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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-01-08

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:24 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:45 jri joined #dataverse
09:21 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
09:24 Benjamin_Peuch Hello pdurbin. Thanks for tagging Youssef and me in the pull request you opened a few days ago.
09:25 Benjamin_Peuch To be perfectly honest I have wholly neglected the API functionalities of Dataverse up until now so I'm not sure what it's about.
09:25 Benjamin_Peuch But I'm going to dive in the manual and study this closely.
09:27 Benjamin_Peuch I understand that a whole lot of things can be done through APIs within DV so this is a bit overdue. Youssef has already delved into it though.
10:50 MrK joined #dataverse
11:24 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: sure, but to be honest, I forget which pull request you mean. :) Oh! But that reminds me! I *did* find a typo in the Dataverse Guides this week. I'd be happy to coach you through making a pull request (deleting a duplicate word in this case), if you want.
11:39 Benjamin_Peuch With pleasure!
11:39 Benjamin_Peuch (This pull request:
11:44 pdurbin Oh, that one. It's funny, I just emailed Paul from DANS about that. I just helped him create a board. I don't know if you know Paul. Great guy. You should invite him over. :)
11:45 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: anyway, if you go to and search for "to to" you should find the duplicate word. If you could click the pencil and delete one of the "to"'s and make a commit and then a pull request, I would appreciate it!
11:46 pdurbin Here's the full line with the duplicate word: Non-superusers who are not "Admin" on the root dataverse will not be able to to do anything useful until the root dataverse has been published.
11:48 Benjamin_Peuch Is that Paul Boon? I don't think I've met him yet.
11:48 Benjamin_Peuch But if you know that he's going to attend FOSDEM, then I'll invite him directly, pdurbin.
11:48 Benjamin_Peuch I've already written a general invitation I'm planning to send to Marion Wittenberg. Just awaiting publication of the announcement on our website.
11:49 Benjamin_Peuch We're also going to reach out to AUSSDA and University catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), a Belgian university which is currently looking into Dataverse.
11:50 Benjamin_Peuch There, I just created the pull request, pdurbin.
11:55 pdurbin Great! Marion gave a talk at Harvard. I'm not sure if she remembers me or not. And yes I remember some sort of conversation in here with someone from UCLouvain.
11:56 pdurbin poikilotherm: do you remember the trick you used to get your pull request into code review? Back when you were a "read only" user like Benjamin_Peuch?
11:57 poikilotherm Sure. Head to the IQSS project and add the PR as card to the Code Review column
11:57 pdurbin Thanks!
11:58 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: can you please try that? Please go to and try to drag your pull request into "Code Review".
11:59 Benjamin_Peuch pdurbin: I see the Code Review column but I can't find my pull request on this page.
12:00 pdurbin Oh. On the right you have to click "Add cards"
12:00 Benjamin_Peuch Should I add it as a note? Oh, okay.
12:00 Benjamin_Peuch Ah, yes indeed!
12:00 Benjamin_Peuch Done.
12:01 pdurbin Perfect. Now can you please change the title to something like "typo in guides"?
12:01 Benjamin_Peuch There you go.
12:02 pdurbin Perfect. It will make much more sense at standup in a few hours. Thanks!!
12:03 pdurbin I guess I could even approve it now.
12:03 pdurbin Done. Now it's in QA.
12:04 Benjamin_Peuch So if I get this correctly, this means that if we do a pull here once it's approved, the typo will be corrected our local files?
12:04 Benjamin_Peuch #noob
12:08 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
12:09 pdurbin Well, that typo appears here:
12:10 pdurbin So the next version (4.19 probably) will have your fix.
12:13 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: do you think that announcement will go out today? I'm thinking about sending two emails to follow up on that thread I mentioned. The first could just be to announce that my talk was accepted. In that email I could hint that there may be a fringe event in the works. In the second email (later this week) I could link to your announcement.
12:15 Benjamin_Peuch Oh that would be great, pdurbin. I'm going to give our PR person a ring.
12:16 Kerruan joined #dataverse
12:16 pdurbin Cool. That's what I'll do. Thanks!
12:16 Benjamin_Peuch She must be out for lunch right now. I'll try again shortly and keep you posted at any rate.
12:17 pdurbin Sounds fine. And you know stefankasberger is from AUSSDA, right?
12:17 Kerru joined #dataverse
12:17 Benjamin_Peuch Yes indeed. He's in the room with us right now, haha. :)
12:17 pdurbin watching us
12:17 pdurbin !
12:18 pdurbin Kerru: hi! Anything we can help you with?
12:20 Benjamin_Peuch You scared them off.
12:20 Benjamin_Peuch Stefan is the person I was planning to send our invitation for AUSSDA directly to. ^^
12:21 Benjamin_Peuch But I don't understand why a pull request is needed to fix a typo for documents which are hosted on anyway?
12:21 Benjamin_Peuch *at
12:23 pdurbin whoops
12:23 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: does this help?
12:25 Benjamin_Peuch Oh, so this means that creating a pull request is a way for users (whether they belong to the IQSS developers' team or not) to notify you of things like typos etc?
12:28 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:29 pdurbin Yes! Exactly!
12:30 pdurbin I have a long list of other stuff you could fix in the guides, if you're interested. :)
12:30 Benjamin_Peuch Okay. Thanks for the explanation. :)
12:31 Benjamin_Peuch Haha, you mean fixes that need to be formatted as pull requests?
12:31 Benjamin_Peuch On another note: I want to add labels to issues on GitHub like "Feature:Metadata" to make it neat and clear.
12:31 Benjamin_Peuch But I don't think I can. Maybe because this is the privilege of the repository administrators, like you?
12:34 pdurbin That's right. You don't have the power to add labels. I'm happy to add some for you. Or you can see if poikilotherm has time if it's early in the day.
12:35 pdurbin Oh good, the person I scared off just posted this:
12:35 poikilotherm As far as I can see, not many people use the labels at IQSS :-/
12:35 poikilotherm I'm happy to add any on request.
12:36 poikilotherm pdurbin: I'd appreciate some automation for this like adding a "/kind label" thing found in some other projects
12:38 pdurbin Do you mean pull requests against the "doc" directory would automatically get a label about documentation? I'm confused.
12:39 poikilotherm Nah
12:39 poikilotherm Let me checkout an example
12:39 pdurbin ok
12:40 poikilotherm The K8s guys built some real crazy stuff for this
12:41 Benjamin_Peuch Then I'll pester poikilotherm until further notice. :p
12:41 Benjamin_Peuch Brb
12:41 poikilotherm If you add a "/kind label" text in your description or comment, the label get's assigned by the bot
12:42 pdurbin oooh, I think I get it now
12:43 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
12:45 Benjamin_Peuch Hello poikilotherm. Could you add the label "Feature:Metadata" to this issue, please?
12:46 poikilotherm pdurbin: we could also create a bot that listens here and labels issues on command :-D
12:47 poikilotherm We talk a lot about dev of DV here ;-)
12:47 Benjamin_Peuch Thanks, poikilotherm!
12:47 poikilotherm Benjamin_Peuch: done!
12:52 Benjamin_Peuch There are several suggestions I would like to make regarding metadata in DV. Should I add them underneath one of these two issues?
12:52 Benjamin_Peuch
12:52 Benjamin_Peuch
12:52 Benjamin_Peuch Or should I create new issues then reference them in one of those two threads (or both)?
12:58 Benjamin_Peuch Hello again, poikilotherm. Could you also add the label "Type: Suggestion" to that same issue please?
12:59 poikilotherm Done...
13:00 Benjamin_Peuch Thanks a lot!
13:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:39 MrK joined #dataverse
13:58 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: ok, I just posted this announcing my talk and hinting at the fringe event:
13:59 pdurbin I hope it looks ok. I'm heading to the gym and then the office.
14:42 Benjamin_Peuch pdurbin: I just got word from our PR person. The link will be availabe tomorrow. :)
14:43 Benjamin_Peuch Thank you for mentioning the fringe event in your post. Indeed they should stay tuned: I'll send you the link as soon as I have it.
16:00 Benjamin_Peuch pdurbin: I sent you some info through PMs, not sure you've seen it yet.
16:00 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: sorry, just getting out of a meeting.
16:03 pdurbin I'm glad you're ok with the email I sent. Mostly I just wanted to get the word out about my talk (and will probably tweet about it too). Now there's no time pressure from me (sorry!) about announcing the fringe event. :)
16:04 Benjamin_Peuch pdurbin: Just wanted to make sure. :) Sorry for being insistent.
16:05 Benjamin_Peuch Haha, since I'm the one organizing the event, I should care for it.
16:36 pdurbin :)
20:00 jri joined #dataverse
20:13 poikilotherm pdurbin thanks for cross linking the issue about the docroot.
20:13 poikilotherm IIRC I wrote sth about it in the refactored guide...
20:14 pdurbin Oh!
20:15 poikilotherm
20:15 pdurbin "Use a ReadWriteMany type volume when using a multi-instance deployment."
20:16 poikilotherm It is not much, but actually reflects my opinion: sync or use shared fs. Don't do it in Dataverse unless you use some object store.
20:16 poikilotherm Beware, that's from /data
20:17 poikilotherm It's /docroot you are looking for ;-)
20:17 pdurbin yeah
20:17 pdurbin I'm going to post a screenshot. It's easier.
20:18 poikilotherm Then please also post a screenshot of the image doc ;-)
20:18 poikilotherm
20:21 pdurbin I'm not sure why the arrows I'm adding are comically large but whatever, I'm rolling with them.
20:23 pdurbin Done:
20:27 poikilotherm And I still believe we should talk about it... If Dataverse would offer to use an object store for all of this, that would be much easier than setting up shared filesystems, etc. See also my last sentence in
20:28 poikilotherm Of course I understand that you guys preferred using the docroot functions of Glassfish, which is perfectly fine. It's somewhat like Django with their static assets directory
20:29 pdurbin I just want anything that works. :)
20:29 poikilotherm Both arguments for both ways.
20:29 poikilotherm Ah. s/Both/Good/
20:30 poikilotherm Heh. Right here I'm totally with you. Need to get stuff out of the door...
20:30 pdurbin Aren't you launching this month? :)
20:30 poikilotherm I really want Jülich DATA to be nr 53 by the end of January
20:30 pdurbin 54
20:31 poikilotherm Oh Jesus
20:31 pdurbin Oh, wait. Huh.
20:31 pdurbin Oh, I see.
20:31 pdurbin The new map just made it to
20:31 pdurbin But the old map has 53 on it.
20:32 pdurbin Once we work on the new map will have 53.
20:32 poikilotherm 2^8 would also be a nice number
20:32 pdurbin :)
20:40 pdurbin xarthisius: I'm so excited about the two new videos about Whole Tale integration with Dataverse that I blogged about them:
20:40 poikilotherm Great :-)
20:40 poikilotherm
20:41 poikilotherm Man I'll switch from mobile to laptop. Thx to Matrix easy peasy...
20:42 xarthisius pdurbin: I saw it :)
20:43 pdurbin xarthisius: next comes the tweet :)
20:46 poikilotherm Nice demos :-)
20:48 pdurbin AREN'T THEY?!?
20:49 poikilotherm Oh BTW pdurbin today my new laptop arrived. Finally, I have a good spot to put one of those lovely Dataverse sticker you nice guys send me last year :-)
20:49 poikilotherm s/send/sent/
20:49 pdurbin Nice. You *could* have waited for my FOSDEM talk. I plan to bring some. :)
20:51 poikilotherm :-
20:51 poikilotherm :-D
21:46 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm heading out so no rush but I'm wondering if dataverse-ansible supports S3. Here's some context:
21:46 pdurbin poikilotherm: same question but for dataverse-kubernetes :)
21:46 pdurbin lots going on in that pull request
21:47 pdurbin the times they are a-changin
21:47 poikilotherm I do.
21:47 poikilotherm At least configuring
21:47 poikilotherm Using it for our instance ;-)
21:48 pdurbin nice, with minio?
21:59 poikilotherm Aye :-)
21:59 poikilotherm That's why I added the support :-D
22:01 donsizemore @pdurbin just a config option to be added in
22:01 pdurbin poikilotherm: and why you opened
22:01 pdurbin donsizemore: cool, I'll create an issue. Thanks.
22:04 pdurbin donsizemore: just a stub for now:
22:04 donsizemore @pdurbin cool. so config options still up in the air?
22:04 pdurbin Well, there's a lot going on in that pull request.
22:05 pdurbin I don't even have my head around all of it.
22:05 pdurbin To be continued. :)
22:05 pdurbin Have a good night, all.
22:24 poikilotherm Good night Phil :-)

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