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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-10-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:20 juancorr joined #dataverse
06:56 YSF57 joined #dataverse
06:59 YSF57 Hi everyone I hope you're fine and @pdurbin.  Yes can you please tell me some tips and tricks? (sorry to answer late I live in belgium there is the time difference)
07:51 YSF5739 joined #dataverse
09:30 pdurbin YSF57 YSF5739: sure! Ready?
09:36 pdurbin juancorr: hi! Did you see that I closed my old pull request and opened a new one?
09:46 juancorr Yes, thank you @pdurbin. Now we can embed the external tools content in the Dataverse, but there are some issues to solve yet.
09:46 pdurbin Yep. :)
09:58 pdurbin juancorr: have you heard from Humberto? I haven't.
10:03 juancorr Last Thursday, all "Grupo tecnico Iberoamericano de Dataverse" members had a hangout meeting. I have not found the encoding problem that Humbeto had mentioned and we had talked about it.
10:05 juancorr We have the data in a local machine and they have the data in Amazon. It is the only diference that we have found in our Data Explorer installations.
10:20 pdurbin Great! Does the group need anything from me or anyone at IQSS? Eventually I changed to "stalled" because no one answered. :)
10:34 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
11:44 juancorr Thanks, I will question it to the group because there are some institutions that are in a initial phase but another are almost in production.
11:45 poikilotherm Good morning America.
11:52 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
11:53 pdurbin_m juancorr: awesome. How many of them are on the map at ?
11:53 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: morning. How'd the talk go?
11:55 poikilotherm Nice 'n' smooth
12:04 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
12:04 juancorr @pdurbin, we are only five institutions now, but we hope to have new collaboratros in the short term. Repositorio de Datos de Investigación Universidad del Rosario, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and, of curse, e-cienciaDatos are on the map.
12:05 pdurbin_m juancorr: ok, so only one is missing?
12:06 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: great. What's in focus now?
12:11 juancorr Two of them, The Universidad of Chile ( and the Universidade de Aveiro are not in the map. The Universidade de Aveiro want to fix some requirements before launch its Dataverse
12:20 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
12:20 pdurbin_m juancorr: thanks. Do you know what their requirements are?
12:29 pdurbin_m "Modificado por SISIB" is interesting. :)
12:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:52 pdurbin_m donsizemore: morning!
12:53 poikilotherm pdurbin_m: if you are interested:
12:54 poikilotherm Oh - just noticed it's not open access... :-( Will need to figure out why
12:56 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: does it relate to ?
12:58 poikilotherm Kind of. I mention codemeta in it and that Dataverse is going to support it
12:58 poikilotherm (Also mentioning CITATION.cff)
13:02 juancorr41 joined #dataverse
13:04 juancorr41 @pdurbin, they are not technicals requirements yet.
13:07 juancorr87 joined #dataverse
13:13 pdurbin juancorr: ok, thanks.
13:19 pdurbin poikilotherm: CITATION.cff is something you mentioned in
13:20 pdurbin I could swear it's also mentioned in one of the links from this talk I gave (the one you attended) but the link I think it's in is now a 404:
13:24 pdurbin There it is. Slide 11. I guess I should have linke to this instead:
13:24 pdurbin poikilotherm: ^^
13:25 pdurbin what a pain when links turn into 404s
13:27 juancorr51 joined #dataverse
13:29 poikilotherm Yeah.
13:29 poikilotherm That's a really cool presentation
13:30 poikilotherm Maybe I should start a collection with JabRef
13:32 pdurbin I forget what JabRef is.
13:32 pdurbin Should it integrate with Dataverse? :)
13:32 poikilotherm "Graphical Java application for managing bibtex (.bib) databases."
13:32 kamil74 joined #dataverse
13:33 poikilotherm
13:36 pdurbin Ah, it's a bibtex thing. At least Dataverse exports to bibtex. So maybe there's a potential integration there. :)
13:39 pdurbin pmauduit: are you around?
13:41 sherry joined #dataverse
13:43 sherry @pdurbin let me know when you have time to brain storm over dataverse-installation map documentation. I can set up zoom
13:46 poikilotherm Guys, gotta go pick up kids
13:46 pmauduit pdurbin: yes, kindof
13:46 poikilotherm See you
13:47 pmauduit not very active around these days, we are still waiting for feedback of our customer who has some issues deploying the docker compo we provided
13:47 pmauduit the person in charge switched job in the meantime
13:48 pdurbin pmauduit: ah, ok
13:48 pdurbin sherry: hi! Do have time for a phone call or a video chat?
13:49 sherry pdurbin: yes video chat is good
13:50 pdurbin Any preference? Google? Skype? WhatsApp?
13:50 sherry I'm shlakeuva on Skype.
13:51 pdurbin I'm greptilian on Skype. I just sent you a message.
13:52 pdurbin "no mutual contacts"?!? we should get you connected to Slava on Skype :)
15:06 donsizemore @pdurbin good morning! (sorry, migrating storage today)
15:52 pdurbin donsizemore: sorry, chatting with Sherry on Skype. You were the second member of dataverse-installations-admin and now she's the third!
17:53 donsizemore @pdurbin have you seen Google's Kaggle (and ) ? Akio is asking about it
17:59 pdurbin I haven't seen this. Are you saying Data Studio is Google's version of Kaggle?
17:59 donsizemore @pdurbin it may be Google's Code Ocean
18:02 pdurbin oh!
18:02 pdurbin That reminds me that I should write up my "things like Code Ocean" data into a spreadsheet.
18:05 pdurbin Sid being one of them. Have I talked about Sid?
18:41 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
18:43 poikilotherm Evening guys :-)
18:43 poikilotherm Anyone still around on a Friday?
19:07 pdurbin poikilotherm: yeah, was just talking to kcondon about the microsoft active directory pull request
19:07 poikilotherm :-)
19:07 poikilotherm I'm not feeling very well, so I spend the eveninig on my couch, thinking about Dataverse
19:09 pdurbin Dataverse is always good for what ails you.
19:10 poikilotherm :-D
19:10 poikilotherm Dr. Dataverse
19:10 poikilotherm I wonder if you came across yet
19:11 pdurbin nope
19:13 poikilotherm I've been thinking about version support via Github Pages and came to the conclusion it might be a though job due to the necessary git bits of it
19:13 poikilotherm Looking at Sphinx I thought about "what does readthedocs offer for that?"
19:17 pdurbin tough job
19:17 poikilotherm Thx
19:18 poikilotherm I would be a real jawbreaker with that "th" in front :-D
19:21 poikilotherm Thinking about creating a test balloon for dataverse-kubernetes on readthedocs...
19:21 poikilotherm I do like their version support, which would be what you have been looking for
19:21 pdurbin "Yes, English can be weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though."
19:23 poikilotherm Yeah
19:25 poikilotherm It's fascinating how different pronunciation is for very similar words
19:26 poikilotherm
19:28 pdurbin nice
19:32 pdurbin poikilotherm: how do you feel about adding *future* installations to "crowdsourced spreadsheet" at ?
19:32 poikilotherm oh I know a good candidate
19:34 pdurbin How'd the demo go? You did a demo of Dataverse?
19:34 poikilotherm Shouldn't that spreadsheet contain coordinates, too?
19:34 poikilotherm Nope, just talking about publication and mentioning the future service
19:34 poikilotherm No time for demo
19:34 pdurbin bummer
19:35 pdurbin Eventually it will. I put a note about that in the README.
19:36 poikilotherm What's that plan about "crowdsourced"? Write access for anyone?
19:36 pdurbin No. I should close that issue with a summary of the Skype call Sherry and I had this morning.
19:37 poikilotherm ?
19:37 poikilotherm Issue?
19:37 poikilotherm That's what you can read in the README of master branch
19:38 pdurbin nope
19:38 pdurbin or at least I don't see what you're talking about :)
19:38 pdurbin I'm talking about closing
19:38 poikilotherm "The goal is to move as much information as possible to the crowdsourced spreadsheet."
19:40 poikilotherm Hmm. I see
19:40 poikilotherm May I place a suggestion?
19:40 pdurbin please!
19:41 pdurbin Maybe I'm using the word crowdsourced wrong. I mean people in the crowd that I trust. :)
19:41 pdurbin Like Sherry who is now committing to master. :)
19:41 pdurbin and donsizemore of course
19:42 poikilotherm Thinking about the workflow here. New installation wants to get on the map. So what are they supposed to do? Create an issue? Just add themselves to the crowdsourced spreadsheet? The process isn't very clear. And they cannot provide much information now.
19:42 donsizemore never trust a donsizemore
19:42 poikilotherm So what about creating a Google Form
19:42 poikilotherm That will ask people for all the shiny details
19:42 poikilotherm It then can put that information into the IQSS maintained list
19:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: well, this is the (new) issue about getting new installations on the map:
19:43 poikilotherm You'll need to create a new commit anyway.
19:43 pdurbin and here is a summary of the 90 minute Skype call if anyone is interested:
19:44 pdurbin Issue 17 is probably a good place to talk up that idea.
19:44 pdurbin My intention is for this to be the community's map, not mine. :)
19:48 poikilotherm Well, some sort of moderation seems like a good idea
19:48 poikilotherm So it doesn't get spammed
19:49 poikilotherm I wonder if one could create a pullrequest just like you can create issues from a google form
19:49 poikilotherm
19:50 poikilotherm Having a nice form to create the entry might help people get their data in
19:52 pdurbin I'm thinking new installations should just open an issue.
19:52 pdurbin And once they're on the map we can close the issue.
19:53 poikilotherm Really crazy idea: create an issue template for this. Create script to read data from all issues labeled by that template and labeld as patroled by an admin. Generate data.json from that.  Updates happen in issues by the community
19:54 poikilotherm The author of the issue can change the data, admins can, but no one else
19:54 pdurbin Ah, sure, an issue template would be great. Have you seen ?
19:54 poikilotherm Yes.Pretty amazing what you can do with Github these days
19:55 pdurbin I liked Waffle but I'm glad we moved to GitHub Projects. Finally, I've been able to implement Druthers.
20:04 poikilotherm pdurbin I wonder if I should work on a PR for that API call regarding temporary API tokens. That's a total spare time thing and I do have some spare time now
20:11 poikilotherm HIhihi, just saw
20:25 pdurbin yeah
20:26 pdurbin I'm not sure what API call you mean.
20:26 pdurbin And it's getting late on a Friday here.
20:27 poikilotherm
20:28 poikilotherm Already started hacking
20:28 poikilotherm Err... that was my recent output of hacking, I did not start to hack on a refactor for that issue
20:32 poikilotherm pdurbin what do you think makes more sense: create an API endpoint for loading the data or refactor API token generation and have an admin endpoint for quick expiring tokens?
20:32 pdurbin Your comment about spare time makes me realize that all the stuff in your todo column on my board is work: . You should absolutely hack on whatever is for you. :)
20:32 poikilotherm Yeah ;-)
20:33 poikilotherm I choose 6286, as it would help you with dataverse-sample-data
20:33 poikilotherm That's definitly not a primary target for my day job :-D
20:33 pdurbin What about this issue: Dataverse installations as a tabular file (CSV or TSV)
20:34 pdurbin taking the new data.json file and making a tsv out of it
20:35 poikilotherm Link?
20:35 poikilotherm Context?
20:35 poikilotherm Ah installations
20:35 * poikilotherm goes ooking
20:35 pdurbin poikilotherm: well, for now, please look at these two screenshots:
20:36 poikilotherm Meh. Wann hack Java stuff :-D
20:36 poikilotherm +a
20:36 pdurbin ok, lets get you hacking on quarkus
20:36 poikilotherm But I understand that's work for you ;-)
20:36 poikilotherm LOL
20:36 pdurbin Please try this:
20:37 poikilotherm Yeah that really sounds fancy
20:40 pdurbin poikilotherm: you can hear me ask how easy it would be to move Dataverse to Quarkus at
20:40 pdurbin That was the talk that inspired me to try out Quarkus for myself and write up that page in my wiki.
20:42 pdurbin This week I asked him to put up his slides and he did:
20:44 poikilotherm Hmm. His answer is a bit hard to understand due to the noisy sound
20:44 poikilotherm If I got it right, there are paid tools to help you migrate
20:44 pdurbin Yeah, it sure is. It was hard in the room too. That's why I invited him to give a talk at IQSS. We're trying to schedule it. :)
20:44 poikilotherm IN about 3 to 4 hours for a senior java dev
20:45 poikilotherm What I believe is not part of that calculation: pretty sure this needs to get off ancient things first ;-)
20:45 poikilotherm Like old JSF
20:45 pdurbin yeah
20:45 poikilotherm Or Pitfalls in the code like the validation thing I found
20:46 pdurbin I think you should play around with which is the one I wrote about in my wiki.
20:46 poikilotherm Man, docker hub is flaky these days. Tried to pull the image 3 times now
20:47 poikilotherm Had troubles the day before yesterday using the hub page for the images
20:48 pdurbin bummer
20:50 poikilotherm Hooray, DB listeing
20:50 poikilotherm WOW
20:50 poikilotherm Quarkus is fast
20:50 pdurbin :)
20:51 poikilotherm Ok it's a very small app
20:51 poikilotherm Nonetheless
20:51 poikilotherm No app server starting etc
20:51 pdurbin Wait until you add GraalVM and compile the app as a native binary.
20:52 pdurbin I had to try it myself to believe the startup time.
20:57 poikilotherm While I wait for the Graal VM to download...
20:57 poikilotherm Would it be ok to repeat my question?
20:58 poikilotherm Its 3 minutes to home time for you, right?
20:58 pdurbin 30
20:59 poikilotherm :-D
21:01 poikilotherm Uh oh. Github is slow at home... Loading at 30KB/s
21:02 poikilotherm Ok to be fair: it's amazon aws
21:08 pdurbin gotta run and demo my side project, have a good weekend!
21:08 pdurbin left #dataverse

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