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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-10-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:42 andrewSC joined #dataverse
07:00 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:23 jri joined #dataverse
07:35 Sharif_DE joined #dataverse
07:36 Sharif_DE Hello all there
07:36 Sharif_DE Good morning from germany
07:36 poikilotherm Guten Morgen @Sharif_DE
07:36 Sharif_DE Guten Morgen poikilotherm
07:36 Sharif_DE :)
07:36 poikilotherm How may we help you?
07:36 Sharif_DE Wie geht's?
07:36 poikilotherm I'm fine, thank you :-)
07:37 Sharif_DE poikilotherm my data ingestion does notz work properly
07:37 Sharif_DE pls help
07:37 poikilotherm Oh sry to hear that.
07:37 Sharif_DE Thank you
07:38 poikilotherm I can try :-) Could you describe your issue with some more detail? ;-)
07:38 Sharif_DE Yes
07:38 Sharif_DE as I uploaded SPSS, CSV, TXT, DTA files
07:39 Sharif_DE I do not see the explore button and I do not get the Many-option download button either  :(
07:41 poikilotherm Oh that preview thing... I haven't tried those myself yet
07:42 poikilotherm I might give it a quick short
07:42 poikilotherm s/r//
07:42 Sharif_DE Thank you poikilotherm
07:43 Sharif_DE two issues: Explore button and downlaod button without many options
07:43 poikilotherm Booting kind cluster, deployment will take a few moments.
07:44 Sharif_DE pls take ur time
07:44 poikilotherm Dataverse takes about 2 minutes to deploy the WAR file...
07:45 Sharif_DE Yes, I came to know this only recently. :)
07:45 Sharif_DE I was so quick to try login and getting LOT of errors!! :)
07:45 poikilotherm Ok, freshly built cluster... takes about 2 minutes to download the images
07:49 poikilotherm 4m7s, deployment done, all set for testing :-)
07:49 Sharif_DE GREAT!!!
07:55 poikilotherm OK, using my recent released Dataverse 4.16 images and the plaintext previewer, I see the explore button
07:55 poikilotherm Clicking on it opens the previewer
07:56 poikilotherm But it fails obviously - github cannot recieve metadata from localhost ;-)
07:56 poikilotherm On the other hand... it should be javascript only, shouldn't it?
07:57 poikilotherm But that's another story - I do have the explore button
07:58 Sharif_DE I do not have :(
08:03 poikilotherm Ok after re-reading the previewer manual: looks like this is just because I did not publish the dataset and have no API token yet
08:04 Sharif_DE what should I do poikilotherm?
08:05 poikilotherm What version of Dataverse is dataverse-docker using?
08:06 Sharif_DE how do I find it? :)
08:07 Sharif_DE got it
08:07 Sharif_DE version"4.15" build"221-9a0b627"
08:07 poikilotherm Ok, I am using 4.16 here
08:08 poikilotherm In theory the previewers should work on all versions since 4.11
08:08 poikilotherm But maybe there is some hidden bug
08:08 poikilotherm I would need to test with dataverse-docker myself
08:08 poikilotherm Did you open an issue at the GH project already?
08:08 Sharif_DE yes
08:08 poikilotherm Meanwhile you are free to test with dataverse-kubernetes
08:09 Sharif_DE I did
08:09 poikilotherm It's really quick... ;-)
08:11 poikilotherm Minikube runs on Windows, too. Virtualbox is already installed, right?
08:12 Sharif_DE Yes, my linux is running on VB
08:12 Sharif_DE what is Minikube?
08:12 poikilotherm
08:13 poikilotherm A small, 1 node Kubernetes cluster running on your box
08:13 poikilotherm There is a guide for using dv-k8s with minikube:
08:14 poikilotherm Ignore that kubernetes version fiddling, the guide was last updated in May...
08:14 Sharif_DE Thanks. I will try it
08:14 poikilotherm You simply need to install minikube and kubectl
08:15 Sharif_DE in VB?
08:15 poikilotherm You might even try to not clone the repo, but use it remotely
08:15 poikilotherm Choose :-D
08:15 poikilotherm You can do this on Windows too
08:15 poikilotherm The cluster runs in a VB container
08:15 poikilotherm Most certainly that's the easier way to go
08:16 poikilotherm Running minikube already in a VB container might be troublesome due to nested virtualisation
08:19 Sharif_DE poikilotherm , this guide is for linux
08:19 Sharif_DE where is the guide for windows?
08:19 poikilotherm ???
08:20 poikilotherm It doesn't even mention Linux...?
08:20 Sharif_DE ah, ok :)
08:20 poikilotherm Obviously minikube is called minikube.exe under Windows
08:20 poikilotherm And kubectl would be kubectl.exe
08:21 poikilotherm When you add it to the PATH, I think you can omit the .exe
09:40 Sharif_DE poikilotherm after running minikube start --memory=4096 in windows
09:41 Sharif_DE I get "Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" "
09:42 Sharif_DE where should I run this command kubectl create -f k8s/utils/pv-hostPath.yaml?
10:03 poikilotherm You might either try with a local git clone or you can try to use the remote path to Github
10:03 poikilotherm Can you please check first, if minikube already created a pv for you?
10:04 poikilotherm kubectl get pv should do the trick
10:04 Sharif_DE let me check
10:04 poikilotherm IIRC they changed sth upstream - maybe even dynamic provisioning is working now
10:04 poikilotherm It would be cool to have feedback on that, so we can update the guides
10:05 Sharif_DE I got No resources found in default namespace.
10:06 Sharif_DE when I executed minikube start --memory=4096
10:07 Sharif_DE I got minikube v1.4.0 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 10.0.17763 Build 17763 * Creating virtualbox VM (CPUs=2, Memory=4096MB, Disk=20000MB) ... * Preparing Kubernetes v1.16.0 on Docker 18.09.9 ... * Downloading kubelet v1.16.0 * Downloading kubeadm v1.16.0 * Pulling images ... * Launching Kubernetes ... * Waiting for: apiserver proxy etcd scheduler controller dns * Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"
10:08 Sharif_DE what should I do now?
10:09 poikilotherm Ok that sounds good
10:09 poikilotherm Looks like you have it running :-D
10:10 Sharif_DE what should I do now?
10:10 Sharif_DE :)
10:12 poikilotherm Do you have git on youor windows box?
10:14 Sharif_DE no
10:14 Sharif_DE i can install
10:14 poikilotherm Not necessarily
10:14 poikilotherm We can try without first
10:14 poikilotherm I'm curious
10:14 Sharif_DE thanks
10:15 poikilotherm My minikube is starting, so in case of problems I can try things...
10:18 poikilotherm Please try kubectl apply -k
10:18 Sharif_DE ok let me execute this
10:20 Sharif_DE output is
10:20 Sharif_DE configmap/dataverse created secret/dataverse-api created secret/dataverse-doi created secret/dataverse-postgresql created service/dataverse created service/postgresql created service/solr created deployment.apps/dataverse created deployment.apps/postgresql created deployment.apps/solr created job.batch/bootstrap-dataverse created persistentvolumeclaim/dataverse-docroot created persistentvolumeclaim/dataverse-files created persistentvolumeclaim/
10:20 poikilotherm Aye, looking good
10:20 Sharif_DE great
10:20 Sharif_DE :)
10:20 poikilotherm With kubectl get pod you can see things moving along
10:21 poikilotherm No need to post it here ;-)
10:21 Sharif_DE OK :-)
10:21 poikilotherm You can watch the pods get ready.
10:21 poikilotherm When dataverse is deployed, it will become ready
10:21 poikilotherm Then bootstrap will automatically run.
10:22 poikilotherm It will show "completed" when it ran
10:22 Sharif_DE cool!!
10:22 poikilotherm Meanwhile you can expose the service to the host
10:22 Sharif_DE29 joined #dataverse
10:22 poikilotherm You can use the two commands at the end of the guide
10:23 Sharif_DE29 poikilotherm I got errors!
10:23 poikilotherm Obviously as long as dataverse is not showing ready and bootstrap completed, you will not see it ;-)
10:24 poikilotherm What kind of errors, and where
10:24 Sharif_DE29 Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat.
10:24 poikilotherm What did you try to reach?
10:24 poikilotherm kubectl get pod`
10:24 Sharif_DE29 i simply executed kubectl get pod
10:24 poikilotherm Ok, then the API server was terminated
10:24 poikilotherm How much RAM do you have in your box?
10:25 poikilotherm This happens when you run out of RAM
10:25 Sharif_DE29 16 GB
10:25 poikilotherm Ok that's normally sufficient
10:25 Sharif_DE29 in VirtualBox 8
10:25 poikilotherm Could you double check that your minikube VM has at least 4G ram?
10:26 Sharif_DE29 i initiated the Minikube with 4GB
10:26 Sharif_DE29 yes, I checked
10:26 poikilotherm Ok can you please re-run all this but give minikube now 8GB ram?
10:27 Sharif_DE29 ok
10:27 poikilotherm I'm using kvm2 under linux which might be ok with 4gb
10:27 Sharif_DE29 should I delete
10:27 poikilotherm Maybe Virtualbox needs some more
10:27 poikilotherm Hmm.
10:27 poikilotherm You can stop and start again
10:27 poikilotherm It _should_ adapt RAM
10:28 poikilotherm If not, please delete
10:32 poikilotherm Ok looks like you need to delete and start again. At least in kvm2 it did not adapt the RAM
10:37 poikilotherm Sharif_DE29? I have redeployed by now... Problems?
11:01 pdurbin Somebody call a doctor.
11:03 poikilotherm I hear a tardish noise somewhere near
11:04 pdurbin :)
11:04 poikilotherm EXTERMINATE
11:05 poikilotherm (I do hope people know Doctor Who around here...)
11:11 pdurbin I don't, really, but please don't let that stop you. :)
11:13 poikilotherm You could look for "Tardis" on Google and what it does.
11:13 poikilotherm My favorite enemies are the Daleks, that are very familiar with extermination
11:24 pdurbin I know what a Tardis is. From Halloween costumes. And I think there's one at our local library. :)
11:26 poikilotherm So you know that noise it makes when it starts or lands?
11:27 pdurbin nope
11:28 poikilotherm
11:30 pdurbin huh
11:45 pdurbin poikilotherm: I moved to QA. How are you feeling about the code? Pretty good? No concerns?
11:45 poikilotherm YEs
11:45 poikilotherm I'm pretty proud and reliefed it worked out now
11:46 poikilotherm Thanks to Danny, who triggered people at ORCID
11:46 poikilotherm I really tried very hard to break it
11:46 poikilotherm Yeah, it does not have unit tests and I did not test with network interruptions and such
11:47 poikilotherm But I think thats fair ;-)
11:53 pdurbin Totally fair. No need to hold you to a higher standard than everyone else who hasn't written end to end tests for all this auth stuff. :)
12:02 Sharif_DE joined #dataverse
12:02 Sharif_DE poikilotherm my laptop crashed.....i am back again
12:02 Sharif_DE :)
12:03 Sharif_DE I have executed... minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
12:04 Sharif_DE it done
12:04 Sharif_DE what should I do now, pls tell me.
12:07 Sharif_DE pdurbin thanks for working with my spss file
12:07 Sharif_DE why it does not work in my system?
12:08 pdurbin I don't know. You installed Dataverse with ?
12:08 Sharif_DE yes
12:08 pdurbin Can you please create an issue at ?
12:09 Sharif_DE I have created already
12:09 pdurbin another issue, I mean :)
12:09 Sharif_DE ok
12:12 pdurbin thanks
12:14 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:14 poikilotherm Sharif_DE: just do the same again with kubectl apply -k
12:14 * poikilotherm crossing fingers it does not get OOM killed again
12:16 pdurbin poikilotherm: would you like me to edit your "hooks" list directly? Or should we talk more here?
12:16 poikilotherm Go ahead
12:16 poikilotherm I'm working on personaas
12:16 poikilotherm So we can merge Slavas stuff
12:17 Sharif_DE poikilotherm Thanks. I hope it would work now
12:17 poikilotherm He... With k3s I'm down to 3 minutes from zero to hero
12:18 pdurbin Ok, well, first we should distinguish between hooks (features) and ease of use (UX). Even command line applications have UX. :)
12:18 poikilotherm Hehehe
12:18 poikilotherm That's right
12:19 pdurbin dataverse-ansible by our own donsizemore is incredibily useful to the core team because we wrote a script that spins it up on AWS. The UX is great.
12:19 poikilotherm Aye
12:19 poikilotherm I think this is where personas will come in handy
12:20 pdurbin yes!
12:20 Sharif_DE poikilotherm it executed
12:20 Sharif_DE now what? Pls tell me
12:21 poikilotherm With my new k3s persona you will need to install docker, k3d and kubectl. Then it's 2 commands and about 5 minutes till you have your dataverse at hands
12:21 poikilotherm At least for released versions - non-released stuff has to be looked after first
12:22 poikilotherm Sharif_DE: is the bootstrap job completed?
12:22 Sharif_DE poikilotherm I executed kubectl apply -k
12:22 Sharif_DE itran smoothly
12:22 Sharif_DE now?
12:22 Sharif_DE it ran smoothly
12:23 poikilotherm Can you plz check with kubectl get pod if all pods are running and the job completed?
12:23 poikilotherm (not necessary to post the output here except when there are errors)
12:23 Sharif_DE ok
12:23 Sharif_DE GREAT
12:24 Sharif_DE yes all pods are running
12:24 Sharif_DE :)
12:24 Sharif_DE Now?
12:25 poikilotherm You should see sth similar to bootstrap-dataverse-c6jnt      0/1     Completed   0          11m
12:26 Sharif_DE I see this bootstrap-dataverse-8555v     0/1     Init:1/3   0          4m17s
12:26 poikilotherm Once that is done, you can use the last two commands of to at last access the service in your browser
12:27 poikilotherm Ok, so it is still waiting for the other pods
12:27 poikilotherm To be precise: it is waiting for solr
12:27 Sharif_DE cool
12:28 Sharif_DE I feel excited!! :-)
12:28 poikilotherm You can take a look at to see what happens in the background
12:29 poikilotherm Are the other pods except dataverse ready?
12:29 Sharif_DE there 4 in total
12:29 * pdurbin is excited for Sharif_DE
12:30 poikilotherm Maybe you can post your full output of kubectl get pod here once...
12:30 Sharif_DE dataverse, solr, postgres
12:30 poikilotherm I hope you don't get bitten by
12:30 Sharif_DE ok
12:30 poikilotherm I just realized today that slow connections might create a problem
12:30 Sharif_DE NAME                          READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE bootstrap-dataverse-8555v     0/1     Init:1/3   0          4m17s dataverse-6ff968f846-qnt2j    0/1     Running    0          4m17s postgresql-6b947d748f-lxcjm   1/1     Running    0          4m17s solr-85b6b6db99-gzsv5         0/1     Running    0          4m17s
12:31 poikilotherm That's strange. Solr is not in ready state
12:31 poikilotherm Please take a look at the logs: kubectl logs solr-85b6b6db99-gzsv5
12:31 Sharif_DE ok
12:32 larsks joined #dataverse
12:32 Sharif_DE got a large log output
12:33 poikilotherm Could you throw that in pastebin?
12:34 Sharif_DE what is pastebin?
12:34 Sharif_DE :)
12:35 poikilotherm
12:35 Sharif_DE ah, i see
12:35 Sharif_DE should I copy my log there?
12:36 poikilotherm Yes please
12:36 Sharif_DE done
12:36 poikilotherm You should have received a link for viewing
12:36 Sharif_DE let me check
12:37 Sharif_DE where is that link?
12:38 Sharif_DE probably I must sign in?
12:38 poikilotherm No, you just need to press on "create new paste" after copy pasting
12:39 poikilotherm You are forwarded to a new page with your past
12:39 poikilotherm paste
12:39 poikilotherm Just copy the URL here
12:39 poikilotherm You can also use the links provided on top of the paste
12:39 poikilotherm Upper right, reading "raw", ...
12:41 Sharif_DE
12:41 poikilotherm Thx
12:42 Sharif_DE U r wc
12:42 poikilotherm Hmm that looks pretty much ok
12:42 poikilotherm Could you please copy and paste the events from kubectl describe pod  solr-85b6b6db99-gzsv5
12:42 poikilotherm The events are at the end of the output
12:43 poikilotherm Or just copy paste all of it...
12:43 Sharif_DE ok
12:43 poikilotherm Maybe we see some error in there
12:46 Sharif_DE here it is
12:46 Sharif_DE
12:46 poikilotherm Wow
12:46 poikilotherm What the hell
12:47 poikilotherm It's restarting the pod all day
12:47 Sharif_DE :(
12:47 poikilotherm Let me recreate my minikube with Virtualbox
12:48 poikilotherm How many CPUs does the VM have?
12:48 Sharif_DE lemme check
12:48 Sharif_DE 2
12:49 poikilotherm Ok. I work on an 3 year old laptop with a i5-6300U (which is pretty small)
12:49 poikilotherm Is your hardware older?
12:49 Sharif_DE not that older
12:50 poikilotherm It might be some timing issue due to the new probes I introduced recently
12:50 Sharif_DE it i5-6200
12:51 poikilotherm Ok it is more or less the same CPU
12:51 pdurbin Try it in the cloud. :)
12:52 Sharif_DE I don't have cloud access
12:52 Sharif_DE :(
12:53 poikilotherm I have an old PC lying around... 5 years old, with Windows 10. I could try it on that machine :-D Altough I doubt it has enough RAM
12:53 pdurbin I could probably give you access to our AWS account. You're doing some great work testing dataverse-kubernetes.
12:53 Sharif_DE :-)
12:53 Sharif_DE I will be very grateful
12:54 poikilotherm Ok, my deployment is running
12:54 Sharif_DE great
12:54 poikilotherm Let's see if I can reproduce
12:55 poikilotherm Do you have a fast uplink in Bonn?
12:55 Sharif_DE I use my office is pretty fast
12:56 pdurbin Sharif_DE: can you please email and ask for access to AWS to test dataverse-kubernetes? Please also ask to route the ticket to me.
12:56 poikilotherm Ok then pulling should be ok
12:56 Sharif_DE this is the latest status
12:56 Sharif_DE C:\Users\Hilfe\Downloads>kubectl get pod NAME                          READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE bootstrap-dataverse-8555v     0/1     Completed   0          35m dataverse-6ff968f846-qnt2j    1/1     Running     0          35m postgresql-6b947d748f-lxcjm   1/1     Running     0          35m solr-85b6b6db99-gzsv5         1/1     Running     7          35m
12:56 poikilotherm Ok solr deployed. It had some errors from the probe, but after a restart it's fine
12:56 poikilotherm Ok so it has become ready :-D
12:57 Sharif_DE GREAT!!!
12:57 Sharif_DE should I execute the last two commands now?
12:57 Sharif_DE :D
12:57 poikilotherm Hmm and it looks like the job ran
12:57 poikilotherm Could you please take a look at the dataverse logs?
12:57 poikilotherm There should be sth. like "create root dataverse" at the last few line
12:58 Sharif_DE ok let me check
12:58 poikilotherm If you see that, you are good :-D
12:58 poikilotherm Ok it took about 5 minutes till my deployment finished. So it does work...
12:59 Sharif_DE cool
12:59 pdurbin Wait, so what was the fix?
12:59 poikilotherm Waiting :-D
12:59 poikilotherm Whatever happened that solr did not want to start
12:59 poikilotherm It might be a problem with the short probe timings
12:59 pdurbin patience :)
13:00 poikilotherm the liveness probe is pretty quick with shooting at the container now
13:00 poikilotherm I wanted upgrades to be fast
13:00 poikilotherm Maybe that wasn't a good idea ;-)
13:01 larsks joined #dataverse
13:01 poikilotherm I haven't experienced these problems here. And believe me, I do many deployments a day :-d
13:01 poikilotherm :-D
13:01 Sharif_DE I can imagine
13:02 Sharif_DE :)
13:02 poikilotherm So, please carry on and expose the service
13:04 Sharif_DE got a huge dataverse log
13:05 poikilotherm Only those last lines matter
13:05 Sharif_DE here it is
13:06 poikilotherm Great
13:06 poikilotherm Whatever it was, it seemed to work
13:06 poikilotherm I see "creating root dataverse" at 12:30:58
13:06 Sharif_DE GREAT!
13:06 poikilotherm And the next timer event is at 12:50:00.
13:07 poikilotherm So it has been around for a while :-D
13:07 Sharif_DE Let me execute the last two commands...i can't wait to see it
13:07 Sharif_DE :D
13:09 Sharif_DE COOL! It works! Do I need to use any login id or password?
13:09 poikilotherm dataverseAdmin
13:09 poikilotherm admin1
13:10 Sharif_DE GREAT!!!
13:10 Sharif_DE I am in!!! YAHOOOOO!!!!
13:10 pdurbin Does your SPSS file get ingested? :)
13:10 Sharif_DE Now I have two instances of Dataverses!
13:10 Sharif_DE :D
13:10 Sharif_DE I will check right now
13:10 poikilotherm To load the previewer, you need to use the url in your browser
13:10 poikilotherm Not localhost:8080
13:11 poikilotherm And please append ?unblock-key=supersecret to the curl command URL
13:11 poikilotherm It's necessary to access the admin API from remote
13:18 Sharif_DE GREAT!!! Data ingestion works!!! YAHOOOO!!!!
13:18 Sharif_DE Thank you so much poikilotherm!!!
13:18 poikilotherm Sure.
13:19 Sharif_DE You mean I have use  ALL those curl command from the Browser?
13:21 Sharif_DE if I start it on Monday
13:22 Sharif_DE do I simply use minikube service dataverse-local?
13:23 pdurbin Sharif_DE: please don't forget to create that issue in dataverse-docker.
13:24 Sharif_DE I will create pdurbin. Thanks
13:27 Sharif_DE poikilotherm please tell me where do I execute curl commands for the previewer? In minikube or kubectl?
13:28 pdurbin thanks
13:29 Sharif_DE pdurbin you are most welcome!
13:31 Sharif_DE pdurbin I have just created that issue in  dataverse-docker.
13:33 pdurbin Sharif_DE: thanks! looks perfect!
13:35 Sharif_DE I thank both you pdurbin and poikilotherm from deep of my heart for helping me! Vielen Dank!!
13:46 poikilotherm pdurbin I just pushed some first things for personas
13:46 larsks joined #dataverse
13:46 poikilotherm See branch 91-personas
13:46 poikilotherm If you feel lucky... ;-)
13:46 poikilotherm It boils all down to one call to kubectl apply -k <persona>
13:47 poikilotherm Need to adapt docs obviously
13:47 poikilotherm Have a nice weekend
13:47 poikilotherm Need to pick up kiddos now
13:47 poikilotherm Cu all
13:47 Sharif_DE Have a nice weekend poikilotherm
13:47 Sharif_DE Cu
13:52 Sharif_DE pdurbin I will send an email right now regarding access to AWS to test dataverse-kubernetes. Thanks
13:53 nils`` joined #dataverse
14:00 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
14:01 pdurbin_m Sharif_DE: great. What ticket number did you get, please?
14:06 Sharif_DE let me check
14:07 Sharif_DE #282172.
14:12 pdurbin_m thanks
14:14 Sharif_DE My pleasure
14:14 Sharif_DE I will go now. Thank you again pdurbin_m
14:14 Sharif_DE Have a nice weekend! :-)
14:17 Sharif_DE left #dataverse
14:22 pdurbin_m you too
14:30 larsks joined #dataverse
15:45 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
15:45 dataverse-user hi
15:46 dataverse-user im upgrading my dataverse server
15:46 dataverse-user now im tiyng to upgrade to version 4.10.1
15:46 dataverse-user after upgrade to solr 7.3.1 website is not ok
15:47 dataverse-user
15:57 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi! Let me take a look.
15:57 pdurbin Can you please email your server.log file to
15:59 pdurbin dataverse-user: also, I'd love you get your installation on the map at :)
16:14 dataverse-user im in Universidade do Minho
16:14 dataverse-user Braga - Portugal
16:14 dataverse-user where is that log ?
16:15 dataverse-user glassfish folders?
16:15 dataverse-user im following this doc
16:15 dataverse-user
16:16 dataverse-user when i try
16:16 dataverse-user bin/solr create_core -c collection1 -d server/solr/collection1/conf/
16:16 dataverse-user show this error
16:16 dataverse-user ERROR: Core 'collection1' already exists! Checked core existence using Core API command: http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=STATUS&core=collection1
16:19 pdurbin dataverse-user: often the log is at /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/​domains/domain1/logs/server.log
16:28 dataverse-user thanks
16:32 dataverse-user send email now
16:34 donsizemore joined #dataverse
16:40 donsizemore @pdurbin so the rsync version on my mac (compiled from source) offers --ignore-missing-args (as does rsync packaged with Ubuntu)
16:40 donsizemore @pdurbin but the rsync binary included in Mojave does not, and if a source directory doesn't exist the rsync command will fail
16:40 donsizemore @pdurbin I can work around this in jenkins, and will remove the --ignore-missing-args flag
16:53 pdurbin donsizemore: perfect! Thanks!
16:54 pdurbin dataverse-user: thanks! And sorry, I stepped away for a bit (and I'm going to need some lunch soon) but I see your logs in
16:54 pdurbin dataverse-user: is this a production installation? Or are you just testing and playing around with Dataverse?
17:02 dataverse-user intent to be a production instalation, with a few datasets
17:02 dataverse-user now have 2 datasets and 2 datavers
17:04 pdurbin ok, thanks
17:05 pdurbin dataverse-user: Your server.log says this: Caused by: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.H​ttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error from server at http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1: ERROR: [doc=dataverse_27] unknown field 'dvAlias'
17:06 pdurbin I guess I would suggest stopping Solr, re-installing Solr, and then re-indexing Dataverse.
17:07 dataverse-user ok
17:08 dataverse-user i saw many times this erros on solr logs
17:08 dataverse-user java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /usr/local/solr/solr-7.3.1/server/sol​r/collection1/data/snapshot_metadata
17:09 dataverse-user it is possible to be folder permition faulty ?
17:09 pdurbin yes, the permissions might be wrong
17:12 dataverse-user thanks
17:27 donsizemore @pdurbin
17:28 pdurbin donsizemore: nice! Thanks!
17:31 donsizemore and i think you can assign me #6291 once i can hopefully focus back on jenkins next week
17:38 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:44 pdurbin Let's wait until next week to sort out what to work on then. Me included. :)
18:45 pdurbin dataverse-user: how's your patient doing? Do we need more doctors? :)
18:56 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:57 donsizemore @pdurbin jah. i'm not quite done with dataverse-jenkins #18 but got a lot done during this afternoon's meetings
18:58 pdurbin Aren't meetings great for that.
19:13 pdurbin donsizemore: the phoenix server's days are numbered. Don't look now but all the API tests just passed for the first time on all the new infra you built for us: THANK YOU!!
19:18 donsizemore @pdurbin excellent!
19:18 donsizemore @pdurbin now to move it all to CentOS 8 mwahahaha
19:21 pdurbin heh, never a dull moment around here :)
19:22 pdurbin Huh. I wonder if is new.
19:25 donsizemore thu-mai sez: "nah.  been around.  there is a dataverse integration."
19:28 pdurbin ok :)
19:29 pdurbin donsizemore: oh, maybe you can show Thu-Mai (just created an hour ago) and ask her if is up to date.
19:31 pdurbin I forget if I told you but I wrote a script to aggregate all the issues across these boards.
19:37 donsizemore excellent! to whom shall we assign them? =)
19:37 donsizemore i must go be a pack mule. hope you have a great weekend!
19:37 pdurbin you too!
20:50 pdurbin ok folks, I'm heading out too, have a great weekend!
20:50 pdurbin left #dataverse

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