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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-05-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:18 andrewSC joined #dataverse
02:57 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
02:57 dataverse-user tes
09:48 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
12:28 Richard_Valdivia joined #dataverse
12:51 pdurbin hi Richard_Valdivia
13:00 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:48 pdurbin mornin' donsizemore
14:20 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm losing my mind a bit with error handling in Python. Especially due to all the constraits I've put on myself.
14:30 donsizemore @pdurbin rules are made for breaking!
14:30 pdurbin Here are my current constraints:
14:30 pdurbin - Works on Python 2 and Python 3
14:30 pdurbin - No external dependencies. Use the batteries included.
14:31 pdurbin Do you care about either of these things?
14:42 donsizemore is this for dataverse-metrics?
14:42 pdurbin yeah
14:43 donsizemore are non-standard modules considered an external dependency?
14:43 pdurbin yes
14:43 donsizemore i wouldn't bat an eyelash at installing any python module...
14:44 donsizemore particularly if there's a packaged version in centos/epel (and nearly everything is packaged in debian/ubuntu land)
14:44 donsizemore and any system which uses python2 can easily install python3, and vice versa
14:45 donsizemore as UNC's head librarian would say, you do YOU
14:46 donsizemore a venv is probably the only thing you could do to make newbies groan
14:53 pdurbin yeah
14:54 pdurbin thanks
17:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:34 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:09 donsizemore @pdurbin i just re-ran through the dataverse installation docs manually and have about 6 PRs to make to the prerequisites document. would you prefer granularity or simplicity?
19:13 pdurbin donsizemore: hmm, I'm thinking a single pull request but I'm open to whatever. Heads up that Oliver was taking a swing at rewriting it too. And he made a little diagram I can point you to if you'd like.
19:13 donsizemore ah, i'll hold off on then. mine were just minor corrections/suggestions/flow
19:13 pdurbin did you see his diagram?
19:15 pdurbin donsizemore: did you jot down the 6 things? If not, please feel free to create an issue for now.
19:16 donsizemore i'll be in a hospital waiting room most of tomorrow, it would give me something to do. i'll send them in and oliver can incorporate if he likes
19:16 pdurbin sounds perfect
19:16 pdurbin here's his diagram. I'm sure he'd love feedback:
19:17 pdurbin donsizemore: I tried to request a review from you for but I guess I'd need to add you to a team first.
19:17 donsizemore oh, i remember that. i missed his rewriting the install docs tho
19:19 donsizemore #21 looks good to me at a glance though i think you're worrying too much about dependencies. it's python =)
19:19 pdurbin probably
19:19 pdurbin :)
19:20 pdurbin Good luck at the hospital. I just saw a tweet about Thu-Mai giving a talk on the other side of the world. And Jon, earlier.
20:40 pdurbin donsizemore: you are very welcome to take a look at this one too:
20:41 pdurbin Oh and speaking of pull requests, I'm very excited about who opened this one: :)
21:04 donsizemore @pdurbin does that mean i should test payara5 again?
21:17 pdurbin donsizemore: heh. Let's let the dust settle. Also, should I spin up my own Jenkins server and try docker-aio on it?
21:18 donsizemore @pdurbin jenkins isn't really in the picture... just testing on that host
21:19 pdurbin Right but I want to understand all the CI stuff. I'm basically talking about
21:20 donsizemore @pdurbin ah, well you're welcome to
21:20 pdurbin donsizemore: whoa! I just saw ... maybe you **should** try Payara 5.192 if you're able.
21:21 donsizemore yes yes he deployed!
21:21 pdurbin Poor Oliver is the only one on . Would you like to be co-assigned. :)
21:23 pdurbin Speaking of Oliver, it looks like he found ... check out
21:24 donsizemore @pdurbin i mean, count me as an interested participant
21:28 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
21:29 pdurbin_m donsizemore: I tried using a payara zipurl but I got this:
21:31 donsizemore oh, i saw that. i haven't hit that bug
22:07 pdurbin I was trying to use this as the zipurl:
22:07 pdurbin I'm not sure if there's a more stable URL.
22:28 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
22:29 poikilotherm Hey guys, anyone still around?
22:30 pdurbin poikilotherm: congrats on your CVE
22:30 poikilotherm pdurbin: thx for the flowers, but that wasn't me :-D
22:30 pdurbin huh, you opened the issue
22:30 poikilotherm Not in upstream...
22:30 poikilotherm Minikube is just suffering from the CVE on K8s 1.14.2
22:31 pdurbin oh, this?
22:32 poikilotherm Yes
22:33 poikilotherm I linked to it from the docs
22:33 poikilotherm And added a link to it from the issue now, too
22:33 poikilotherm Although I added some value to the bug, as the opener only described it for restarting containers...
22:34 poikilotherm So I am part of it, but not the origin ;-)
22:35 pdurbin Ok, I'd like to try but I'm blocked by
22:39 poikilotherm Meh
22:39 poikilotherm Did you see
22:40 poikilotherm I am working on this... :-D
22:40 poikilotherm We had a holiday here in Germany today, so I did not continue where I left yesterday night
22:41 poikilotherm And tomorrow is a day off, too.
22:41 poikilotherm I will try to look into this to show people sth. on Monday... ;-)
22:41 poikilotherm (Dataverse DE meeting in Göttingen)
22:41 pdurbin It was Harvard graduation today (which is called "commencement" for some reason), so we had beer and pizza in the yard, like usual. :)
22:41 poikilotherm Sounds good ;_)
22:42 pdurbin Angela Merkel gave a speech
22:42 poikilotherm Oh wow! At Harvard?
22:42 pdurbin yeah
22:42 poikilotherm Must have been a very important grad day
22:43 pdurbin I did see that issue 63. Very cool.
22:43 poikilotherm Or is it normal to have foreign head of states to talk at Harvard on grad day
22:44 poikilotherm ?
22:44 pdurbin one year it was J K Rowling
22:44 poikilotherm :-D
22:44 poikilotherm Cool
22:45 pdurbin oprah
22:45 pdurbin
22:45 poikilotherm BTW: about Steve making pull request and more: how awesome is that?
22:45 pdurbin so awesome, no response in #glassfish though :)
22:46 poikilotherm And it is really good news that progress is possible
22:46 pdurbin well, the war file deployed, that's good
22:46 pdurbin but does Dataverse work? :)
22:47 poikilotherm Back in it sounded like things are borked up and it would be hard to achieve the goal
22:47 poikilotherm Hmm
22:47 poikilotherm I am not sure how to read Steves statement
22:48 poikilotherm He at least could login
22:48 pdurbin to Dataverse? I wasn't sure what he meant
22:48 poikilotherm Maybe Slava could help us here with Selenium testing?
22:48 pdurbin or... cypress! did you see the animated gif?
22:49 poikilotherm Quote from Steve: "I could deploy the war and login on Payara 5.192 running on JDK 11."
22:49 pdurbin cypress (alternative to selnium) animated gif:
22:49 poikilotherm I read that like he deployed and used his browser to visit the deployed app. He could login
22:49 poikilotherm Uh nice!
22:49 poikilotherm Didn't see that yet
22:49 poikilotherm (Digging through the list of notifications... ;-) )
22:51 poikilotherm Looks promising. At least it would be a start. Altough no cross browser testing :-/
22:52 pdurbin I'll take anything. :)
22:52 poikilotherm :-D
22:53 pdurbin ah, found an ansible workaround
22:54 poikilotherm Great :-)
22:55 pdurbin but Steve's branch hasn't been merged yet so I need to spin up his branch
22:57 pdurbin giving this a shot: -g main.yml -r -b 5893-make-flyway-ejb-valid
22:58 pdurbin with this tweak to the ec2 create script:
22:59 poikilotherm Looks like I will need to build sth. clever to get other WARs inside to test this...
23:00 pdurbin It would be awesome to be able to use your stuff with arbitrary forks and branches.
23:01 poikilotherm I kind of had the plan to use a maven plugin...
23:01 poikilotherm And reuse my upstream images
23:01 poikilotherm This would at least work for the WAR file
23:02 poikilotherm For "the rest", like the TSV/JSON/... one would need to evaluate what can be done with things like fabric8io/d-m-p
23:02 pdurbin weird. "Command start-domain failed"
23:03 poikilotherm What would you prefer? Using a maven command to build the image? Build the WAR and everything inside a multi stage docker build? Some fancy script to roll in the WAR?
23:04 poikilotherm Or maybe a maven plugin building the image and pushing it to kubernetes?
23:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: whatever works, honestly. I'm not picky.
23:33 poikilotherm :-D
23:33 pdurbin You should see me hacking on
23:33 pdurbin screenshots! :)
23:34 pdurbin But you should be getting to bed.
23:35 pdurbin sorry I didn't go see angela merkel. I'm sure it was recorded
23:37 poikilotherm :-D
23:37 poikilotherm Yes I should...
23:38 poikilotherm Looking into how to create a simple registry for development purposes
23:39 poikilotherm Luckily, we are not the first people discovering Kubernetes for local dev, too

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