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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-04-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:20 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:36 jri joined #dataverse
08:27 jri_ joined #dataverse
11:12 yoh joined #dataverse
11:55 pkiraly joined #dataverse
12:08 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:21 donsizemore @poikilotherm I forwarded you question on to Akio; I know he's tracked carving out the ingest code from Dataverse with each new release; we run a separate Dataverse instance that's coded to interface with TRSA
12:22 poikilotherm Nice :-)
12:22 poikilotherm Thx for forwarding :-)
12:25 donsizemore and thank you for your PR on the S3 bundle. other changes may shrink the warfile, but that change was huge
12:29 donsizemore @poikilotherm I understand you're concerned about over-extending commitments, but would you like to serve as a discussion leader concerning your work with dataverse-k8s?
12:31 poikilotherm I think I can do that. I have some ideas about trying to get instant feedback from the audience, which I presume might be even more important now we're moving online
12:32 poikilotherm Although I have no practice so far with larger groups of people discussing online. I'm mostly in touch with ~6-8 people.
12:32 donsizemore disable video for snaps, feedback loops for hiss?
12:34 poikilotherm Was that a joke?
12:34 donsizemore yes =)
12:34 poikilotherm I don't get it...
12:34 poikilotherm Sorry :-/
12:34 donsizemore in some cultures, snapping fingers is a sign of approval
12:35 poikilotherm Ah good.
12:35 donsizemore and in at least a couple of fraternities, a "hiss" is a sign of disproval
12:35 poikilotherm Phew...
12:35 poikilotherm O.O
12:35 poikilotherm I haven't heard of that.
12:35 donsizemore what were you thinking for instant feedback?
12:36 poikilotherm There is a tradition of rapping knuckles here for that which goes back to IIRC late 19th to early 20th century
12:36 poikilotherm A colleague gave test lecture for a university class with us as pets.
12:37 poikilotherm Some month ago
12:37 poikilotherm She used a tool (who's name I can't remember right now) that was very good to create instant feedback for questions etc
12:37 poikilotherm She used it in class, as everyone has a mobile these days
12:38 donsizemore for authenticity we could just hold the discussion here ;)
12:38 poikilotherm AH here we go
12:38 poikilotherm LOL
12:39 poikilotherm Oh and maybe I can grasp some knowledge from her about doing this stuff on Twitch.
12:40 poikilotherm She is doing a live video podcast with two other scientists and they talk about science.
12:40 donsizemore UNC has an enterprise Zoom license, but we can use whatever you'd like
12:40 poikilotherm Twitch allows for instant feedback
12:40 poikilotherm And it's pretty scalable
12:41 poikilotherm Well, I participated in some larger VCs with ~40-50 people
12:42 poikilotherm It's not possible to do real discussions in them.
12:44 poikilotherm I think we need to do some deep thinking about the format.
12:44 poikilotherm In Tromso, the tech session was by far the largest group
12:44 poikilotherm So many interested
12:46 donsizemore at Dataverse itself for the past few years any breakout session attendance was usually in the 30s
12:46 donsizemore anything larger would be presented as a panel discussion
12:47 donsizemore and i agree, a virtual format makes accomodating multiple speakers awkward at best
14:09 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:03 poikilotherm pdurbin:
15:04 pdurbin yes, I've been watching your comments come in :)
15:07 poikilotherm It's really a small patch... :-D
15:08 pdurbin sure, you probably added a value to an enum
15:13 poikilotherm I just linked the patch :-)
15:15 pdurbin Looks good. Is CCBY as unambigous as CC0? I thought CCBY had various flavors.
15:16 poikilotherm Nope, just versoins.
15:16 poikilotherm That's why I used CC-BY 4.0 everywhere
15:16 poikilotherm THis is by no means a feature complete license chooser
15:17 poikilotherm But CC BY 4.0 should be sufficient for most people
15:19 pdurbin Ok, I'm looking at and I see "CC BY", "CC BY-SA", "CC BY-ND", "CC BY-NC-SA", and "CC BY-NC-ND". Phew, I think that's all of them.
15:21 poikilotherm Yeah, but those are other licenses ;-)
15:21 poikilotherm Most commonly used is CC-0 or CC-BY
15:21 pdurbin ok :)
15:23 poikilotherm That's it for me for today. Will read anything you folks write on my mobile :-)
15:23 pdurbin now that's dedication
15:24 pdurbin poikilotherm: thanks, as always, for everything you do!
15:44 andrewSC joined #dataverse
16:04 poikilotherm pdurbin you are most welcome. And it's you folks people should thank, not me! :-)
16:06 pdurbin There are plenty of good vibes to go around.
18:42 donsizemore @pdurbin I have dataverse-ansible configuring S3 with LocalStack, just wrestling with a final bit of LocalStack config and I should be ready for you and Jim to review
18:42 pdurbin donsizemore: fantastic!
18:43 donsizemore @pdurbin it'll be fantastic once it works
18:44 pdurbin Well, I just get excited about automated testing. Fantastic that you're working on this.
21:30 pdurbin left #dataverse

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