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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-11-17

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:17 fizz joined #dataverse
03:18 fizz42 joined #dataverse
03:20 fizz42 hey has anyone seen Microsoft's use of the term Dataverse that's just been published? i.e. "Dataverse for Teams".
03:20 fizz left #dataverse
03:53 fizz42 left #dataverse
05:34 Fishmongering I have Psycopg 2 downloaded on the centos 7 server I'm setting up for dataverse, but I'm rather confused by the Installation instructions on the site. The README_python.txt file only says to download psycop2, and it doesn't say how to run any further scripts (which the installation page -- says.
05:34 Fishmongering **says)
05:37 Fishmongering In terms of feedback, it would be really helpful if the recommended unzip location for was specified in Installation ( rather than with Solr in Prereqs (
05:39 Fishmongering That part isn't consistent in the documentation, such as when the user is immediately instructed where to unzip Payara in Prereqs.
06:45 Virgile joined #dataverse
07:53 Virgile joined #dataverse
09:46 wzb-adam joined #dataverse
09:51 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
10:08 ramok joined #dataverse
10:25 edipretoro joined #dataverse
10:25 antpol joined #dataverse
10:27 edipretoro Hi! I'm currently trying to update a Dataverse instance from 5.1.1 to 5.2, but it fails at the `asadmin deploy dataverse-5.2.war` command
10:27 edipretoro logs are:
10:27 edipretoro PER01000: Got SQLException executing statement "ALTER TABLE DATASETFIELD_CONTROLLEDVOCABULARYVALUE ADD CONSTRAINT DTASETFIELDCONTROLLEDVOCABULARYV​ALUEcntrolledVocabularyValuesID FOREIGN KEY (controlledVocabularyValues_ID) REFERENCES CONTROLLEDVOCABULARYVALUE (ID)": org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: constraint "dtasetfieldcontrolledvocabularyv​aluecntrolledvocabularyvaluesid" for relation "datasetfield_controlledvocabularyvalue" al
10:28 edipretoro Ooops, I thought I just copied one line. Sorry about the mess :(
10:30 komar edipretoro: try to use pastebin service like for pasting logs
10:31 edipretoro komar: OK!
10:33 edipretoro Here is a link to a part of the log:
10:41 komar edipretoro: but it's actually fail? looks scary, but can be not a big dial
10:45 komar edipretoro: it's all logs what you have? did you check out server log?
10:46 edipretoro komar: I got a `Command deploy failed.` at the end
10:48 edipretoro I'll check the server log
10:54 edipretoro So, the erreors related to the database doesn't seem to be the problem. I got a "javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Client not authorized for this invocation"
11:09 edipretoro The problem is now solved: I've restarted the system
12:38 juancorr joined #dataverse
13:47 cds38 joined #dataverse
14:05 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:14 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:04 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:04 pdurbin community call starting shortly:
16:13 poikilotherm pdurbin: \o/ unblocked :-D
16:13 pdurbin \o/
16:13 poikilotherm donsizemore: if you read this: should we talk about anything dataverse-ansible related regarding to the things I'm up to?
16:13 pdurbin I thought that call was great. It takes a while to unpack all of it.
16:14 poikilotherm Hell yeah
16:14 poikilotherm Wasn't easy to unroll in my head as you might have noticed :-D
16:14 poikilotherm Thanks to y'all for being so supportive and open for refactoring things :-)
16:16 pdurbin oh sure
16:29 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
16:29 dataverse-user hello
16:33 dataverse-user left #dataverse
17:00 poikilotherm hello dataverse-user
17:01 poikilotherm Oh. Gone already
17:02 poikilotherm ¯_(ツ)_/¯
17:03 Virgile joined #dataverse
17:10 pdurbin yeah
17:12 poikilotherm pdurbin in case you're looking for some small stuff to test: go for :-D
18:14 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:21 Virgile joined #dataverse
18:26 pdurbin thanks, I was looking at it a bit
18:36 pdurbin komar: thanks for helping out earlier. I was just reading through the backlog.
18:38 pdurbin Fishmongering: that's good feedback about installation. Do you feel like creating an issue?
18:39 Fishmongering Would that be through github, pdurbin?
18:40 pdurbin yes, here please:
19:00 poikilotherm pdurbin: done with your requested changes. Sorry I didn't grep before. Running to fast :-D
19:02 pdurbin that's ok
19:02 pdurbin you've had a busy evening
19:32 pdurbin poikilotherm: I just left a comment about this file: conf/docker-aio/testdata/scripts/vagrant/
19:35 pdurbin And I have a thought about linking to the Payara upgrade docs but I don't want it to hold up progress, moving to QA, etc.
19:53 Virgile joined #dataverse
21:51 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.