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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-11-12

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
10:50 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:32 Ricarda joined #dataverse
11:33 Ricarda I have a non-technical question. I am describing Dataverse in a paper and would like to include a citation about the project itself and about the community. Are there recent publications you can recommend? And is there information on the number of members in the DataCite community?  Any help is appreciated :)
12:03 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:09 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:33 Ricarda joined #dataverse
12:43 Virgile joined #dataverse
13:03 Virgile joined #dataverse
13:13 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:07 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:08 pameyer looks like I missed Ricarda , but there is a recommended publication for the Dataverse project.  don't recall offhand, but pretty sure it's listed at
15:15 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:17 pdurbin poikilotherm: so what did you think of that meeting?
15:30 poikilotherm pameyer pdurbin maybe in the not so future Dataverse would be able to eat its own dogfood by depositing it to Harvards Dataverse as a scholarly output of research software engineering.
15:31 poikilotherm pdurbin: seems like a good kickoff to me :-)
15:32 pdurbin yeah, me too
15:32 poikilotherm I actually liked Slavas idea of creating a Github issue tracker for topics and meetings
15:33 pdurbin Oh, for each of the 3 subtopics?
15:33 poikilotherm Maybe a Github-linkable issue tracker would be easier to follow for results and output compared to a closed access google drive.
15:33 poikilotherm Input for Dataverse TV :-D
15:34 pdurbin Ah, good point.
15:34 pdurbin I was glad to see people pushing for recordings of the calls.
15:34 poikilotherm Will be on a workshop from Code Ocean in ~25 minutes
15:35 pameyer poikilotherm - you're thinking Dataverse as a software dataset in dataverse?
15:38 poikilotherm pameyer: aye
15:38 pdurbin poikilotherm: do you have time to talk more about the postgres driver pull request?
15:42 poikilotherm Depends. Workshop in 20 minutes. IIRC for 1.5h
15:42 poikilotherm So quickly now or after that
15:43 pdurbin Can I call you? Maybe on GDCC Slack?
15:43 poikilotherm Oh. Workshop is only 1h
15:44 poikilotherm Go go go
15:52 pameyer poikilotherm - that got me wondering about which dataset in dataverse has the most authors/contributors.  because dataverse itself seems to have quite a few
15:59 pdurbin probably something from physics
16:02 pameyer probably
17:08 poikilotherm CodeOcean is a nice product, as is Whole Tale, etc.
17:08 poikilotherm But still I couldn't find someone answering the hard question...
17:08 poikilotherm How do you actually provide a guarantee for reproducibility for 10 years +
17:08 poikilotherm When using a container, you might suffer from hardware arch changes, kernel ABI changes etc etc
17:09 poikilotherm The best answer I got to that so far was during the DCM 2020
17:09 pdurbin 10+ years is a long time. Does it help that some of these tools are open source so you can run them yourself?
17:10 poikilotherm That those tools are open source definitely helps.
17:10 poikilotherm Even more important is that the research software itself uses as much open source as possible
17:11 poikilotherm It really is a much harder task to let a propiertary from 10 years ago execute your code today than running it with open source software
17:12 poikilotherm I remember with fear all the VMs and old hardware machines we tried to keep up and running so we could use tools that old to operate a large scientific experiment
17:13 poikilotherm Just like with Dataverse: there is no glory or funding for maintenance in science
17:21 pdurbin Not even in other countries? :)
17:38 pameyer to guarantee something for 10 years, you'd really need funding for 10 years
17:39 pameyer open source tools help to a degree, but only a bit.  there's an increasing amount of open-source cuda code for example
17:40 pameyer part of why treating research reproducibility as "can you re-execute the code" seems to be to not be aiming at the right problem
17:41 donsizemore just use perl =)
17:43 pameyer oddly enough, I had an issue with perl code breakling lately.  same system, same codebase, all of a sudden wouldn't work.  but it needed to talk to a server, and that server was using https, and decided to require use of newer ciphers than the old code could handle...
17:43 donsizemore !!!
17:43 pameyer ... but it's easier to break stuff than to keep it working ;)
17:51 pameyer I happy that linux is so far avoiding the code-signing/notarization/etc train.  wouldn't be too shocked if expiring certs caused issues for software in the future
17:59 donsizemore you missed the expired cert chain funsies in may?
18:00 pdurbin is written in Perl
18:02 pameyer I absolutely did not miss the expired cert chain "fun" in may ;) .  got to figure out the build process for a tool that I hadn't known embedded the expired cert on Sun when a user reported "hey, this is broken"
18:02 pameyer has been pretty solid
18:16 poikilotherm pdurbin did you see ?
18:18 pdurbin no but I'm nervous already
18:48 pameyer I'm not seeing anything about "this is why criteria $x is on the list"
20:10 FernandoSantana joined #dataverse
20:10 FernandoSantana I have a problem using the API
20:10 FernandoSantana { status:"error", message:"Endpoint available using API key only. Please contact the dataverse administrator"}
20:12 pdurbin FernandoSantana: hi, let me look for that error quick.
20:12 pameyer FernandoSantana - are you setting an API key in your request headers?
20:13 FernandoSantana moment please
20:14 FernandoSantana yes.
20:14 pdurbin FernandoSantana: the error is leading me to this... you probably have :BlockedApiKey set to something. Please see
20:14 FernandoSantana I want to remove
20:14 FernandoSantana version 4.11 on Dataverse.
20:15 pdurbin Can you see the key if you do curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiKey ?
20:15 FernandoSantana { status:"error", message:"Endpoint available using API key only. Please contact the dataverse administrator"}
20:16 FernandoSantana i have the key
20:17 FernandoSantana Use key with the command CURL, message below
20:17 FernandoSantana { status:"error", message:"Endpoint available using API key only. ..
20:19 pdurbin If you want to remove the key you should probably change :BlockedApiPolicy from unblock-key to localhost-only. See
20:20 pdurbin Most installations run with "localhost-only" I believe. It's the default.
20:20 FernandoSantana Ok.
20:20 FernandoSantana moment please.
20:23 FernandoSantana error :/
20:23 FernandoSantana { status:"error", message:"Endpoint available using API key only. Please contact the dataverse administrator"}
20:24 FernandoSantana use localhost only, but the message error above
20:25 FernandoSantana [root@vps11730 ~]# curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings | jq .   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed 100   111    0   111    0     0   4545      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  5045 parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 9 [root@vps11730 ~]#
20:26 pameyer this seems like it might call for psql
20:26 pameyer but I defer to pdurbin's API knowledge
20:27 pdurbin What if you just do `curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings` and remove the `| jq`?
20:28 FernandoSantana { status:"error", message:"Endpoint available using API key only. Please contact the dataverse administrator"}
20:28 pdurbin Oh, I know what that is... the error isn't valid JSON. "status" and "message" should be in quotes.
20:30 pdurbin What if you do this (using your key): curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiKey?unblock-key=YOUR_KEY_HERE
20:30 FernandoSantana even using the quotation marks there is an error.
20:30 FernandoSantana I will do what you mentioned above
20:31 FernandoSantana {"status":"OK","data":{"message":"******"}}[root@vps11730 ~]#
20:31 FernandoSantana used curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiKey?unblock-key=*****
20:32 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:32 pdurbin Ok, so, to use the API right, you have to add that unblock-key=***. So we should be able to add that to change the policy.
20:33 pdurbin Like this: curl -X PUT -d localhost-only http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiPolicy?unblock-key=YOUR_KEY_HERE
20:33 FernandoSantana how to remove now not to use?
20:37 pdurbin Did that work?
20:38 FernandoSantana yes
20:39 FernandoSantana however any command with curl it presents the error message of the api
20:42 pdurbin Hmm. Maybe pameyer is right. Maybe it's time to switch to psql.
20:44 pdurbin Once you're connected to your database, you could try this: SELECT * FROM setting;
20:45 FernandoSantana ok
20:46 FernandoSantana I will do this
20:49 FernandoSantana dvndb=# SELECT * FROM setting;                  name                  |                                  content ---------------------------------------​+--------------------------------------​-------------------------------------  :AllowSignUp                          | yes  :SignUpUrl                            | /dataverseuser.xhtml?editMode=CREATE  :BlockedApiEndpoints                  | admin,test  :SystemEmail
20:49 FernandoSantana ..
20:49 FernandoSantana :AllowSignUp                          | yes
20:49 FernandoSantana :SignUpUrl                            | /dataverseuser.xhtml?editMode=CREATE
20:49 FernandoSantana :BlockedApiEndpoints                  | admin,test
20:50 FernandoSantana :SystemEmail                          |
20:50 FernandoSantana :Authority                            | 20.500.12196
20:50 FernandoSantana :IdentifierGenerationStyle            | sequentialNumber
20:50 FernandoSantana :DoiProvider                          | FAKE
20:50 FernandoSantana :ApiTermsOfUse                        |
20:50 FernandoSantana :ExcludeEmailFromExport               | true
20:50 FernandoSantana :ApplicationTermsOfUse                |
20:50 FernandoSantana :TabularIngestSizeLimit               | 2000000000
20:50 FernandoSantana :TwoRavensTabularView                 | true
20:50 FernandoSantana :DatasetPublishPopupCustomText        | Arquivo criado com sucesso no Repositório CIDACS
20:50 FernandoSantana :PVMinLength                          | 6
20:51 FernandoSantana :PVMaxLength                          | 0
20:51 FernandoSantana :PVNumberOfConsecutiveDigitsAllowed   | 4
20:51 FernandoSantana :Protocol                             | hdl
20:51 FernandoSantana :FilePIDsEnabled                      | true
20:51 FernandoSantana :NavbarAboutUrl                       | Dataverse
20:51 FernandoSantana :Shoulder                             | CIDACS/
20:51 FernandoSantana :IndependentHandleService             | true
20:51 FernandoSantana :LoginSessionTimeout                  | 240  :ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUrl          | htt
20:51 FernandoSantana :ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUrl          |
20:51 FernandoSantana :MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes             | 2147483648
20:51 FernandoSantana :ZipDownloadLimit                     | 20000000000
20:51 FernandoSantana :TabularIngestSizeLimit:Rdata         | 20000000000
20:52 FernandoSantana :SolrMaxFileSizeForFullTextIndexing   | 31457280000
20:52 FernandoSantana :SolrHostColonPort                    |
20:52 FernandoSantana :RepositoryStorageAbstractionLayerUrl |
20:52 FernandoSantana :DownloadMethods                      | rsal/rsync
20:52 FernandoSantana :AllowApiTokenLookupViaApi            | true
20:52 FernandoSantana :ProvCollectionEnabled                | true
20:52 FernandoSantana :DataCaptureModuleUrl                 | http://localhost:5000
20:52 FernandoSantana :UploadMethods                        | dcm/rsync+ssh
20:52 FernandoSantana :BlockedApiPolicy                     | unblock-key
20:53 FernandoSantana ...
20:53 FernandoSantana ...
20:53 FernandoSantana these are the select select parameters
20:53 pdurbin That's the one. The last one. You should change :BlockedApiPolicy from unblock-key to localhost-only.
20:55 pameyer I tend to do db changes in transactions, because I know I make typo's
20:56 FernandoSantana how do i do it right in the bank?
20:56 FernandoSantana I don't know from the dataverse bank
20:56 pameyer so rather than "UPDATE setting SET content='localhost-only'" , I'd do "BEGIN;" before it
20:57 pameyer not sure what you mean by "bank" though
20:57 FernandoSantana database*
20:57 pameyer ah - got it
20:57 FernandoSantana sorry
20:58 pameyer using "BEGIN;" starts a transaction - it doesn't change the database until a following "COMMIT;" statement.  so if I make a mistake, I can abort it before breaking things
20:59 pameyer for connecting, I'd usually use something like "psql -h localhost -U postgres dvndb" - assuming that you're on the system where the database lives, and that the user and database names match
20:59 FernandoSantana moment please
21:00 pameyer also, if you're going to be doing stuff to the database, it's always a good idea to have backups
21:00 pdurbin But how do you know if you've made a mistake? You do SELECT after your UPDATE? I've never played with BEGIN and COMMIT.
21:00 FernandoSantana i have backup
21:01 pameyer sometimes by checking with SELECT after updates
21:02 pameyer sometimes just by not having errors in the statements I'm trying to execute
21:03 pdurbin gotcha
21:03 FernandoSantana ok.
21:34 pdurbin pameyer: looks like he's all set: ... the curl command seems to have worked.
21:35 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
21:50 pdurbin left #dataverse
22:20 pameyer pdurbin: great
22:50 nightowl313 joined #dataverse

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