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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-10-30

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:11 foobarbecue I'm getting CreateContainerError from the schema-init container in the solr pod
08:05 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:34 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:31 yoh joined #dataverse
13:34 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
14:12 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:14 pdurbin foobarbecue: are you using dataverse-kubernetes by poikilotherm? Or dataverse-docker by 4tikhonov? Or something else?
14:18 poikilotherm pdurbin: Looking at what images he had problems with, it looks like dataverse-kubernetes
14:18 poikilotherm (Good morning BTW)
14:20 pdurbin Good morning. First snow here.
14:23 poikilotherm o rly
14:23 poikilotherm It's cloudy here, yet we have ~10°C
14:24 pdurbin I just signed up for
14:27 poikilotherm O RLY? :-D
14:27 poikilotherm Such a long name
14:28 pdurbin so much typing
14:28 pdurbin What does the Hulk yell? Too many stairs!
14:29 poikilotherm Meh. I cannot sign up because I don't have a harvard mail address
14:29 pdurbin If you sign up for the new metadata working group you'll get an invite.
14:30 pdurbin see
14:31 poikilotherm
14:31 poikilotherm I like their approach to create invites :-)
14:31 poikilotherm You can also ping them on Twitter to get an invitatio
14:34 poikilotherm That service is based on
14:34 pdurbin Yeah, Slackin is pretty common.
14:38 poikilotherm Although there are other options than Slack, this might still be a possible solution to
14:38 poikilotherm We might take another look at, combining this slack with matrix...
14:41 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure but as a first step, should we have you join?
14:41 poikilotherm That would be very kind of you folks :-D
14:41 pdurbin Are you going to sign up for that working group? That's the way to join.
14:42 poikilotherm I did
14:42 poikilotherm My colleague  too :-)
14:43 poikilotherm I read the announcement that not only devs are welcome, but non-devs would be much appreciated to join to broaden the discussion and don't miss any points of view.
14:45 pdurbin yes, all are welcome, I'd say
14:46 pdurbin poikilotherm: ok, your invite has been sent, I hear
14:49 poikilotherm I already waved to everyone in #general ;-)
14:51 pdurbin Cool. So are we giving up on SLOPI? I hope not.
14:51 poikilotherm Depends.
14:51 poikilotherm Plenty of options
14:52 poikilotherm Matrix Bridge, Slackin, ...
14:53 pdurbin Nobody expects Slack to be SLOPI. It would be surprising, shocking, disturbing. A SLOPI solution needs to be SLOPI from the start.
14:56 poikilotherm I remember we had this discussion before :-D
14:58 poikilotherm And once more I am convinced that this would need transparent communication. Like a "public" channel or "general" announced as being public.
14:59 poikilotherm For example when we'd create channel bridged to matrix, that one would be a perfect public channel, logable etc.
14:59 pdurbin #general already has expectations of being a normal Slack channel so #public makes more sense as the SLOPI channel.
15:00 poikilotherm Aye
15:00 poikilotherm Anyone wanting to join a SIG could lookup communication in the channels later on, once joined
15:01 poikilotherm K8s people are pretty happy with that
15:01 poikilotherm And they are a much bigger community than we are ;-)
15:01 poikilotherm Oh sorry it's not SIG but WG
15:04 pdurbin It sounds like you're saying with k8s you can look up history of the conversation after you join, but not before. So it's not public.
15:06 poikilotherm Yeah. That's why I would like to see a SLOPI public channel, bridged to Matrix.
15:06 pdurbin Ok. But you still need a logger, right?
15:06 * pdurbin gives iqlogbot a treat
15:07 poikilotherm Yeah
15:07 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:07 poikilotherm Plenty of options to do that :-)
15:08 poikilotherm Google spits out a few options searching for slack log bot... ;-)
15:13 pdurbin ok
15:13 pdurbin Are we the only ones who care about SLOPI?
15:13 pdurbin (Or am I the only one?)
15:19 poikilotherm SLOPI is great.
15:19 poikilotherm Yet I'm not sure anyone else really cares or just want's to get the job done
15:21 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:22 pdurbin That's my sense too. That no one thinks SLOPI is worth the effort to get it set up, to set up a logger like iqlogbot back in the day, to set up and maintain a modern equivalent.
15:24 poikilotherm Maybe for most people searching via Slacks history is just enough
15:25 poikilotherm I have to commit that I barely look at the logs history
15:25 poikilotherm Missed messages aren't a thing anymore now using this IRC via Matrix, and won't be with Slack
15:26 poikilotherm That had be my main reason to go look at them
15:27 poikilotherm It might be interesting to archive channels in Slack when there is no possibility to get an advanced plan for little or no money, as only 10.000 messages are archived
15:30 pdurbin I think the public IRC log is valuable for newcomers. They can see that there are real people talking about Dataverse stuff. Then they join in the conversation. It's the same as the public mailing list. Signs of life.
15:36 pameyer public logs are very useful
15:37 * pdurbin fist bumps pameyer
15:38 pameyer haven't usually thought of them in terms of "signs of life" - but it's really helpful for newcomers to see "ah, this is how people are working on this problem" when they see some error message that doesn't make sense yet
15:38 pameyer but signs of life is another good thing :)
15:39 pdurbin Right, if you google for an error you might find the solution in the logs. Or at least who to talk to. :)
15:40 pameyer yup
15:41 pameyer even if the fix is in github (or the issue's been fixed), how folks figured out the issue is less likely to be - and seeing that can be a big help sometimes
15:43 pdurbin Yeah, the thought process.
15:43 Virgile joined #dataverse
18:32 foobarbecue9 joined #dataverse
18:33 dataverse_k8s_3 joined #dataverse
18:35 foobarbecue47 joined #dataverse
18:41 foobarbecue pdurbin, yep I'm using  dataverse-kubernetes by poikilotherm! Trying again now. I get CreateContainerError in the schema-init container in the solr pod
18:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: we should sprinkle some CI on that thing
18:42 pdurbin foobarbecue: first of all, I love your nick
18:43 pdurbin I only tried dataverse-kubernetes once on a laptop a year and a half ago using minikube. It worked then!
18:44 foobarbecue haha, thanks! So, what's a good next debugging step... I have been using k8s for a few months but pretty green. `$ kubectl logs pod/solr-6f85794c47-22kpd schema-init
18:44 foobarbecue Error from server (BadRequest): container "schema-init" in pod "solr-6f85794c47-22kpd" is waiting to start: CreateContainerError`
18:44 pdurbin I guess I'd suggest opening an issue, if you haven't already. It's pretty late on a Friday night for poikilotherm.
18:45 pdurbin I mean, if we're pretty confident the code is fine (and I have no reason to believe it isn't) you could try finding some people who know kubernetes well. I'm not sure how many people like that are here.
18:45 foobarbecue ok, sure, i'll play with it a bit more and if I still can't figure out why that container won't create I'll post an issue
18:46 pdurbin sounds good
18:52 poikilotherm You're lucky I have a few minutes on my mobile
18:52 poikilotherm Foobarbecue can you take a look at kubectl describe of the failing pod?
18:54 foobarbecue thanks! Looking now.
18:54 foobarbecue Uploaded file:
18:56 foobarbecue ^ that's kubectl describe of the failing pod and here's a kubectl get all:
18:56 foobarbecue Uploaded file:
18:59 poikilotherm Hmm. I don't even see an error in the events log
19:01 foobarbecue I just tried `kubectl apply -k` and that has `Warning  FailedMount       24s (x8 over 87s)  kubelet, k3d-k3s-default-server-0  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "api-secret" : secret "dataverse-api" not found`
19:01 foobarbecue oh wait, should I be pulling from IQSS or from ?
19:02 foobarbecue I was following these docs which point to IQSS:
19:03 poikilotherm I just fired up my laptop again
19:03 poikilotherm What version of K3d are you using?
19:04 poikilotherm I will try with 3.1.5, although I wrote the docs back in the 1.x days (which is about 4 month ago IIRC)
19:05 poikilotherm The repo at IQSS does not exist anymore, it has been moved to GDCC. But GH usually forwards all requests.
19:07 poikilotherm Dear gods, why is Docker Hub so slow today.
19:08 foobarbecue 3.0.1
19:08 foobarbecue $ k3d --version
19:08 foobarbecue k3d version v3.0.1
19:08 foobarbecue k3s version v1.18.6-k3s1 (default)
19:08 poikilotherm foobarbecue this will take ages. The K3d images haven't been pulled yet...
19:10 poikilotherm Man.... I'm pulling with maybe 50kb/s
19:10 foobarbecue woah
19:12 poikilotherm Did I mention that I want to move the GDCC image to Githubs registry=
19:12 pdurbin you have so mentioned
19:12 poikilotherm pdurbin: now that we possess, we have nice and short image names
19:12 pdurbin I do love me some short names.
19:16 poikilotherm WOW. It took ~10 minutes to pull those ~100 MB
19:17 pdurbin I can lend you my old 28.8 modem if you think it'll help.
19:20 poikilotherm Yeah I'll create a trunk :-D
19:22 poikilotherm OK, deployed. I removed the local path provisioner from the kustomization.yaml because since IIRC 3.0, K3d comes with the provisioner out of the box
19:22 poikilotherm Now image pulling. Will take another century, I guess
19:28 foobarbecue maybe they can mail it to you on a floppy disk
19:28 foobarbecue btw to create my k3d cluster I used `k3d cluster create --port 8080:80@loadbalancer`, which was a little different from the docs since I guess they are for k3d 2
19:29 poikilotherm GNRF. Still pulling.
19:38 poikilotherm UN. BE. LIEV. ABLE.
19:38 poikilotherm This hasn't happened in the past. It's bad.
19:38 poikilotherm I mean, it's just docker images. Nothing special.
19:39 poikilotherm Folks I'm going for a walk to the supermarket. BRB, letting the pull complete.
19:42 pameyer foobarbecue: might be something you've already ruled out, but do you have enough free disk space?
19:50 foobarbecue Uploaded file:
19:50 foobarbecue thanks pameyer, I have 378GB free... I am running k3d on Windows Subsystem for Linux... here's df:
19:58 pameyer great - I mentioned it because docker on mac would sometimes have weird issues when the VM filled up, but the host OS visible stuff had plenty of space
19:59 foobarbecue ah shoot pameyer, I bet that's exactly what it is
20:00 foobarbecue at least maybe. it's using Docker Desktop which is probably on a hyper-v VM and that has a space limit. I'll check
20:01 poikilotherm foobarbecue I got similar error messages about "rror: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer" because of the pull failing.
20:01 foobarbecue oh nevermind, I don't think it's space now
20:01 poikilotherm I pull manually and import to K3s from my local docker daemon
20:01 foobarbecue cool yeah I had pull problems at first but once I got the images down locally I didn't have any more trouble with that
20:02 pameyer good thing to rule out before diving into other troubleshooting :)  would be better if the errors were cleaner, but sometimes they're not
20:02 poikilotherm Now Solr is starting without flaws
20:02 poikilotherm It took ages to pull the images :-(
20:03 poikilotherm I blame Docker Hub for your bad UX
20:04 poikilotherm This is a nightmare
20:09 pdurbin scarier than most of the decorations near me
20:13 pameyer with my default browser profile, docker hub looks remarkably like a blank page
20:15 foobarbecue Uploaded file:
20:15 foobarbecue so I guess it's having trouble creating the api-secret volume for solr:
20:16 foobarbecue or, rather, mounting the secret
20:19 foobarbecue this is when running `kubectl apply -k​sortium/dataverse-kubernetes/k8s/solr` but ah I suppose I need to create the secrets
20:19 poikilotherm I'm pushing the current images to Github right now
20:19 poikilotherm We might try to pull from there
20:22 pdurbin poikilotherm: have you been holding back the good stuff? 😄
20:27 foobarbecue41 joined #dataverse
20:29 poikilotherm pdurbin: what?
20:29 poikilotherm foobarbecue: this should be done for you by the deployment
20:29 poikilotherm But it depends on what you are deploying
20:30 poikilotherm It went with the k3s persona
20:30 poikilotherm s/It/I/
20:30 poikilotherm That persona pulls in the secrets from the demo persona
20:33 poikilotherm OK Github Registry is much faster
20:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: I though you were saying you have newer, better images, somewhere. I guess not. Sorry. 😁
20:38 poikilotherm Alright, so deploying via kubectl apply -k personas/demo-k3 was successful and doesn't take centuries after changing some bits in the kustomization.yaml
20:38 poikilotherm (And pushing the images to Github)
20:38 poikilotherm LOL no
20:39 poikilotherm Still v4.20
20:39 poikilotherm v5.x still waiting for things like Postgres support
20:39 poikilotherm And of course merging the Maven build chain ;-)
20:40 poikilotherm Maybe I can have a change to earn that shirt for Hacktoberfest by solving the pull troubles...
20:40 pdurbin :)
20:47 poikilotherm foobarbecue I changed the personas/demo-k3s/kustomization.yaml like I posted it to
20:47 poikilotherm I documented everything, but I wont work in this today... It's late ;-)
20:47 poikilotherm s/in/on/
20:48 pdurbin Ha! "Since unknown time, pulls from Docker Hub take centuries."
20:49 foobarbecue41 ok, thanks. BTW I just tried unmodified personas/demo-k3s on an actual linux machine and it gets past the solr part. So, it was something with my k3d setup on WSL on that windows machine
20:50 foobarbecue41 (now it's having PullErr on a different image... so I'll try issues/211
20:50 foobarbecue41 )
20:50 poikilotherm Oh. Yeah, that might be a problem. I'm running this on Linux all the time
20:50 poikilotherm It would be cool to investigate
20:50 poikilotherm NASA running Dataverse on K8s... \o/
20:51 poikilotherm foobarbecue feel free to hit me with issues
20:52 poikilotherm (And PRs if you feel like it ;-) )
20:53 poikilotherm Yeah, solr-k8s and dataverse-k8s aren't small images...
20:53 poikilotherm So better pull from Github. Still taking some time, but way faster than Docker Hub
20:54 poikilotherm Have a good night everyone plus a fabulous weekend
20:54 * poikilotherm waves at everyone
20:54 pdurbin eat some candy
20:54 foobarbecue thanks poikilotherm!
21:00 pdurbin Ok, folks. Happy Halloween. Have a great weekend. See you Monday.
21:00 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:06 foobarbecue41 btw the demo-k3s is working great now with poikilotherm's github version of the kustomization
21:15 foobarbecue joined #dataverse
21:28 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
21:33 nightowl313 hi everyone! happy friday! wondering if someone could confirm what is happening with apache proxy used with glassfish .. not sure I completely understand ... traffic is coming in on ports 80 and 443 and apache is just passing it off to glassfish, right (onto port 8080 and 8081) or port 8009 if ssl is configured?
21:36 nightowl313 and, for SSL is the ajp connector necessary or could you just use https
21:37 nightowl313 proxy_http i mean
22:09 pameyer it depends on how apache's configured
22:10 pameyer I believe that the default way is to send traffic on 80 and 443 through the ajp connector to glassfish/payara 8080
22:10 pameyer mod_ajp is different from a straight http proxy, but I'm not fully clear on the details
22:11 pameyer if apache and glassfish are both on the same system, SSL is probably un-necessary
22:40 poikilotherm Hi nightowl313, usually things get easier to handle when Apache takes care of port 80 and 443, as Java on priviledged ports (<1024) is always a bit... chaotic.
22:41 poikilotherm You don't have to use proxy_ajp when you are not using mod_shib
22:41 poikilotherm For example I'm using nginx on K8s as the reverse proxy fronting the application server
22:42 poikilotherm We don't use HTTPS for proxying the requests to the glassfish app server, as this seems to be a waste of resources for traffic only flowing inside the cluster, running at the same location.
22:43 poikilotherm Plus HTTPS with Glassfish / Payara is always a bit... chaotic.
23:14 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
23:44 pameyer yeah, glassfish and certs....

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