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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-10-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:19 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:30 jri joined #dataverse
07:33 juancorr Thanks @pdurbin I will begin to study the conexion between Dataverse and their external tools.
08:38 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
09:45 stefankasberger @pdurbin: regarding checksums: i have read, that dataverse offers more checksum integrations than md5. we would like to change to sha256. is that reasonable? cause i think, also the filenames are ingested with the md5 hashes als filenames. does a switch to another checksum algorithm create issues, or is the filenaming seperated from the frontend display?
09:50 pdurbin juancorr: there is no pull request yet, but here you can see the code that is being worked on:
09:51 pdurbin stefankasberger: I don't think there are any issues with switching to newer checksums.
09:53 pdurbin poikilotherm: I tried to answer this Docker question but you might want to try as well:
09:59 poikilotherm Good morning :-)
10:00 * poikilotherm goes looking
10:02 pdurbin Thanks. And maybe you or stefankasberger can tell Slava about that issue.
10:02 poikilotherm Uff. I don't think I'd be of much help there. Without any logs etc it's really hard to tell what potential issues he is suffering from
10:03 poikilotherm Tell?
10:03 poikilotherm You mean forward it to him?
10:03 poikilotherm If "sharif" is going to open an issue in dataverse-docker I'm pretty sure Slava will see that
10:03 juancorr Perfect @pdurbin. I will try it
10:15 kamil84 joined #dataverse
10:18 pdurbin juancorr: thanks! Eventually we plan to work on but if you can help, that would be great!
10:19 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure, I'm more thinking of the case where he doesn't open an issue. Time will tell, I guess.
10:20 poikilotherm Aye
10:21 pdurbin stefankasberger: a (possibly interesting) factoid is that in order to use the Data Capture Module, you have to switch from md5 to sha1 :)
10:26 poikilotherm Oh, looks like I should change that by default in dataverse-kubernetes, right?
10:27 poikilotherm MD5 and SHA1 are dead...
10:27 poikilotherm RIP
10:27 pdurbin Well, the DCM stuff is what is about.
10:29 pdurbin If you or stefankasberger feel strongly that Dataverse should use a specific checksum algorithm out of the box instead of md5 you could create an issue about this.
10:30 poikilotherm Not necessarily.
10:30 poikilotherm I saw lots of tools out there providing md5, sha1 and sha256 in parallel
10:30 poikilotherm But that seems like a waste of CPU cycles
10:31 poikilotherm MD5 is great on small boxes
10:31 pdurbin :)
10:31 poikilotherm Maybe one should add a section to the "run in production" part of the guide?
10:31 poikilotherm A hint is fair I think
10:33 pdurbin That "run in production" section was an afterthought I added at some point but I like it a lot.
10:34 pdurbin poikilotherm stefankasberger: oh, did you see ? It was mentioned at
10:36 poikilotherm Yeah. They seem to be live now :-)
10:36 poikilotherm Met Dorothea at Göttingen in summer
10:36 pdurbin Not on the map yet but soon, I think. I emailed her. :)
10:36 * poikilotherm *thumbs up*
10:58 poikilotherm pdurbin donsizemore: I saw you guys talking about Jenkins the other day
10:59 poikilotherm Or yesterday
10:59 poikilotherm However
10:59 poikilotherm You guys need help?
10:59 poikilotherm I dunno if you took a look at my image jobs?
10:59 pdurbin Well, I wasn't able to import a job. I think I'm missing some plugins.
11:00 poikilotherm Ok
11:00 pdurbin Part of the job were imported. Very strange behavior.
11:00 pdurbin parts*
11:00 poikilotherm I sounded like donsizemore was having troubles with configuring proper jobs for PRs
11:01 pdurbin Well, I think his main trouble is that he was focusing on his actual job. :)
11:01 poikilotherm LOL
11:01 poikilotherm I hear you
11:01 poikilotherm :-D
11:01 pdurbin We agreed to look closer next week or so.
11:02 pdurbin But at a high level I'm interested in spreading the knowledge of how to install Jenkins. How anyone can run their own . Slava or stefankasberger or anyone.
11:02 poikilotherm How much logic are you guys actually putting inside the jbs?
11:03 poikilotherm Most of my stuff is living in Jenkinsfile(s) now, using declarative pipelines
11:03 poikilotherm Because that seems the way to go these days
11:04 poikilotherm Lots of the job configuration then boils down to pointing to the Jenkinsfile and connecting to the repo
11:04 pdurbin I don't know. I'm new to all of this. I do know that Jenkins can be used within OpenShift to do builds, which I imagine is similar to what you're doing.
11:05 poikilotherm Jenkins running on OpenShift or Jenkins running a job in OpenShift?
11:06 pdurbin They seem to call it "openshift pipeline builds" and it uses Jenkins:
11:07 poikilotherm Ah I see.
11:07 poikilotherm They are combining a few things there
11:07 pdurbin poikilotherm: are you using webhooks? Do you send a webhook to your Jenkins server? Do you have a Jenkins server? A webhook from GitHub, I mean.
11:07 poikilotherm Running tasks in a Jenkin pipeline in an OpenShift cluster
11:07 jri joined #dataverse
11:08 poikilotherm 1) Yes, 2) Yes, but mine is, 3) Using community server, 4) yes a github webhook
11:08 poikilotherm It's managed by the github pr plugin :-)
11:08 poikilotherm Works pretty smooth
11:09 pdurbin Ok, what's the status of ?
11:09 poikilotherm For now I have been working on adding the jobs via the UI
11:10 poikilotherm As I needed to work out how to do it in the first place :-D
11:11 poikilotherm I just looked at the webhooks of dataverse-kubernetes repo: I do have 2 webhooks.
11:11 poikilotherm One is for pushes and pr, the other for comments
11:11 poikilotherm That's because of the functionality that plugin offers, making dataversebot asking for verification
11:13 pdurbin If I need to install my own some day, how easy would it be for me to recreate your dataverse-kubernetes job(s)?
11:16 poikilotherm IMHO it should be fairly easy. It's a multibranch pipeline job.
11:16 poikilotherm Obviously it can't hurt to have some docs :-D
11:16 poikilotherm Like what plugins to install etc
11:17 poikilotherm The tough logic what happens INSIDE the job is version controlled in the Jenkinsfile
11:17 pdurbin Docs on what to click in the GUI to add it? Or can you provide an XML file or whatever?
11:17 poikilotherm It's more than just XML.
11:17 poikilotherm You need to provide credentials
11:18 poikilotherm Plugins can be installed from a list
11:18 poikilotherm The job config can be saved as XML
11:19 poikilotherm Hmm maybe it would be a good idea to have a look at persisting those steps as an ansible playbook
11:20 pdurbin Have you seen at ? Do you want to add one for your stuff?
11:22 nils`` joined #dataverse
11:23 poikilotherm Hmm its all about the other jobs. And its only importing the job config. No credentials, etc
11:23 poikilotherm A playbook might be better to automate all steps
11:23 poikilotherm Not extending the existing which installs Jenkins itself
11:29 jri_ joined #dataverse
11:30 stefankasberger @pdurbin: would be great, to collect the metadata blocks in a github repo or so. i plan to have all config related files in a private repo, so i can use it for build/test activities. a master repo from iqss, developed and maintaned together, would be very helpful for that. maybe just one for metadata blocks to beginn with. i like granular repos for just one purpose as a foundation.
11:31 poikilotherm I second that. The current mixture of code and all those metadata things would be great to be separated
11:32 poikilotherm And we are going to create more metadata blocks on our way ahead.
11:32 poikilotherm Oh and not to forget: Dorothea and some others are heavily engaged in a engineering metadata schema standard
11:33 poikilotherm
11:58 jri joined #dataverse
12:01 stefankasberger get that, but at least to have a list of metadata blocks already created, so you have orientation when you want to work one out for your own institution. and maybe later on then agree upon some standards. maybe. :)
12:15 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure but imagine a world where Ansible doesn't exist. We would write a shell script, right? What would that shell script look like? :)
12:16 pdurbin welcome nils``
12:16 poikilotherm Ah shell scripts... The culprit of devops
12:16 pdurbin stefankasberger: good idea. How do you edit your metadata blocks? The TSV files I mean. In vi? Using Google Spreadsheets? Something else?
12:17 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm just trying to unblock :)
12:19 Philipp joined #dataverse
12:19 pdurbin poikilotherm: wow, so is fixed?!? Great!
12:19 Philipp Hi Phil!
12:19 pdurbin Philipp: hello! Ready to make that pull request? :)
12:20 Philipp Yes!
12:20 pdurbin Perfect. Do you have Python 3 installed?
12:20 poikilotherm Hi Philipp :-)
12:20 Philipp Not sure. I probably have it on my linux machine, but I'm at work on windows now
12:20 poikilotherm pdurbin: can we please upgrade to Solr 8? More sophisticated probes available :-D
12:21 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure, please create an issue :)
12:21 Philipp maybe it's easier if start my linux machien?
12:22 pdurbin Philipp: uh oh. I'm a little worried I'm not supporting Windows so well in my Python script. Let me go look at it. in
12:22 Philipp give me 2min
12:23 Philipp note: I'm not a programmer and its a while I took a python course...
12:23 pdurbin Hmm, it should mostly work but I should probably change this... json_out = 'data/data.json' ... to change the / to something windows friendly.
12:24 Philipp left #dataverse
12:24 Philipp joined #dataverse
12:24 Philipp back on linux now
12:25 Philipp Phil?
12:27 pdurbin Philipp: oh! I just pushed a commit to make it more Windows friendly. But you can try it on either. Up to you. :)
12:28 pdurbin I don't have a Windows box so maybe you should test it for me.
12:28 Philipp let's try on linux
12:28 Philipp please guide!
12:28 pdurbin Ok, first let's just get the code running. You'll want to clone the repo.
12:30 pdurbin git clone
12:31 pdurbin (We'll worry about forks and stuff later.)
12:32 Philipp ah, now I remember why I gave this up last time. I've never cloned a repo. Do I just download the zip?
12:35 pdurbin The zip is fine for now.
12:37 Philipp OK. Downloaded. I'm in the terminal in the folder where the zip file is.
12:38 pdurbin cool, now you need to unzip it
12:38 Philipp is it unzip filename?
12:41 pdurbin yeah
12:42 Philipp done
12:44 pdurbin Great. Now you should chance to that directory: cd dataverse-installations
12:45 Philipp THere :)
12:47 pdurbin Ok, now please try this: python3
12:48 Philipp seems to work, at least I don't get any error message
12:50 Philipp the file path disappeared for while and came back. OK?
12:50 pdurbin Great! Was the data.json file updated? To include the stuff you changed or added? It should be in a directory called "data".
12:52 Philipp hm what did I add/change??
12:53 pdurbin "launch_year": "2017",
12:53 pdurbin updated description
12:54 Philipp yes, sorry, I have been at work sinde 0530...
12:54 Philipp the stuff is updated!
12:56 pdurbin Nice! From here you have a couple options. You could simply copy and paste the contents of data.json into whatever is on GitHub. Or we could get you set up git stuff (fork the repo, git commit, git push, etc.). What do you think?
12:59 Philipp I think for now let's do the first one
13:00 Philipp where should I paste it?
13:00 pdurbin First you should click "edit" (the pencil icon) at
13:01 pdurbin Then there should be an editor in your web browser you can use.
13:02 Philipp OK, do I replace the existing text with the copy from my local data.json file?
13:02 pdurbin Yeah, that's what I would suggest.
13:04 Philipp I entered this in the note field: Updated information about the DataverseNO installation.
13:04 Philipp then I just click on Propose file change, right?
13:11 pdurbin yep
13:14 Philipp And now I make a pull request?
13:14 pdurbin yes please
13:16 sharif joined #dataverse
13:16 Philipp Done. Thanks! Now, I have to run! See you!
13:16 Philipp left #dataverse
13:16 sharif hello
13:16 pdurbin Hmm, I feel like someone other than me should merge it, ideally. Maybe bricas_ or jri or juancorr or poikilotherm or stefankasberger
13:17 pdurbin Hi, Sharif. Thanks for joining us! :)
13:17 poikilotherm Feel free to request a review from me
13:17 Guest88985 Hi pdurbin
13:18 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure, please review
13:18 pdurbin poikilotherm: and when you're done perhaps you can explain to Sharif ( Guest88985 ) the difference between dataverse-docker and dataverse-kubernetes. :)
13:19 poikilotherm pdurbin: i have no idea if those fields are correct
13:19 Guest88985 Pdubin, Thanks for replying my questions regarding curl command error
13:19 poikilotherm do you have some kind of json schema?
13:19 poikilotherm so this can be linted/validated
13:20 pdurbin Hmm, nope, no JSON Schema yet.
13:20 Guest88985 pdubin, how to  "ssh" into the Docker container?
13:20 pdurbin Guest88985: good question. I always have to Google it. One sec.
13:21 Guest88985 Thank you
13:21 poikilotherm No no no
13:21 poikilotherm No SSH
13:21 poikilotherm Please use "docker exec"
13:21 pdurbin Yeah, that's the one. You might need to run `docker ps` first to get the name of the container. This might help:
13:22 poikilotherm For convenience you can use docker-compose exec <service name> /bin/bash
13:22 poikilotherm Thats faster than looking up the container from docker ps
13:23 poikilotherm So this should be "docker-compose exec dataverse /bin/bash"
13:23 Guest88985 Thank you very much....let me try
13:23 pdurbin poikilotherm: he's using dataverse-docker
13:23 poikilotherm Obviously you need to be in the directory with your docker-compose- file
13:23 poikilotherm Yeah. dataverse-docker is using docker-compose
13:24 poikilotherm In dataverse-kubernetes you'd be using kubectl instead ;-)
13:24 pdurbin poikilotherm: do you know why he's seeing the error he posted in ?
13:24 Guest88985 I get this error ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?
13:25 Guest88985 when I run docker-compose exec dataverse /bin/bash
13:25 poikilotherm Huh? Oh so you are on Windose?
13:25 Guest88985 no
13:25 Guest88985 Ubuntu
13:25 poikilotherm Ok, can you please check docker ps?
13:25 Guest88985 it is on Virtualbox
13:25 Guest88985 Host Windows 10
13:26 poikilotherm Ok. Just wondering why compose is trying to reach docker via http, not unix socker
13:27 poikilotherm His error message sounds like a problem with the blocked api endpoint...
13:28 poikilotherm For the container he might be seen as external (I don't have all details of dataverse-docker in my mind)
13:29 pdurbin Yeah, me neither.
13:29 poikilotherm pdurbin I really like the leaflet skin with that painted look :-D
13:30 pdurbin me too
13:30 pdurbin I was thinking about adding a dropdown so the user can change it though.
13:30 pdurbin The new map has already appeared in some slides. I'm not sure if those slides are up yet, though.
13:31 poikilotherm It would be pretty cool to have a BIG world map and smaller list
13:32 pdurbin Yeah, it's all mashed into index.html right now.
13:32 poikilotherm Maybe an overlay like Google maps is presenting
13:32 pdurbin An overlay? The carosel at the bottom?
13:32 poikilotherm Not necessarily
13:33 poikilotherm Pretty sure you know the list of entries used by Google Maps when you search for something
13:33 poikilotherm Like looking for a restaurant
13:33 poikilotherm It gives you a nice collapsed list that narrows when zooming etc
13:34 kamil86 joined #dataverse
13:34 poikilotherm And all those description text doesn't have to be readable right from the start, does it?
13:34 pdurbin Oh, you want a dynamic list on the side that changes based on your zoom level and what part of the world you're looking at?
13:34 poikilotherm But hey, you have the UX experts :-)
13:34 poikilotherm At least I like the idea. Dunno if this works well
13:34 poikilotherm Or is good UC
13:34 poikilotherm UX
13:35 pdurbin Works for restaurant listings, I guess.
13:35 poikilotherm First of all a more or less full screen map would be awesome
13:35 Sharif_DE joined #dataverse
13:35 pdurbin I've been thinking about how lots of projects could make use of a map like this.
13:36 Sharif_DE pdurbin, i am back
13:36 Sharif_DE I ran the command
13:36 Sharif_DE sudo docker-compose exec dataverse /bin/bash
13:36 Sharif_DE now i am in
13:36 pdurbin Sharif_DE: getting disconnected is not your fault. You are probably suffering from :(
13:36 Sharif_DE sudo docker-compose exec dataverse /bin/bash
13:37 Sharif_DE root@b6a03335f02f dv]#
13:37 kamil86 sorry to interrupt you, pdurbin could you give me some advice on the topic that was on
13:37 Sharif_DE should use curl command now?
13:37 pdurbin Sharif_DE: now that you're in, does this work? curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/externalTools
13:38 Sharif_DE let me check
13:38 Sharif_DE yes
13:38 Sharif_DE it says OK
13:38 Sharif_DE {"status":"OK","data":[]}
13:38 pdurbin kamil86: hi! I would suggest calling Dataverse APIs in real time and letting us know if they are too slow. :)
13:39 pdurbin Sharif_DE: perfect. Now please try adding a tool.
13:39 Sharif_DE great
13:39 Sharif_DE Thanks pdubin
13:39 Sharif_DE let me try
13:39 stefankasberger @pdurbin @donsizemore is anyone of you visiting europe for the EDDI at Tampere or European Dataverse Workshop at Tromso?
13:42 pdurbin stefankasberger: I wasn't planning on it. It looks like Slava is giving a talk.
13:42 Sharif_DE great curl command runs
13:42 Sharif_DE :)
13:42 Sharif_DE Thank you sooooo much
13:43 Sharif_DE Vielen Dank!
13:43 pdurbin Sharif_DE: great! I would suggest opening an issue about the localhost error at
13:44 pdurbin stefankasberger: I think poikilotherm might go to one of them.
13:45 poikilotherm Oi Sharif where are you from? /me working at Forschungszentrum Jülich...
13:45 kamil86 Thanks pdurbin, yes I'll write to him but wanted to firstly hear from you
13:45 pdurbin stefankasberger: Geneviève Michaud is giving a presentation at EDDI and she tweets about Dataverse all the time. It would be nice to meet her some day.
13:45 poikilotherm pdurbin: stefan and me might give both a talk in Tromso... ;-)
13:46 poikilotherm stefankasberger & pdurbin: didn't phil mention that tanja schlater is going?
13:46 pdurbin She is?
13:46 poikilotherm let me check in the logs :-D
13:49 stefankasberger Have heard yesterday, that John Crabtree is coming to EDDI, thats why I was asking about Don.
13:50 pdurbin stefankasberger: ah, nice. I'm happy to travel to interesting places if people pay for my flights and hotel. :)
13:53 Sharif_DE poikilotherm I am from Bonn
13:54 Sharif_DE poikilotherm I have executed those command...but the files are not showing any difference
13:55 Sharif_DE should I restart Dataverse?
13:57 pdurbin Sharif_DE: what does http://localhost:8080/api/info/version show you?
14:01 stefankasberger pdurbin: :) :) :) who not?!
14:12 Sharif_DE joined #dataverse
14:12 Sharif_DE @pdurbin
14:12 Sharif_DE i am back again
14:13 Sharif_DE as I ran the command http://localhost:8085/api/info/version
14:13 Sharif_DE please NOTE on port 8080 nothing comes out
14:13 stefankasberger pdurbin: :) :) :) who not?!
14:13 Sharif_DE but on port 8085
14:14 Sharif_DE I got this info
14:14 Sharif_DE version"4.15" build"221-9a0b627"
14:16 Sharif_DE pdurbin, nothing changed on the file symbol though all the curl command got executed smoothly
14:32 pdurbin Sharif_DE: ok. You might want to try some of these:
14:34 Sharif_DE Thanks pdurbin
14:34 Sharif_DE I will try
14:35 Sharif_DE pdurbin, i have executed all of them already
14:35 Sharif_DE but nothing happened :(
14:38 pdurbin Weird. Are you're trying various files? PDFs? Images?
14:39 Sharif_DE i have so far used csv, dta, spss, txt
14:40 Sharif_DE let me check with img and pdf files
14:41 pdurbin ok
14:42 poikilotherm Sharif_DE: wow cool :-)
14:44 poikilotherm pdurbin stefankasberger: I mixed up - it was Merce
14:44 poikilotherm
14:44 poikilotherm Sry for that
14:44 pdurbin poikilotherm: right, she's giving a keynote
14:44 Sharif_DE it is ok pdurbin
14:44 pdurbin no worries
14:44 pdurbin Sharif_DE: it works?
14:45 Sharif_DE just tried with jpg and png file
14:45 Sharif_DE don't work either :(
14:45 pdurbin Sharif_DE: do you see an "Explore" button?
14:46 Sharif_DE no
14:46 pdurbin hmm
14:46 pdurbin and http://localhost:8080/api/admin/externalTools shows all the tools you added?
14:47 Sharif_DE pdurbin for txt data
14:47 Sharif_DE yes
14:48 Sharif_DE there is an explore button
14:48 pdurbin Oh! Good!
14:48 Sharif_DE also for jpg
14:48 Sharif_DE but not for spss data
14:48 Sharif_DE http://localhost:8080/api/admin/externalTools  yes
14:49 pdurbin Was your spss data successfully ingested?
14:49 Sharif_DE when I enter in the browser nothinh comes up
14:50 Sharif_DE yes, spss was uploaded without any error
14:50 Sharif_DE when I enter  http://localhost:8080/api/admin/externalTools  in the browser
14:50 Sharif_DE nothing comes up
14:51 Sharif_DE I get "Unable to connect"
14:51 Sharif_DE if I change the port http://localhost:8085/api/admin/externalTools
14:52 Sharif_DE I get SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected property name or '}' at line 1 column 3 of the JSON data
14:52 pdurbin Sharif_DE: here's an example of a file that was successfully ingested: . Please note how the Download button is a drop down and shows "Original File Format, RData Format" etc.
14:54 Sharif_DE I my case there are no options
14:54 Sharif_DE :(
14:54 Sharif_DE How do I correctly ingest data?
14:55 pdurbin Well, it it possible to make that spss file public? Can you upload it to a GitHub issue?
14:56 Sharif_DE sure
14:56 Sharif_DE I can
14:56 pdurbin Cool, we always appreciate real world files to test with.
15:00 Sharif_DE Can I add the SPSS file right there?
15:00 pdurbin If you can, please do.
15:00 pdurbin If not, maybe you could put it on Dropbox or whatever.
15:00 Sharif_DE ok, thabnks
16:01 Slava41 joined #dataverse
16:14 poikilotherm Slava has been here.
16:15 poikilotherm Maybe we should create a graffiti
16:16 pdurbin :)
16:16 poikilotherm "It lasted 10 minutes"
16:17 poikilotherm Solr gave me a hard time... :-/
16:17 pdurbin Oh, that reminds me, I think I got an email that he messaged me on Skype.
16:21 poikilotherm He. There's a nice idiom in german... "von hinten durch die Brust ins Auge", which is not very translatable. It's a relative colloquial way of saying someone is doing sth. in a roundabout, complicated way.
16:21 poikilotherm Mailing via Skype seems... complicated...
16:22 pdurbin It's a reminder Skype sends you to remind you to log into Skype.
16:22 pdurbin I guess I could turn it off.
16:22 poikilotherm Ah! Ok that makes more sense...
16:22 poikilotherm As I already had people send me SMS to my mobile via Skype, maybe they added emailing, too
16:38 andrewSC joined #dataverse
16:46 poikilotherm
16:47 pdurbin poikilotherm: nice
16:47 pdurbin I saw that was in focus for you. Good job.
16:51 poikilotherm Thx for commenting on
16:52 pdurbin Oh, sure.
16:52 poikilotherm I just posted a re - talking about you, stealing and personas ;-)
16:52 pdurbin Yeah, I'll go give credit to Janet.
16:52 poikilotherm :-D
16:52 poikilotherm Yes please
16:55 nils`` joined #dataverse
17:01 pdurbin done
17:01 poikilotherm Aye :-)
17:02 poikilotherm Have you seen
17:02 poikilotherm Anything in there that could be postponed? Something you wish for?
17:04 pdurbin Can we add ?
17:04 poikilotherm Oh. About that.
17:05 poikilotherm Are you guys going to use Maven for those?
17:05 pdurbin I'd like to. Right now we have a pile of scripts and docs.
17:06 pdurbin I could definitely use some help if you're volunteering. :)
17:06 poikilotherm I'm asking because I wonder if it makes sense to talk about using things like Testcontainers for integration tests. One could of course use a Kubernetes cluster, but using Docker containers for dependent containers might be much easier for your tests
17:06 poikilotherm It will only require Docker on devs laptops to run those
17:07 pdurbin I'd like the tests to be run in the cloud. When the pull request first comes in, at least.
17:08 poikilotherm "The cloud" is a very big term
17:08 poikilotherm Do you mean "on Jenkins CI"?
17:09 pdurbin Well, right now spins up an EC2 instance to run the API test suite.
17:12 pdurbin But we should back up and talk about how to get the IQSS devs to start using dataverse-kubernetes. Recently another dev (besides me) started using dataverse-ansible by way of datavese-sample-data.
17:15 pdurbin So the question is, can we add some easy instructions to the README to dataverse-sample-data to try using dataverse-kubernetes as an alternative to dataverse-ansible?
17:15 pdurbin Does that make sense?
17:16 poikilotherm Sure. What do you want users of dataverse-sample-data do with dataverse-kubernetes?
17:17 poikilotherm Just loading the data and tryout Dataverse?
17:17 poikilotherm Do real dev stuff?
17:17 pdurbin dataverse-sample-data is mostly for demos.
17:17 poikilotherm Ok.
17:18 pdurbin Of the latest release, or the develop branch, or some branch I'm working on.
17:18 pdurbin (any branch anybody is working on)
17:18 poikilotherm Right.
17:19 pdurbin I'm just wondering what a good hook would be, if you will.
17:19 poikilotherm So it would be a good first step to have that stuff loaded into k8s?
17:19 poikilotherm Absolutely
17:19 pdurbin Something to get people here excited about dataverse-kubernetes.
17:19 pdurbin How many steps to get it running on AWS?
17:19 poikilotherm I just added to milestone 4.17
17:20 poikilotherm Should we create a Docker container for dataverse-sample-data?
17:21 pdurbin Well, this is the part of the README I'm thinking about: All of the steps above can be automated on an fresh installation of Dataverse on an EC2 instance on AWS by downloading and ec2config.yaml and executing the script with the config file like this
17:21 pdurbin I guess what I'm saying is... what if we had a script like but for dataverse-kubernetes?
17:22 poikilotherm Yeah.
17:22 poikilotherm The first step would be to create a Docker container with this
17:23 poikilotherm And ideally make eat environment variables
17:23 poikilotherm Because that's a lot easier with Docker and Kubernetes
17:23 poikilotherm At least for base_url and api_toke
17:23 pdurbin Hmm. What's the first step for ?
17:24 pdurbin (Maybe DCM is a better hook.)
17:24 poikilotherm I have absolutely no idea :-D
17:24 poikilotherm DCM is a bigger thing than sample-data
17:24 poikilotherm Much bigger
17:25 pdurbin yeah
17:25 poikilotherm And sample data might be cool for Slava, too
17:25 poikilotherm Demos with data are always a great thing ;-)
17:25 pdurbin yeah
17:25 poikilotherm I want to have our Dataverse in Demo mode for next week... International Open Access week
17:26 poikilotherm So that would be cool benefit for us, too
17:27 pdurbin ah, there are some events planned here as well
17:38 poikilotherm
17:38 poikilotherm Here you go
17:38 poikilotherm That's the basic Dockerfile
17:39 poikilotherm Building takes just half a minute or so
17:40 poikilotherm 226MB size (that's mostly the sample data)
17:41 poikilotherm ~110 MB base image, ~100 MB sample data, rest scripts and deps
17:42 pdurbin Cool but I'm not following why it should be Dockerized.
17:42 poikilotherm Because if you want it on K8s, the easiest way to go is just roll out an image and let it bark at Dataverse
17:43 pdurbin Oh, ok, so it becomes a little app.
17:43 poikilotherm Setup K8s, deploy dataverse, let it bootstrap and then run the sample data job
17:43 poikilotherm It's easy as baking :-D
17:43 poikilotherm paddi cake paddi cake
17:44 pdurbin :)
17:44 poikilotherm Ah it Patty Cake, Patty Cake
17:44 poikilotherm +'s
17:44 poikilotherm I would provide a Jenkinsfile to build it each time you push to master and push it to Dockerhub
17:45 poikilotherm Modify the script to eat env vars
17:45 poikilotherm (in addition)
17:45 poikilotherm And you're done
17:45 poikilotherm Usable in dataverse-docker, dataverse-kubernetes and even for devs
17:46 poikilotherm Because you can simply use docker run
17:46 poikilotherm No venv, no install, just a quick container :-D
17:47 pdurbin :)
17:49 poikilotherm Alright, gotta go now. 10h are full.
17:49 poikilotherm Read you tomorrow
17:49 poikilotherm Maybe later if I can't get enough at home :-D
17:49 poikilotherm I'm curious ;-)
17:49 pdurbin o/
18:19 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:04 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:11 poikilotherm pdurbin: still around?
19:12 pdurbin yep, chatting with Slava on Skype
19:12 poikilotherm Nice :-)
19:12 poikilotherm Greetings
19:12 pdurbin donsizemore: hi, there was a question of if you're heading overseas to all these fancy conferences
19:13 poikilotherm I scrolled through the API docs, but couldn't find anything: any option to receive an api_token via API?
19:13 pdurbin poikilotherm: "Oliver does fantastic job on Kubernetes and we have all building blocks now"
19:13 donsizemore @pdurbin you know, i volunteered to take one for the team, but i'm holding down the fort here
19:13 poikilotherm donsizemore: Sorry to hear that :-/
19:13 donsizemore @pdurbin (and giving two demos of impact/TRSA)
19:14 poikilotherm pdurbin: "Thanks" ;-)
19:14 donsizemore @poikilotherm I have a 76 year-old widowed mother to care for, so it's for the best
19:14 pdurbin poikilotherm: that's another hook. Being able to demo impact/TRSA.
19:14 poikilotherm Right...
19:15 poikilotherm So many things to do :-D
19:15 poikilotherm I'll open an issue for this
19:15 pdurbin Great!
19:17 poikilotherm
19:17 poikilotherm pdurbin: I scrolled through the API docs, but couldn't find anything: any option to receive an api_token via API?
19:18 pdurbin I may have removed it from the docs because I hate it.
19:18 poikilotherm Wuahahahaha
19:18 poikilotherm Well, I need it to grab the key ;-)
19:19 pdurbin poikilotherm: see getApiTokenUsingUsername at
19:20 poikilotherm Ok
19:20 poikilotherm No option via admin API?
19:20 poikilotherm That'd be easier, no fiddling with passwords...
19:20 pdurbin Yeah, I removed it from the API Guide here:
19:21 pdurbin See also
19:22 poikilotherm Ok.
19:22 poikilotherm Meh.
19:22 poikilotherm Any chance we can create an admin api endpoint to load the data?
19:22 pdurbin It was only for builtin users. Shib and OAuth users are left in the cold.
19:22 poikilotherm That way we could simply skip all that shitty retrieval, which is bad anyway
19:22 pdurbin I'd say go ahead and create an issue. Make your case.
19:26 donsizemore @pdurbin mr phil sir.
19:27 poikilotherm
19:27 pdurbin donsizemore: mr don my liege, what news?
19:28 poikilotherm pdurbin: done. see above ;-)
19:28 donsizemore API question. I can list contents of a dataverse, which includes the protocol, authority, identifier, and persistentUrl of each dataset. (i can construct what i need from that)
19:28 pdurbin poikilotherm: thanks! This is related:
19:29 donsizemore @pdurbin but i'm trying to help our newest archivist and if we could get the API to spit out the persistentIds owned by the dataverse, we could do what she needs in 3 lines of code.
19:30 donsizemore @pdurbin I ask because the contents API spits out the persistentUrl but every other endpoint wants the persistentId
19:30 pdurbin donsizemore: will the Search API help? The Search API is limited to published data.
19:31 poikilotherm Linked
19:32 pdurbin cool
19:33 poikilotherm Shall I open a PR in dataverse-sample-data for what I have so far?
19:33 pdurbin The Dockerfile?
19:33 donsizemore @pdurbin we can work around it, but is it worth an issue requesting that persistentId be added to ? 'cause that's what Dataverse wants everywhere else. I may be able to conscript a certain Java programmer into this in the near future
19:34 poikilotherm I also added some getenv() calls in
19:35 poikilotherm donsizemore: I see "you must specify the “alias” of a dataverse or its database id"  there
19:35 pdurbin donsizemore: another thought is to try but it only shows direct children
19:36 poikilotherm But the other API calls use the same endpoint.
19:36 poikilotherm Shall I have a look at the code if this is true for all the other calls, too
19:36 poikilotherm ?
19:36 donsizemore @pdurbin I just realized contents spits out "id" — long day ;)
19:36 pdurbin I guess "contents" from the native API also only shows direct children. Trees are hard. :)
19:37 pdurbin donsizemore: SWORD spits out DOIs
19:37 donsizemore @pdurbin it does, but it wanted user proxy authentication -- it didn't like my API token
19:38 pdurbin Yeah, "contents" is much more open, for published stuff anyway:
19:39 pdurbin Are you ok with direct children only or do you need all the chillins?
19:39 poikilotherm Haroo! I finally got sandbox credentials from ORCID
19:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: nice
19:42 donsizemore @pdurbin I think they're all published and they're definitely all the direct child of one dataverse. we're good, I was just grousing around for persistentId
19:43 pdurbin ah, ok, yeah, that seems to be the field you want

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