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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-02-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:18 jri joined #dataverse
04:19 jri joined #dataverse
07:35 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:53 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:58 jri joined #dataverse
12:34 poikilotherm Morning pdurbin :-)
12:40 pdurbin mornin'
13:01 poikilotherm Man I love this... Spinning up instances is a matter of minutes with this stuff
13:08 pdurbin Great!
13:09 pdurbin Same with our ec2 script and dataverse-ansible if you don't have to compile the war file, if you use a tagged release, I mean.
13:09 pdurbin Are you spinning them up on minikube? Or do you have access to a Kubernetes installation? (I don't.)
13:11 poikilotherm Using minikube
13:11 poikilotherm Testing first
13:11 poikilotherm I have a running production ready cluster at hands
13:11 poikilotherm But I want to check this stuff locally first ;-)
13:12 poikilotherm I see many errors when adding a dataset
13:12 poikilotherm :-(
13:12 poikilotherm Lots of errors from Faces Servlet
13:13 poikilotherm StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception Broken pipe
13:15 poikilotherm Oh this seems to be caused by "JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, bs/css/bootstrap.min.css"
13:15 poikilotherm The same for some other resources
13:16 poikilotherm theme.css, components.css and bootstrap-theme.min.css
13:19 pdurbin Hmm. Not sure why you're seeing that.
13:22 pdurbin poikilotherm: let me know if you want an account on our AWS org if you want to try dataverse-kubernetes on their offering.
13:23 poikilotherm Interesting - only happens once when you are loading a page like the upload form, etc. Second time you visit, the exception is not thrown
13:45 poikilotherm Ok these errors seem to be a Primeface problem known from others, too. Once things are cached, you will not get the error.
13:46 poikilotherm Especially Primefaces 6.2 in different combos with Majorra seem to be buggy
13:51 poikilotherm WOW
13:51 poikilotherm
13:51 poikilotherm No errors when using Chrome
13:54 MrK joined #dataverse
14:02 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
14:03 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: only reproducible in Firefox?
14:03 poikilotherm Yeah
14:03 pdurbin_m MrK: I'm hoping to play with flyway today. I might have questions.
14:03 poikilotherm Tried with Chrome and Firefox - only Firefox raises issues.
14:05 pdurbin_m ok
14:06 poikilotherm And I know it is not HTTP2 causing the problems... ;-)
14:06 MrK pdurbin_m: Sure, but I'm gone in like 1 hour :P
14:06 pdurbin_m ok, maybe tomorrow then :)
14:07 pdurbin_m MrK: is there anything in particular you want me to test?
14:08 MrK pdurbin_m: Hmm, I don't think there is, I tested it myself so just play around with it and see if you have any concerns.
14:10 pdurbin_m ok, thanks
14:10 pdurbin_m I figured I'd try to add a column to an existing table at least.
14:11 MrK Yeah testing future workflow sounds fine.
14:14 pdurbin_m ok
14:33 Julio_Chaves joined #dataverse
14:36 pdurbin_m Julio_Chaves: hi! If you check yesterday's IRC log, there was a little more discussion.
14:40 Julio_Chaves Yes, I am looking into, thank you!
15:06 Julio_Chaves joined #dataverse
15:09 Julio_Chaves Hi, we've passed one more step here. Now any ADFS user can login, but the logged user has no rights to create Dataverse or dataset.
15:10 pdurbin Oh! Great! One sec.
15:10 Julio_Chaves It seems to be something related with the lack of a role.
15:11 pdurbin "In order for non-superusers to start creating dataverses or datasets..."
15:11 pdurbin Julio_Chaves: please take a look at that doc
15:22 poikilotherm pdurbin:
15:30 pdurbin cool. typo: "Mailinatorm"
15:31 poikilotherm Thx
15:31 poikilotherm Corrected
15:32 poikilotherm This mailcatcher things is really handy :-) No complex Javamail setup, just use
15:36 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:36 pameyer @Julio_Chaves glad your making progress
15:36 pameyer @poikilotherm mailcatcher is nice ;)
15:37 Julio_Chaves pameyer: Almost... I Think I need to call the librarians..
15:38 Julio_Chaves I undestood that I need to make some setup at the root Dataverse..
15:38 pameyer that's usually the case.  I think the defaults are relatively restricted, which I know a lot of installations want.  other installations have things more open
15:40 poikilotherm We are suffering from the mail attribute via SAML, too. We want to open our services for easy collaboration, but almost all services require an email adress, which is not sent by most IdPs in eduGain :-/
15:41 poikilotherm This is really a bummer for the users, because they get just a message about "we need a mail address" but have no understanding why this happens. And most IT guys hesitate to reconfigure :-(
15:41 pameyer you might be able to remap something else to the SAML email; but I suspect that would break things
15:41 poikilotherm Yeah
15:42 pameyer sometimes users are sensitive about "why do you need my email".
15:42 pameyer this was one of the things that came up in ORCID
15:42 pameyer hmm.... reminds me that the API switch to disable showing user emails works for dataset contact, but not dataverse contact
15:42 pameyer and I don't think I ever made an issue about that one
15:46 pdurbin poikilotherm: with regard to email being required, please take a look at "2015-04-30 Dataverse User Accounts and Auth Meeting":
15:47 poikilotherm Yeah, you have a proper design...
15:48 poikilotherm Some applications like GitLab just don't work without the attribute
15:48 poikilotherm I think that's because they use email adress as their primary user key in the database
15:48 pdurbin ah
15:49 pdurbin poikilotherm: have you tried any OAuth providers with Dataverse? If no email is provided by Google or ORCID or GitHub, the user is prompted to provide an email address.
15:49 poikilotherm Alright guys, that's it for me for today...
15:49 poikilotherm Cu in a few days/weeks. Construction work going on...
15:57 pameyer pdurbin: I haven't checked it out, but crossed my radar as a possible alternative to minikube
17:47 pdurbin pameyer: interesting. Oliver and I installed minikube on my Mac while we were in Berlin and it seems to work fine. Very similar to minishift, which borrows heavily from it.
18:12 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:28 pameyer pdurbin: I ran into needing the same song and dance for accessing services in minikube as I did with minishift
18:55 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:17 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:25 pdurbin gotcha, I neither had to sing nor dance
20:26 pdurbin donsizemore: Mike is starting to use the ec2 spin up script and seems to be getting a lot of value out of it. He's working on a feature for mobile and it's an easy way for him to get code from his branch onto a server for him to test from his phone.
20:26 pdurbin so thanks!
20:40 donsizemore @pdurbin i haven't forgotten about finishing up the script... we got a new guy here (who's great) so i've been focused on helping him get started
20:41 donsizemore @pdurbin I also think that contacts error matthew got may have been old data... but the plumbing should be there
20:43 pdurbin old data
20:43 pdurbin but we spin up new every time
20:43 pdurbin should I try it again?
20:43 pdurbin pameyer: looks like the comment about auth was left here:
20:45 pameyer pdurbin: thanks
20:45 donsizemore @pdurbin let me review what happened (hopefully tomorrow)
20:47 pdurbin ok, no worries, no rush
20:49 pameyer pdurbin: if I'm remembering correctly, globus auth is also oauth2, and has some level of interaction with orcid
20:49 pdurbin pameyer: sounds similar. I just sent you an email with the chat from Whole Tale Slack.
20:49 pdurbin xarthisius: ^^
20:53 pameyer yup - saw it.  hooking new stuff into the dataverse oauth flow goes over my head pretty quickly
20:55 pameyer that said, I could see the value of a dataverse widget for API tokens if there start to be enough integrations
20:55 pameyer prompt for login if needed
21:18 pdurbin yeah
23:27 pdurbin joined #dataverse

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