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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-11-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:47 isullivan joined #dataverse
04:17 jri joined #dataverse
08:42 MrK joined #dataverse
08:43 jri joined #dataverse
09:39 adiliaalves joined #dataverse
09:40 adiliaalves hello
09:47 MrK hi
11:25 pdurbin MrK: thanks for being friendly to newcomers :)
11:29 pdurbin and thanks for creating
12:08 MrK pdurbin: no problem, I'm newcomer myself :D
12:16 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
12:16 poikilotherm Morning pdurbin :-)
12:16 poikilotherm We have a break right now, so it thought I'd say hello
12:22 poikilotherm About the discussion yesterday: RedHat does not apply the same standards to even paid services like JBoss EAP as they do for RHEL.
12:22 poikilotherm Looking at
12:24 poikilotherm I learn from that 1) there aren't many bugs to be fund in appservers, see also
12:25 poikilotherm and 2) it seems even paid support doesn't mean you get sec patches a few days later. If you look at the CVEs, when they were found and when an updated has been provided, there is a lot of time in between
12:29 poikilotherm Looking at it seems they use bundled updates, too
12:31 poikilotherm Alright, we'll continue now... Read you later.
12:32 pdurbin :)
13:08 isullivan joined #dataverse
14:03 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:54 juancorr joined #dataverse
15:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:36 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:45 juancorr joined #dataverse
16:19 isullivan joined #dataverse
16:59 pdurbin andrewSC beddari bjonnh bricas candy` donsizemore dzho jri xarthisius yoh_: the community call is about to begin:
17:04 andrewSC pdurbin: thanks for the heads up! Unfortunately not going to be able to join today :/
17:21 pdurbin andrewSC: no worries
17:42 pdurbin xarthisius: thanks for calling in!
17:56 isullivan1 joined #dataverse
18:00 pdurbin Here are the notes:
18:00 pdurbin donsizemore: you got a shout out
18:28 xarthisius pdurbin: we're gonna try to be there from now on. Also, we are almost ready to show something to the community. However, we are affected by 50x errors at the moment. On our end it's unpleasant UX, cause it results in hangs on file operations
18:28 xarthisius I believe Craig sent a report to support
18:29 pdurbin xarthisius: I see something about 504 errors at . Thanks for putting this on my radar.
18:40 pdurbin xarthisius: maybe when you're ready you can share something here in IRC to start. Up to you. I assume you already have an external tool manifest ready. I'd be happy to load it into my "dev1" server if you want.
19:03 xarthisius we don't have UI ready for our external tool consumer (it's here:, but ingesting data directly from WT side is already working fine
19:04 xarthisius We are e.g. able to give WT DOI (doi:10.7910/DVN/HPB1CA) and launch it in RStudio to reproduce the study
19:04 pdurbin awesome
19:07 pdurbin xarthisius: is the a dev server I can try? It doesn't work at
19:07 pdurbin there*
19:08 xarthisius
19:13 xarthisius pdurbin: there's an annoying bug with css in that particular deployment
19:14 xarthisius modals can be shifted outside of window view, you may need to zoom out a bit :)
19:24 pdurbin xarthisius: it worked! I just added some screenshots to
19:33 pdurbin and
19:33 pdurbin xarthisius: great stuff!
19:38 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:39 poikilotherm Greetings
19:40 poikilotherm Sry, couldnt make it to community call today... Kids and stuff at home...
19:40 poikilotherm 18:00 is not a good time for me... ;-)
19:40 pameyer poikilotherm: one of the ideas discussed was altering the scheduling to make it easier for folks in different timezones
19:41 pameyer nothing concrete about that planned though
19:41 pdurbin poikilotherm: and we talked about the connection quality. Notes are linked above. Thanks for reminding us about this.
19:41 poikilotherm Oh that would be awesome
19:41 * poikilotherm reads up the notes from the call
19:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: in 20 minutes or so we have tech hours. On the agenda is "Upgrading from Glassfish 4.1". Would you like me to read a written statement from you? :)
19:45 poikilotherm Do I need to provide a DOI for that?
19:45 poikilotherm ;)
19:45 poikilotherm Sry, just kidding
19:46 pdurbin heh, nope
19:46 poikilotherm Dunno - do you think it might help?
19:46 pdurbin the vibe I got from Matthew is that he and Gustavo are leaning toward Eclipse Glassfish 5.1 RC whatever
19:46 pdurbin but all will be revealed soon, I guess
19:47 poikilotherm Maybe you could point out that we are willing to spend manpower on these issues. And that we want to have a production system with Kubernetes. And that Config API would make it better for us, so that kind of would be an ROI...
19:48 poikilotherm (And that means do not use Eclipse Glassfish as ConfigAPI will not be included as stated on Gitter by the devs)
19:49 pdurbin What would you prefer that we use instead?
19:50 poikilotherm In terms of availabilty: either Wildfly or Payara. Not many options anyway. OpenLiberty and Thorntail are out IMHO because of non-classic usage only.
19:50 pdurbin Which version of Payara?
19:50 poikilotherm Wildfly 14 or Payara 5
19:51 pdurbin Thanks, I'll pass this along.
19:51 poikilotherm (there is of course a plus sign attached to both...)
19:51 pdurbin And pameyer can keep me honest. :)
19:53 poikilotherm Oh and in case anybody asks about the amount of manpower... One full time equivalent can be assumed. That's me... ;-)
19:54 poikilotherm pameyer: poor Jonathan... community call at 4am is tough
19:54 pdurbin You do good work.
19:54 poikilotherm Thx :-)
19:55 poikilotherm You guys too :-)
20:12 poiki-at-home joined #dataverse
20:29 pdurbin poiki-at-home: I think I lost. pameyer can confirm. I tried.
20:30 poiki-at-home Oh...
20:30 poiki-at-home Glad you tried
20:34 poiki-at-home Was it something specific that made them stick to Eclipse Glassfish?
20:37 pdurbin I don't have anything in writing.
20:42 pdurbin There's a feeling that it will be easier and faster to move to Eclipse Glassfish 5.1 than Payara 5.x.
20:42 poiki-at-home Interesting feeling... :-d
20:42 poiki-at-home Sad to hear this is about feelings :'-(
20:45 pdurbin maybe a thought instead of a feeling then :)
20:48 poiki-at-home Alright, this will then need some script at startup that will setup the asadmin commands
20:49 poiki-at-home (within the container)
20:49 poiki-at-home That's ok, but not ideal
20:51 poiki-at-home And I am stuck until 14th of December
20:52 poiki-at-home At least I understood that there might be old deps within RC1
20:53 poiki-at-home Oh, there seem to be nightly builds
20:53 pdurbin stuck?
20:54 poiki-at-home I can try to work against nightly builds
20:54 poiki-at-home And see how far I can get
20:55 pdurbin oh, I understand
20:56 poiki-at-home The sadest part is about the database setup... That still is the old-school asadmin stuff
20:59 pdurbin Yeah. It's what we know how to do.
21:03 poiki-at-home I could as well use Glassfish 5.0...
21:03 poiki-at-home Docker images for that are readily available
21:03 poiki-at-home When I cant use ConfigAPI anyway, there is no need to go for 5.1
21:04 poiki-at-home At least I can't think of a reason right now
21:04 poiki-at-home Maybe dependencies
21:04 poiki-at-home Need to look into that tomorrow
21:06 pdurbin I'm a little surprised that there are no docker images for 5.1 but I haven't looked myself.
21:07 poiki-at-home 5.1 hasn't been released yet...
21:07 pdurbin sure, but I can imagine nightly docker builds :)
21:10 poiki-at-home
21:11 poiki-at-home Guys, are you serious?
21:11 pdurbin hmm?
21:11 poiki-at-home So, no - I can't use Glassfish 5.0
21:11 poiki-at-home Grml
21:16 poiki-at-home And no nightly builds available :-(
21:17 poiki-at-home Ok, I will just carry on with Payara 5 images and then try to switch to 5.1 once it is released
21:17 poiki-at-home Till then, this is kind of a fork
21:18 pdurbin It seems like your hands are tied without Eclipse Glassfish 5.1 docker images.
21:19 poiki-at-home More or less
21:19 poiki-at-home And it is just crazy to setup stuff without Docker...
21:20 poiki-at-home Ok, I could try vagrant once again
21:20 poiki-at-home But anyway, this is a fork. And I don't know if 5.1.0-RC1 is usable
21:22 poiki-at-home (Kind of fork because of issues like #5274)
21:23 poiki-at-home Alright guys, I need to cut it here for today. Need to get some private stuff sorted before bedding time.
21:23 poiki-at-home Cu all tomorrow
21:23 pdurbin bye!
21:23 poiki-at-home left #dataverse
21:29 pameyer pdurbin did advocate for payara - my impression was that the thinking was that gf4.1 -> gf5 would be a smaller chunk.
21:29 pdurbin yeah
21:30 pameyer the details of the spike for the upgrade are still tbd, but sounded like htere was a reasonable chance to get some investigation/measurement of payara
21:30 pdurbin pameyer did a good job of advocating for that
21:34 pameyer I do have a knee-jerk tendency towards "let's measure this thing that might be useful but we don't know"
21:36 pdurbin good tendency
21:38 pdurbin I'm asking the guys in #glassfish about Eclipse Glassfish:
21:55 pdurbin There's a guy in there using the MicroProfile Config API on Payara.
22:38 jri joined #dataverse

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