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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-06-12

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:19 jri joined #dataverse
01:48 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
01:48 dataverse-user hallo
01:49 dataverse-user i am newbie in dataverse from indonesia
01:50 dataverse-user57 joined #dataverse
02:50 pdurbin sorry, timezones :/
02:51 pdurbin I wonder if this was a follow up on
04:19 jri joined #dataverse
07:26 jri joined #dataverse
07:35 jri joined #dataverse
08:06 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
08:08 poikilotherm Mornin. Early Birds. Worms. Catching. All that stuff ;-)
09:21 jonas_ joined #dataverse
09:42 MrK joined #dataverse
09:59 poikilotherm Hey MrK :-)
10:00 poikilotherm Do I remember correctly that you guys tried to get Dataverse onto another application server
10:05 pdurbin mornin' early birds
10:06 poikilotherm That's not me. 12:00 here ;-)
10:06 poikilotherm Did you have cup of coffee already?
10:09 pdurbin No. Need coffee. I thought I'd reply on first quick.
10:10 poikilotherm I have a thing or two here for you... ;-) Grab a coffee first, take your time, enjoy. Worms will be around for a while.
10:11 poikilotherm (They nible code at the moment)
10:20 pdurbin Ok, done replying. Making coffee. Reading what you write here. Please go ahead.
10:21 poikilotherm Ok, first about my hacking from yesterday evening
10:21 pdurbin jonas_: meeting in Berlin today:
10:21 pdurbin poikilotherm: sorry, please go ahead
10:21 poikilotherm I see issues #4172, #5907 and #5913
10:21 poikilotherm There are some PRs for those around, too
10:22 poikilotherm All of this seems to boil down to a common cause: updated libs handle viewParam differently than on GL 4.1
10:22 poikilotherm GF 4.1
10:23 pdurbin ok
10:23 poikilotherm I wonder if it might make sense to create a new issue about this and post a price for the most squashed bugs
10:23 pdurbin Heh, sure, go ahead.
10:23 poikilotherm This is very likely to bite at many places
10:24 poikilotherm Actually I am afraid we need to check each and every view around :-/
10:24 pdurbin Do you think we'd see this bug on newer versions of Glassfish 4? 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 or whatever the latest in the 4.x was?
10:24 poikilotherm It should be in there
10:24 pdurbin ok
10:24 poikilotherm At least to some degree. EL v3.0.1b05 should be included in those releases
10:25 poikilotherm But IIRC there had been other troubles keeping you guys from those releases, right?
10:25 pdurbin yeah
10:25 poikilotherm So this might be hard to test / cross-check
10:25 pdurbin yeah
10:28 pdurbin What do you think the fix will look like? The "diff" in the pull request? And will that code work on both Glassfish 4.1 as well as version of Glassfish and Payara that are newer than that?
10:28 poikilotherm I don't think so. This has been a big bummer bug in the past...
10:29 poikilotherm I don't know if we can get around things with custom EL Resolvers
10:30 pdurbin At least with custom EL Resolvers we'd be in control of the behavior.
10:30 poikilotherm Maybe we can add another patch :-D
10:30 pdurbin Regardless of the Glassfish version.
10:30 poikilotherm We could replace the javax.el JAR like we do for welda and grizzly
10:30 pdurbin Oh, that's a good point.
10:31 pdurbin I'm not sure it's the best approach but it's an option.
10:31 poikilotherm Hmm... Thinking... What about trying to reproduce the bug on GF 4.1 with an updated EL lib?
10:32 poikilotherm (Which contains the fixes back from the good ol' days)
10:32 pdurbin Good thought.
10:32 pdurbin If it all boils down to one jar it's good to know which jar and which version.
10:32 poikilotherm Lemme see if I can dangle together a small image...
10:33 pdurbin ok
10:33 poikilotherm But first, issue creating
10:33 pdurbin ok
10:34 jonas4711 joined #dataverse
10:35 poikilotherm Hmm on second thought it seems like there is only issue #5907
10:35 poikilotherm Do you still want me to create a new, more generalized issue?
10:36 pdurbin I almost closed #5907 yesterday. I couldn't decide what the scope should be. New issue, please.
10:38 poikilotherm Yes Sir!
10:38 pdurbin I can tell you what I want. I want code that works on old/current Glassfish and new Glassfish/Payara. Ideally without having to patch any jars. :)
10:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: again, great find. Thanks for all the research on this bug.
10:39 poikilotherm Yeah. Sounds great. Dunno if doable
10:40 poikilotherm BTW - the setting for coercion in JSF has been unchanged since the first commit of Dataverse
10:40 pdurbin Yeah, I noticed.
10:42 pdurbin Dunno if you saw but I made a new, smaller pull request yesterday. With just default=root for a dataverse alias: . But do we want this fix?
10:42 pdurbin It seems to do no harm on Glassfish 4.1.
10:43 poikilotherm Yeah I saw it plus your comment.
10:43 poikilotherm I wondered if it might be worth a try to insert some clever EL there to get the root dataverse name
10:43 poikilotherm You told me that it could differ in installations...
10:44 poikilotherm And it totally makes sense to use defaults to mitigate the problem... ;-)
10:45 pdurbin It can. is the root dataverse, for example. But I think we think it won't be a problem, that it's safe to put default=root in there.
10:46 pdurbin I'm planning on closing the older pull request with two fixes in one commit: . No objections, right?
10:46 poikilotherm Nope.
10:49 pdurbin poikilotherm: done. And I'll probably close the issue I opened once you open yours.
10:50 poikilotherm Check
10:50 pdurbin Please feel free to use the screenshots from that issue, though. I like screenshots. :)
11:14 MrK poikilotherm: Hi
11:15 MrK In longer we will probably try spring :P
11:15 MrK long term*
11:19 pdurbin MrK: Spring? Really? :) But which app server?
11:22 MrK pdurbin: I'm just talking long term :P, none default tomcat servlet container
11:22 pdurbin ok, so tomcat
11:22 MrK Yeah in spring you can change it on the fly so no problem with replacing.
11:22 pdurbin sure
11:23 pdurbin Well, I'm not sure if I know what you mean, actually. On the fly?
11:23 MrK Em just that you can replace it and it won't cause loads of trouble.
11:23 pdurbin sure, ok
11:24 pdurbin In theory, we can get there with Java EE too.
11:24 pdurbin So people can choose between Payara, Wildfly, and Liberty.
11:24 pdurbin or whatever
11:24 pdurbin but Dataverse is fairly dependent on Glassfish 4.1 right now :(
11:25 MrK Yeah, but JEE is kinda weak for integration testing and app server is just troubles. Wanna change some dependency? gotta replace jar manualy, good luck with telling everyone that they gotta do it manually :P, in spring you just change dependency in pom.
11:28 pdurbin I've never used Spring. But people obviously like it. Recently I started listening to
11:30 jonas4711 joined #dataverse
11:31 pdurbin MrK: poikilotherm and I have been talking about IRC vs. newer stuff it you'd like to join in. I have a doc and a spreadsheet for you to read if you want.
11:31 MrK sure
11:31 pdurbin jonas4711: you seemed interested in this topic during the Dataverse DE call, I think.
11:32 pdurbin The first doc is this, a copy and paste from an issue poikilotherm opened with comments by me. All are welcome to comment on this doc or the original issue:
11:34 pdurbin The spreadsheet is something I created later, called "Dataverse Community Chat Requirements" and the idea is that I have been the champion of certain features or requirements such as public logs. I'm fine with adding more requirements but each requirement needs a champion, I think:
11:38 pdurbin Comments are welcome on that spreadsheet too, of course.
11:45 poikilotherm Back from lunch...
11:46 poikilotherm pdurbin, while I continue to write the issue, you might be interested in this for your other "side project":
11:46 poikilotherm
11:46 poikilotherm Meh
11:46 poikilotherm
11:46 poikilotherm
11:47 poikilotherm I wondered yesterday how to improve from just using Thread.sleep. This seems pretty reasonable
11:51 pdurbin poikilotherm: cool, thanks.
11:53 MrK protip: I improved time to save the new dataverse by 6 times, 2.6 sec out of 3.1 sec are used to send an email, so i put it in another thread.
11:54 pdurbin MrK: nice, any plans to make a pull request? :)
11:55 MrK too much changes, I refactored whole DataversePage :P.
11:58 pdurbin MrK: ok, I forget if I have your installation in our internal spreadsheet. That's where I track forks by their GitHub URL.
11:59 MrK ahh
12:01 pdurbin Ok, I already have there. Under the "unmapped" installations tab. :)
12:01 pdurbin MrK: wanna be on the map? :)
12:02 MrK sure :P
12:04 pdurbin MrK: great! We'll be asking you for information like this:
12:04 pdurbin MrK: if you could follow this process it would be ideal: ... thanks!
12:07 MrK pdurbin: oh so just like sending our json on email :D
12:08 MrK also we have 3 "version" of repository so it will not be a single url/logo
12:08 MrK versions*
12:09 pdurbin MrK: you have three installations of Dataverse?
12:12 MrK yeah, "general","sociological" and "crystallographic".
12:13 pdurbin Nice! We'll be happy to add three dots on the map. :) NTU has two installations. A main one and one for their engineering school.
12:14 MrK But our installations are not public yet, you need a password to access the site.
12:15 pdurbin MrK: hmm, so we can't collect metrics from them. Or harvest from them via OAI-PMH.
12:18 MrK maybe we will just talk about it when we are gonna go public :P?
12:25 pdurbin MrK: sure that sounds fine. Also, how do you feel about "throwing over the wall" whatever files you have in the form of a pull request at ?
12:28 pdurbin MrK: I forget if you know Slava. Probably you do. Everyone knows Slava. Recently he contributed a bunch of language translations even though they're somewhat dated, for Dataverse 4.9.4. This is totally fine.
12:33 MrK Ah yeah recently we talked about it in the team, it is beeing prepared when I heard about it last time.
12:35 pdurbin MrK: ok, so you do plan to contribute a Polish translation at some point. Want me to create an issue for this?
12:36 MrK I think we had some issue already, and yeah we wanted to give out at least 4.9.4 polish translation.
12:37 pdurbin I created one in Slava's repo. I can go create one in the new repo, now that it exists.
12:40 pdurbin Or you can. But I'm happy to. :)
12:48 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:48 pdurbin donsizemore: good morning. Talk to me.
12:50 donsizemore @pdurbin what would you like to talk about? (i'm still dealing with backup screwiness but will put in your docker cp for easily viewable server.logs this morning)
12:51 pdurbin yum!
12:51 pdurbin Looking forward to the docker cp.
12:51 donsizemore @pdurbin also, andrey is low-key crushed that his DataverseML proposal didn't get selected so any feedback on that decision would put him at ease
12:51 pdurbin Who crushed him? NSF?
12:53 MrK Since I'm lazy I wouldn't mind issue created :P.
12:55 pdurbin MrK: sure, here you go:
13:02 pdurbin donsizemore: wait, did we crush him? I'm looking at
13:04 donsizemore @pdurbin perhaps "crushed" is a strong term, let's go with low-key anxiety over why it didn't get selected
13:05 pdurbin I can't find his proposal.
13:05 donsizemore @pdurbin i suggested that the DCM is geared more towards archivists while DataverseML would be of more interest to researchers
13:05 donsizemore @pdurbin he did mention yesterday that he was pretty sure he submitted it
13:05 pdurbin I don't see it.
13:05 pdurbin Did he get an RT ticket number?
13:07 pdurbin When I submitted my "crazy ideas" talk proposal I got an email with this link:
13:08 pdurbin So he should have gotten an email like that.
13:08 donsizemore i'll ask him when he gets in
13:08 pdurbin ok, thanks
13:09 pdurbin donsizemore: meanwhile, can I please bring you up to speed with Payara and ?
13:16 donsizemore yes sir
13:17 donsizemore oh. where would you want server.log to end up? beneath tests/ ? target/ ?
13:17 pdurbin donsizemore: for now, anywhere that I can reach from a web browser without logging in.
13:18 donsizemore you can see the entire workspace tree, so i'll dump it in tests
13:18 pdurbin awesome, thanks!
13:18 donsizemore or better yet conf/docker-aio/
13:18 pdurbin whatever works
13:19 donsizemore i added this line to the end of
13:19 donsizemore docker cp dv:/usr/local/glassfish4/glassfis​h/domains/domain1/logs/server.log conf/docker-aio/
13:19 donsizemore so it should run immediately after the maven call. if you find that friendly i'll submit a PR
13:20 donsizemore what's up with payara5? i saw lots of convo from @poikilotherm
13:20 pdurbin donsizemore: for Payara, I'm wondering if I can co-assign you to that issue so that poor poikilotherm has a buddy. He did some great research into the wee hours last night on why the Dataverse JSF code (the front end) is so unhappy with (apparently) anything newer than the ancient Glassfish we require.
13:23 pdurbin MrK: I'm happy to co assign you as well if you'd like to help us get off Glassfish 4.1. :)
13:25 donsizemore i'm happy to be assigned for whatever use i may be
13:25 donsizemore i'm no @poikilother
13:25 MrK I'm not sure if we are gonna try getting of glassfish 4.1 to payara/glassfish 5 or try switching to spring later.
13:28 pdurbin MrK: ok, but please make pull requests. :)
13:29 pdurbin donsizemore: sure but if poikilotherm give you a URL to a jar we might want to patch like we do for weld and grizzly, I'm wondering if we should add it to dataverse-ansible as a option. To patch it or not, I mean. To test a theory we have.
13:30 donsizemore @pdurbin absolutely. starting with the one ^^ /
13:31 donsizemore with more coffee i may be able to type more accurately
13:38 juancorr joined #dataverse
13:41 pdurbin donsizemore: great! I'll keep you posted on if we'd like that patch option or not. Thanks!
13:46 poikilotherm I'm sorry guys, I am underperformer today... Having headaches :-(
13:46 poikilotherm Maybe the weather :-/
14:11 pdurbin poikilotherm: hope you feel better
14:26 jonas4711 joined #dataverse
14:31 Venki joined #dataverse
14:32 Venki Hello guys
14:32 Venki Good morning
14:33 Venki Phil I would like to know the java code for getting all users in the dashboard
14:35 Venki What is the code that is querying the dB? I would like to know whether the pagination is done at code level after all the user records are pulled from the database. or is it that we pull only 25 records from dB at a time.
14:36 Venki joined #dataverse
14:38 Venki joined #dataverse
14:39 pdurbin Venki: hi! Sure, I can show you the code.
14:39 Venki Thanks Phil
14:41 donsizemore @pdurbin i made a note to dig out that jar and add a switch for it. where's my Round Tuit?
14:41 Venki joined #dataverse
14:42 pdurbin Venki: here's the "next" button:
14:43 pdurbin Venki: which calls into runUserSearchWithPage at
14:43 pdurbin donsizemore: ok, but I'm not sure if we need it yet
14:43 pdurbin Venki: does that help?
14:44 Venki I saw this but I am asking for the database query that was written to pull this?
14:44 Venki Is it paginated at the dB query or we pull all records and do the pagination?
14:46 Venki joined #dataverse
14:47 Venki I see that the UserListResult is called finally but not sure where is the dB code? Is it a stored proc?
14:49 pdurbin Venki: I'm still digging. What problem are you having? Is it slow? How many users do you have?
14:49 Venki Oh ok. Apologies for having not mentioned that
14:50 Venki I am trying to solve the problem of sorting the users by ID. I found that you guys are using prime faces and it has a Data exporter function which allows to export the data from the table
14:51 Venki If I include the prime face code for data exporter it exports only the current page and the not the whole table
14:51 Venki also when I use the sort function of prime face it only sorts the first page with 25 records.
14:52 Venki I see that the API also works the same way
14:52 Venki We have only 450 records in the prod server and 75 records in the development
14:52 pdurbin Venki: ok. Thanks. And I think I found the SQL query. getUserListCore at
14:53 Venki Oh that’s good.
14:54 pdurbin I hope that's the right one. I think it is. I didn't write this code. :)
14:55 Venki Ok my intention is to use that code to assign the value to the data table directly
14:55 Venki Not sure whether it will work
14:57 Venki18 joined #dataverse
15:00 Venki18 joined #dataverse
15:00 Venki18 Thanks Phil
15:00 Venki18 Will test it out and let you know
15:01 pdurbin Venki18: sounds good. Please feel free to open an issue about this.
15:01 Venki18 Sure will do that
15:02 Venki18 Phil just for your info, we did a crude way of getting google to index our CC-By-NC
15:04 Venki18 dataset.xhml file has a output field with jsonLd value. We have replaced the value of CC0 with CC-BY-NC and also the URL.
15:04 Venki18 Hope Google dataset can index this correctly..
15:06 Venki18 Thanks Phil for your help.
15:07 pdurbin Venki18: interesting. :)
15:08 pdurbin Venki18: speaking of your installation, did you see this tweet? I love it:
15:08 pdurbin donsizemore: the coloring fun ^^
15:10 donsizemore @pdurbin i have my scented "Mr. Sketch" markers here on my desk!
15:11 donsizemore (which a co-worker's daughter used for copious amounts of coloring yesterday)
15:11 pdurbin nice
15:35 pdurbin donsizemore: I just left a comment at about the potential jar to patch
15:36 pdurbin The theory is that if we patch Glassfish 4.1 with javax.el-api-3.0-b05.jar (I hope that's the right jar, I'm pretty confused) that we will start to see the same problems with JSF that we've been seeing on newer versions of Glassfish or Payara. Does that make sense?
17:14 donsizemore @pdurbin he wanted 3.0-b05?
17:16 pdurbin donsizemore: as an optional patch. This is more something I was thinking about playing with. To understand the source of the change. Which we think is that jar file. I guess. :)
17:16 pdurbin lots of uncertainty here
17:17 pdurbin Oh, I forgot to assign you to that issue.
17:17 pdurbin done :)
17:18 pdurbin ah, you opened
17:18 pdurbin thanks :)
17:19 donsizemore i ask because he mentioned 3.0-b05 but it hit 3.0.0 apparently in 2013
17:20 pdurbin Hmm.
17:20 pdurbin Yeah, I dunno.
17:20 pdurbin I'm leaning heavily on his notes. :)
17:25 donsizemore and i don't find a javax.el-api.jar beneath glassfish4/, only javax.el.jar. so this is an addition rather than a swap
17:26 pdurbin Ok, I might be linking you to the wrong thing. :(
17:26 donsizemore there's a javax.el jar, but when i unzip it i don't find a reference to any api
17:27 pdurbin I'm running `/usr/local/glassfish4/bin/asadmin osgi lb` but I'm not even sure what I'm looking for.
17:28 pdurbin I see this in the output:
17:28 donsizemore there's a javax.el.jar and a javax.batch-api.jar, and i see those loaded
17:28 pdurbin 137|Resolved   |    1|Expression Language 3.0 (3.0.0)
17:30 pdurbin ok
17:30 pdurbin Your guess is as good as mine.
17:30 pdurbin And maybe it's not such a hot idea to do additional surgery on Glassfish 4.1 just to test something. :)
17:33 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm pretty sure /usr/local/glassfish4/glas​sfish/modules/javax.el.jar is the one. If you unzip it you can find version=3.0.1-b03 in META-INF/maven/org.glassfi​sh/javax.el/
17:35 donsizemore it's easy enough to test
17:35 pdurbin If you don't mind, please go for it. :)
18:18 donsizemore okay, i've got a branch that adds javax.el-api.jar to glassfish (but doesn't wipe out the much larger javax.el.jar)
18:18 pdurbin and it's optional?
18:23 pdurbin I'm confused that there are two jars.
18:35 jri joined #dataverse
18:41 pdurbin donsizemore: can you please delete /tmp/sitemap.xml.staged ?
18:48 donsizemore done. i'll add it to the tmp-cleaner
18:49 pdurbin thanks!
19:57 jonas4711 joined #dataverse
21:10 jri joined #dataverse
22:13 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
22:19 pdurbin joined #dataverse

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