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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-01-07

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:07 sivoais joined #dataverse
01:55 jri joined #dataverse
02:27 jri joined #dataverse
02:54 sunee joined #dataverse
02:56 sunee hi, is there any guide or tips in regards to setting a new dataverse installation that will be shared by a few universities?
03:04 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
04:28 jri joined #dataverse
05:03 jri joined #dataverse
07:04 jri joined #dataverse
07:26 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:54 jri joined #dataverse
07:56 juancorr Hi @sunee, I think that the guide does not exist. In e-cienciaDatos, each university has a Dataverse administrate by the university librarians.
08:28 MrK joined #dataverse
08:38 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
08:54 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
09:07 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
09:36 iqlogbot joined #dataverse
09:36 Topic for #dataverse is now Dataverse is open source research data repository software: | IRC Logs: | Who's who:
10:08 juancorr joined #dataverse
10:34 juancorr joined #dataverse
10:47 xarthisius joined #dataverse
11:14 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:32 pdurbin juancorr: thanks
11:35 pdurbin I started blogging for the first time. Kind of retro, I know. I'm mentioned Dataverse a few times already. I'm on day 6, trying to put a post out every day.
11:35 pdurbin poikilotherm: yesterday's post is a thank you to the award you gave me:
11:37 poikilotherm Thank you, I'm honored :-)
11:54 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:06 pdurbin I brought it home to show my kids and they liked it, especially the bubble wrap.
12:14 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:20 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
12:48 juancorr joined #dataverse
13:08 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:19 MrK tests
14:19 MrK Hello
14:20 pdurbin hey MrK
14:25 MrK poikilotherm: I have an idea how we can contact ourselves in Tromso :P
14:26 pdurbin donsizemore: if it helps, the comment for that interactive.config file is "read the input prompts and help messages for the interactive mode". To me, it seems like it's more about help messages than actual config.
14:28 donsizemore @pdurbin it holds many more options than default.config
14:30 pdurbin yeah
14:32 pdurbin MrK: do you use Matrix?
14:33 MrK pdurbin: nah I live in it. But really nope.
14:33 pdurbin ok
14:34 MrK pdurbin: Overall I use Telegram, Discord, Teamspeak, Slack. I have enough of them :D.
14:35 pdurbin No WhatsApp?!? ;)
14:35 pdurbin No Signal?!?
14:36 MrK pdurbin: Another friend would have to bring me over in order to use 5th app for texting/voice :D.
14:39 pdurbin I avoided WhatsApp for the longest time but absolutely everyone uses it in Indonesia. It's on all their business cards.
14:41 donsizemore @pdurbin Jon now uses WhatsApp because of Brazil
14:42 pdurbin donsizemore: tell 'em to WhatsApp me if he wants :)
14:42 MrK Oh wow, I remember reading that owners like to read user messages there ;)
14:42 MrK I think from what I heard Signal is pretty reliable
14:43 MrK They use Telegram in Iran to buy video games and trade since they have sanctions on them, so no credit cards etc.
14:44 pdurbin I installed Signal because the cousin of a colleague uses it. He's in Berlin. Nice guy. Showed me a lot of cool street art. Into Clojure.
14:50 pdurbin I let him know about this ClojureScript support issue I opened: :)
14:50 Youssef_Ouahalou joined #dataverse
14:52 Youssef_Ouahalou Hello everyone
14:52 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: hi!
14:52 Youssef_Ouahalou how are you @pdurbin?
14:53 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: good! I do need to work on my talk for FOSDEM though. :)
14:53 pdurbin Any news on the fringe event?
14:57 Youssef_Ouahalou Great, i can't wait to attend your talk in Fosdem. And the new for event in my institution?
14:58 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: that's what I'm wondering, if there is any news about the event at your institution. Is Benjamin around? He said he needed to talk to his boss or something.
15:00 Youssef_Ouahalou I think he is busy right away but as soon as he is free I would ask him to come and chat
15:01 pdurbin No problem and it's getting late in the day for you both. Is there anything I can help you with?
15:02 Youssef_Ouahalou yes it is 4pm here
15:03 Youssef_Ouahalou Regarding your arrival here, would you like me to pick you up from the airport?
15:04 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: seriously? Sure! :)
15:04 Youssef_Ouahalou And compared to dataverse, is there a way to prevent registration with temporaire mail?
15:05 pdurbin Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by prevent registration.
15:05 Youssef_Ouahalou Perfect keep me posted by email or on twitter I would be happy to come
15:05 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: can you please WhatApp me? Benjamin has my number.
15:05 Youssef_Ouahalou Okay, well, I'm sending you a message on whatsapp
15:07 Youssef_Ouahalou by that I mean blocking registration with temporary email addresses
15:07 Youssef_Ouahalou in dataverse
15:10 pdurbin Oh, I think maybe I understand.
15:10 pdurbin Is the problem that people are signing up for accounts on your installation of Dataverse with temporary email addresses?
15:14 pdurbin Or are you having some other problem?
15:16 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
15:24 Youssef_Ouahalou Yes that's it.But they haven't done it yet, it's to prevent this
15:25 pdurbin Ok. Have you considered setting :AllowSignUp to false?
15:26 pdurbin Please see also
15:28 Youssef_Ouahalou Thanks i will watch this now ☺
15:28 pdurbin I just looked at your installation. You don't seem to have any remote auth configured.
15:29 pdurbin Shibboleth, OAuth, etc.
15:29 pdurbin I guess I say etc. because soon OpenID Connect (OIDC) will be supported (thanks to poikilotherm) in the next release of Dataverse.
15:34 pdurbin This just in, a pull request for a new look for the new map, which I just deployed to . What do you all think?
15:51 juancorr joined #dataverse
15:51 Benjamin_Peuch Hello everybody. Sorry I only just dropped by without saying a word today.
15:51 * Benjamin_Peuch is letting Youssef do all the work, like a true manager
15:53 Benjamin_Peuch It looks great, pdurbin!
15:53 Benjamin_Peuch Can't wait to see an extra dot on it for Belgium. :)
15:53 pdurbin Glad you like it. Hold on. We're still messing with the code.
15:53 Benjamin_Peuch DV really has instances on every continent now. You must be proud.
15:54 Benjamin_Peuch Congrats on the upgrade, poikilotherm. :thumbup:
15:54 Benjamin_Peuch A map like that is handy to look for other DV users in our region.
15:54 Benjamin_Peuch #HotSingleDataverseUsersInYourArea
15:54 Benjamin_Peuch So we can pester them about their installation and see how they did things.
15:54 pdurbin Does anyone know anyone in Antartica? I bet there's some research going on down there. :)
15:55 Benjamin_Peuch Doubtless! Glaciology is a pretty data-intensive research field, isn't it?
15:55 pdurbin I would think so.
15:56 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: so any news on the fringe event?
16:05 Benjamin_Peuch Not yet, sorry. We had a 2-hour meeting with my boss and Youssef this morning entirely dedicated to the steps to take before launching our Dataverse installation. I forgot to bring up the question of the fringe event.
16:05 Benjamin_Peuch My boss hasn't yet got to the mail I sent her about this yet, but because it's urgent I'll give her a phone call tomorrow about it.
16:07 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
16:07 pdurbin Well, I wouldn't say it's urgent. But I am waiting to follow up on to say that my talk is accepted and that a fringe event has been planned.
16:08 pdurbin And I guess it would be nice to get the fringe event listed at if it's happening. No worries if it doesn't come together.
16:09 Benjamin_Peuch Very kind of you to plan on advertizing our event. :)
16:09 Benjamin_Peuch It will come together. Picard told me to make it so!
16:10 pdurbin engage!
16:10 Benjamin_Peuch I won't say our project is going at warp speed, but we're doing our best.
16:11 Benjamin_Peuch We do have a prime directive.
16:11 pdurbin You should try ludicrous speed.
16:19 Benjamin_Peuch This is no time for levity, Riker.
16:42 pdurbin :)
18:20 jri joined #dataverse
18:24 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:42 donsizemore joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.