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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-11-03

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:57 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
07:02 Virgile joined #dataverse
07:09 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:08 pvranckx joined #dataverse
10:09 pvranckx could someone help me with file access restriction. No email and no notification is sent when someone request access to a file.
10:09 pvranckx Other emails are sent normally.
11:06 pvranckx joined #dataverse
11:54 Virgile hello
11:55 Virgile are you using a local or remote smtp server?
12:01 Virgile or maybe if the message of the email has been customized there is an invalid caracter in it?
12:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:10 donsizemore @pvranckx does the outgoing message appear in /var/log/maillog (or equivalent)?
12:14 Virgile hey don
12:14 donsizemore how are you, sir
12:15 Virgile not bad, thanx :) How about you?
12:15 Virgile i'm working on an ansible playbook
12:15 Virgile that should install dataverse the way we need it ;)
12:16 Virgile I was wondering... Is postgre 9.6 mandatory?
12:16 donsizemore @pvranckx you could try bumping com.sun.mail.util.logging.MailHandler.level to INFO or DEBUG in
12:16 donsizemore @Virgile pull requests to dataverse-ansible are always welcome
12:16 donsizemore @Virgile 9.6 is what IQSS devs use for local testing during development
12:16 donsizemore @Virgile Jenkins uses PG 10 because RHEL/CentOS8 python libs aren't backwards-compatible with 9.6
12:17 donsizemore @Virgile I know at least one installation is running with PG 12, though I forget who that is just now.
12:18 Virgile We have mutualised postgre servers.. it's either postgre 11 or 12 ;) and there is one with postgre 9.5, but the infrastructure dep really wants us not to use it
12:18 donsizemore62 joined #dataverse
12:19 Virgile but if it's possible with v.12, that would be awesome
12:19 donsizemore62 @Virgile IIRC I ran the integration test suite against 12 with no discernable difference in outcome
12:19 donsizemore62 @Virgile be sure to use the latest PG JDBC driver
12:20 Virgile alright, I'll do that! thnx!
12:22 Virgile and i'll look into pull request :) But first I have to figure out how the whole thing is running and adapt to our big and complex University ;)
12:27 donsizemore62 @Virgile one thing the role has never done is install across multiple hosts. the framework is present
12:27 Virgile that's something we want to do
12:27 donsizemore62 @Virgile you can run individual components with ansible tags
12:28 Virgile I started to adapt that way... but I'm probably doing it wrong because I'm bad with ansible... ;o
12:28 Virgile Yes I saw the tags
12:29 Virgile I changed the conditions with the includes so it installs on the vms I want
12:29 Virgile within*
12:29 Virgile i made different groups in the inventory
12:29 Virgile and "filter" the includes
12:29 Virgile for example
12:32 Virgile in tasks/main.yml
12:32 Virgile - include: rserve.yml
12:32 Virgile when: "'rserve' in group_names"
12:32 Virgile tags:
12:32 Virgile - rserve
12:34 Virgile and i prototyped the name of all the vms that will host rserve with "rserve" within their names
12:34 pvranckx joined #dataverse
12:42 donsizemore62 @Virgile it's been a side-project of mine at best... again I welcome pull requests
13:16 Virgile i understand ^^
13:37 pvranckx joined #dataverse
13:44 pvranckx joined #dataverse
14:55 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
14:56 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:58 pdurbin donsizemore62: quite a valuable side project. Thank you.
14:58 Virgile :)
15:20 wzb-adam joined #dataverse
15:24 wzb-adam hi there. Recently we found out that we can't add dataverses to our installation anymore. API gives back "500 internal server error, { "status": "ERROR", "message": "Command​mmand.impl.CreateDataverseCommand@6e268376 failed: Exception thrown from bean: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Exception thrown from bean: javax.persistence.NoResultException: getSingleResult() did not retrieve any entities
15:24 wzb-adam pdurbin: the reindexing helped with those dataverses linked in themselves btw, thanks for that!
15:25 pdurbin oh good
15:26 pdurbin wzb-adam: probably the best thing to do is email with the version number and a copy of server.log, which should include a stacktrace.
15:27 juancorr joined #dataverse
15:30 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
15:34 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
15:52 wzb-adam pdurbin: thanks, will do!
15:58 GitterIntegratio joined #dataverse
16:16 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
16:16 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
17:25 pdurbin Awesome to see some pull requests from a new contributor at
17:38 poikilotherm pdurbin donsizemore62 all the best for today...
17:39 pdurbin It's gonna be a long night.
18:27 donsizemore62 @poikilotherm our presidential election is chosen by delegates; it's just a matter of waiting it out
18:28 donsizemore62 @poikilotherm I'm happy to report that I'm more than 5 miles from Saturday's arrest-and-pepper-spray funsies
18:28 donsizemore62 @pdurbin favor, on behalf of @scolapasta?
19:30 pdurbin donsizemore62: yes?
19:30 donsizemore62 A "how to proceed" Q
19:31 donsizemore62 I suspect externaltooltype FK constraints may need delete on cascade
19:31 donsizemore62 for the kebab demo i just dropped the FK constraint and plowed ahead
19:32 pdurbin could be, I'm not so good at databases
19:32 donsizemore62 I dunno that it's directly related to V5.1.1.2__6919-preview-tools.sql but Gustavo thought I might ask
19:32 pdurbin it probably is
19:32 donsizemore62 should this go in a separate issue?
19:33 pdurbin Since preview tools is already merged, yes, I'd say a new issue. But what are the symptoms you're seeing?
19:34 donsizemore62 sometimes one needs to remove an externaltool; now a simple SQL delete throws FK warnings
19:34 donsizemore62 my offer was to submit a doc PR if y'all tell me what I "should" do
19:35 pdurbin Hmm. But what if you delete the tool from the API? That what I've been doing.
19:35 donsizemore62 see? i knew you'd know
19:37 donsizemore62 good thing kebabs is on a throw-away VM
19:37 pdurbin This is the way Kevin put it in Slack: "hello all, please refresh your prs from develop as I just merged the preview branch which drops a column/makes a destructive change so can't go back to old code on same db
19:38 donsizemore62 you know, I saw that but didn't connect it with externaltooltype
19:38 donsizemore62 i'm goo
19:38 donsizemore62 d
19:39 pdurbin Good. But maybe you're right about the need for a cascade on delete. This is where I'm a bit out of my element.
21:40 pdurbin left #dataverse

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