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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-06-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:23 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse
08:02 jri joined #dataverse
11:58 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:53 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
12:57 dataverse-user Hi,my dataverse is throwing the following message when I try to publish a dataset: Register/update file persistent identifiers workflow in progress – Publish workflow in progress
12:58 dataverse-user I've been able to publish datasets without any problem before... Do you guy know what might be happening?
13:00 Zalabany joined #dataverse
13:02 donsizemore @dataverse-user can you find the full error from glassfish's server.log?
13:03 dataverse-user ok I'll check
13:03 Zalabany Hello Dataverse people :), I was trying to deploy the Ansible playbook, the deploy stopped while the system was trying to start the glassfish service, with a time out error. any suggestions ?
13:13 donsizemore @zalabany that too will likely be detailed in the glassfish server.log
13:13 Zalabany from the Log file it seems something with the HTTP2/ addon
13:13 Zalabany @donsizemore "        at org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel.internal.CurrentTaskF​uture$         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.​runWorker(         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$​         at Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.grizzly.npn.AlpnServerNegotiator
13:14 Zalabany [Payara 5.201] [WARNING] [] [org.glassfish.grizzly.conf​ig.GenericGrizzlyListener] [tid: _ThreadID=17 _ThreadName=RunLevelControllerT$   Unable to construct HTTP/2 Addon
13:15 donsizemore @zalabany what version of payara?
13:16 donsizemore oh. 201, there it is
13:16 donsizemore do you have the latest version of the role?
13:17 Zalabany @donsizemore yes, just cloned the git repo today morning
13:18 donsizemore @zalabany interesting. i've run the role multiple times this morning to test some other changes and haven't hit that error
13:19 Zalabany Ummm, can it be port conflict issue ?
13:20 donsizemore @zalabany i'm also waiting hopefully for so i can do away with that SSL incompatibility.
13:20 donsizemore @zalabany what ports are listening on your box?
13:22 Zalabany tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      983/sshd tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      991/cupsd tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1043/postmaster tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1212/master tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      151
13:22 Zalabany oh sorry,
13:24 donsizemore
14:14 donsizemore @pdurbin hey hey. i'm happy to host what you need, particularly if it's in AWS. i've got some spare wheeze-boxes in our datacenter but nothing's a spring chicken
14:15 pdurbin donsizemore: thank you! Keeping everything more or less as-is for now sounds fine. We can modernize it later. :)
14:15 pdurbin poikilotherm1: this is about the chat/irclog hosting I emailed you about.
14:16 pdurbin Others are welcome to jump into this discussion as well, of course!
14:18 pdurbin donsizemore: also, we have until Nov 30 so maybe we could start by simply listing some tasks under somewhere.
14:21 donsizemore @pdurbin you don't understand the nature of my anxieties. all problems must be dealt with immediately.
14:21 pdurbin I've noticed that about you. :)
14:21 pdurbin It makes you very productive. :)
14:22 donsizemore though i'm still waiting for an official centos8 AWS image
14:23 pdurbin Actually, for iqlogbot Ubuntu is better.
14:23 donsizemore but for now Jon says we can use Odum's AWS space, particularly for a low-resource instance such as IRC logging
14:25 pdurbin I don't have a strong opinion about where it's hosted. I run iqlogbot (philbot, actually) on a $5 per month Ubuntu Digital Ocean droplet (along with other stuff) and it works fine. Low-resourse, like you say.
14:26 donsizemore I would love a GDCC build environment
14:30 pdurbin Instead of AWS?
14:34 donsizemore depending on the number of VMs and CPU usage, on-prem can often be cheaper
14:34 donsizemore and i've been meaning to finish standing up my XCP-NG cluster, so that'll be a good friday afternoon project
14:36 pdurbin Huh. Xen was all the rage back in the day. I've lost track of it.
14:44 pdurbin You know, one thing we might get out of this is emojis. Because we should probably install the latest version of The Lounge rather than Shout. More stability too, hopefully.
14:51 pdurbin donsizemore: ok, I put the high level steps in this new doc:
17:15 dataverse-user94 joined #dataverse
17:16 dataverse-user94 Hi, can you guys please tell me what this message means?
17:16 dataverse-user94 Register/update file persistent identifiers workflow in progress – Publish workflow in progress
17:16 dataverse-user94 it's showing when I try to publish some datasets
17:17 dataverse-user94 This datasets had Handles in the past, but, we change the handles for dois using: curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$data​set-id/modifyRegistrationMetadata
17:18 pdurbin dataverse-user94: I need to step out for a bit but please hang around.
17:18 dataverse-user94 Ok I'll wait, thanks
17:28 donsizemore @pdurbin when you come back, let me know what size of what AWS instance you'll need for your irclog and i'll create it.
17:44 pdurbin dataverse-user94: back. Let me look.
17:47 pdurbin dataverse-user94: to change from Handle to DOI I assume you used this instead: curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST http://$SERVER/api/admin/$da​taset-id/reregisterHDLToPID
17:49 pdurbin dataverse-user94: like Don said, it would be good to see what errors appear in server.log. Perhaps you could click publish again and then email server.log to so we can take a look.
17:54 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:06 dataverse-user94 that's the think ... we couldn't find anything about this in the server.log
18:06 pdurbin hmm
18:06 dataverse-user94 and we can't even click on publish again ... the button is disabled
18:07 pdurbin maybe there is a lock
18:07 dataverse-user94 then again this message is display as a "warning"
18:07 dataverse-user94 not as an error
18:09 pdurbin dataverse-user94: you might want to check for a lock:
18:09 pdurbin ... because a lock with turn the publish button grey and unclickable
18:10 pdurbin a lock will* turn the
18:13 dataverse-user94 Ok, i'm on it!
18:13 pdurbin :)
18:36 donsizemore @pdurbin as of dataverse-ansible ensures openjdk 11 (or other) for payara, solr and maven
18:37 pdurbin donsizemore: wow, and everything works? :)
18:37 donsizemore @pdurbin pallinger is correct that 1.8 is currently required
18:38 pdurbin Hmm. I hadn't seen that sys.exit. Thanks.
18:38 dataverse-user94 @pdurbin sorry, i was grabbing some lunch but now i'm back ... I checked if my dataset was locked and this is the result of the CURL: {"status":"OK","data":[{"lockT​ype":"pidRegister","date":"Fri Jun 12 13:35:18 COT 2020","user":"dataverseAdmin","message":"Adding File PIDs asynchronously"},{"lockType​":"pidRegister","date":"Wed Jun 10 15:42:52 COT 2020","user":"julian.cortess","message":"Adding File PIDs asynchronously"}]}
18:38 donsizemore @pdurbin the role currently calls artifacts from IQSS/dataverse. as you say it'd be good to request java version flexibility either via (or a new issue?)
18:40 donsizemore @pdurbin in the Spirit of Small Chunks I'm tempted to open a new issue since #4259 has grown to be more about testing under newer JVMs
18:40 dataverse-user94 all i'm seeing is that dataverse is taking a while when I publish a dataset ... however that's happening now that I removed the class "disabled" from the button just to click it again
18:41 pdurbin dataverse-user94: how many files are in this dataset?
18:44 pdurbin From the message, it's trying to get a DOI for each file, which can be slow.
18:45 dataverse-user94 10+ files
18:46 pdurbin That's not very many. On thing you can do is turn off the async registration of files.
18:50 Zalabany joined #dataverse
18:52 pdurbin But I wouldn't want to tell you the wrong thing. I'm happy to keep chatting here but you should probably get a ticket started by emailing, dataverse-user94.
19:00 dataverse-user ok will do
19:01 dataverse-user thank you very much @pdurbin ... you helped me a lot!
19:01 pdurbin I hope so.
19:01 pdurbin I'll look for your ticket.
19:04 pdurbin donsizemore: do you still want to talk about AWS instances?
19:04 donsizemore @pdurbin if you think the requirements are that minimal i'll just pick one, maybe even free tier?
19:04 pdurbin Sure!
19:18 donsizemore @pdurbin java version Q: 1.8 is currently required. 11 is LTS. 14 is current.
19:18 donsizemore @pdurbin 12 and 13 are already EOL. add check for 15 in antici... pation?
19:19 pdurbin We're only ever going to run LTS versions of Java. 8, 11, whatever the next one is.
19:21 donsizemore i'll check for 1.8, 11 and 14 for now. p.s. the EoA for openjdk 1.8 says "At Least May 2026" ?!?
19:22 pdurbin Red Hat is going to support Java 8 for quite a long time, from what I understand.
19:22 donsizemore :thumbsup:
19:37 donsizemore @pdurbin hey, what's IQSS' public ipv4 space again?
19:37 pdurbin buh, I don't know
19:38 pdurbin but does it matter? we're all at home :)
19:38 donsizemore @pdurbin for SSH for your IRC-log instance. I found + whatever you want
19:39 pdurbin Ah, ok. Makes sense.
19:40 donsizemore "free tier eligible up to 30GB" — so i'm specifying 29
19:41 pdurbin heh. ok
20:01 donsizemore @pdurbin and pallinger is also correct... on Java 11 Payara indeed prompts for an asadmin password
20:02 pdurbin but not on Java 8? weird
20:04 donsizemore yup
20:08 donsizemore @pdurbin so, current develop doesn't deploy on Java 11:
20:08 donsizemore remote failure: A Mail resource named mail/notifyMailSession does not exist.
20:08 donsizemore but that may be something I did or didn't do in testing.
20:08 donsizemore now that I realize how long OpenJDK 1.8 is supported I'm less concerned
20:09 donsizemore oh, wait. that wasn't a fatal error. we have a current develop on payara-5.201 with java 11
20:11 pdurbin nice
20:11 pdurbin notifyMailSession is something the installer sets up
20:30 donsizemore there's my answer
20:36 pdurbin good
20:53 pdurbin Have a great weekend, everyone!
20:53 pdurbin left #dataverse

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