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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-02-12

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:09 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
07:27 coucou_bot joined #dataverse
07:27 coucou_bot left #dataverse
07:41 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:46 xarthisius joined #dataverse
07:46 xarthisius joined #dataverse
08:06 jri joined #dataverse
09:00 jri_ joined #dataverse
10:19 pkiraly joined #dataverse
11:29 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:50 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
12:51 dataverse-user Test
12:51 dataverse-user <h>jsjs</h>
13:11 pdurbin hmm
13:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:38 pdurbin That reminds me. I'm the only moderator in this channel and I'll be on vacation next week. If anyone would like to be a moderator (operator), please let me know or leave a comment on
14:04 juancorr39 joined #dataverse
14:26 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
14:53 pdurbin juancorr39: someone has taken an interest in your handiwork: :)
14:54 poikilotherm Morning pdurbin
14:54 poikilotherm Just came back from an inhouse first aid training
14:55 pdurbin may you never get a papercut
14:56 poikilotherm It was more in the direction of emergency responders
14:57 poikilotherm I'm glad I hadn't use for this knowledge so far in my life
15:10 donsizemore @pdurbin just sent you more non-SLOPI communication in Slack!
15:20 pdurbin how dare you
15:36 donsizemore oh, I dare.
15:36 poikilotherm donsizemore pdurbin what do you guys think we should do about issue #6599 / #6636 ?
15:36 poikilotherm * donsizemore pdurbin what do you guys think we should do about issue #6599 / #6633 ?
15:36 poikilotherm * donsizemore pdurbin what do you guys think we should do about issue #6599 / #6633 ?
15:36 poikilotherm Should we do sth about the deprecated field?
15:37 donsizemore @poikilotherm lemme run solr 7.7.2 through the API test suite?
15:38 poikilotherm Sounds good
15:39 poikilotherm pdurbin did @kcondon mention any plans what he needs, wants, does not want, ...?
15:39 donsizemore @poikilotherm on #6366:
15:39 poikilotherm pdurbin should I change my PR to be about #6633 instead of #6599?
15:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: well, he asked (in the issue) for a developer to look at upgrade notes and I did. I left a comment about it. Oh, in the pull request, not the issue.
15:40 poikilotherm donsizemore that a very valuable finding! Let me add a comment to my issue, that we need to cleanup some messy places
15:41 juancorr39 Thanks pdurbin, I have already answered.
15:41 pdurbin juancorr39: so I see! Thanks!
15:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: sorry, I'm in a design meeting. Let me look. I might be slow.
15:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: I thought I switched the "closes" issue already.
15:42 poikilotherm Sure pdurbin - I'm outta here now, but reachable at construction site.
15:42 poikilotherm It would be great to get into production this week with up-to-date Solr :-D
15:43 pdurbin poikilotherm: yeah, I switched it. I think we're all set.
15:43 poikilotherm I took the liberty to edit the title, too
15:44 pdurbin I should probably let Kevin know that donsizemore has Solr 7.7.2 running fine on the Payara server.
15:44 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh, good catch
15:44 pdurbin thanks
15:44 poikilotherm Should I rename branches?
15:44 poikilotherm (That would need a new PR...)
15:44 pdurbin no, we'll delete the branch soon enough :)
15:45 * poikilotherm starts running, will look later
15:45 pdurbin oh good, donsizemore already left a comment about his testing:
16:20 donsizemore @poikilotherm @pdurbin lemme let this test suite run finish and I'll bump the solr version in my group_vars. will report back.
16:46 pdurbin donsizemore: you da man
17:19 Slava38 joined #dataverse
17:20 Slava38 Hi guys, we've just updated the Test Suite with first 11 Selenium tests
17:22 Slava38 You need to populate Dataverse with sample data indeed before start the testing process. We're going to contribute to the Test Suite on the regular basis and waiting for help from the community.
19:03 pdurbin Nice! Thanks, Slava! Wherever you are!
20:11 donsizemore calling @pdurbin, come in @pdurbin
20:17 pdurbin donsizemore: we are (finally) ready! Sorry!
20:35 Slava41 joined #dataverse
20:36 pdurbin donsizemore: I have summoned Slava41 :)
20:37 pdurbin Slava41: donsizemore is doing npm and selenium magic :)
20:37 Slava41 Nice! And how it goes?
20:40 Slava41 If it works well we can continue with another tests.
20:41 pdurbin I forget what error he was seeing. Sorry. We were just on a call together.
20:44 Slava41 I think you should run login test first.
20:46 pdurbin ok
20:46 pdurbin Slava41: donsizemore and I are often active in the morning (for us) so if you want to touch base tomorrow or whenever, that's fine. It's late for you. :)
20:47 Slava41 ok, no problem.
20:48 Slava41 Other thing: as we've created test suite for Dataverse running on Kubernetes, the password is admin1.
20:48 pdurbin nice
20:49 Slava41 But you can always find and change it in .side file.
20:49 pdurbin Ah, it's configurable. Good.
20:49 pdurbin Slava41: one thing I was wondering is if we should each contributed new .side files.
20:50 pdurbin Or if you want us to hack your the .side file that's in there.
20:50 Slava41 No, you should contribute your own indeed
20:50 pdurbin ok
20:50 Slava41 I'm pretty sure everybody has own manual script to test, it would be nice to exchange.
20:51 pdurbin hence the *.side in the selenium-side-runner command
20:51 Slava41 Right. And after some time we can figure out how to manage all tests properly.
20:51 pdurbin sure
20:53 Slava41 We had an interesting discussion at DANS how to test file upload. Files should be saved locally in the specific location. Selenium should where to find them.
20:53 Slava41 Therefore I've put Book1.csv in github.
20:53 pdurbin I saw that. And the semicolons.
20:53 * pdurbin shudders
20:53 pdurbin Slava41: you could use files from if you want.
20:54 Slava41 Yes, great idea, we can put some files in the separate folder.
20:57 Slava41 Can you probably show this test suite to Kevin? I'm pretty sure he will like it.
21:04 Slava41 Btw, Stefan told me today they started to create own Selenium tests as well. We need more. :)
21:05 pdurbin Slava41: nice! Sure. Kevin is aware of it.
21:06 Slava41 I have something incredible for you to share on Skype. We've finished DataTags as external microservice, it works like magic.
21:08 Slava41 I'm trying to get it as generic as possible to become GDCC service in the future serving EU institutions with GDPR policies and outside of Europe as well.
21:10 Slava41 I've presented our DataTags architecture during the technical meeting in Tromso, Gustavo was there.
21:12 pdurbin wat. datatags? really? :)
21:12 Slava41 We've tried not to touch codebase too much, just a few extensions. All the functionality went to OpenAPI DataTags app, we want to reuse it with b2share, another data repository.
21:13 Slava41 And I've specifically requested to create JSON with all provenance information about DataTags version and specification, will show you.
21:21 pdurbin Slava41: sorry, talking to Mike.
21:27 pdurbin ok, back at my desk
21:27 pdurbin Slava41: sorry, I shouldn't have summoned you and then wandered off.
21:29 pdurbin Sure, I'd love a demo sometime. Or better yet... put a recording on YouTube so I can add it to DataverseTV. :)
21:32 Slava41 Check your Skype for now. :)
21:33 pdurbin Slava41: this is amazing!!
21:40 Slava41 Should I send the link to Gustavo and Merce?
21:40 pdurbin Yes! Or send it to!forum/dataverse-community #SLOPI
21:45 Slava41 You know, I told our developers that Dataverse is something like Android for mobile phones, ideal platform to build applications. :)
21:46 pdurbin The Appiverse!
21:48 Slava41 We're finishing up some small things and ready for pull request. Just tiny modifications. :)
21:49 pdurbin Um, is there an issue? :)
21:50 Slava41 No, we just want DataTags button to be fully configurable to avoid breaking something.
21:51 pdurbin Oh, so you're planning a pull request against DataTags, not Dataverse. I understand now. :)
21:53 Slava41 No, DataTags is our own application, we need some changes on Dataverse side to start and finish workflow.
21:57 pdurbin Huh. Now I'm even more confused. To me DataTags is and and . You created another application with the same name? :)
21:58 pdurbin Anyway, it's getting dark here and I need to bike home. Talk soon!
22:01 Slava41 Sure, cu!
22:01 Slava41 left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.