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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-03-05

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:10 jri joined #dataverse
04:11 jri joined #dataverse
07:48 juancorr joined #dataverse
08:05 jri joined #dataverse
09:54 MrK joined #dataverse
11:45 pdurbin joined #dataverse
11:56 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
13:06 juancorr26 joined #dataverse
13:36 pdurbin juancorr26: awesome that you've updated the Spanish translation:
13:41 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:18 MrK joined #dataverse
14:25 juancorr26 pdurbin: Thanks, we are migrating to Dataverse v4.11 and we have now the opportunity to update the translation.
14:42 juancorr26 We are now investigating two issues related with the translation:
14:46 juancorr26 There are some problems with the facets. You can see it in the French and Spanish translation in our test server Some facets are not translated and another have "two names". "Auteur Nom" should be "nom de l'auteur" or "Auteur" in French. Same in Spanish
14:51 juancorr26 There are error traces parsing translated dates. Some dates have the translated value. e.g.,
14:51 juancorr26 [2019-03-05T15:44:33.334+0100] [glassfish 4.1] [SEVERE] [] [] [tid: _ThreadID=30 _ThreadName=http-listener-1(4)] [timeMillis: 1551797073334] [levelValue: 1000] [[
14:51 juancorr26 [2019-03-05T15:44:33.336+0100] [glassfish 4.1] [SEVERE] [] [] [tid: _ThreadID=30 _ThreadName=Thread-9] [timeMillis: 1551797073336] [levelValue: 1000] [[   java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "15-oct-2018"         at java.text.DateFormat.parse(         at​Util.formatDate(         at​chResult.getDateToDisplayOnCard(SolrSear
14:53 isullivan joined #dataverse
15:01 pdurbin juancorr26: "Subject" seems to always be in English.
15:03 pdurbin isullivan: I was very happy to see
15:05 juancorr26 Yes it is. "Dataverse Category" and "Publication Year" are always in English too.
15:05 pdurbin Why?
15:07 juancorr26 I don't know yet. We have used the dataverse-language-packs develop branch
15:08 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
15:09 pdurbin Ok. I don't know either. Is the right place to create an issue?
15:10 pdurbin dataverse-user: welcome
15:10 MrK joined #dataverse
15:11 dataverse-user left #dataverse
15:11 juancorr26 I don't know. I think that it could be a Dataverse issue.
15:12 fgb62 joined #dataverse
15:12 juancorr26 I think that this week we can found it.
15:15 pdurbin Ok. Good luck finding it. Please reach out if you need help.
15:16 juancorr26 Perfect.
15:25 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:30 Jim__ joined #dataverse
15:32 Jim__ Good morning! @pdurbin - you mentioned to me the other day that you may have examples of google analytics files that go beyond the minimum to track page hits. Is that something you can point me too? I was hoping it would be possible to standardize how to capture hits on the new btn_download, etc. classes...
15:39 pdurbin Jim__: mornin! I just commented on your open graph work, which seems awesome. Thanks for the pull request! I think I was mostly saying that it sounded like an opportunity to collaborate on GA config. Let me walk down the hall and ask people who know more about what we actually do in production for Harvard Dataverse.
15:50 pdurbin Back. Are you still there?
15:54 Jim__ yep
15:57 pdurbin I just got a nice brain dump from Mike about Google Analytics for Harvard Dataverse. Are you aware of "To track analytics beyond pageviews, style classes have been added for end user action buttons..." added in Dataverse 4.11? Please see
15:59 Jim__ Right - that's what I'm asking about. It doesn't seem like there's any code to actually have google use those buttons yet.
16:00 pdurbin I might be misunderstanding you but btn-compute, btn-contact, etc, was added in
16:01 Jim__ matomo seems to have an api to just list the css classes it should pick up. For google, I think one would have to attach listeners to those classes and fire events. I was going to try that but if someone has already done it, or thought more about it, or has similar code from before these buttons, then I didn't want to duplicate.
16:02 Jim__ Right -the buttons are there - does google automatically use them?
16:02 pdurbin I don't know.
16:03 pdurbin I have access to for Harvard Dataverse but I have no idea what I'm doing in here. Is there a config file I can download and share with you?
16:03 Jim__ The original issue was from somewhere using matomo (its previous name), where I think, once the css classes are added, they can just directly/one line tell matomo to monitor those buttons.
16:04 Jim__ Yeah - the /var/www/dataverse/branding/analytics-code.html from the Web Analytics section.
16:04 Jim__ (has your code in it)
16:06 Jim__ Our is just the basic script that google suggests adding to your page in the analytics console, which afaik, doesn't do events/css classes, just page hits.
16:06 Jim__ I guess if you see any download or other events in your google console, that would suggest you have it set up. I only see page hits in ours.
16:08 pdurbin I'm not sure where to look. I'm not sure what the console is.
16:09 pdurbin Let me ask in standup. Starts in 5 minutes.
16:13 pdurbin Jim__: meanwhile, sorry I missed the QDR coordination meeting (goodbye lunch for a colleague). Is there a google doc with notes?
16:14 Jim__ by console, I just meant the site - I only see page hits there. When you're logged in, there's a behavior/events section that I think would be where button events would be. And under admin/property/tracking info/tracking code there's a few line script they suggest that just calls their gtag.js script.
16:15 Jim__ I think we mostly had updates in the doc from last time.
16:15 pdurbin Ok. Is the doc public? Can I see it?
16:15 Jim__ (and it must have been someone else talking about having analytics examples...)
16:17 Jim__ Not sure if it's open or not but you've commented in it before, so you should have access.
16:40 pdurbin I think I found it. I see some 2019 stuff in there.
16:41 pdurbin Jim__: at standup I learned a little more about our GA setup.
16:41 pdurbin It sound like we don't do much. I don't think we actually have much config to share.
16:41 pdurbin And the config we set up is years old and may not even work.
16:42 pdurbin Under "Conversions" then "Goals" we have a few (old) goals set up:
16:42 pdurbin Goal 1: Clicking on sign up page
16:42 pdurbin Goal 2: How many people create a Shib account by clicking \"Log-in\" first?
16:42 pdurbin Goal 3: How many people create a Shib account by clicking \"Sign Up\" first?
16:42 pdurbin ... but I think that's it.
16:43 pdurbin Jim__: so Danny, Mike and I agree that your best next step would be to post about what you're trying to achieve on the dataverse-community mailing list so more people can weigh in.
16:43 Jim__ OK - thanks. Hopefully not too much work then to get some basic logging off the new buttons at least - I'll see what I can do.
16:43 pdurbin Sounds great. And we are definitely open to an issue and pull request if you figure something out.
16:45 pdurbin I don't know if you and Venki were at the same community meeting but he's interested in the web analytics stuff:
16:52 Jim__ not sure if I met him, but that's the issue I was looking at to understand where the new css classes came from and why...
16:55 pdurbin ok but the recent work is discussed over in
16:55 pameyer if I'm remembering correctly, analytics might not have been a specific goal for the new css classes
16:56 pdurbin that issue got a hooray emoji from :)
16:58 pdurbin pameyer: well, there were multiple goals. Mike has the scoop. We new way is more flexible, more free form. And hopefully those new event style classes in 4.11 will help Jim__ and Venki get farther with Google Analytics.
17:06 pameyer pdurbin: thanks.  a while back I had some discussions with Mike about long-term stuff for analytics
17:07 pdurbin gotcha
17:07 pdurbin pameyer: our Jenkins is broken, by the way. :( I assume yours is still working.
17:09 pdurbin Jim__: Mike suggests looking at
17:12 pameyer pdurbin: I never got configs/pipelines for dataverse in jenkins working
17:12 pdurbin Oh. But you know how to install and configure Jenkins at least. :)
17:12 Jim__ Thanks for the pointers. I've done events before, so I have the basic idea. I think all that's needed is basically to grab the new buttons and add onclick events to send info to google (as in the discussion on social tracking).
17:12 pameyer pdurbin: at least minimally
17:13 pdurbin Jim__: ok, but for the social tracking, please be aware that is still open and Mike just linked me to it.
17:14 Jim__ - thanks
17:19 pdurbin sure
17:21 pdurbin Jim__: in those notes I saw Archivematica mentioned. This just in: Dataverse-Archivematica Integration Now Available for Testing:
17:24 Jim__ yep - saw that. Thanks.
17:24 pdurbin sure
17:25 pdurbin Did everyone see "Increasingly slow feedback loop for developers, increasingly large WAR files"?
17:32 pameyer yup
17:33 pdurbin Good. Over the weekend I had a chat with a friend about it over at
18:37 jri joined #dataverse
19:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:58 pameyer pdurbin: makes me thing disk problems
19:58 pameyer storage, inodes, space - not completely sure
19:58 pdurbin oh?
20:00 pameyer I vaguely think that jenkins does something equivalent to `cp -r` when it's starting a new job
20:01 pameyer but the sysadmins for that box probably know better than me :)
20:01 pdurbin Sure. We have a job from which we can run commands like `df` or whatever. Could try. Might not run.
20:03 pameyer if it's not a blocker, it might be simpler to leave it to the folks with shell access
20:03 pdurbin Yeah. I have other stuff I can work on.
20:32 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:57 pdurbin pameyer: 47 GB free in /var which is where the Jenkins jobs seem to write. All of the filesystems listed in `df -h` seem to have plenty of space.
20:59 pameyer huh - so it's not space then
21:01 pdurbin and actually, I just tried to clone a Sphinx job like I did earlier and it worked this time
21:07 jri joined #dataverse
21:27 pdurbin pameyer: they restarted Jenkins and I think everything is ok now: . Java had been updated.
21:32 pameyer pdurbin: today I learned that jenkins reloads libraries from disk outside restarts
21:33 pdurbin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21:33 pdurbin Jenkins is still very mysterious to me.

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