:43 tcoupin Hi! I'm trying to build develop branch and deploy it again a 4.9.2 installation. Build is successful but when I deploy war, i've got null pointerexecption in PasswordValidatorServiceBean. Building tag 4.9.2 and deploying it is ok. Are there extra step to migrate from 4.9.2 to develop ?
13:46 pdurbin tcoupin: hi! That sounds familiar. Let me search a bit.
13:47 pdurbin tcoupin: is it possible that you're suffering from ?
13:54 tcoupin I do not think it's linked. All excpetion stacks refer to password validator
13:55 tcoupin Root exception :
13:55 tcoupin `java.lang.NullPointerException dataverse_1  | at org.passay.DictionarySubstringRule.doWor​dSearch( dataverse_1  | at org.passay.AbstractDictionaryRule.val​idate( dataverse_1  | at org.passay.PasswordValidator.vali​date(`
13:56 tcoupin or does the DictionarySubstringRule trying to find a bundle ?
13:56 pdurbin tcoupin: thanks. Are you on 93cd4da?
13:56 tcoupin yes
13:57 pdurbin Oh, I bet I know what it is.
13:57 pdurbin tcoupin: please take a look at
13:58 pdurbin and
14:04 tcoupin not better :(
14:05 tcoupin done: undeploy, stop-domain, clean generated dir, sql, start-domain, deploy
14:08 pdurbin tcoupin: that fixed it?
14:11 tcoupin no
14:11 juancorr Hi @tcoupin. Have you the Dataverse in English?. Could you check to copy the file to
14:12 pdurbin tcoupin: can you please email your server.log file to
14:13 pdurbin Or create a new GitHub issue and attach it there if you don't mind it being public.
14:15 tcoupin Hi @juancorr. Where ? Dataverse is new for me...
14:17 pdurbin tcoupin: have you customized your password rules at all?
14:21 tcoupin No
14:21 tcoupin DV is install in a docker container using 4.9.2
14:22 juancorr I had a issue similar with a develop branch some days ago but It should be solved. I copied the glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/datavers​e__VERSION__/WEB-INF/classes/ to glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/dataverse​__VERSION__/WEB-INF/classes/ and restart glassfish to solve it
14:23 pdurbin Hmm. I would't think Docker would matter but good to know. Did you see my question about letting us see all of server.log?
14:23 tcoupin @juanncorr: I copied too and restart gf, but not better
14:24 pdurbin juancorr: we are in the process of changing the bundle stuff. Please see and add a code review if you like.
14:25 pdurbin tcoupin: do you get the same exception with a new installation or only an upgrade? You can test a new installation pretty easily using `vagrant up` or our docker-aio or with our new AWS script:
14:30 tcoupin I send server.log
14:32 pdurbin tcoupin: thanks! I see it at
14:32 tcoupin pdurbin: vagrant up in progress...
14:33 pdurbin great!
14:35 tcoupin joined #dataverse
14:36 pdurbin tcoupin: from the stacktrace, it looks like the war file was successfully deployed. Does non-UI stuff like work?
14:37 tcoupin api works yes
14:37 pdurbin ok, so the app deploys good. what action are you taking to trigger the exception? visiting the login page?
14:38 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:38 tcoupin go to login page and login with dataverseAdmin and my password
14:39 tcoupin fisrt login was made with 4.9.2
14:40 pdurbin ok, and you ran the SQL update script I mentioned?
14:42 pdurbin pameyer: mornin. We're discussing upgrading from the current release to the latest in "develop", which you've done quite a bit. :)
14:45 tcoupin yes buildinuser tableis updated
14:46 tcoupin Vagrant test: successful start, login and password update ok
15:02 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:13 tcoupin I think call to validate function is done here :
15:14 tcoupin on line authReq.getCredential("Password") seems to be null
15:14 tcoupin and authReq is fill here
15:15 pdurbin tcoupin: did you restart glassfish after running the SQL upgrade script?
15:15 tcoupin yes
15:21 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
15:21 cdsp-rmo hello world
15:22 cdsp-rmo @tcoupin I have the same problem with a fresh install of dataverse and login issues
15:23 cdsp-rmo (I've take a look at the irc logs)
15:24 juancorr pdurbin: Ok, I will review the code.
15:25 juancorr tcoupin: Have you the login page in French first time that you have try the login?
15:27 tcoupin ... um ...
15:28 tcoupin47 joined #dataverse
15:28 tcoupin34 joined #dataverse
15:29 tcoupin joined #dataverse
15:29 tcoupin I will recreate my container..
15:32 pdurbin tcoupin: I just mentioned your troubles at standup.
15:33 * pdurbin waves at cdsp-rmo
15:33 pdurbin juancorr: thanks
15:38 tcoupin on first login, form was in english
15:38 tcoupin after upgrade, french
15:40 tcoupin I have to go, i will take a look at the irc log tomorow
15:41 tcoupin I run export LANG=C before mvn package and redeploy
15:41 tcoupin it's working !!
15:41 pdurbin tcoupin: great!
15:41 tcoupin thank you very much, my end of working day is better like this
15:42 cdsp-rmo May I ask what LANG=C is ?
15:43 tcoupin joined #dataverse
15:43 pdurbin juancorr: so it was this bug: NullPointerException in PasswordValidator etc.
15:43 pdurbin the bug tcoupin ran into
15:43 tcoupin LANG=C is to avoid maven use system local
15:44 pdurbin tcoupin: do you think you could reproduce this bug if you had to?
15:45 cdsp-rmo tcoupin thanks
15:45 pdurbin juancorr: or do you think you can reproduce it? We both saw it but then it went away with newer code in "develop".
15:51 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: I just read your comment at . You're having trouble with your dev environment?
15:52 cdsp-rmo the same problem tcoupin had
15:52 juancorr pdurbin: I will try reproduce the bug, but Dataverse login works in our last tests
15:53 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: ok. How to you feel about creating a GitHub issue about this?
15:53 cdsp-rmo about the login issue ?
15:53 pdurbin juancorr: ok. Thanks. It still feels like there's a bug somewhere though.
15:53 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: yeah, the login issue.
15:53 cdsp-rmo well, I can open it if needed
15:54 cdsp-rmo I hope tcoupin won't be jealous if I open a ticket for his issue ^^
15:54 pdurbin andrewSC bjonnh bricas candy` cdsp-rmo donsizemore juancorr pameyer: the community call is starting in about 5 minutes if you're interested:
15:54 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: heh, we can always close one as a duplicate
15:54 cdsp-rmo leaving work in a few minutes unfortunatly :S
15:54 pdurbin no worries
15:55 pdurbin thanks for letting us know you're having similar problems
15:55 pdurbin sometimes we say, "where there's smoke, there's fire" :)
15:56 juancorr pdurbin: Thanks, I am interested, but I cannot assist.
15:57 pdurbin juancorr: no worries. Thanks for recognizing the bug cdsp-rmo is seeing as being related to the translation efforts.
16:04 cdsp-rmo pdurbin: the "LANG=C" option for maven, where should I define that ?
16:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:04 djbrooke <- Notes for the Community Call
16:05 cdsp-rmo my dev environnement is still not workin on my side, so I can't really give an answer at the issue
16:05 cdsp-rmo (but I added the usecase, log entries and some explanations on code side given the logs I used)
16:05 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
16:05 jamie-ucla joined #dataverse
16:06 * pdurbin waves at jamie-ucla and dataverse-user
16:06 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: we might want to pause this discussion until the community call is over. You are welcome to join! :)
16:06 jamie-ucla37 joined #dataverse
16:06 dataverse-user93 joined #dataverse
16:07 cdsp-rmo ok
16:07 cdsp-rmo I'm going back home
16:08 cdsp-rmo happy community call everyone ;)
16:15 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
16:18 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:18 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
16:18 pdurbin :)
16:18 cdsp-rmo pdurbin: the issue
16:19 cdsp-rmo nothing fancy, just the basic stuff
16:19 cdsp-rmo now I really disappear
16:20 pdurbin bye! thanks!
16:21 poikilotherm Hi - to late to call in?
16:21 poikilotherm I just arrived at home... ;-)
16:21 pdurbin poikilotherm: sorry! We're still in the room but we all just hung up.
16:21 poikilotherm Ok
16:22 pdurbin poikilotherm: you can call in if you want. We can wait.
16:22 poikilotherm Any options without phoning to America from home? That's quite expensive...
16:23 poikilotherm Ah got it
16:23 poikilotherm German number
16:23 poikilotherm Give me a second, will fetch my headphones
16:23 makmanalp joined #dataverse
16:25 pameyer hi makmanalp
16:26 makmanalp pameyer: Hi! You must be Pete from Med school who was just mentioned on the community call?
16:26 pameyer that's right
16:26 makmanalp Awesome, well, let me reiterate that I'm super excited about what you're working on, and happy to be a guinea pig whenever helpful :-)
16:29 pameyer good to hear - it's always good to have interested users. :)
16:30 pameyer we designed the big data components for one specific use case, and now we're trying to generalize it
16:30 pameyer there may be still some rought edges
16:39 pdurbin makmanalp: it's rare for actual users to call in so thanks!
16:40 pdurbin usually it's people who have installed Dataverse, which is also helpful, of course
16:40 tcoupin joined #dataverse
16:42 andrewSC pdurbin: thanks for the invite!
16:43 andrewSC I'm going to have to pass (if it's still ongoing) sorry
16:44 pdurbin andrewSC: no worries
17:02 makmanalp pdurbin: ah, right! That makes sense!
17:03 makmanalp pameyer: no worries, and thanks a lot for your efforts anyway!
17:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:09 poikilotherm Thanks for re-joining into the community call :-) It's a bit difficult for me to catch you at 12:00, because that's 18:00 here and my kids are hungry at that time :-D
17:13 * pdurbin knows about hungry kids
17:15 pdurbin poikilotherm: it was great chatting with you. Please keep an eye on for dates for the next community meeting
17:16 pdurbin When you get a chance, I'd encourage you to check out Harald Kusch's slides from his talk back in June:
17:21 poikilotherm Thx for the link :-) The people at university of Heidelberg are also using this integration between Dataverse and RSpace within the medical sector. At FZJ (Forschungszentrum Jülich) we are thinking about adapting RSpace too, but want to have Dataverse in place, up and running in production before that... ;-)
17:28 pdurbin Hmm. I'm not sure I knew that. Thanks.
17:31 pdurbin lmaylein has been known to make pull requests:
17:44 poikilotherm Oops, this doesn't seem to be public yet - at least I did not find it online. Maybe it is not ready yet... This was mentioned in a call I had with them while initially researching Dataverse as an option for us.
17:47 pdurbin I wouldn't worry about it.
17:53 tcoupin joined #dataverse
18:01 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:12 makmanal1 joined #dataverse
18:36 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:37 pameyer makmanalp: just from curiousity, do you have ballpark estimates for storage and number of files for what "big dataset" means to you?
18:43 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:53 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:15 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:33 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:43 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:43 makmanalp joined #dataverse
19:43 poikilotherm Hey guys, just created ...
19:45 poikilotherm Happy discussions :-D
19:46 pdurbin poikilotherm: thanks! So the tabs vs spaces *are* driving you crazy. :)
19:51 poikilotherm Its more on the braces side of life...
19:51 poikilotherm My editors simply replace stuff with soft tabs ;-)
19:51 poikilotherm That's it for me for today... 10pm here
19:52 poikilotherm See you next time and good night.
20:02 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:13 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:18 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:18 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:38 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:43 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:12 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:16 makmanalp joined #dataverse
21:46 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:51 makmanalp joined #dataverse
21:56 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:57 pameyer poikilotherm: the output from reminds me of running sonarqube
22:04 makmanalp joined #dataverse
22:46 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:35 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.