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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-08-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
11:35 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:33 pameyer joined #dataverse
13:33 pameyer @donsizemore - you prepped for the storm?
13:34 donsizemore @pameyer the storm hath passeth over - sunny here
13:34 donsizemore i'm west of raleigh/durham, we got about 24 hours of much-needed rain
13:34 pameyer great!
13:36 donsizemore sorry about the noise on your docker-aio branch.
13:37 donsizemore one of the many ways i'm old-fashioned is i maintain a pen-and-paper notepad, and i jotted down a related issue number instead of the vagrant issue number
13:40 pameyer no worries - I'd assumed that was from something odd I did updating to develop
13:41 pameyer I still go pen-and-paper for grocery lists; but for high tech computers stuff I have a text file ;)
13:43 donsizemore i like the finality of crossing things off my list. anything truly important i make searchable in a private GH repo
14:28 pdurbin I used to keep my grocery list on a palm pilot.
14:51 pameyer I kinda miss palm pilots - any kind of handheld these days seems to be tied into all kinds of cloud stuff
14:53 pdurbin If my palm pilot was tracking me I wasn't aware of it. :)
16:37 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:37 pameyer pdurbin: just saw the comments on 7156 - does that imply that resource leaks are in the past now?
20:38 pameyer not the memory tests themselves, just that it's memory and not file handles/etc
20:39 pdurbin well, it's the best memory test we've got
20:39 pdurbin it runs for a couple hours
20:39 pdurbin hits the dataset page, the dataverse page
20:40 pdurbin there was talk during tech hours an hour ago about some longer running tests before release
20:45 pameyer do they run with the stock session timeout?
20:45 pdurbin Dunno. I'm not even sure how to change the timeout.
20:46 pameyer I don't remember either
20:47 pameyer I have vague memories that it was a 24 hour session, and that if you didn't cut that down things became very unhappy during stress tests
20:47 pameyer how much those memories correspond to reality is always an open question
20:47 pdurbin yeah, we re-did that stuff
20:47 pdurbin unauth sessions are much shorter these days
20:48 pdurbin unauthenticated
20:48 pameyer great
21:02 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.