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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-10-24

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:44 jri joined #dataverse
04:44 jri joined #dataverse
06:51 jri joined #dataverse
06:59 juancorr joined #dataverse
08:44 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
09:39 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
12:28 andrewSC oy vey
12:29 andrewSC literally bumping up against this error after a single line change to the file
12:29 andrewSC except e.getMessage's value is "null" lol
12:30 andrewSC -_______- i can't help but wonder if this tsv is formatted correctly or what
12:30 andrewSC i assume it was used since it's the only one i could find on the system with the custom metadatablock we use
12:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:34 andrewSC scratch that i'm making some progress
12:53 pdurbin progress is good
12:59 jri_ joined #dataverse
13:00 jri joined #dataverse
13:02 jri joined #dataverse
13:04 jri_ joined #dataverse
13:09 andrewSC :3
13:10 andrewSC I've had to delegate the task to my peer for now--gotta be heads down on another project..
13:10 pdurbin gotcha
13:29 Jim__ joined #dataverse
14:16 cdsp-rmo pdurbin: for info, bappun (the guy who posted this is also my collegue at CDSP ;)
14:23 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: I assumed so but thanks. :)
14:23 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: do you want to make a pull request? :)
14:32 donsizemore hey @pdurbin @cdsp-rmo i'm spinning up your 4593 branch now =)
14:33 pdurbin nice
15:23 Mahsa joined #dataverse
15:32 Mahsa joined #dataverse
15:34 Mahsa Hi all, I have a quick question around a Shibboleth Exception error we see the first time a user goes to our dataverse website.
15:35 Mahsa it seems the user is redirected to http://ourserver/shib.xhtml?redirectPage=/
15:35 Mahsa and we see the ShipSp exception error :
15:36 Mahsa shibsp::ConfigurationException at (https://ourserver/shib.xhtml)  None of the configured SessionInitiators handled the request.
15:37 Mahsa Any ideas around this ? Is this somehow associated with this ?
15:50 pdurbin Mahsa: hi! What version of Dataverse are you running?
15:51 Mahsa Hello! Version 4.9.2
15:52 Mahsa I am sorry, it is 4.9.1
15:52 pdurbin Thanks. Can you please remind me if Shib login is working in general for you?
15:52 Mahsa Yes, it is working perfect, we have no issue with that.
15:52 pdurbin Good.
15:53 pdurbin But your users see this weird exception?
15:53 Mahsa The only problem is the first time a user goes to the website, it is automatically redirected to http://ourserver/shib.xhtml?redirectPage=/
15:54 Mahsa If they go back and try again , it is not redirected
15:54 Mahsa It only happens the first time
15:54 Mahsa I know it is a bit weird
15:55 pdurbin Yeah. Can you please create a GitHub issue about it?
15:55 Mahsa Sure, I will just go ahead and create the issue, I wanted to make sure it is not related to my configurations before starting a Github issue
15:56 pdurbin Well, even if it's a configuration issue, maybe someone will make a pull request to improve the guide. Troubleshooting or whatever.
15:58 Mahsa I see.
15:58 pdurbin Can you reproduce the problem on ?
15:59 cdsp-rmo donsizemore: yeah ! Thanks :)
16:06 Mahsa joined #dataverse
16:08 jri joined #dataverse
16:09 cdsp-rmo pdurbin: the pull request for 5229 ? I don't know. Not in my planning for now :S
16:15 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: no problme. I just thought I'd ask. :)
18:16 donsizemore @cdsp-rmo your branch doesn't like the IPUMS XML. we only have 11 we need to import, so we may just edit the XML instead. akio's TRSA work sends datasets in JSON
18:43 pdurbin1 joined #dataverse
19:16 pdurbin donsizemore: cdsp-rmo said 101 of his 123 files could be imported without editing:
19:29 donsizemore @pdurbin yes but mine aren't nesstar... we're still tinkering on this end
19:31 pdurbin donsizemore: cool. Maybe you can follow up with another pull request for IPUMS support, if the code almost supports it. :)
19:32 donsizemore @pdurbin i wish they had a harvesting server
19:35 pdurbin ah
19:55 pdurbin donsizemore: almost time for :)
20:00 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm connected! but muted and non-video-ed for everyone's comfort
20:01 bjonnh there was a google-meet thing right?
20:02 pdurbin bjonnh: yeah, google meet
20:02 pdurbin yoh_: nice to see that you're called in
20:20 pdurbin yoh_: we don't mind being pestered :)
20:29 bjonnh pdurbin: sorry I can't join… please mention as other potential formats of metadata for publications:
20:29 bjonnh SPAR ontologies
20:29 bjonnh seems to start getting some traction
20:56 pdurbin bjonnh: sure, I just added a comment to the notes:
20:56 bjonnh thx
21:50 home-rmo joined #dataverse
21:53 home-rmo pdurbin: if kcondon is around and need anything, I'm still up for an hour or two ;)
21:55 home-rmo donzimore: (just letting this in the irc logs for him) if your xmls are available, will be a pleasure to found the problems :)
22:04 home-rmo ** donsizemore: doh, sorry, better like this :o
22:14 pdurbin home-rmo: cool. I'm home already too
22:14 pdurbin not everyone checks the IRC logs though :)
22:19 home-rmo now you mention it ... yes, highly possible
22:20 pdurbin thanks for providing some XML files to test with
22:21 home-rmo the faster it's tested, the faster the function may be added :)
22:21 pdurbin yes, I always try to make QA's job as easy as possible :)
22:21 pdurbin thanks again for adding docs :)
22:22 home-rmo this function is kinda crucial for the next months, so I am ready to do anything that might help for it
22:22 home-rmo :D
22:22 home-rmo (even docs !!!)
22:24 home-rmo oh, that reminds me a question: any of your team may attend eddi 2018 ? Just wondering
22:24 home-rmo (Annual European DDI User Conference)
22:24 * pdurbin looks at
22:25 pdurbin Will someone fly me over there and pay for my hotel? :)
22:25 home-rmo we never know :D
22:25 pdurbin :)
22:26 home-rmo a colleague of mine met someone from canada at an event last month
22:26 pdurbin I was going to say, Amber from Scholars Portal in Canada is pretty into DDI.
22:27 home-rmo ah, yes
22:27 pdurbin And Steve from ADA in Australia is highly involved in DDI as well.
22:27 home-rmo she's the one who met my collegue
22:28 pdurbin Have you seen "Join the DDI & Dataverse WG!" at ?
22:28 pdurbin "WG" being "working group"
22:28 home-rmo nope, I didn't
22:29 home-rmo oh, but my team boss may have
22:29 home-rmo she mailed Amber lately
22:29 pdurbin there are a lot of names at
22:30 pdurbin home-rmo: looks like kcondon is starting to give you some feedback. Leaving comments.
22:30 home-rmo she has contact with Tykhonov also
22:31 pdurbin yep, we call him Slava
22:31 pdurbin easier to pronounce :)
22:31 home-rmo :D
22:31 pdurbin home-rmo: any thoughts on that 500 error?
22:31 home-rmo ya
22:31 home-rmo I may have not handled it properly :S
22:32 pdurbin :)
22:33 home-rmo his question "what should I do" is for me ?
22:33 pdurbin what should *it* do
22:33 pdurbin yes, for your
22:33 pdurbin for you*
22:33 home-rmo oh yeah
22:33 home-rmo makes sense now
22:33 pdurbin what should the code do
22:37 home-rmo strange
22:38 home-rmo the other import api has almost the same process
22:38 home-rmo I wonder if it's the case for the other one too
22:38 pdurbin Could be. I would suggest mentioning this.
22:39 home-rmo ya
22:48 home-rmo (there will be 2 conferences talking about dataverse at the EDDI, just for you to know)
22:48 pdurbin !
22:49 home-rmo (a third one too, not mention in the title, but I know my boss will talk about it in her talk too)
22:49 home-rmo
22:49 pdurbin - CESSDA DataverseEU Project
22:50 pdurbin - Dataverse as a Single Source of Truth in a DDI-Compliant Environment
22:50 pdurbin great!
22:50 home-rmo (Quentin Agren won't be there, so I'll replace him)
22:51 pdurbin Hmm, I don't have a doc for community news for December yet.
22:54 pdurbin ok, I just created one:
22:55 pdurbin thanks for fixing it up :)
22:56 home-rmo :D
23:12 home-rmo gonna sleep now. Good night ;)
23:13 pdurbin 'night!

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