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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-10-29

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:58 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
11:14 Virgile joined #dataverse
11:22 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:43 yoh joined #dataverse
14:26 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:30 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:23 pdurbin pameyer: another example of trouble with lots of files (3000 in this case):
15:26 pameyer scaling can be problematic
15:27 pameyer a little odd that it's bad enough for a browser crash though
15:28 pdurbin maybe in another tab poikilotherm was also running Slack
15:28 pameyer :)
15:29 pameyer I'm wondering if there might be something weird with the DOM structure that crashes it
15:29 pameyer measuring where version scaling causes issues is still on my list, but hasn't made it to the top yet
15:44 poikilotherm It took ages to load
15:44 poikilotherm It's a VERY long page
15:44 poikilotherm unsorted
15:44 poikilotherm (I could tell because the files where rnd_[1-3000].png)
15:44 poikilotherm I had to click "yes I want to wait"
15:45 poikilotherm Sometimes I was lucky and it finished after a few minutes
15:45 poikilotherm Yet I had a crashed tab. Maybe too much memory
15:46 poikilotherm As there is a great variety of machinas out there, IMHO it would be a good idea to do pagination anyway ;-)
15:46 pameyer poikilotherm: did you try to separate out page generation time from browser load time?
15:47 pameyer not to discourage pagination - just curious
16:08 poikilotherm pameyer - not sure how I would do that. Maybe via that dev console waterfall time? Let me take a look if can get these stats from Firefox
16:20 poikilotherm pameyer:
16:28 pameyer poikilotherm: dev console network tab might be easiest (curl/wget would be my usual go-to, but getting that to work with auth on the edit page might be problematic)
17:31 pdurbin pameyer: new rsync issue:
17:33 pameyer pdurbin: when I took a look, it was looking like djbrooke was one it ;)
17:34 pdurbin yeah
17:47 poikilotherm
17:48 poikilotherm Maybe it's time to dust of the ancient Java lib for it...
18:00 pdurbin maybe :)
18:28 pdurbin "we're setting up a GDCC Slack instance" --
18:31 pameyer one nice thing about IRC is that the UI doesn't change at semi-random intervals
18:33 pdurbin :)
18:35 pameyer fun fact - even if you're using the slack desktop app, and have managed to figure out how to disable auto-updates (which is another adventure, since their support folks won't admin such a thing exists); you still get the ui updates
18:35 * pameyer now stopping the grumbling
18:37 pdurbin Slack used to bombard me with notifications for all the new presents (updates) they've given me.
18:44 pameyer I'm not sure when, but at some point I learned you needed to silence slackbot on every org's slack instance; otherwise you'd get the look-at-me messages again
18:45 pameyer believe it or not, there _have_ been cases where I saw a new UI and immediately thought it was better than the old one ;)
21:04 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:27 dataverse_k8s_73 joined #dataverse
21:50 poikilotherm Hi dataverse_k8s_73
21:52 dataverse_k8s_73 Hi there! I'm trying to get dataverse working on kubernetes for the first time, on k3d. Just ran into an issue: Failed to pull image "iqss/solr-k8s:4.20": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": unpack: failed to extract layer
21:52 dataverse_k8s_73 sha256:9780f6d83e45878749497a6297ed9​906c19ee0cc48cc88dc63827564bb8768fd: mount callback failed on /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/containerd​/tmpmounts/containerd-mount260694863: archive/tar: invalid tar header: unknown
21:59 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
22:30 pameyer @dataverse_k8s_73 that sounds like it might be an issue with local disk for the pull (or network interruption)
22:31 pameyer ... and I'd been about to point out that poikilotherm was the expoert on dataverse-k8s, then saw he already said hi
22:31 pameyer s/expoert/expert
22:35 poikilotherm Hi. You might also run into the recent troubles about Docker Hub restricting image pulls.
22:36 poikilotherm Can take a look at that tomorrow, it's a bit late here... 23:35 ;-)
22:57 dataverse_k8s_73 poikilotherm, thanks! I tried `docker run iqss/solr-k8s:4.20` and it pulled ok, and then I re-created k3d and tried `kubectl apply -k​ubernetes/personas/demo-k3s
22:57 dataverse_k8s_73 ` again. Now I have Error from server (BadRequest): container "schema-init" in pod "solr-6f85794c47-9gpcq" is waiting to start: CreateContainerError
22:57 dataverse_k8s_73 `

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