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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-03-05

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:03 mcf Hi, hopefully a quick question: setting up a new v.4.18.1 instance and dataverse-previewers isn't working for PDFs, I'm just getting the PDF source in the preview window.
00:33 pdurbin mcf: huh, that's weird. Can you please open an issue in the dataverse-previewer repo and drop a link in here?
00:35 mcf44 joined #dataverse
00:41 mcf Darn, it's not really for public consumption yet. I was hoping for something obvious like CORS but it's obviously getting the PDF data, it's just not rendering it. Browser console doesn't show anything, Apache logs don't have errors.
00:46 mcf Aha, I just noticed that the page says "Text Preview" at the top rather than presumably "PDF Preview". So possibly it's a content-type problem.
04:57 pdurbin Hmm. Not sure. Hope we hear back.
08:33 jri joined #dataverse
09:48 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
10:05 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
10:51 pdurbin poikilotherm: if only we had a place to put any graphviz you've been doing lately:
10:53 poikilotherm Good morning pdurbin. Was in a meeting all morning, now back at keyboard
10:53 poikilotherm Did you actually sleep this night? It doesn't look like :-D
10:54 pdurbin I took a nap.
11:01 stefankasberger So, finally, the Upgrade is finished, and was successfull.
11:02 stefankasberger Does anyone here know, how to deactivate the RData download, cause it is not working at our instance so far, and want to remove it from the drop down menu.
11:02 poikilotherm YEAH!
11:02 poikilotherm Congrat stefankasberger
11:02 poikilotherm +s
11:02 stefankasberger Thanks! :)
11:03 poikilotherm Hip hip hurra
11:07 stefankasberger Still have some fixes to do, but 4.18.1 is online and the basic functions work fine.
11:11 Youssef_Ouahalou joined #dataverse
11:35 Benjamin_Peuch Well done stefankasberger
11:35 Benjamin_Peuch Wow, the AUTNES research group has a really cool logo
11:35 Benjamin_Peuch
12:07 pdurbin stefankasberger: congrats! Are your metrics part of ? If not please open an issue! And what kind of error do you get with the RData thing?
12:07 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: should we have a logo for each installation at ?
12:09 pdurbin poikilotherm: I think I only skimmed some of your questions or comments from yesterday. Are you good? Need anything? Milk in your coffee?
12:10 poikilotherm pdurbin: I'm good for now. Working on OIDC stuff
12:13 stefankasberger @pdurbin: Open an issue at the metrics repo to be included?
12:14 stefankasberger @pdurbin: regarding RData. We have not configured it (properly), so it is not running, but the Download Dropdown Button appears. Want to get rid of the button. any ideas how to do that?
12:20 Benjamin_Peuch You mean on this page, pdurbin?
12:20 Benjamin_Peuch It would definitely look very pretty.
12:21 Benjamin_Peuch And highlight the work of all those anonymous graphic and Web designers.
12:22 Benjamin_Peuch You're in an esthetic mood these days pdurbin, are you not? :)
12:37 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
12:38 pdurbin_m Benjamin_Peuch: like you wouldn't believe:
12:43 Benjamin_Peuch Hahaha that's great
12:44 Benjamin_Peuch I just hope they won't bother you with IPR issues since you're explicitly mentioning the Animaniacs
12:44 Benjamin_Peuch Then again, it's more like a joke job offer, is it not :p
12:47 pdurbin_m Or is it?
12:47 pdurbin_m
13:19 poikilotherm pdurbin_m pdurbin r u around?
13:20 pdurbin_m sort of
13:21 pdurbin_m why?
13:21 poikilotherm Nice. pdurbin_m I want to use JSON-B for my provider config stuff.
13:22 poikilotherm This is part of Java EE 8
13:22 poikilotherm But pom.xml says we are using EE 7
13:23 poikilotherm Argh forget it. I will need to use workarounds and other libs anyway
13:23 poikilotherm Glassfish 4 = Java EE 7
13:24 poikilotherm Why JSON-B? Easy. Making JSON to POJO/JPA entity easy.
13:24 poikilotherm (And the other way round)
13:30 pdurbin_m plus one for that spec
13:30 pdurbin_m go for it
13:30 pdurbin_m what is this a dependency for?
13:31 pdurbin_m oh, config stuff
13:31 pdurbin_m plus one for config stuff
13:31 pdurbin_m will we still need an installer?
13:31 poikilotherm pdurbin_m when do you plan to sit at your desk?
13:32 poikilotherm I have some questions about the current code I simply don't understand why this is working magically
13:33 pdurbin_m can you email the dev list?
13:33 pdurbin_m I was gonna go to the gym
13:34 poikilotherm Sure
13:34 poikilotherm Have fun
13:34 poikilotherm Do some pushup Mr Shib :-D
13:34 poikilotherm Then you'll eventually become Mr Muscle-Shib ;-)
14:09 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
14:10 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: ... will working on this unblock you?
14:11 pdurbin_m and should we have a and connect it to this freenode IRC channel? How?
14:14 poikilotherm pdurbin_m: I'm frustrated.
14:23 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: :( While you wait can you please update the image for this repo to be the diagram you made?
14:26 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:28 poikilotherm I'm looking into working around this using a custom parser
14:28 poikilotherm This is BS, but looks like the easiest option forward
14:29 poikilotherm Getting a String instead of the POJO and pipe that to validation and data binding manually
14:41 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:44 pdurbin poikilotherm: you sound frustrated. I'm at my desk. How can I help! :dataverseman:
15:47 poikilotherm I just gave up trying to go with Moxy, will do Jackson. I was confused why json binding works in GF 4.1 when this is only present in JEE8, but I found the answer ;-)
15:47 poikilotherm Simply read the JSON as String in Admin API and push that to a parser
15:48 poikilotherm Heading out now, picking up kids
15:49 pdurbin poikilotherm: ok. I forgot to say that the guys in #glassfish are wicket smaht. And they miss you!
15:49 pdurbin The one guy, techni, is an early bird, I think.
16:53 jri_ joined #dataverse
17:39 mcf joined #dataverse
17:42 mcf Hi, regarding the file previewers showing PDFs as text, turns out the problem is in a DV 3->4 migration script not setting the file type correctly. So the problem is all on our end, looks like.
18:27 sivoais joined #dataverse
18:50 donsizemore @mcf I haven't redetected filetypes yet
19:15 pdurbin mcf: orly
19:15 pdurbin Do you need any help?
19:16 pdurbin Things are heating up in
22:15 donsizemore @poikilotherm Q for U
22:24 poikilotherm Hmm?
22:24 poikilotherm Hit me, but I'm still at my construction site. Catching up when I cleaned my tools
22:26 donsizemore this can defo wait until tomorrow. p.s. what's the construction?
22:34 poikilotherm Our new house :-)
22:34 poikilotherm Currently building rooms with drywall
22:37 donsizemore excellent!
22:38 donsizemore again, i can pester you tomorrow, but in a nutshell: akio would like to dockerize his trsa-api branch of dataverse. matthew thinks glassfish4 is safer. i think payara5 is the brave new world. keep in mind trsa is under heavy development... i suppose we could do both
22:40 poikilotherm donsizemore If you feel like it, just ask. I can send you an answer tomorrow morning way before you wake up ;-P
22:40 donsizemore that's my question, in essence: continue developing against glassfish4 or jump to payara5?

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