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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-11-11

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:10 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
07:34 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
07:34 dataverse-user .
07:34 dataverse-user <i>Hey</i>
12:13 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:28 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:43 Virgile joined #dataverse
18:12 foobarbecue joined #dataverse
18:18 foobarbecue Hi all & poikilotherm, thanks to your help I have a dataverse up at JPL for testing & demo purposes using k8s, but it's a high priority for us to move to Dataverse 5 for various reasons. Can you give me a feel for how close 5.x support is, and if there's anything I can do to help push it along?
18:29 poikilotherm My plan was to create images for Dataverse 5 when some stuff in upstream is solved. I want to move the image generation to an upstream repository (the Dataverse codebase), using docker-maven-plugin to create JIB like images. There is already a feature branch for this. But before this is really ready for production use, I want some more stuff done to make the images smaller and less complicated. I don't have a list
18:29 poikilotherm handy, but maybe I can create one (would be a good idea anyway). I assume this might be a better start for a discussion on how far away we are and what could be left out to speed up the process and where others could chime in to help.
18:30 poikilotherm I also would like to get rid of the bash scripting glue necessary for configuration etc. I started with and have some ideas for it.
18:31 poikilotherm This is a very early stage. More people helping to get it going would be great
18:31 poikilotherm (Technology stack could still be changed)
18:34 poikilotherm Actually creating images for 5 is not that far away if we cut the development and live a little longer with the situation of scripted glue and complicated inner works.
18:34 poikilotherm I had hopped to avoid that, but I understand that you need to get things done.
18:35 poikilotherm Don't tell anyone, but I'm already using the feature branch to create images during dev... ;-)
18:36 poikilotherm
18:37 poikilotherm It would be very helpful to think about how we do QA for this. If we want this to live in IQSS/dataverse, @kcondon isn't going to do the QA for this for us. Too much workload on things they don't use.
18:38 poikilotherm So this could live within the scope of GDCC, but then again: we need to think about how to maintain all of this.
18:38 poikilotherm There are ideas in my head, but I could use a hand :-D
18:39 poikilotherm (And maybe someone telling me to cut a release and leave the rest for the next iteration...)
18:41 poikilotherm Not sure this sheds enough light on all of this for you. We could try to do a VC tomorrow. I could extend my workday and offer a timeslot around 17:15 UTC. No idea what that is in your place.
18:46 foobarbecue Ok, thanks for the info. We are still at the "gaining traction" stage for dataverse internally -- it's like 25% of my time and even less for 2 other devs. Maybe I'll keep our current setup on dv4 and use it to try and get enough people-hours involved to be helpful to you guys.
18:49 foobarbecue VC is a great idea, let me loop in the other 2 people involved and find a time soon (does a poll work for you)? We're all in CA, PST (10:50am now). What timezone are you?
18:57 poikilotherm It's CET for me.
18:58 poikilotherm As I told people here and elsewhere: timezones suck :-/
19:01 foobarbecue yes... I think we should set up lots of mirrors in space and then we can just switch the planet to simultaneous daylight and all operate on UTC
19:06 poikilotherm You're actually in a better place and position for that than me :-D
19:06 poikilotherm I just know a few people at DLR
19:06 poikilotherm (german aerospace research center)
19:07 foobarbecue DLR does awesome work. I'm a big fan of their IceMole
19:09 poikilotherm LOL I just looked at IceMole in WIkipedia an learned that it has been developed mostely by FH Aachen, my "alma mater".
19:12 foobarbecue Nice. My previous job here was developing an ice climbing robot (IceWorm) which used ice screws and a few months into the project I realized "woah, we're not the first people to put ice screws on a robot"
19:12 poikilotherm (Ant it's pretty near to where I am and live)
19:12 poikilotherm Looking from US West Coast it's pretty much the same place :-D
19:13 poikilotherm It's definitely some crazy tech :-)
19:13 poikilotherm So much cool stuff going on
19:35 foobarbecue Indeed. So I have a little glitch on my dataverse instance. If I go to , all is well. But if I got to then it redirects me to https://localhost:8080/loginpage.xhtml?redirectPage=%2Fdataverse.xhtml . Why does it want to send me to localhost? I did set dataverse_siteUrl and
19:35 foobarbecue dataverse_fqdn in my configmap...
19:36 foobarbecue ( just represents my domain, of course)
19:44 donsizemore @foobarbecue what's the siteUrl setting in domain.xml?
19:44 donsizemore (the installer hard-codes :8080...)
19:45 donsizemore and which auth method is this?
19:46 foobarbecue <jvm-options>-Ddataverse.siteUrl=</jvm-options>
19:47 foobarbecue maybe it needs a trailing slash?
19:47 foobarbecue local-only auth (default)
19:48 foobarbecue (note that this domain is internal-only)
19:51 donsizemore you shouldn't need the trailing slash. is dataverse behind apache, or nginx?
19:51 foobarbecue apache
19:52 donsizemore and you've looked at the proxy bits
19:52 foobarbecue I'm using k3d, with apache forwarding to the k3d built-in load balancer
19:53 donsizemore and you've made sure there's only one siteUrl setting
19:54 foobarbecue yep. I also checked `asadmin list-jvm-options` after exec'ing into the running dataverse pod
19:54 donsizemore anything interesting in the apache logs?
19:54 foobarbecue checking
19:54 donsizemore (and you've restarted dataverse after updating siteUrl?)
19:56 donsizemore in a "plain" installation this should all hinge on siteUrl, unless you were using external auth
19:57 foobarbecue btw I'm using apache proxypass http://localhost:8080/ instead of using AJP... maybe using AJP would fix the issue? I'll also try a dataverse restart
19:58 foobarbecue oo I wonder if I need `ProxyPreserveHost On`
19:58 donsizemore I think you only need AJP for Shibboleth
20:00 poikilotherm Foobarbecue are you seeing the same problem when using kubectl port-forward to the service directly, circumventing the proxy setup?
20:00 donsizemore if you keep the proxy, do you have a ProxyPassReverse ?
20:09 foobarbecue FYI turning ProxyPreserveHost on broke it entirely. I don't have a ProxyPassReverse set. Looking at logs now
20:11 donsizemore you may simply want a ProxyPassReverse with a value matching ProxyPass
20:21 foobarbecue donsizemore great thanks, that fixed it!
20:21 donsizemore excellent!
21:37 sivoais joined #dataverse
21:53 bjonnh joined #dataverse
21:53 sivoais joined #dataverse
21:53 yoh joined #dataverse
21:53 Fishmongering joined #dataverse
21:53 JonathanNeal_ joined #dataverse
21:54 yoh joined #dataverse
21:55 Fishmongering joined #dataverse
22:07 poikilotherm joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.