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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-03-12

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:04 jri joined #dataverse
12:26 MrK joined #dataverse
12:38 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:00 juancorr Good morning! @pdurbin. I have found the facet translation problem in Dataverse v4.11 and I have a possible but not elegant solution.
13:01 pdurbin juancorr: better than no solution! :)
13:02 juancorr Ok. I could open an issue to Dataverse and another to dataverse-language-packs
13:02 pdurbin Sure! Thank you!
14:04 dzho_ joined #dataverse
14:11 juancorr joined #dataverse
14:17 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:34 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:59 pdurbin andrewSC bjonnh bricas candy` jri juancorr pmauduit yoh: the community call is about to start:
17:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:56 donsizemore @pdurbin knock knock?
17:56 pdurbin who's there?
17:57 donsizemore @pdurbin a guy who owes you a lot of work. including a PR I'd like to make regarding #5575
17:58 pdurbin you don't owe me anything... we're square :)
17:58 donsizemore @pdurbin well, there are a number of things i want to get done for you, i haven't forgotten.
17:58 donsizemore @pdurbin have you ever seen an unpublished dataset absent from dataverse view but available when called directly? is this a solr thing?
17:59 pdurbin awesome that you're looking at
17:59 pdurbin yes, I've seen that
17:59 donsizemore i've restarted solr and have reindexed the dataset and parent dataverse a time or two, but i was under the impression that solr didn't kick in until a dataset is published
17:59 pdurbin when you go directly to a dataset page, solr isn't involved
18:00 donsizemore can't find anything pertinent/related in the glassfish or solr logs as best i can tell
18:00 donsizemore this is exactly what's happening. mandy's low-key freaked out, i'm just assuming it's solr
18:00 pdurbin no, unpublished datasets go into solr, so do published and deaccesioned datasets
18:00 pdurbin what if you try to reindex just that dataset?
18:01 donsizemore you're not telling me "oh, we fixed that in 4.10/4.11"; i promise i searched
18:01 donsizemore dataverse returns that it's started re-indexing the dataset (same for the dataverse) but it still doesn't show up in what mandy calls "draft view"
18:02 pdurbin how to reindex a dataset based on its database id: (doc pull request welcome)
18:02 donsizemore meanwhile, other datasets have been published around it
18:02 donsizemore oh, i've done that several times. i get '{"status":"OK","data":{"message":"starting reindex of dataset 7504557"}}'
18:02 pdurbin ah, ok
18:03 donsizemore i don't see solr crabbing about it, nor glassfish. it just evaporates
18:03 pdurbin she's a superuser? superusers should be able to see all the drafts
18:03 donsizemore she is
18:03 pameyer @donsizemore do you see it if you query solr directly?
18:03 pdurbin pameyer beat me to it
18:03 donsizemore @pameyer i knew you were going to ask that.
18:03 pameyer ;) I'm predictable sometimes
18:04 donsizemore got a command-line sample?
18:05 pameyer somewhere... hang on a few
18:05 donsizemore i know i can punch a firewall hole to get to the console in a web browser, but...
18:06 pameyer curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=dsPersistentId:*"
18:06 pameyer but swap out the wildcard as appropriate
18:08 donsizemore looks right in my terminal. also, you're awesome
18:09 pameyer only some days... glad to help
18:09 pdurbin one can find a similar "select" example at
18:10 donsizemore so it's in solr but not the dataverse
18:10 pdurbin can you find it from a search from the root dataverse?
18:12 donsizemore yes. i had tried a search from the sub-dataverse as well
18:13 pdurbin so are you all set? I'm confused
18:14 pdurbin (and also writing javascript right now)
18:14 donsizemore i'm confused as well. i can query the dataset in solr but it doesn't show up in the dataverse web interface (and i'm dataverseAdmin)
18:15 donsizemore (and we're still running 4.9.4)
18:15 pameyer 2 possibly dumb questions - is solr on the same host as glassfish? does it show up in postgres normally?
18:15 donsizemore yes and yes
18:17 donsizemore pfffft. i found the problem. please never embarrass me by bringing this up again
18:18 donsizemore <-- principle of maximum embarrassment poster child
18:18 pameyer ... that sounds suspicously like me a number of times
18:18 pameyer something like a third of my github issues are closed with "pameyer did it wrong"
18:26 donsizemore actually, mandy is adamant that it wasn't showing up in draft view, but one of my manual re-indexes must have corrected that
18:26 donsizemore i, being a big dummy, expected to see the dataset by modification time in dataverse view, but it was ordered by creation time, way down on page 3 of the results
18:27 pameyer fixed is fixed :)
18:31 donsizemore the secrets of the universe are buried on the second page of google search results
18:38 pameyer and that's another reason why "infinite scroll" is bad - there's no second page, so we'll never be able to find the secrets of the universe
20:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:41 pameyer @donsizemore thanks for the pointer about the new shib
20:42 donsizemore @pameyer i ran across it trying to decide which of my local branches to trash to make my re-indexing PR =)

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.