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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-07-29

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:09 GitterIntegratio joined #dataverse
01:21 jri joined #dataverse
01:35 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
01:35 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
01:37 jri joined #dataverse
03:38 jri joined #dataverse
03:53 jri joined #dataverse
05:54 jri joined #dataverse
06:47 jri joined #dataverse
06:55 jri_ joined #dataverse
11:56 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:14 jonas69 joined #dataverse
13:49 poikilotherm It's so quiet here...
13:55 donsizemore @poikilotherm
13:55 poikilotherm donsizemore: :-D
14:17 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:18 pdurbin wow, depeche mode
14:19 donsizemore it was on one of the VHS mixtapes I used to make back in HS
14:22 pdurbin I know this song.
14:27 poikilotherm woohoo we have a pdurbin :-D
14:28 poikilotherm Did you have some coffee and breakfast?
14:28 pdurbin I stopped drinking coffee. :( But I did have some tea.
14:28 pdurbin and a hearty breakfast. What's up? :)
14:28 poikilotherm No more caffeine for you?
14:29 poikilotherm Oh I created a beast and stumbled over stuff
14:29 pdurbin I dunno. I had a big coffee in the hospital and felt a little manic.
14:29 pdurbin maybe it was a coincidence
14:30 poikilotherm O.O
14:30 poikilotherm Poor Phil
14:30 poikilotherm But hey, welcome to me world... I don't drink any coffee ;-)
14:30 pdurbin I'm back to having the occasional beer, at least. :)
14:35 poikilotherm That's great :-)
14:35 poikilotherm Ready for some input?
14:36 pdurbin like Johnny Five?
14:37 pdurbin sure, hit me
14:38 * poikilotherm sent a long message:  < >
14:39 poikilotherm More about that JSONResponseBuilder:
14:41 pdurbin Hmm, that didn't make it into the logs. Let me try copy/paste:
14:41 pdurbin Let me provide you with a menu to select from:
14:41 pdurbin 1) What's that JSONResponseBuilder from #7136
14:41 pdurbin 2) Where should docs about API development go (especially about how to do errors, streamline responses, ...)
14:41 pdurbin 3) How do you feel about refactoring the complete API code to streamline responses?
14:41 pdurbin 4) Where should code live for handling any errors during API usage and handling responses for success stories? Should this still be WrappedResponse + AbstractApiBean methods or should we go somewhere else?
14:42 pdurbin For 2 I just looked at and don't see a place. I'd suggest a new page.
14:42 poikilotherm But should it be in the API docs or in the dev docs?
14:43 pdurbin dev docs
14:43 poikilotherm Excellent choice Sir. Any opinions about the order of appearance?
14:44 pdurbin Hmm, maybe between SQL and Testing? No strong preference.
14:45 poikilotherm Excellent choice Sir. You'll be returned to main menu if you press "p"
14:46 pdurbin For 3, we are trying to get Dataverse 5 out the door. So no big changes, please.
14:47 poikilotherm Sure sure. This is more like a "create an issue", maybe an "create a draft about how it should be done in the docs".
14:48 pdurbin For 1 and 4, I haven't looked at #7136 yet but I brought it up at tech hours and Jim has lots of opinions. From my perspective, I just want to keep being able to write API code without worring about the plumbing behind the error handling.
14:49 poikilotherm I think he likes my latest code I wrote today :-D
14:49 poikilotherm This is all about getting this stuff out of the way of devs
14:50 poikilotherm You could take a look at the compare above to see how small the new exception handlers get with the new response builder :-9
14:50 pdurbin Right but it was never in the way. For years.
14:52 poikilotherm I truely believe this is at least somewhat elegant :-)
14:53 poikilotherm Oh it was biting me when I started adding stuff
14:53 poikilotherm Like the grouping stuff
14:53 poikilotherm And the auth providers stuff
14:53 poikilotherm And it's kinda all over the place in the different api code parts
14:53 pdurbin I guess I never got bit. Lucky.
14:54 poikilotherm Just today I discovered that when you do a "curl "http://localhost:8080/api/admin/datasetfield/load?unblock-key=supersecret"
14:54 poikilotherm You'll end up with {  "message": "java.lang.NullPointerException ", "status": "ERROR" }
14:55 poikilotherm That's not a helpfull error message :-D
14:55 sivoais_ joined #dataverse
14:56 poikilotherm And when you look at the code behind that, it looks like a facelift might be a good idea ;-)
14:56 pdurbin Oh. Yeah, if that's what you mean, yes, sometimes the API gives very unhelpful error messages. But I would prefer for this to be a separate issue/pull request. I didn't realize the email groups PR would break stuff.
14:58 pdurbin #7134 is a little opaque about what the problem is
14:58 pdurbin Anyway, I personally haven't been diving into this stuff but again it seems like Jim is.
14:59 pdurbin Perhaps because it was his stuff that broke. :)
14:59 poikilotherm Absolutely. I wasn't aware that things might break like this when adding such a simple thing like the exception handler
14:59 pdurbin me neither
14:59 pdurbin design meeting time
14:59 poikilotherm Looks like lots of technical debts are popping up from this
15:00 pdurbin yeah
15:01 pdurbin It's a good area of the code to clean up. I just want the team to be ready for it.
15:01 poikilotherm That's why I start asking questions
15:01 pdurbin yep, perfect
15:01 poikilotherm Proposing opening issues
15:02 poikilotherm And trying again with a "docs driven design" ;-)
15:02 pdurbin lots of your issues are amazing
15:02 pdurbin ok, meeting really starting
15:02 poikilotherm HAve fun
15:23 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:30 pameyer think it's worth an issue that the API lets you create a dataset without a title?
16:04 pdurbin pameyer: if you're saying you can reproduce please comment on that issue with the version of Dataverse you're running. Or a new issue is fine.
16:11 pameyer pdurbin: thanks for the link; this one looks different (no errors, just no title)
16:12 pdurbin ah
16:12 pameyer I'm on develop, and working on another custom block - so there's a small but non-0 chance it's a symptom of that
16:13 pameyer I'll hold off on a new issue until I get a chance to re-test without the custom block, just in case
16:15 pdurbin You're doing create, not import, right? Native API? Not SWORD. Not DDI import.
16:24 pameyer right - native API create
16:25 pameyer I typo'd a change to test json and put the intended title in the typeName, got success
16:25 pdurbin woof
16:34 poikilotherm pdurbin I just added very extensive documentation about things...
16:35 poikilotherm Folks that's it for me for today. Off to construction site. Hit me in case of questions/..., I'm having my mobile near me.
16:40 pdurbin o/
17:00 jri joined #dataverse
17:13 poikilotherm pdurbin what's "o/" ?
17:15 pdurbin a wave
17:15 jri joined #dataverse
17:16 pdurbin \o/ is "hooray!"
17:31 jri joined #dataverse
18:13 jri joined #dataverse
18:37 poikilotherm \o/ :-D
18:37 poikilotherm I definitely would appreciate a look on this if you have the time. Non native speaker with tech on his mind should have another pair of eyes starring at the BS and tell me what should be improved :-D
18:40 pdurbin Sure but right now I'm looking at
18:46 jri joined #dataverse
18:49 jri joined #dataverse
18:50 poikilotherm No rush, no worries
18:50 pdurbin oh, I also sent it to Jim soon after you put a link here
18:58 jri joined #dataverse
19:04 pameyer pdurbin: does 7089 mean that the 5.0 train is getting ready to leave the station?
19:04 pameyer and that I should see if I can get the as-setup stuff tested?
19:05 pdurbin It's more like the train has been trying to leave for weeks.
19:07 pameyer ... I can't imagine any world events that might have caused things to take longer than anticipated
19:07 pdurbin that's very charitable of you :)
19:07 pdurbin we're getting there
19:08 pdurbin would be nice to get your payara upgrade in there
19:08 pdurbin definitely on topic for the release
19:08 pameyer well, depending on how this metadata block treats me (and how much I need to abuse things to make as-setup work), I might be able to send it back to code review late today
19:09 pdurbin nice
19:09 pdurbin hope that block treats you well
19:10 pameyer I know I've been out of the loop; but in the past datatags was the big 5.0 milestone.
19:10 pameyer does that mean folks are going to have to re-learn API stuff?
19:11 pdurbin Good memory. 5.0 got redefined to be about switching to Payara. No DataTags. And no API changes.
19:12 pdurbin This question came up during the community meeting and there's probably a recording of my saying "If the API changes in Dataverse 5, it's a bug and we'll fix it."
19:12 jri joined #dataverse
19:12 pameyer great
19:13 pameyer I'm glad the community meeting was online this year.  not the part where it had to be, but it was really easy to connect for a bit
19:13 pameyer not as much as I'd hoped; but that's typical these days
19:16 pdurbin yeah, and people have been asking to be able to participate remotely for years so it was nice to deliver on that
19:16 pdurbin plus videos are coming
19:18 pameyer cool
19:18 pameyer of course, world-wide remote meetings mean that you've got to worry about time zones
19:19 jri joined #dataverse
19:20 pdurbin yeah, it was pretty east coast friendly :)
19:26 pameyer always appreciated (when you're _on_ the east coast) ;)
19:27 pdurbin :)
19:28 Alejandra11 joined #dataverse
19:29 Alejandra11 Hi all
19:29 pameyer hi Alejandra11
19:29 Alejandra11 can you help me? I have a question
19:30 pameyer depends on the question - but at least maybe we could help
19:30 Alejandra11 Today we have the version 4.14 of Dataverse (we are updating from 4.7 to 4.20)
19:31 Alejandra11 When a dataset is published, does Dataverse send notifications to all contributors?
19:32 pdurbin I was hoping it would be an easy question. :)
19:33 Alejandra11 :D
19:33 pdurbin There was a recent update to notifications here:
19:33 pdurbin Does that help?
19:33 pdurbin An update to the documentation, I mean. Notifications didn't change.
19:34 Alejandra11 A user published a dataset, Dataverse sent a notification to all sub-dataverse contributors.
19:35 Alejandra11 Give me a moment, IŽm gpoing to read it
19:37 pameyer from my folder of "dataverse test" emails, at least ~4.9 API publication doesn't look like it was sending to all contributors
19:38 pameyer but that may have changed, and I may be remembering how I handled multi-user test setup incorrectly
19:41 pdurbin pameyer: I just came across and I'm wondering if you're up on the latest with regard to testing.
19:41 Alejandra11 Yes, version 4.7 didn't send notifications to all contributors.
19:44 pdurbin I don't remember changing it.
19:44 pdurbin Maybe it should be configurable or something.
19:46 pameyer pdurbin: I'm pretty out of the loop
19:46 pameyer vaguely aware that jenkins is doing API tests and coverage now, which is very cool
19:47 pdurbin The best entry point is the bottom of where you should see 4 clickable buttons.
19:48 pdurbin "API Test Status: passing" etc.
19:49 pdurbin That link goes to which is what has been merged.
19:49 pdurbin This one is for pull requests:
19:50 pdurbin Which I do believe report back on the pull request. donsizemore can correct me. He gets all the credit for this thing, which we're really happy with.
19:51 pdurbin Alejandra11: you should feel free to open an issue about the notifications thing.
19:52 Alejandra11 Gracias pdurbin, IŽll do it
19:53 pdurbin Alejandra11: you are also welcome to test on which runs 4.20 to see if the notifications work the way you want there.
20:31 Alejandra11 Thank you very much, I tested on demo and it works as I expected, it does not send notifications to all contributors.
20:31 Alejandra11 At the weekend we continue with our upgrade
20:32 pdurbin great!
20:49 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:14 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
21:18 sivoais joined #dataverse
23:53 jri joined #dataverse

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