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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-09-02

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
12:57 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:57 donsizemore @pdurbin
14:07 pdurbin donsizemore: interesting. Thanks.
14:08 donsizemore in their visual code announcement i wondered how they planned to support docker 'in the browser'
14:13 poikilotherm donsizemore pdurbin I was thinking about using for future Dataverse images, as Docker Hub introduced some restrictions lately :-/
14:13 pdurbin good timing, I guess
14:14 donsizemore I support this
16:05 poikilotherm pdurbin lots of changes ahead...
16:06 pdurbin nice, I love docs
18:27 pameyer this might be a dumb question - but will GET requests to the dataset API mess up the MDC counts?
18:35 pdurbin pameyer: mess up? They do get counted, I think, so watch out. :)
18:37 pameyer if that's the case, seems like automated deposition pipelines might skew the counts
18:38 pameyer aka - search API to find matching datasets, can't pull info from custom blocks in those - so call the dataset API to get the info needed to see if any need updating
18:39 pdurbin Wait, why can't you get at your custom fields from the Search API? Should work.
18:40 pameyer maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I didn't see anything in the search API docs about getting into custom blocks
18:41 pameyer and it didn't look like they were in the default output
18:41 pdurbin Oh, oh, sorry. i know what you mean.
18:41 pdurbin You're talking about output.
18:41 pameyer yeah
18:41 pdurbin I'm thinking about "hits".
18:41 pameyer "hits" worked fine
18:41 pdurbin Yeah, the Search API output is hard coded.
18:41 pameyer actually, the whole search API experience is awesome
18:42 pdurbin Oh! That's good. :)
18:42 pameyer yup :)
18:42 pdurbin I almost told Sherry to try rsync today. Did you see the thread?
18:43 pdurbin this:
18:43 pameyer not yet...
18:43 pdurbin perhaps we should circle back to MDC first. You have it set up?
18:43 pdurbin Or is this just hypothetical? :)
18:44 pameyer no - dev environment
18:44 pameyer but the current plan is that it'll be using an installation that does have it configured
18:45 pameyer trying to think about being a good neighbor....
18:45 pdurbin I'm pretty sure API hits are counted, considered an "investigation" (view).
18:45 pdurbin It would be pretty easy to turn on the MDC logging and check.
18:46 pameyer cool - I might give that a shot later
18:46 pameyer need to rework some of the integration logic first
18:46 pdurbin :MDCLogPath it looks like
18:46 pdurbin Then you'd just tail the log and do various things.
18:47 pameyer that's much simpler than I was expecting
18:48 pameyer but good point - no need for counter-processor / uploading just to see if it shows up
18:48 pdurbin Well, to actually *process* all the logs takes a lot of setup.
18:48 pdurbin yeah, you get me
18:48 pameyer yup - thanks!
18:48 pdurbin sure
18:49 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm finding messages you sent me (or someone) in code: TODO: cant this be refactored to use confirmEmailService.hasVerifiedEmail(currentUser) ?
18:52 poikilotherm Sounds like sth I wrote
18:53 poikilotherm So I pledge guilty
18:53 pdurbin :)
18:54 poikilotherm Anything I can do for you, your honor?
18:55 pdurbin No, I think I'm good. I may end up removing that TODO, though. We'll see. :)
18:56 poikilotherm By deleting or by refactoring?
19:04 pdurbin Not sure yet. I'll try to remember to request a review from you.
19:06 poikilotherm +1 :-)
19:06 poikilotherm BTW I stumbled over today
19:08 pdurbin I like the name. Reminds me of pasta.
22:02 bricas_ joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.