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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-09-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
11:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:09 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:17 poikilotherm pdurbin donsizemore overhauled cloud guide done :-)
14:18 donsizemore @poikilotherm excellent! i'm reading about terraform this morning
14:19 poikilotherm donsizemore: terraform is huge. But a complex beast
14:19 poikilotherm kubespray couples Ansible + Terraform to setup K8s clusters
14:19 donsizemore @poikilotherm i've used it but no formal training (hence the quiet morning)
14:19 pdurbin poikilotherm: has that octopus always been there? I like it.
14:20 poikilotherm pdurbin no it hasn't . It's a graphic from one of my talks. The octopus is the logo of docker compose
14:21 pdurbin The grey "The" and "Project" in "The Dataverse Project" is hard to read against the blue background.
14:22 poikilotherm Aye
14:22 pdurbin typo: Media: where a the stories?
14:25 pdurbin poikilotherm: all these docs are a huge selling point. Nice work.
14:26 poikilotherm I feel like we can remove the old stuff from the dataverse guides soon
14:26 poikilotherm BTW both fixed. Should be visible in ~5 minutes when RTD build is done
14:27 pdurbin If you mean is has already been pruned down to almost nothing. Just links to your work and Slava's work.
14:28 poikilotherm Great!
14:29 pdurbin Did we talk about the thread where someone was asking about 5.0 containers?
14:30 poikilotherm Aye
14:30 pdurbin Cool. I really appreciate that you and Slava have solutions ready.
14:31 poikilotherm Not sure I will provide 5.0 containers from my project. I would rather see 5.1 containers integrated into the upstream codebase
14:31 poikilotherm Changing to Payara only allows for a lot of cleanup
14:32 poikilotherm BTW did we ever talk about Dataverse bootstrapping itself via Flyway hook?
14:32 poikilotherm It would be so cool to remove this cruft, too
14:32 poikilotherm So much glue in scripts in the docker images
14:33 pdurbin I don't believe we have.
14:54 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:23 devanshi_deswal joined #dataverse
18:12 poikilotherm pdurbin is reachable :-)
19:05 yoh joined #dataverse
19:24 poikilotherm Oi donsizemore any reason why I can't access Jenkins from home? Still blocking due to script kiddies?
19:27 pdurbin poikilotherm: nice! You own this domain?
19:28 poikilotherm pdurbin like I wrote a few days ago: it was cheap. ~27€ for a year
19:28 poikilotherm I like short URLs...
19:29 pdurbin me too :)
19:35 poikilotherm I triggered Github, too. Maybe they can free for us. Otherwise using Github Container Registry would lead to using image names like etc
19:36 pameyer poikilotherm - seems to be working for me (2 network locations)
19:36 poikilotherm Very ugly :-(
19:36 poikilotherm pameyer: which did you try? donsizemore has created some holes in that firewall
19:37 pameyer hms and residential isp
19:37 pdurbin I asked GitHub to release to me and they did. But then we changed the name of the software from DVN to Dataverse (thank goodness).
19:37 poikilotherm IIRC he did create an exception for FZJ AS, but I'm at home. Dynamic IP from my ISP :-(
19:37 donsizemore being unavailable is how we got GlobalDataverseCommunityConsortium
19:38 donsizemore @poikilotherm not firewall, fail2ban - mostly an nginx badbot jail
19:38 poikilotherm donsizemore: T_T
19:38 pameyer fail2ban might explain it
19:38 poikilotherm What did I do? Click to fast?
19:38 donsizemore port 443 is globally accessible
19:39 donsizemore I don't think any Jenkins server should be publicly accessible, but IQSS wanted the GitHub badges, so I compromised with fail2ban.
19:39 donsizemore I can whitelist your ISP block
19:39 poikilotherm Googles Recaptcha always yells at me I can't be human because I solve those puzzles too quickly :-(
19:40 poikilotherm donsizemore not sure that's a good idea. Telekom is BIG
19:41 pdurbin donsizemore: well, for me it's more about transparency. How were the binaries compiled. That sort of thing.
19:41 poikilotherm Can fail2ban check if someone is logged into Jenkins coming from a certain IP?
19:45 donsizemore probably.
19:47 pameyer does jenkins allow for cert-based auth?
19:49 donsizemore
19:50 poikilotherm certificate based auth... brrr
19:51 poikilotherm donsizemore you did that fail2ban to block people on a network level, thus ensuring they can't mess with a security issue in the software, right?
19:51 donsizemore jenkins is open to the world on port 443, in theory in a read-only state
19:52 donsizemore i enabled a few fail2ban jails hopefully to catch naughty clients. sometimes it's over-zealous
19:53 donsizemore but i'm happy to whitelist even your current ipv4 if it's blocking you
20:00 poikilotherm Currently I am 2003:ce:1f2f:c900:d30f:7ab2:40c4:b085 or
20:01 pdurbin Sadly, /me is not supported in Slack threads. At least Slackbot apologizes over it.
20:01 poikilotherm Looks like is IPv4 single stack only
20:05 poikilotherm donsizemore I have one issue remaining in
20:06 poikilotherm For switch dataverse-kubernetes to GDCC org I need to edit on Jenkins.
20:06 poikilotherm s/For/To/
20:07 poikilotherm Any chance I could fix this today? It's 22:00 over here ;-)
20:07 donsizemore @poikiltotherm try it now?
20:08 poikilotherm Here we go THX!!!!!
20:11 poikilotherm donsizemore: I see a "docker: command not found" in failing builds. Was running in gdcc-jenkins03. Build #27 on gdcc-jenkins01 ran fine.
20:11 poikilotherm Should I reconfigure my jobs to exclude some runners?
20:12 poikilotherm BTW very cool to have a bunch of runners in the back :-)
20:12 poikilotherm Yeah all the failed builds ran on gdcc-jenkins03
20:15 poikilotherm Seems like gdcc-jenkins02 was never used.
20:15 poikilotherm All successfull builds ran on gdcc-jenkins01
20:31 poikilotherm IT'S DONE
20:31 poikilotherm dataverse-kubernetes now lives at GDCC
20:31 pameyer :thumbsup:
20:31 pameyer ... ^ also doesn't translate from slack to irc
20:32 pdurbin 👍
20:59 poikilotherm donsizemore: gdcc-jenkins02 has the same problem: docker command not found.
21:00 pdurbin left #dataverse

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