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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-11-16

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:58 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:40 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:23 yoh joined #dataverse
12:35 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:36 donsizemore @Fishmongering I don't have a spare VAX but I do have a 1997-vintage Sun Javastation if you'd like to set up bootp on Solaris!
12:36 donsizemore @Fishmongering it ran Netscape so we used it as an e-mail kiosk
12:58 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:32 iqlogbot joined #dataverse
14:32 Topic for #dataverse is now Dataverse is open source research data repository software: | IRC Logs: | Who's who:
15:09 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:18 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:19 pameyer @donsizemore - java is write once, run everwhere - I'm sure a 1997-vintage javastation would work fine ;)
15:23 pdurbin My first email account was on a VAX. There was no backspace so I was very careful.
15:24 pameyer my only experience with VAX was in grad school, when I missed on opportunity to scavange one to use as a coffee table
15:25 pameyer no backspace would be a big problem with my typing habits...
15:28 pdurbin Eventually, word spread from a greybeard of the key combination that was equivalent to a backspace. And there was much rejoicing.
17:08 CDS joined #dataverse
17:16 CDS Googling Microsoft's new name for it's data platfrom and I'm guessing this is not related!
17:19 pameyer microsoft has a dataverse now?
17:20 pameyer there have been folks from Microsoft at past Dataverse community meetings; no idea if that's related to your googling
17:42 pameyer looks very unlike to me
17:55 donsizemore love the little hard hat on dude's cubicle desktop
18:01 pameyer depending on where I've got the camera, my zoom background sometimes has dogbert wearing my camping hat
18:07 donsizemore I may bring you my "More Stupidity Ahead: the Dilbert Future" bumper sticker with Dilbert and Dogbert in spacesuits. also 90s vintage
18:07 pameyer :)
18:09 pameyer somehow hearing that Dilbert existed in the 90s makes me feel old
18:17 donsizemore first published on April 16, 1989
18:19 pameyer yup, that'll do it ;)
19:18 pdurbin "Common Data Service, the sophisticated and secure backbone that powers Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, has been renamed to Microsoft Dataverse."
19:18 pdurbin great
19:33 donsizemore you know you've arrived when Microsoft steals your project name
19:39 pdurbin "A fresh name is just one part of a broader effort introduce the power of what Dataverse can do to individuals and organizations around the world."
19:39 pdurbin yeah, I guess :)
19:51 pameyer "the power of Dataverse" sounds like a phrase I may have heard before
19:55 pdurbin :)
20:28 donsizemore what is it that can make the coldest day seem warm?
20:30 pdurbin hot chocolate
20:33 pameyer warm apple cider with cinnamon
20:34 pameyer if you can manage a nap by a fireplace, that's another good option
21:33 pdurbin hopefully we'll find out the answer tomorrow :)
22:02 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.