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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-10-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:15 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
08:51 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
09:59 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:13 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:18 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
14:25 dataverse-user53 joined #dataverse
14:25 dataverse-user53 Hi there
14:39 dataverse-user Hello everyone and @pdurbin( I discussed with you yesterday) , I hope you're fine? I have a question about my dataverse I have version 4.11, can I go directly to version 4.17? Or do I have to make every version?
14:53 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
14:55 dataverse-user78 joined #dataverse
15:07 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
15:11 pdurbin dataverse-user: (or are you dataverse-user78 ) :) Hi! There are a few tricks you can use to upgrade to the latest but they are a bit experimental and you absolutely much back up your database first. Would you like to hear about them?
15:11 pdurbin We have standup in 5 minutes. Does anyone want me to mention anything?
15:39 Jim53 joined #dataverse
15:54 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
15:54 poikilotherm Hi pdurbin :-)
15:54 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh hey. kcondon and I were just talking about you. All good things, of course. :)
15:55 poikilotherm Uh oh
15:55 poikilotherm Phew...
15:55 poikilotherm I've been busy all day with my talk and will be busy for the rest of the day...
15:55 poikilotherm But I saw your comment on the Oauth2 PR
15:56 poikilotherm Shall I keep the messages coming or are you still at standup/busy?
15:56 pdurbin Standup was super quick today. Nothing in code review or QA. :(
15:56 pdurbin Can we get to OAuth2 PR into QA? :)
16:01 poikilotherm IMHO some points should be addressed...
16:01 poikilotherm Like those tests and the attribute fetching
16:01 poikilotherm And your point about configuring the tenant is also very important
16:01 poikilotherm Also the docs about it
16:02 poikilotherm One could make the tenant configurable via the JSON file. But I'll leave that up to the authors ;-)
16:03 poikilotherm But these are free countries, so if you guys are happy with the current implementation...
16:03 pdurbin We live in the land of the free.
16:04 pdurbin We live with some bugs too. :)
16:04 poikilotherm I am not going to use the implementation, so it doesn't really bother me
16:05 poikilotherm I'm not married to that code ;-)
16:05 poikilotherm I have my things in place to continue working on OpenID support
16:06 pdurbin Sure, I figured you'd jump back in that code once this pull request gets merged.
16:06 pdurbin And once your talk is done. :)
16:06 poikilotherm Right.
16:06 poikilotherm I wanted to chat with you about
16:06 poikilotherm Would that be ok now?
16:06 poikilotherm Or should we talk about it some other time?
16:08 pdurbin Well, I think we should give poor Gerardo (@Gerafp) some clarity on exactly what he's on the hook for first.
16:08 pdurbin Want me to try to summon him here?
16:08 poikilotherm Sure!
16:08 poikilotherm That would be much easier
16:09 pdurbin ok, I just emailed him
16:09 pdurbin Now we can talk about whatever.
16:09 poikilotherm :-D
16:10 poikilotherm It will be quick, I promise
16:10 poikilotherm Did you see my Jenkins job for sphinx docs of dataverse-kubernetes?
16:10 poikilotherm It's already feeding
16:10 pdurbin I didn't but that's awesome.
16:11 poikilotherm It uses the multibranch pipeline job, being executed on two named branches for now. (master and my feature branch)
16:11 poikilotherm I've been thinking to extend that. It might be a good idea to have the K8s guides for released versions, master and also for PRs
16:12 poikilotherm I thought about using<branch/tag/master>/... pattern
16:12 poikilotherm So when I read your post, I've been reminded of that idea
16:13 pdurbin It's a good idea.
16:14 poikilotherm Thanks. :-)
16:14 poikilotherm So stupid ideas spun up in my head
16:14 poikilotherm s/stupid/crazy
16:15 poikilotherm What about using having the job copy-catted for Dataverse, reusing the pipeline & dockerfile. If you dont want to push to Github pages, it's easy to adapt for another target.
16:16 poikilotherm All of this is much less expensive in comparison to spinning up AWS instances for it...
16:17 poikilotherm Too crazy?
16:17 pdurbin You're just talking about docs, right? Guides. Not deploying Dataverse itself.
16:18 poikilotherm Yes
16:18 poikilotherm Just the same as with my docs for K8s
16:19 pdurbin Sure, if you set it all up, I'll re-point DNS for . I think the only wrinkle may be that we have a weird manual process where we change a symlink called "latest" for each release. I'd be happy to see that server go. It's an old CentOS 6 box in the basement of our building.
16:20 poikilotherm :-D
16:20 pdurbin And our ops folks want all those VMs to die anyway. It's on VMWare.
16:21 pdurbin And it's a single point of failure.
16:22 poikilotherm Shall I update my old issue?
16:22 poikilotherm And wrap up the idea there?
16:23 pdurbin The one about using Maven to build the guides? Sure!
16:42 poikilotherm I made up my mind and created a new issue
16:43 poikilotherm I will close the Maven issue in favor of sphinx-autobuild
16:43 poikilotherm It's really cool to just save your rst file and have the browser reload the page ;-)
16:43 poikilotherm (for you, no F5)
17:30 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:46 pdurbin poikilotherm: looks great and do you know who else wants to stick a Jenkinsfile in the main dataverse repo? donsizemore
17:54 donsizemore @poikilotherm do you mean moving the IQSS-Dataverse-Develop and -PR jobs back out of EC2?
17:56 donsizemore @poikilotherm we started out with them in docker
18:18 poikilotherm donsizemore: running those on EC2 is fine!
18:18 donsizemore @poikilotherm it wasn't plan "A"
18:18 poikilotherm We could do it on a Docker based kind cluster
18:18 poikilotherm Or AWS cluster
18:19 donsizemore @poikilotherm that would be fine as well.
18:19 poikilotherm Maybe I missunderstood what you wrote...
18:19 donsizemore @poikilotherm running the API test suite in Docker under Jenkins consistently produced a database deadlock, so the consensus was to move the tests to EC2 and we could get that sorted out
18:20 donsizemore also, i think i can work around the fork screwiness with         if (${CHANGE_FORK}=NULL) {            env.CHANGE_FORK=${GIT_URL}         }
18:20 donsizemore since some PRs will come from IQSS, some from elsewhere
18:21 donsizemore ^^ until we could get that sorted out
18:28 poikilotherm Sorry have been AFK, kids...
18:29 poikilotherm I thought you have been running the integration tests in EC2 right frm the start?
18:30 poikilotherm sounded like you changed the approach
18:37 poikilotherm I'm heading back for hacking on my talk now...
18:43 pdurbin poikilotherm: no, for a while we tried running the API tests within Docker on the new Jenkins server itself.
18:44 pdurbin donsizemore: anything I can do for you?
18:44 pdurbin I have a paper in front of me with stuff like "send scripts", "close it", "close it", "bug in Dataverse". :)
18:45 pdurbin sorry so rushed yesterday
18:46 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:42 pdurbin xarthisius: have we talked about and if it makes sense for Whole Tale to appear on the new "Preview" tab on a Dataverse file landing page?
21:04 pdurbin The "Preview" tab will look something like this:

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